The Definitive 2011 Cambridge Thread

I have just received an email from Suzanne Wade informing me that my documents have been received.
This is really starting to amuse me! :)

If they keep going at this pace, we'll start receiving offers/rejections by this time next year.

I have just received an email from Suzanne Wade informing me that my documents have been received.
This is really starting to amuse me! :)

If they keep going at this pace, we'll start receiving offers/rejections by this time next year.

I have just received an email from Suzanne Wade informing me that my documents have been received.
This is really starting to amuse me! :)

If they keep going at this pace, we'll start receiving offers/rejections by this time next year.

I am already picturing it.
New message - 07/02/2012.
"Dear Applicant, we are delighted to be able to tell you that you have been offered a place to study at Cambridge starting October 2011".

I think I am going to apply to the Dominium & OK_Computer School of Law, though I am wondering about the academic requirements (ability to down several pints in a row ?)

<blockquote>I have just received an email from Suzanne Wade informing me that my documents have been received.
This is really starting to amuse me! :)

If they keep going at this pace, we'll start receiving offers/rejections by this time next year.</blockquote>

I am already picturing it.
New message - 07/02/2012.
"Dear Applicant, we are delighted to be able to tell you that you have been offered a place to study at Cambridge starting October 2011".

I think I am going to apply to the Dominium & OK_Computer School of Law, though I am wondering about the academic requirements (ability to down several pints in a row ?)

I am already picturing it.
New message - 07/02/2012.
"Dear Applicant, we are delighted to be able to tell you that you have been offered a place to study at Cambridge starting October 2011".

I think I am going to apply to the Dominium & OK_Computer School of Law, though I am wondering about the academic requirements (ability to down several pints in a row ?)

Ha, don't laugh, that kind of happened at a different UK university. I went to the UK on exchange a few years ago and, because post takes so long from the UK to Australia, by the time my offer of accommodation arrived the deadline for accepting had already passed. I called and got it sorted out straight away. A friend of mine emailed, but got no response. On turning up, he found that they'd still kept a room aside for him and thought no more of it.

Flash forward 6 months and we've all finished our exchanges and are settling in back at home. He receives an email:
"Dear Student,
Thank you for your email. We are looking into your accommodation query and will respond in due course.
Kind regards,

If entry to D&OK depends on pint consumption, I think I'll have an unfair advantage as an Australian. I found out tonight that Australian beer consumption was at a record low last year, but the average annual consumption was still 107.2 litres per person! That's 2 litres a week, plus some extra for Christmas! Unbelievable.

I am already picturing it.
New message - 07/02/2012.
"Dear Applicant, we are delighted to be able to tell you that you have been offered a place to study at Cambridge starting October 2011".

I think I am going to apply to the Dominium & OK_Computer School of Law, though I am wondering about the academic requirements (ability to down several pints in a row ?)</blockquote>

Ha, don't laugh, that kind of happened at a different UK university. I went to the UK on exchange a few years ago and, because post takes so long from the UK to Australia, by the time my offer of accommodation arrived the deadline for accepting had already passed. I called and got it sorted out straight away. A friend of mine emailed, but got no response. On turning up, he found that they'd still kept a room aside for him and thought no more of it.

Flash forward 6 months and we've all finished our exchanges and are settling in back at home. He receives an email:
"Dear Student,
Thank you for your email. We are looking into your accommodation query and will respond in due course.
Kind regards,

If entry to D&OK depends on pint consumption, I think I'll have an unfair advantage as an Australian. I found out tonight that Australian beer consumption was at a record low last year, but the average annual consumption was still 107.2 litres per person! That's 2 litres a week, plus some extra for Christmas! Unbelievable.

Pint consumption at D&OK is relative. We recognize not all beers are created equal (e.g., Budweiser v. Guinness).

Does that annual rate include children? If so, YIKES.

Pint consumption at D&OK is relative. We recognize not all beers are created equal (e.g., Budweiser v. Guinness).

Does that annual rate include children? If so, YIKES.

I'm just waiting for my rejection :-P :D

I'm just waiting for my rejection :-P :D

Another day gone uneventful?

Another day gone uneventful?

Pint consumption at D&OK is relative. We recognize not all beers are created equal (e.g., Budweiser v. Guinness).

Does that annual rate include children? If so, YIKES.

Apparently it includes children aged 15 and over. At least we're not giving infants stubbies of beer to suckle on, I guess.

To keep this on topic, I should probably add that I heard nothing from Cambridge yesterday.

<blockquote>Pint consumption at D&OK is relative. We recognize not all beers are created equal (e.g., Budweiser v. Guinness).

Does that annual rate include children? If so, YIKES.</blockquote>

Apparently it includes children aged 15 and over. At least we're not giving infants stubbies of beer to suckle on, I guess.

To keep this on topic, I should probably add that I heard nothing from Cambridge yesterday.

Hey, it's so good to have you guys posting your news!!! ... I decided to join in... actually I wrote to Mrs Wade telling her, that I received an offer from King's, which I had to accept or decline until the 1st of march (which is true) and asking her whether, by any chance, a decision would be made by that time. She responded me the next day, writing the following:

Thank you for your e-mail.

Decisions are being made at the moment, and we will certainly be able to let you know
before the beginning of March.

best wishes


So there is hope that decisions will be made soon!!! Maybe you also write to her, telling of your offers?

Hey, it's so good to have you guys posting your news!!! ... I decided to join in... actually I wrote to Mrs Wade telling her, that I received an offer from King's, which I had to accept or decline until the 1st of march (which is true) and asking her whether, by any chance, a decision would be made by that time. She responded me the next day, writing the following:

Thank you for your e-mail.

Decisions are being made at the moment, and we will certainly be able to let you know
before the beginning of March.

best wishes


So there is hope that decisions will be made soon!!! Maybe you also write to her, telling of your offers?


I also received an offer from King's and the decision date was end of February. I accepted it right away and decided to wait for Cambridge, LSE and UCL applications. I suggest you do the same, just to have a safety net. Doesn't hurt anyone and it's not like the US system, where you have to pay a deposit to ensure your seat.

Btw thank you for the info you shared. It's promising to note that we should know our fates about Cambridge in this month. This is helpful for those applying to scholarships outside :-)

Btw... does anyone know if late applications are allowed scholarships by the university? I submitted my paper application in first week of January (Ms. Wade, nice lady that she is, let me due to my circumstances.) Now I'm worried that i might now be eligible for any scholarships :-(


I also received an offer from King's and the decision date was end of February. I accepted it right away and decided to wait for Cambridge, LSE and UCL applications. I suggest you do the same, just to have a safety net. Doesn't hurt anyone and it's not like the US system, where you have to pay a deposit to ensure your seat.

Btw thank you for the info you shared. It's promising to note that we should know our fates about Cambridge in this month. This is helpful for those applying to scholarships outside :-)

Btw... does anyone know if late applications are allowed scholarships by the university? I submitted my paper application in first week of January (Ms. Wade, nice lady that she is, let me due to my circumstances.) Now I'm worried that i might now be eligible for any scholarships :-(

Ah, I thought accepting an offer would be binding? Isn't that the case in the UK?

Ah, I thought accepting an offer would be binding? Isn't that the case in the UK?

nope.... i know many people who did this. In fact, one of my friends did the same and suggested this to me. I guess that's one advantage of UK universities.

nope.... i know many people who did this. In fact, one of my friends did the same and suggested this to me. I guess that's one advantage of UK universities.

by doing this you' re holding in vain the place of many other people, for whom KCL may be the one and only choice.
by the time you finally reject your place it will be very late, and they might have already been rejected or they will be waiting very long (sometimes till the summer before the admissions) to assume your place.
Keeping the places in 3-4 universities (where you dont intend to attend) is extremely unfair towards other applicants and, if i may say, selfish. At least keep only ONE university as your "safety net".

PS. I know the offers are exceeding the actual places, but if many prospective students are following your advice, then the offers policy is rendered ineffective

by doing this you' re holding in vain the place of many other people, for whom KCL may be the one and only choice.
by the time you finally reject your place it will be very late, and they might have already been rejected or they will be waiting very long (sometimes till the summer before the admissions) to assume your place.
Keeping the places in 3-4 universities (where you dont intend to attend) is extremely unfair towards other applicants and, if i may say, selfish. At least keep only ONE university as your "safety net".

PS. I know the offers are exceeding the actual places, but if many prospective students are following your advice, then the offers policy is rendered ineffective

Yes, I also think it a bit unfair, so I'll wait until the last moment, but I admit if I haven't received an answer from Cambridge by the end of february, I think I'll have to accept that offer.

Anyway, any news anybody?

Yes, I also think it a bit unfair, so I'll wait until the last moment, but I admit if I haven't received an answer from Cambridge by the end of february, I think I'll have to accept that offer.

Anyway, any news anybody?

cras credemus, hodie nihil...

cras credemus, hodie nihil...

cras credemus, hodie nihil...

Let's keep positive, the day is not over...

<blockquote>cras credemus, hodie nihil...</blockquote>

Let's keep positive, the day is not over...

hello everyone,

so the wait continues!

i am having trouble logging in to my account. anyone else?

hello everyone,

so the wait continues!

i am having trouble logging in to my account. anyone else?


I tried a few minutes ago (well, to be fair, I try like 2 hours ^^') and did not encounter any problem.

If it tells you something like "cannot switch session", you probably forgot to log out !

I tried a few minutes ago (well, to be fair, I try like 2 hours ^^') and did not encounter any problem.

If it tells you something like "cannot switch session", you probably forgot to log out !

Indeed, that was what I had done. Thank you!
And happy waiting :)

Indeed, that was what I had done. Thank you!
And happy waiting :)

At least February is a short month.

At least February is a short month.

@ s_law

You do realize that out of all the people who accept the offers, many of them decide not to go. There are many reasons for this and you have no right to criticize or call them selfish.

Apart from waiting for a other colleges, suppose I have money issues at the last minute and am unable to attend, I will have to rescind my acceptance at the last minute in the month of May or June, does that make me selfish? There is nothing wrong in waiting for the best opportunity to come by.

And btw, all those people that you are talking about, who are on the waitlist, them being on the waitlist is precisely the proof that there were others who were better qualified in the applicants pool. If they are on the waitlist because of an offer being made to me, it is not my problem. If by being better qualified, I have the opportunity to chose from a variety of colleges, it is my right and I have earned it. There is nothing selfish about it, and you would do the same if you were in my position. If you wouldn't then I assume you are not ambitious enough in this cut throat competition.

I personally know many wonderful, genuine people who have to do this because there is no choice. If you don't approve, then don't. It doesn't matter what you think, but in the future, refrain from commenting on other people's personalities of which you know nothing.

Good day.

@ s_law

You do realize that out of all the people who accept the offers, many of them decide not to go. There are many reasons for this and you have no right to criticize or call them selfish.

Apart from waiting for a other colleges, suppose I have money issues at the last minute and am unable to attend, I will have to rescind my acceptance at the last minute in the month of May or June, does that make me selfish? There is nothing wrong in waiting for the best opportunity to come by.

And btw, all those people that you are talking about, who are on the waitlist, them being on the waitlist is precisely the proof that there were others who were better qualified in the applicants pool. If they are on the waitlist because of an offer being made to me, it is not my problem. If by being better qualified, I have the opportunity to chose from a variety of colleges, it is my right and I have earned it. There is nothing selfish about it, and you would do the same if you were in my position. If you wouldn't then I assume you are not ambitious enough in this cut throat competition.

I personally know many wonderful, genuine people who have to do this because there is no choice. If you don't approve, then don't. It doesn't matter what you think, but in the future, refrain from commenting on other people's personalities of which you know nothing.

Good day.

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