What to do now..

Hello Discussion Board World,

To be honest I've been avoiding posting anything here. You got to admit this is a very intense group. I figured I would just silently read the folks notes and responses as a way to feel the water. But I guess I couldn't help myself.

So I already submitted my applications to Oxbridge, NYU, Columbia, Cornell, Yale and Penn. Also applied to Chevening. Still need to apply to LSE (opens Oct. 14th) as well as Stanford and UC Berkeley (require an actual research proposal, so I'm still taking my time on that).

In any event, I'm just wondering - what am I suppose to do now? How long is the wait? When are we expected to hear back from them? Is it usually January 14' or sooner? More pertinently, with many of them I have also applied for specific scholarships. When are we expected to hear about those? Is there a seperate entity within the faculty that is in charge of making scholarship/fellowship determinations? Do they take longer to respond?

I guess basically I should just wait till April, see all my offers and then make the calculations of which schools most interest me and what scholarship I've got and what would make most academic sense but also most economic sense. Right? I mean in any event, we don't have to respond back to the schools before May, correct?

Anyway would love to hear your thoughts and good luck to all of us...

Hello Discussion Board World,

To be honest I've been avoiding posting anything here. You got to admit this is a very intense group. I figured I would just silently read the folks notes and responses as a way to feel the water. But I guess I couldn't help myself.

So I already submitted my applications to Oxbridge, NYU, Columbia, Cornell, Yale and Penn. Also applied to Chevening. Still need to apply to LSE (opens Oct. 14th) as well as Stanford and UC Berkeley (require an actual research proposal, so I'm still taking my time on that).

In any event, I'm just wondering - what am I suppose to do now? How long is the wait? When are we expected to hear back from them? Is it usually January 14' or sooner? More pertinently, with many of them I have also applied for specific scholarships. When are we expected to hear about those? Is there a seperate entity within the faculty that is in charge of making scholarship/fellowship determinations? Do they take longer to respond?

I guess basically I should just wait till April, see all my offers and then make the calculations of which schools most interest me and what scholarship I've got and what would make most academic sense but also most economic sense. Right? I mean in any event, we don't have to respond back to the schools before May, correct?

Anyway would love to hear your thoughts and good luck to all of us...

Hey there,

I have also submitted my applications for Columbia, Harvard, Cornell, Georgetown, NYU, Duke and Berkeley. Did it just yesterday though:) Today I got an e-mail from Columbia stating that my application is incomplete and they require a statement regarding my class rank from my school. I guess, it will be hard to catch the early application deadline for Columbia . On the other hand, Georgetown stated that my application is complete. I didn't have a clue that Columbia required such statement, silly me.

Even though I just applied yesterday, I'm already bored of waiting:)

Regarding you comment making decisions in May, I read somewhere in the board that some schools may require a decision earlier than May.

Hey there,

I have also submitted my applications for Columbia, Harvard, Cornell, Georgetown, NYU, Duke and Berkeley. Did it just yesterday though:) Today I got an e-mail from Columbia stating that my application is incomplete and they require a statement regarding my class rank from my school. I guess, it will be hard to catch the early application deadline for Columbia . On the other hand, Georgetown stated that my application is complete. I didn't have a clue that Columbia required such statement, silly me.

Even though I just applied yesterday, I'm already bored of waiting:)

Regarding you comment making decisions in May, I read somewhere in the board that some schools may require a decision earlier than May.


I have also submitted my aplication to Columbia, Cornell, NYU, Duke, UPENN and Berkeley.

I have received emails from all of the Schools but Columbia, even though I sent my application on October 1 and it was requested to LSAC the same day.

Does anyone know if Columbia sends an aplication complete email, and how long do they usually take to do it?


I have also submitted my aplication to Columbia, Cornell, NYU, Duke, UPENN and Berkeley.

I have received emails from all of the Schools but Columbia, even though I sent my application on October 1 and it was requested to LSAC the same day.

Does anyone know if Columbia sends an aplication complete email, and how long do they usually take to do it?

Regarding the columbia, in the application incomplete e mail they sent me , they state that they will notify me by e mail when my app is complete. They sent me the app incomplete mail one day after I submitted my app. But likewise, I didnt hear from other schools except georgetown, berkeley and columbia.

Regarding the columbia, in the application incomplete e mail they sent me , they state that they will notify me by e mail when my app is complete. They sent me the app incomplete mail one day after I submitted my app. But likewise, I didnt hear from other schools except georgetown, berkeley and columbia.

Its funny both of you mentioned Columbia. I too had some problems there. The day after I sent my application I got an email from their office of graduate legal studies noting that one of my referees forgot to include a professional work email in his recommendation letter. I immediately sent them an email with his contact information. A few hours later I got an email back saying that my information has been recorded and that my application "has been marked as complete". The thing with columbia is that unlike other schools they have this "My Columbia Law" page and you're supposed to check your application status through there, but when I try to do that it noted that my information doesn't match their database. Then they clatrify that "Please note that it takes up to two weeks for new application submissions to be processed and entered into our database." So I guess I need to wait a little longer.

Its funny both of you mentioned Columbia. I too had some problems there. The day after I sent my application I got an email from their office of graduate legal studies noting that one of my referees forgot to include a professional work email in his recommendation letter. I immediately sent them an email with his contact information. A few hours later I got an email back saying that my information has been recorded and that my application "has been marked as complete". The thing with columbia is that unlike other schools they have this "My Columbia Law" page and you're supposed to check your application status through there, but when I try to do that it noted that my information doesn't match their database. Then they clatrify that "Please note that it takes up to two weeks for new application submissions to be processed and entered into our database." So I guess I need to wait a little longer.

Ok, so it seems like Columbia is informing candidates very fast when their applications are somehow incomplete but, has anyone received a complete application email from them without receiving a prior incomplete application email?

Ok, so it seems like Columbia is informing candidates very fast when their applications are somehow incomplete but, has anyone received a complete application email from them without receiving a prior incomplete application email?

I got an email from NYU stating that my app is complete and I might check it from the online web site. However they did not provided me with username and password. Did you received it later or in the same email? And I still havent heard from cornell and duke.

I got an email from NYU stating that my app is complete and I might check it from the online web site. However they did not provided me with username and password. Did you received it later or in the same email? And I still havent heard from cornell and duke.

HI gcb,

I received my username and pass from NYU on the same email you are referring to.

I got an email from Duke on the same day I sent them my application, they provided me with a username and a pass and on the same day my application was marked as complete.

Cornell took about 3 days to send me the email with my username and pass, and my application is still marked as under review.

HI gcb,

I received my username and pass from NYU on the same email you are referring to.

I got an email from Duke on the same day I sent them my application, they provided me with a username and a pass and on the same day my application was marked as complete.

Cornell took about 3 days to send me the email with my username and pass, and my application is still marked as under review.


Same for me about Cornell, got my password and username fairly quickly, yet my application is still marked "verifying materials for completion".

Duke and NYU finished reviewing my application. I got the user name and password on that email you mentioned.

Same for me about Cornell, got my password and username fairly quickly, yet my application is still marked "verifying materials for completion".

Duke and NYU finished reviewing my application. I got the user name and password on that email you mentioned.

That's interesting that NYU didnt provide me with username and password then. I wonder if they've forgotten that. And now I started to worry about cornell and duke since you've both got mails from them and I didnt..

That's interesting that NYU didnt provide me with username and password then. I wonder if they've forgotten that. And now I started to worry about cornell and duke since you've both got mails from them and I didnt..

I have just received an email from Columbia providing me with my username and password to check my application status, which reads: Your Application is Complete.

Did you get yours from NYU?

I have just received an email from Columbia providing me with my username and password to check my application status, which reads: Your Application is Complete.

Did you get yours from NYU?

Yeah I got my username and password both from NYU and Columbia.
I also got e-mails from Duke and Cornell. Right now I am waiting for my class rank statement to be processed by LSAC. I guess they will send additional reports to all schools later. However, Georgetown, Berkeley right now states that my application is complete. I assume only Columbia and NYU request a class rank statement.

Yeah I got my username and password both from NYU and Columbia.
I also got e-mails from Duke and Cornell. Right now I am waiting for my class rank statement to be processed by LSAC. I guess they will send additional reports to all schools later. However, Georgetown, Berkeley right now states that my application is complete. I assume only Columbia and NYU request a class rank statement.


Just finished my app, waiting for confirmation. But wondering, did you guys get "original" letters of rec for Columbia? Were they different from the general LORs that you sent to the other schools?

Best and Good Luck


Just finished my app, waiting for confirmation. But wondering, did you guys get "original" letters of rec for Columbia? Were they different from the general LORs that you sent to the other schools?

Best and Good Luck

I sent the same letters to all of the Universities, I don't think that the fact that they are adressed to the "Admission's Comitee" instead of "Columbia's Admission Comitee" will make any difference.

I sent the same letters to all of the Universities, I don't think that the fact that they are adressed to the "Admission's Comitee" instead of "Columbia's Admission Comitee" will make any difference.

Same letters.. no worries :-)

Good Luck!! Going to be a long wait...

Same letters.. no worries :-)

Good Luck!! Going to be a long wait...

Hey again,

I guess I couldn't hold myself and applied to so many law schools (12). I really want to study in the U.S.A. next year and would like to be accepted to at least one of them :) Since I have completed and submitted all my apps now, this waiting process is killing me softly. Some schools says they are deciding on a rolling bases which I believe the decisions will be made quicker in those schools, right?

Maybe previous applicants may help us about the decisions process. So does anybody know or have experience about, when usually the foregoing schools start making decisions ?

- Georgetown Law (IBEL Program) (Early Action)
- Columbia Law (Early Action)
- NYU Law (Competition)
- Harvard Law
- Berkeley Law
- Vanderbilt Law
- Cornell
- Duke
- U Michigan
- U Virginia
- U Penn

(Wow that really seemed many when I wrote them down:)
Thank you in advance,

Hey again,

I guess I couldn't hold myself and applied to so many law schools (12). I really want to study in the U.S.A. next year and would like to be accepted to at least one of them :) Since I have completed and submitted all my apps now, this waiting process is killing me softly. Some schools says they are deciding on a rolling bases which I believe the decisions will be made quicker in those schools, right?

Maybe previous applicants may help us about the decisions process. So does anybody know or have experience about, when usually the foregoing schools start making decisions ?

- Georgetown Law (IBEL Program) (Early Action)
- Columbia Law (Early Action)
- NYU Law (Competition)
- Harvard Law
- Berkeley Law
- Vanderbilt Law
- Cornell
- Duke
- U Michigan
- U Virginia
- U Penn

(Wow that really seemed many when I wrote them down:)
Thank you in advance,


I'm in a very similar spot, I have also applied to a bunch of Unies in hopes of being accepted to at least one.

I have also sent all of my applications, most of them on October 1st, and the waiting process is already killing me.

I went through the old topics on this forum and searched for the dates in which the schools I applied to issued their decisions last year, here are my results:

COLUMBIA----------December 11
CORNELL----------- December 21
UPENN-------------- January 16
NYU------------------- February 1
UCLA------------------ February 15
BERKELEY----------- February 15
HARVARD------------- March 17

I have also applied to UGA, and they told me I should be getting an answer in 2-3 weeks.

I hope this helps.


I'm in a very similar spot, I have also applied to a bunch of Unies in hopes of being accepted to at least one.

I have also sent all of my applications, most of them on October 1st, and the waiting process is already killing me.

I went through the old topics on this forum and searched for the dates in which the schools I applied to issued their decisions last year, here are my results:

COLUMBIA----------December 11
CORNELL----------- December 21
UPENN-------------- January 16
NYU------------------- February 1
UCLA------------------ February 15
BERKELEY----------- February 15
HARVARD------------- March 17

I have also applied to UGA, and they told me I should be getting an answer in 2-3 weeks.

I hope this helps.


Dear all,

Nice discussing with you. Anybody find the application status checker link of CLS? CLS gave me the account and password and told me the link is set out in "My Columbia LLM" Dashboard, but I fail to find out.

Thank you all. : )

Dear all,

Nice discussing with you. Anybody find the application status checker link of CLS? CLS gave me the account and password and told me the link is set out in "My Columbia LLM" Dashboard, but I fail to find out.

Thank you all. : )


Go to this link and create your My Columbia LLM account if you haven't already-


Once you do that and after you put in your LSAC account number, you should see to your left under "update my porfile" a tab that says "check your application status". If you click that tab you will get to that generic page that all the universities use for you to check your status. You'll insert the username and password that CLS provided you, change the password and security question, and then you'll be able to see your status.

Hope this helps, good luck.


Go to this link and create your My Columbia LLM account if you haven't already-


Once you do that and after you put in your LSAC account number, you should see to your left under "update my porfile" a tab that says "check your application status". If you click that tab you will get to that generic page that all the universities use for you to check your status. You'll insert the username and password that CLS provided you, change the password and security question, and then you'll be able to see your status.

Hope this helps, good luck.

Hi all! I already received an email from Columbia saying that my application is complete, but didn't receive my login and password for reviewing the status of my application. Is anyone in the same boat?

Hi all! I already received an email from Columbia saying that my application is complete, but didn't receive my login and password for reviewing the status of my application. Is anyone in the same boat?

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