Admitted to Cambridge 2010/2011

I thought they were still working out who receives aid from the Trust, etc so everyone (including alumns like me who work in the nonprofit sector at a fraction of our earning potential) receive conditional offers.

I thought they were still working out who receives aid from the Trust, etc so everyone (including alumns like me who work in the nonprofit sector at a fraction of our earning potential) receive conditional offers.

Hello everyone! I have too received an email from Ms. Wade on Jan 6th saying I have been offered a place at Cambridge!
I am from Rome, currently studying towards the completion of my LL.B in Italy

Hello everyone! I have too received an email from Ms. Wade on Jan 6th saying I have been offered a place at Cambridge!
I am from Rome, currently studying towards the completion of my LL.B in Italy

Does anyone know when we ll receive answers from Cambridge Trusts???

Does anyone know when we ll receive answers from Cambridge Trusts???

Anyone who has got a rejection? If you are rejected do they let you know as promptly?

Anyone who has got a rejection? If you are rejected do they let you know as promptly?

Great, thanks a lot Cedric. What college are you at? And, at least in your own view, what are, say, the top 3 colleges then?

I'm at Sidney.
In random order: Sidney, Darwin (altho the formal is not very nice, no gowns etc), Christ, Jesus, Clare Hall, Girton (distance), Gonville (great location, bad food),...

To avoid: Homerton (distance), Hughes (distance, very modern)

Only my opinion based on what I heard !

In short, go to Sidney and avoid Hughes :) But u didnt hear me say that... ;)

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this post but have been following it on occasion. I graduated from the LLM program in 2008. I was a member of Hughes and, as such, wanted to defend the college. Although Hughes isn't as old or as beautiful as some of the other colleges, I had a great experience there. The atmosphere was not very formal and I didn't feel like I was walking on egg shells while there (I felt this way when visiting some of the other colleges). Addiitonally, I believe Hughes is less expensive than some of the other colleges. Further, the food is great and there are usually a lot of LLM people admitted. Hope this helps.

My experience at Cambs was incredible and I truely felt privileged every day I was there. Good luck!

<blockquote><blockquote>Great, thanks a lot Cedric. What college are you at? And, at least in your own view, what are, say, the top 3 colleges then?


I'm at Sidney.
In random order: Sidney, Darwin (altho the formal is not very nice, no gowns etc), Christ, Jesus, Clare Hall, Girton (distance), Gonville (great location, bad food),...

To avoid: Homerton (distance), Hughes (distance, very modern)

Only my opinion based on what I heard !

In short, go to Sidney and avoid Hughes :) But u didnt hear me say that... ;)</blockquote>

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this post but have been following it on occasion. I graduated from the LLM program in 2008. I was a member of Hughes and, as such, wanted to defend the college. Although Hughes isn't as old or as beautiful as some of the other colleges, I had a great experience there. The atmosphere was not very formal and I didn't feel like I was walking on egg shells while there (I felt this way when visiting some of the other colleges). Addiitonally, I believe Hughes is less expensive than some of the other colleges. Further, the food is great and there are usually a lot of LLM people admitted. Hope this helps.

My experience at Cambs was incredible and I truely felt privileged every day I was there. Good luck!


all this talk of colleges made me question my choices, which led me to think if i cant change them now then theres no point thinking about it. so i phoned suzanne wade (who i found to be extremely friendly and helpful) and she explained we have until latest end of next week if we did want to change as she hasnt sent the applications off to the colleges yet. Just email her with your name, application number etc, and let her know if you do want to change, as trying to change afterwards is near impossible.

After talking to a friend of mine who graduated from cambridge last summer about colleges, he could not stop emphasising how important your choice of college is (basically everything Cedric has said above). Further things to consider are wether the cost of bills are included in your payment of accomodation, wether the college has wireless internet (he believed Wolfson doesnt) and what the overall facilities the college offers. He urged me to visit the colleges...might take a trip up there sometime next week.


all this talk of colleges made me question my choices, which led me to think if i cant change them now then theres no point thinking about it. so i phoned suzanne wade (who i found to be extremely friendly and helpful) and she explained we have until latest end of next week if we did want to change as she hasnt sent the applications off to the colleges yet. Just email her with your name, application number etc, and let her know if you do want to change, as trying to change afterwards is near impossible.

After talking to a friend of mine who graduated from cambridge last summer about colleges, he could not stop emphasising how important your choice of college is (basically everything Cedric has said above). Further things to consider are wether the cost of bills are included in your payment of accomodation, wether the college has wireless internet (he believed Wolfson doesnt) and what the overall facilities the college offers. He urged me to visit the colleges...might take a trip up there sometime next week.

I've heard from this forum that some colleges don't admit any LLM students, which would mean wasted choices, but I can't find out which these are. Has anyone found stats on how many LLMs at each college?

I also went to a collegiate university, and while I agree with what people are saying about it being an important element, I don't think people should get too anxious. For one thing, there's not much you can do about it if you don't get your choices. And I think that wherever you go you end up with a sense of loyalty towards it and meet great people. So it's best to stay positive. And let's stop listing ones that we don't want because someone is bound to get one!

I've heard from this forum that some colleges don't admit any LLM students, which would mean wasted choices, but I can't find out which these are. Has anyone found stats on how many LLMs at each college?

I also went to a collegiate university, and while I agree with what people are saying about it being an important element, I don't think people should get too anxious. For one thing, there's not much you can do about it if you don't get your choices. And I think that wherever you go you end up with a sense of loyalty towards it and meet great people. So it's best to stay positive. And let's stop listing ones that we don't want because someone is bound to get one!

llm hopeful I do agree with you all the way. I think it's better not to be to fussy at this stage. I attended a collegiate university in Italy, which is quite an uncommon thing in my country and I am aware of how significant a role the college plays in completing one's university education. At any rate, there's no point loosing sleep over this issue; having been admitted at Cambridge is already a great accomplishment. I have picked St. John's as my first choice, because I had a couple of friends there, but I guess it won't be easy...

Best of luck to you all!

I've heard from this forum that some colleges don't admit any LLM students, which would mean wasted choices, but I can't find out which these are. Has anyone found stats on how many LLMs at each college?

I also went to a collegiate university, and while I agree with what people are saying about it being an important element, I don't think people should get too anxious. For one thing, there's not much you can do about it if you don't get your choices. And I think that wherever you go you end up with a sense of loyalty towards it and meet great people. So it's best to stay positive. And let's stop listing ones that we don't want because someone is bound to get one!

llm hopeful I do agree with you all the way. I think it's better not to be to fussy at this stage. I attended a collegiate university in Italy, which is quite an uncommon thing in my country and I am aware of how significant a role the college plays in completing one's university education. At any rate, there's no point loosing sleep over this issue; having been admitted at Cambridge is already a great accomplishment. I have picked St. John's as my first choice, because I had a couple of friends there, but I guess it won't be easy...

Best of luck to you all!

<blockquote>I've heard from this forum that some colleges don't admit any LLM students, which would mean wasted choices, but I can't find out which these are. Has anyone found stats on how many LLMs at each college?

I also went to a collegiate university, and while I agree with what people are saying about it being an important element, I don't think people should get too anxious. For one thing, there's not much you can do about it if you don't get your choices. And I think that wherever you go you end up with a sense of loyalty towards it and meet great people. So it's best to stay positive. And let's stop listing ones that we don't want because someone is bound to get one!</blockquote>

Anybody from Asia recieved offers yet? Conditional or otherwise?

Anybody from Asia recieved offers yet? Conditional or otherwise?

hey im from india.. heard nothing..

hey im from india.. heard nothing..

From México, nothing yet!

From México, nothing yet!

this college fuss is really overrated, all 31 colleges have a certain minimum level and everything above that is just something extra one may appreciate or not..some may find it cool to be at the epicentre and near the law faculty others might appreciate a more quiet and placid place in the fringe area

just chill, no worries guys!

ps. I am always amazed how easy people freak out and lose common sense, just like the stock market last year or in any bear market..

this college fuss is really overrated, all 31 colleges have a certain minimum level and everything above that is just something extra one may appreciate or not..some may find it cool to be at the epicentre and near the law faculty others might appreciate a more quiet and placid place in the fringe area

just chill, no worries guys!

ps. I am always amazed how easy people freak out and lose common sense, just like the stock market last year or in any bear market..

Me neither. Malaysia..

Me neither. Malaysia..

Any opinions on which college has the best social life? Obviously there is no definitive answer but if someone could enlighten me as to the livliest colleges (which would also preferably be an old college) that would be awsome!

(I put Trinity Hall and Gonville and Caius as first and second preferences respectively based on what I read on wikipedia!ha)

Any opinions on which college has the best social life? Obviously there is no definitive answer but if someone could enlighten me as to the livliest colleges (which would also preferably be an old college) that would be awsome!

(I put Trinity Hall and Gonville and Caius as first and second preferences respectively based on what I read on wikipedia!ha)

Have any of you received your offer by letter yet? And, if so, how long after being notified by email did you receive it? Also, when was your Self Service account updated to show your offer?


Have any of you received your offer by letter yet? And, if so, how long after being notified by email did you receive it? Also, when was your Self Service account updated to show your offer?


A tiny question, if you allow me...

Do you have any idea whether there is going to be another round of offers...or all offers have already been made?

A tiny question, if you allow me...

Do you have any idea whether there is going to be another round of offers...or all offers have already been made?

Dear 18120,

I am pretty sure that there are going to be more rounds of offers in the days to come. As far as I know offers are made till mid-april, so they have just began...

Best of luck!

Dear 18120,

I am pretty sure that there are going to be more rounds of offers in the days to come. As far as I know offers are made till mid-april, so they have just began...

Best of luck!

For those of you who are interested... I received my academic condition today... It's nearly impossible to reach it! Guess I was too positive about it all....

For those of you who are interested... I received my academic condition today... It's nearly impossible to reach it! Guess I was too positive about it all....

sorry to hear that... but be confident, you'll get there!
would you mind being a little more specific about these conditions.. I friend of mine in Switzerland had 5.5 out of 6 overall as a condition.

sorry to hear that... but be confident, you'll get there!
would you mind being a little more specific about these conditions.. I friend of mine in Switzerland had 5.5 out of 6 overall as a condition.

A tiny question, if you allow me...

Do you have any idea whether there is going to be another round of offers...or all offers have already been made?

I am sure there will be more offers particularly once Oxford and the American universities release their offers.

Its early days yet.

<blockquote>A tiny question, if you allow me...

Do you have any idea whether there is going to be another round of offers...or all offers have already been made?</blockquote>

I am sure there will be more offers particularly once Oxford and the American universities release their offers.

Its early days yet.


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