LLM Class of 2008


Hi guys,

I'm in the process of applying for NYU's LLM in Taxation (part-time). A little bit about my background: I'm kind of a misfit here, having done my legal studies - BA(Oxon) - in UK but did not practise. Instead I went straight to investment banking, worked a few years, and then took a sabbatical at Stanford and earning a MS in Financial Math in the process. I'm currently based in NY working for an investment bank. 3 reasons why I am contemplating the NYU Taxation LLM. One, it is obviously useful for my job in corp finance and debt structuring. Two, I'm thinking of doing the NY State Bar, and would like to use the LLM to reacquaint with old rules and learn new laws. Three, company will pick up the tab.

My questions are:
1) how flexible is the program in terms of electives? I understand that it is a taxation program, but is there a latitude to take something non-tax?

2) How competitive is the taxation LLM in terms of admission? It is the only variant in NYU's LLM that does not need recommendation letter. Anyone knows why?

Hi guys,

I'm in the process of applying for NYU's LLM in Taxation (part-time). A little bit about my background: I'm kind of a misfit here, having done my legal studies - BA(Oxon) - in UK but did not practise. Instead I went straight to investment banking, worked a few years, and then took a sabbatical at Stanford and earning a MS in Financial Math in the process. I'm currently based in NY working for an investment bank. 3 reasons why I am contemplating the NYU Taxation LLM. One, it is obviously useful for my job in corp finance and debt structuring. Two, I'm thinking of doing the NY State Bar, and would like to use the LLM to reacquaint with old rules and learn new laws. Three, company will pick up the tab.

My questions are:
1) how flexible is the program in terms of electives? I understand that it is a taxation program, but is there a latitude to take something non-tax?

2) How competitive is the taxation LLM in terms of admission? It is the only variant in NYU's LLM that does not need recommendation letter. Anyone knows why?

Dear Equity Darling,
I find your self-important postings on the board to be laughable and ridiculous. You obviously derive some sort of perverse joy in denigrating other schools non-stop('NYU as a supermarket blah blah) in all your other posts, whilst at the same time boasting throughout about your academic credentials. It is rather pitiable that your self-worth is so intrinsically linked to the mere rankings of a law school. My suggestion to you is to get a life. The fact that you have posted 220 times speaks for itself.

Dear Equity Darling,
I find your self-important postings on the board to be laughable and ridiculous. You obviously derive some sort of perverse joy in denigrating other schools non-stop('NYU as a supermarket blah blah) in all your other posts, whilst at the same time boasting throughout about your academic credentials. It is rather pitiable that your self-worth is so intrinsically linked to the mere rankings of a law school. My suggestion to you is to get a life. The fact that you have posted 220 times speaks for itself.

I couldn't agree more with Candy Darling.
Equity Darling's posts always leave me speechless because of their lack of humility and sense of arrogance.
This board is to help each others out in the choice of our law school and so forth and not to answer inquiries based on unjustified reasons (NYU is a supermarket? Really? I thought Whole Food was a supermarket!)
400 students admitted at NYU LL.M programs each year? And so what? There are 8 LL.M programs in the school and trust me Equity students don't go for the SAME subject!

NYU is not a supermarket girl and please stop acting like you were the best in this board, this is starting to be unbearable for readers like me who come once in a while to see if anyone needs any kind of help.
Oh and about the get a life advice from Candy Darling ...I think you definitely should ...or at least use this time you spend on here for more constructive and justified arguments!

I couldn't agree more with Candy Darling.
Equity Darling's posts always leave me speechless because of their lack of humility and sense of arrogance.
This board is to help each others out in the choice of our law school and so forth and not to answer inquiries based on unjustified reasons (NYU is a supermarket? Really? I thought Whole Food was a supermarket!)
400 students admitted at NYU LL.M programs each year? And so what? There are 8 LL.M programs in the school and trust me Equity students don't go for the SAME subject!

NYU is not a supermarket girl and please stop acting like you were the best in this board, this is starting to be unbearable for readers like me who come once in a while to see if anyone needs any kind of help.
Oh and about the get a life advice from Candy Darling ...I think you definitely should ...or at least use this time you spend on here for more constructive and justified arguments!

May I also add that while her "good" academic peformance may have worked for equity's darling so far. Academic peformance is by no means what matters in life nor is it what great men and women are made of (neither is the school they attended). I say this because of her emphasis on these things.

We are all entitled to our opinions of any institution. Mine is that NYU is a great law school and giving a good number of people the opportunity to attend it is indeed a plus (it is further vindicated by the status of alumni) and if you are one for rankings, they ALL agree with me.

May I also add that while her "good" academic peformance may have worked for equity's darling so far. Academic peformance is by no means what matters in life nor is it what great men and women are made of (neither is the school they attended). I say this because of her emphasis on these things.

We are all entitled to our opinions of any institution. Mine is that NYU is a great law school and giving a good number of people the opportunity to attend it is indeed a plus (it is further vindicated by the status of alumni) and if you are one for rankings, they ALL agree with me.
equity's d...

wow, you guys are really pissed off.

1. I haven't 'denegrated schools non-stop' as one of the above posters writes. i did call nyu a supermaket; but i'd remind you that i borrowed that term from others on the board, I used it in the context of a discussion about admissions standards, and I don't believe I've said negative things about other schools, Have I?

2. I'm not boasting about my credentials. im answering questions about admissions standards by way of example to myself. I found such answers very helpful when I applied for the LLM. Knowing concretely what accepted students had on thier CV is in fact probably the most useful part of this whole website. For course info, go to the law school websites; this site gives the background about what programmes are really like and what it really takes to get in. Scroll up this thread and Im sure you'll see my posts conform to this.

3. I tend to write these posts at work. I spend a few seconds on them when my eyes tire of reading case law. It is a fun and informative way to kill a few minutes, a few times a day. Hardly indicative of not having a life.

In any event, I could care less what you think. To the contrary, I find it rather amusing you take my success so personally. What does that say about self-esteem?

wow, you guys are really pissed off.

1. I haven't 'denegrated schools non-stop' as one of the above posters writes. i did call nyu a supermaket; but i'd remind you that i borrowed that term from others on the board, I used it in the context of a discussion about admissions standards, and I don't believe I've said negative things about other schools, Have I?

2. I'm not boasting about my credentials. im answering questions about admissions standards by way of example to myself. I found such answers very helpful when I applied for the LLM. Knowing concretely what accepted students had on thier CV is in fact probably the most useful part of this whole website. For course info, go to the law school websites; this site gives the background about what programmes are really like and what it really takes to get in. Scroll up this thread and Im sure you'll see my posts conform to this.

3. I tend to write these posts at work. I spend a few seconds on them when my eyes tire of reading case law. It is a fun and informative way to kill a few minutes, a few times a day. Hardly indicative of not having a life.

In any event, I could care less what you think. To the contrary, I find it rather amusing you take my success so personally. What does that say about self-esteem?

I completely agree with D1. Equity's Darling, if all you can boast about is your academic performance, then I really feel sorry for you. I mean, just to quote you: 'uber' schools, 'poor' schools'.... seriously, who actually talks like that in real life?? Perhaps you should spend less time hiding behind your computer posting snotty emails and try to focus more on your personal and social skills instead.

I completely agree with D1. Equity's Darling, if all you can boast about is your academic performance, then I really feel sorry for you. I mean, just to quote you: 'uber' schools, 'poor' schools'.... seriously, who actually talks like that in real life?? Perhaps you should spend less time hiding behind your computer posting snotty emails and try to focus more on your personal and social skills instead.
equity's d...

"uber "schools is a shorthand for the best schools in the world. Using shorthand allows one to make poits with precision and avoid repition.

"poor" schools was used in the context of saying even poor schools don't hinder one's chances of getting into a top LLM (at least in canada).

I find it humorous that you're so frimly convinced I have no life or social skillsn simply because I stated the obvious point that marks are extremely important when seeking admisson to the world's best universities.

Your judgement is about as sound as your reading is careful.

"uber "schools is a shorthand for the best schools in the world. Using shorthand allows one to make poits with precision and avoid repition.

"poor" schools was used in the context of saying even poor schools don't hinder one's chances of getting into a top LLM (at least in canada).

I find it humorous that you're so frimly convinced I have no life or social skillsn simply because I stated the obvious point that marks are extremely important when seeking admisson to the world's best universities.

Your judgement is about as sound as your reading is careful.


Equity Darling- it does not say anything about self-esteem.
I just think that you should pay attention to the words you use, it has nothing to do with self-esteem and I'm not going to splash my curriculum here just to prove whatever I should prove. It is a matter of advancing real facts with respect.
I and obviously some others have been shocked about the terms you've been using. So you should give it a thought.


Equity Darling- it does not say anything about self-esteem.
I just think that you should pay attention to the words you use, it has nothing to do with self-esteem and I'm not going to splash my curriculum here just to prove whatever I should prove. It is a matter of advancing real facts with respect.
I and obviously some others have been shocked about the terms you've been using. So you should give it a thought.

equity's d...

You are "schocked" by terms like "poor" school and "uber" school?

Good luck in the practice of law...

You are "schocked" by terms like "poor" school and "uber" school?

Good luck in the practice of law...

See...you didn't get it ...I didn't quote any terms. You mixing everyone's words up.
I'm talking about the whole attitude you have, the "I'm better than you attitude" that comes with the words you use.
But I give up on that one. If 3 persons IN A ROW don't suffice you to ask yourself the right question then I guess...there's nothing that can be done as I don't expect the whole internet community to react!
Anyway good luck with that attitude girl!

See...you didn't get it ...I didn't quote any terms. You mixing everyone's words up.
I'm talking about the whole attitude you have, the "I'm better than you attitude" that comes with the words you use.
But I give up on that one. If 3 persons IN A ROW don't suffice you to ask yourself the right question then I guess...there's nothing that can be done as I don't expect the whole internet community to react!
Anyway good luck with that attitude girl!

No Equity, instead i am "schocked" (using your word) by your consistently appalling spelling. Also it is 'denigrate' and not 'denegrate.' Kindly use a dictionary the next time you want to show off about your 'academic prowess.' It would certainly make your point that much more convincing.

No Equity, instead i am "schocked" (using your word) by your consistently appalling spelling. Also it is 'denigrate' and not 'denegrate.' Kindly use a dictionary the next time you want to show off about your 'academic prowess.' It would certainly make your point that much more convincing.
equity's d...

for someone who speaks of "justified arguments" you sure don't say much of substance.

Show me where I have an attitude suggesting that I'm better than others.
Give an example of words you so hyperbolically state are "unbearable". I believe in that pst you used the example of calling nyu a supermarket. This is unvearable? Note that this term was used by many others before me and denoted the huge number of LLM's which, the argument goes, means it is arguably less selective than other schools at the top of the world rankings. That seems like a sensible position and an informative one too. What precisly do you add to any of these discussions besides hurt feelings and non-specific reprimands?
grow up.

for someone who speaks of "justified arguments" you sure don't say much of substance.

Show me where I have an attitude suggesting that I'm better than others.
Give an example of words you so hyperbolically state are "unbearable". I believe in that pst you used the example of calling nyu a supermarket. This is unvearable? Note that this term was used by many others before me and denoted the huge number of LLM's which, the argument goes, means it is arguably less selective than other schools at the top of the world rankings. That seems like a sensible position and an informative one too. What precisly do you add to any of these discussions besides hurt feelings and non-specific reprimands?
grow up.
equity's d...

You are giving spelling lessons over the internet and I'm the one without a life? Nice.

You are giving spelling lessons over the internet and I'm the one without a life? Nice.

Blah blah blah...because ure so intelligent and such a grown up blablabla Whatever girl !

Blah blah blah...because ure so intelligent and such a grown up blablabla Whatever girl !
equity's d...

rest assured nobody will accuse you of boastful intelligence

rest assured nobody will accuse you of boastful intelligence

for someone who claims she 'could care less' about what we think, you sure reply at lightning speed to our posts. Not enough work at the office, perchance? Or perhaps no social life??? hahaha

for someone who claims she 'could care less' about what we think, you sure reply at lightning speed to our posts. Not enough work at the office, perchance? Or perhaps no social life??? hahaha

Well, as an intruder to the series of post between two "Darling" and Lucina, I dont think Equity was arrogant in her earler mails. She was rather informative.

It is others who distracted the matter to life etc.

Well, as an intruder to the series of post between two "Darling" and Lucina, I dont think Equity was arrogant in her earler mails. She was rather informative.

It is others who distracted the matter to life etc.


Jeppers creepers, where is the love?!!

This is rediculous, what was initially a posting about who had arrived at Ithaca has landed up being a personal attack on ED. ED and I have had our differences of opinion in the past so I have no need to defend her, but there is never a need to get personal. For goodness sake, we all don't even know who the hell we are.

Let's stick to the intention behind this site. If someone will lament that NYU is a supermarket, then let them do so and if you disagree with that view, likewise you should be entitled to do so, because it's part of the point of the website, to discuss and air views on various LLM programs and the reader make up their own mind. It's like arguing in a moot and you start gunning at your oponent about how irritating their voice is or something, we're all grown ups and there's no need for that.

If you're going to attack ED, then the best and most constructive way to do it on this forum is to do so on the substance or lack thereof, of her opinions on LLM Programs.

Jeppers creepers, where is the love?!!

This is rediculous, what was initially a posting about who had arrived at Ithaca has landed up being a personal attack on ED. ED and I have had our differences of opinion in the past so I have no need to defend her, but there is never a need to get personal. For goodness sake, we all don't even know who the hell we are.

Let's stick to the intention behind this site. If someone will lament that NYU is a supermarket, then let them do so and if you disagree with that view, likewise you should be entitled to do so, because it's part of the point of the website, to discuss and air views on various LLM programs and the reader make up their own mind. It's like arguing in a moot and you start gunning at your oponent about how irritating their voice is or something, we're all grown ups and there's no need for that.

If you're going to attack ED, then the best and most constructive way to do it on this forum is to do so on the substance or lack thereof, of her opinions on LLM Programs.

Oh come on ...we just said what we think. Period.
Theres no point starting a whole debate. Thats my opinion shared by some others and not shared by everyone. Thats Okay!

Oh come on ...we just said what we think. Period.
Theres no point starting a whole debate. Thats my opinion shared by some others and not shared by everyone. Thats Okay!

I dont know if the rest of you have read her last 2000 offensive posts... everyone is entitled to their opinions, sure. But it gets abit repetitive when she goes on and on about NYU being a 'supermarket', a 'factory,' and that those who are in NYU got rejected by the 'better' schools like Harvard and Columbia. Having professed that she does not actually know ANYONE in NYU, I am wondering how she forms these baseless assumptions? on the mere intake of the students? I would say that such sweeping generalizations are ridiculous and pathetic.

I dont know if the rest of you have read her last 2000 offensive posts... everyone is entitled to their opinions, sure. But it gets abit repetitive when she goes on and on about NYU being a 'supermarket', a 'factory,' and that those who are in NYU got rejected by the 'better' schools like Harvard and Columbia. Having professed that she does not actually know ANYONE in NYU, I am wondering how she forms these baseless assumptions? on the mere intake of the students? I would say that such sweeping generalizations are ridiculous and pathetic.

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