Acceptance Notices


Since anxiety is killing me (us), why not for killing time- start a tread about speculations of acceptance dates and admissions criteria of the Top 10 Law Schools.

CLS: They started early review acceptances (unconfirmed rumer) and it will last until the end of Dec.

HLS: Most of the people will be notified between March 15-30

Chicago: Since they move one month the deadline this year (from 01/15 to 12/15), maybe they will start by the end of January.

NYU: Clueless about when they will start sending notices.

Upenn: I think that the Feb. 8 deadline is too much time for getting accepted. Does somebody know when they will start to send notices.

Berkeley: Clueless

Yale: Jan - April

Well, maybe this could help us to kill time while we waiting, or, at least, it will keep ours heads bussy. If someone think that this tread is a bad idea, well, we could forget it.

Since anxiety is killing me (us), why not –for killing time- start a tread about speculations of acceptance dates and admissions criteria of the Top 10 Law Schools.

CLS: They started early review acceptances (unconfirmed rumer) and it will last until the end of Dec.

HLS: Most of the people will be notified between March 15-30

Chicago: Since they move one month the deadline this year (from 01/15 to 12/15), maybe they will start by the end of January.

NYU: Clueless about when they will start sending notices.

Upenn: I think that the Feb. 8 deadline is too much time for getting accepted. Does somebody know when they will start to send notices.

Berkeley: Clueless

Yale: Jan - April

Well, maybe this could help us to kill time while we waiting, or, at least, it will keep ours heads bussy. If someone think that this tread is a bad idea, well, we could forget it.

I don't know what to expect from UChicago...I mean that I'm not sure they will notify their decisions earlier because of the afore-mentionned change in deadlines...hope so anyway...Yale uses to notify its decisions to admitted students around mid-March. If you (me, us, everydoby) don't hear anything from them before that date, expect to receive a paper letter with no good news...NYU and CLS are likely to give soon some response just to those who have applied with early-notification process (just a matter of money I guess)...No news from Berkeley about their timetable...

I don't know what to expect from UChicago...I mean that I'm not sure they will notify their decisions earlier because of the afore-mentionned change in deadlines...hope so anyway...Yale uses to notify its decisions to admitted students around mid-March. If you (me, us, everydoby) don't hear anything from them before that date, expect to receive a paper letter with no good news...NYU and CLS are likely to give soon some response just to those who have applied with early-notification process (just a matter of money I guess)...No news from Berkeley about their timetable...

And UPenn deadline?
"BY Feb. 8 " means "on Feb. 8" or means from xxxx until Feb. 8???
Does somebady knows,, from previous years applicants, when they started to send notices?

And UPenn deadline?
"BY Feb. 8 " means "on Feb. 8" or means from xxxx until Feb. 8???
Does somebady knows,, from previous years applicants, when they started to send notices?

sorry I can't help. although I'm now regreting the decision I made some months ago, I didn't apply to UPenn. By the way, I was in Philly back in October, and I took the chance to visit their campus...the setting and all the facilities are simply great. beyond doubt, the environment within their campus is far better than CLS one and also GU here in's just my personal opinion of course...give a look to their joint LL.M/MBA, if you didn't already...Wharton school is amazing

sorry I can't help. although I'm now regreting the decision I made some months ago, I didn't apply to UPenn. By the way, I was in Philly back in October, and I took the chance to visit their campus...the setting and all the facilities are simply great. beyond doubt, the environment within their campus is far better than CLS one and also GU here in's just my personal opinion of course...give a look to their joint LL.M/MBA, if you didn't already...Wharton school is amazing

Actually, NYU doesn't any early action process and don't choose applicants on a rolling basis (at least for non-US educated applicants).

Last year, decisons were released from the end of February (around 23th if I remember correctly).

Actually, NYU doesn't any early action process and don't choose applicants on a rolling basis (at least for non-US educated applicants).

Last year, decisons were released from the end of February (around 23th if I remember correctly).

According to last year's threads, CLS started admitting people as early as 13th of december, and ended early app results by the end of the year.

My guess is that they will send results to most people before christmas... But I have absolutely no evidence of that.

According to last year's threads, CLS started admitting people as early as 13th of december, and ended early app results by the end of the year.

My guess is that they will send results to most people before christmas... But I have absolutely no evidence of that.

Hey guys,

Just of the curiosity...I was reading last year posts on CLS early review and I would like to hear ur thoughts on one question. One person on the board said that "CLS early review option is very risky since they admit only the highly-potential applicants during this cycle. In other words if "you have mediocre credentials, it would be advisable to apply for a regular cycle". Not to say that it's 100% true but would be interesting to know ur opinions.

I was actually under impression that if you apply early you have more chances to be admitted since, logically, there are more seats available... I would not call myself to be "the very brightest" one, so this whole new idea disturbs me a little...

Thanks in advance.

Hey guys,

Just of the curiosity...I was reading last year posts on CLS early review and I would like to hear ur thoughts on one question. One person on the board said that "CLS early review option is very risky since they admit only the highly-potential applicants during this cycle. In other words if "you have mediocre credentials, it would be advisable to apply for a regular cycle". Not to say that it's 100% true but would be interesting to know ur opinions.

I was actually under impression that if you apply early you have more chances to be admitted since, logically, there are more seats available... I would not call myself to be "the very brightest" one, so this whole new idea disturbs me a little...

Thanks in advance.

Just reread my post and it sounds like I am so not confident in myself :) That's not the case actually, I am just concerned abt every small piece of info I could find now re admissions...
This wait is not always that easy to handle..:)

Just reread my post and it sounds like I am so not confident in myself :) That's not the case actually, I am just concerned abt every small piece of info I could find now re admissions...
This wait is not always that easy to handle..:)

Harvard: Admitted students may start to receive notifications from early March.

CLS: Early review is not risky. If you are not admitted in the early cycle, you will very probably be delayed to the regular cycle.

NYU: Admitted students who are offered a scholarship, e.g., Hauser, Vanderbilt, etc, will receive their decisions by mid-February.

Stanford: If you do not receive their interview phone call by late February, await the rejection letter.

Yale: All decisions will be released in early March.

Chicago: no clue.

Harvard: Admitted students may start to receive notifications from early March.

CLS: Early review is not risky. If you are not admitted in the early cycle, you will very probably be delayed to the regular cycle.

NYU: Admitted students who are offered a scholarship, e.g., Hauser, Vanderbilt, etc, will receive their decisions by mid-February.

Stanford: If you do not receive their interview phone call by late February, await the rejection letter.

Yale: All decisions will be released in early March.

Chicago: no clue.


Do you have any clue regarding UCLA and UC-Berkeley?



Do you have any clue regarding UCLA and UC-Berkeley?


From their website i got the impression that:

NYU@NUS acceptances will be given in January
NYU@NYC --> Mid April

Penn early notification -->1 February

U Chicago --> mid april

Northwestern --> Early Feb

anybody know about Cornell and BU acceptance notices?

From their website i got the impression that:

NYU@NUS acceptances will be given in January
NYU@NYC --> Mid April

Penn early notification -->1 February

U Chicago --> mid april

Northwestern --> Early Feb

anybody know about Cornell and BU acceptance notices?

I can't wait to get answers from UCLA and USC!! I dream of getting something before Christmas, but I will probably have to wait till February... Most people generally get answers from UCLA in February and March, Berkeley apparently often answers very late unfortunately...

I can't wait to get answers from UCLA and USC!! I dream of getting something before Christmas, but I will probably have to wait till February... Most people generally get answers from UCLA in February and March, Berkeley apparently often answers very late unfortunately...

I am waiting the most for Columbia early, since I think it will serve as a parameter to regulate my expectations. If Columbia rejects me right away I will seriously lower them. If they accept me I will be glorified and relieved. On the other hand deferral will mean postponing the end of my suffering....

I am waiting the most for Columbia early, since I think it will serve as a parameter to regulate my expectations. If Columbia rejects me right away I will seriously lower them. If they accept me I will be glorified and relieved. On the other hand deferral will mean postponing the end of my suffering....

How would your estimate your own chances of getting admitted to each school?
Based ony my research about the schools' demands/ generalcharacter, a realistics evaluation of my credentials and a bit of "gut feeling" here's what my bored mind came up with:

CLS: 35%
HLS: 7.5%
NYU: 65%
Chicago: 30%
Berkeley: 25%

If some smart mathematician could calculate what my chances to get into at least ONE out of five would be, feel free :)

How would your estimate your own chances of getting admitted to each school?
Based ony my research about the schools' demands/ generalcharacter, a realistics evaluation of my credentials and a bit of "gut feeling" here's what my bored mind came up with:

CLS: 35%
HLS: 7.5%
NYU: 65%
Chicago: 30%
Berkeley: 25%

If some smart mathematician could calculate what my chances to get into at least ONE out of five would be, feel free :)

Has somebody received or knows about someone who has been accepted in a Top 10 Law School until the date?

From other treads, I think that Duke and CLS had started to release notices.

Has somebody received or knows about someone who has been accepted in a Top 10 Law School until the date?

From other treads, I think that Duke and CLS had started to release notices.

It would be so good to be accepted by CLS. It is the foremost school in the US in criminal law, located in one of the best cities in the world...

It would be so good to be accepted by CLS. It is the foremost school in the US in criminal law, located in one of the best cities in the world...


Why do you say that there is an interview for Stanford?, I wasn't aware of that as part of the application process and the web page doesn't mention it either.



Why do you say that there is an interview for Stanford?, I wasn't aware of that as part of the application process and the web page doesn't mention it either.



Hi Jenny

I can confirm that CLS has issued admission notices.

good luck!

Hi Jenny

I can confirm that CLS has issued admission notices.

good luck!

TwelfthMonkey -
From your estimate your chances are 88.95% to get in to at least one school. Good luck.

TwelfthMonkey -
From your estimate your chances are 88.95% to get in to at least one school. Good luck.

according to what I read in another post, duke is already notifying its admitted students...I've yet to hear from them, but this should be 'cause my latest toefl score is likely to be just arrived to their admissions office. I'll make you know if they'll be so kind to contact idea for cls

according to what I read in another post, duke is already notifying its admitted students...I've yet to hear from them, but this should be 'cause my latest toefl score is likely to be just arrived to their admissions office. I'll make you know if they'll be so kind to contact idea for cls

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