Why are you struggling so hard to convince us that Cambridge is a wrong choice or how it is not worth it or whatever it is? It is our money and our choice so quit trolling because it is not funny anymore. We chose Cambridge for a reason and unless you are paying our tuition and expenses, your views are immaterial.
I don't recall saying a word about Cambridge being a 'wrong' choice. Your inference only belies the fears you mask.
What I do recall is a conversation about the selectivity and merits of cambridge as an LLM destination - certainly it would be best placed in a Cambridge thread and not a Harvard thread, and no better time than when a choice is being considered. All you've contributed is a fistful of dodgy statistics. For that matter all you've done on these forums is create facebook groups year upon year and accuse others of trolling. Maybe its time to introspect and wonder why you always end up with egg on your face. What I can guarantee is that you won't last long in Cambridge with that kind of attitude.