Official NYU decision board :D


For what I've seen in other addmision processes, some law schools wait the final application deadline to start the first step of the process, in which they only look if the applications are complete. This is the time in which we received the "application complete" email.
Only after that step they start to review the applications.
That is why I think we dhouldn't get too worried or pissed off by the fact that there's been five or six months since we dent our applications.
The other thing I could observe in other threads is that some schools divide the application pool in different lots (don't ask me by which criteria) and maybe this explains the unexplainable randomness of the decisions.
Those are just some things I keep telling myself to try to calm me down. It is not working though....

Thanks for the insight! Those things make sense to me. The lady i spoke with in admissions earlier today told me that the applications are just randomly looked over by the committee, and as the committee makes decisions, the notifications go out. So stressful...

That throws the question as to what happens if the places are full and then they see some really outstanding applicants whom they want from the pool. But anyways, they are the experts. They know what they are doing.

<blockquote><blockquote>For what I've seen in other addmision processes, some law schools wait the final application deadline to start the first step of the process, in which they only look if the applications are complete. This is the time in which we received the "application complete" email.
Only after that step they start to review the applications.
That is why I think we dhouldn't get too worried or pissed off by the fact that there's been five or six months since we dent our applications.
The other thing I could observe in other threads is that some schools divide the application pool in different lots (don't ask me by which criteria) and maybe this explains the unexplainable randomness of the decisions.
Those are just some things I keep telling myself to try to calm me down. It is not working though.... </blockquote>

Thanks for the insight! Those things make sense to me. The lady i spoke with in admissions earlier today told me that the applications are just randomly looked over by the committee, and as the committee makes decisions, the notifications go out. So stressful...</blockquote>

That throws the question as to what happens if the places are full and then they see some really outstanding applicants whom they want from the pool. But anyways, they are the experts. They know what they are doing.

Hi guys, I was admitted yesterday as well to the International Tax Program, no scholarship though
I know from the posts that someone was wondering about the admissions to this specific program.
best of luck to all of you waiting admission decisions

Hi guys, I was admitted yesterday as well to the International Tax Program, no scholarship though
I know from the posts that someone was wondering about the admissions to this specific program.
best of luck to all of you waiting admission decisions

Hi guys, I was admitted yesterday as well to the International Tax Program, no scholarship though
I know from the posts that someone was wondering about the admissions to this specific program.
best of luck to all of you waiting admission decisions

Congrats! I applied for International Tax as well. No deicision yet. Could you please share your background- class rank, country, work experience, etc?

<blockquote>Hi guys, I was admitted yesterday as well to the International Tax Program, no scholarship though
I know from the posts that someone was wondering about the admissions to this specific program.
best of luck to all of you waiting admission decisions</blockquote>

Congrats! I applied for International Tax as well. No deicision yet. Could you please share your background- class rank, country, work experience, etc?
NZ Girl

I got in (decision - 2 days ago, but I haven't had regular internet access)

I got in (decision - 2 days ago, but I haven't had regular internet access)

Did we give up trying to find a pattern on the admissions? Would it be fair to say that they are only sending emails to foreign students (excluding tax program of course)?

Did we give up trying to find a pattern on the admissions? Would it be fair to say that they are only sending emails to foreign students (excluding tax program of course)?
Inactive User

@ NZ Girl: are you enrolling to NYU or CLS?

@ NZ Girl: are you enrolling to NYU or CLS?
dggc we have no news regarding admissions today? we have no news regarding admissions today?

@ NZ Girl: are you enrolling to NYU or CLS?

Are you relinquishing your spot at Berkeley then?

Nothing from NYU so far.

<blockquote>@ NZ Girl: are you enrolling to NYU or CLS?</blockquote>

Are you relinquishing your spot at Berkeley then?

Nothing from NYU so far.
Inactive User

I hadn't noticed that NZ Girl was also admitted to Berkeley, I remember her from the discussion board of CLS...

I hadn't noticed that NZ Girl was also admitted to Berkeley, I remember her from the discussion board of CLS...

I got my email 18 minutes ago, I'm just opening it right now... I'm kind of shaking....

I got my email 18 minutes ago, I'm just opening it right now... I'm kind of shaking....

Fingers crossed!
And also for the rest of us, still waiting for that faithful email...

Fingers crossed!
And also for the rest of us, still waiting for that faithful email...

I got my email 18 minutes ago, I'm just opening it right now... I'm kind of shaking....

Wow when can the rest of us have that feeling?? Congrats!!!

<blockquote>I got my email 18 minutes ago, I'm just opening it right now... I'm kind of shaking....</blockquote>
Wow when can the rest of us have that feeling?? Congrats!!!

Got my eamil 18 mins ago....I am in.....great...esp. after receiving a dissp. notice from UCBerkeley...
Hope you guys got good news soon!!

Got my eamil 18 mins ago....I am in.....great...esp. after receiving a dissp. notice from UCBerkeley...
Hope you guys got good news soon!!

Got my eamil 18 mins ago....I am in.....great...esp. after receiving a dissp. notice from UCBerkeley...
Hope you guys got good news soon!!

Congratus! Wang.

<blockquote>Got my eamil 18 mins ago....I am in.....great...esp. after receiving a dissp. notice from UCBerkeley...
Hope you guys got good news soon!!</blockquote>

Congratus! Wang.

Thanks tugett...
Are you a lawyer in Peiking or ...(just found you're waiting for U Penn..the same as me...)

Thanks tugett...
Are you a lawyer in Peiking or ...(just found you're waiting for U Penn..the same as me...)

I got my email 18 minutes ago, I'm just opening it right now... I'm kind of shaking....

Gz..I am anxious for you!

<blockquote>I got my email 18 minutes ago, I'm just opening it right now... I'm kind of shaking....</blockquote>

Gz..I am anxious for you!

He could be throwing the self-congratulatory carnival he was mentioning a while ago! I really hope that for him! :)

But I'm anxious too...please share! We are siblings in waiting!

He could be throwing the self-congratulatory carnival he was mentioning a while ago! I really hope that for him! :)

But I'm anxious too...please share! We are siblings in waiting!


Congrats to everyone who has been admitted!!!


Congrats to everyone who has been admitted!!!

He could be throwing the self-congratulatory carnival he was mentioning a while ago! I really hope that for him! :)

But I'm anxious too...please share! We are siblings in waiting!

The carnival was my idea...proBR is a she..

<blockquote>He could be throwing the self-congratulatory carnival he was mentioning a while ago! I really hope that for him! :)

But I'm anxious too...please share! We are siblings in waiting! </blockquote>

The carnival was my idea...proBR is a she..

Thanks tugett...
Are you a lawyer in Peiking or ...(just found you're waiting for U Penn..the same as me...)

Who knows what should we do about the hell wait-list. I guess I can not hold other schools so long and it is not fair to other guys who still wait our drop-out places. I was in Beijing, but in NY now. Good luck to everyone who got in!

<blockquote>Thanks tugett...
Are you a lawyer in Peiking or ...(just found you're waiting for U Penn..the same as me...)

Who knows what should we do about the hell wait-list. I guess I can not hold other schools so long and it is not fair to other guys who still wait our drop-out places. I was in Beijing, but in NY now. Good luck to everyone who got in!

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