College of Europe


I have just recieved an e- mail from my selection committee!! I My interview is on Monday 12.04!!!!

I have just recieved an e- mail from my selection committee!! I My interview is on Monday 12.04!!!!

That´s so GREAT Alice!! Congratulations and Good Luck!!

So I guess it´s only me still waiting :-(

That´s so GREAT Alice!! Congratulations and Good Luck!!

So I guess it´s only me still waiting :-(


and luxi we keep our fingers crossed for you, you'll soon get news from them!!!!


and luxi we keep our fingers crossed for you, you'll soon get news from them!!!!

Thank you Luxi!!! I am sure that by the end of the week you will also recieve the precious e-mail from the spanish selection commitee:))!! So, by then try to be calm... I know that is pretty difficult but there is nothing else you can do.....

Thank you Luxi!!! I am sure that by the end of the week you will also recieve the precious e-mail from the spanish selection commitee:))!! So, by then try to be calm... I know that is pretty difficult but there is nothing else you can do.....

Thanks guys, I really hope so!

You are right , there is no other option but to wait, so I better take it with patience...

Thanks guys, I really hope so!

You are right , there is no other option but to wait, so I better take it with patience...

Congratulations Alice! :-) Let us know about the interview!

Congratulations Alice! :-) Let us know about the interview!

εδώ γουρλού, όβερ! congrats alice!!:)
babette, in case you're wondering again about what that means: alice says I'm her lucky charm, because we were exchanging private messages like 5 minutes before she received her pre-selection email!haha

luxi, don't worry: southern european countries usually take their time with selection! and with everything in general:P
you'll definitely have an answer before Easter!

εδώ γουρλού, όβερ! congrats alice!!:)
babette, in case you're wondering again about what that means: alice says I'm her lucky charm, because we were exchanging private messages like 5 minutes before she received her pre-selection email!haha

luxi, don't worry: southern european countries usually take their time with selection! and with everything in general:P
you'll definitely have an answer before Easter!

Some direct entry applicants have been offered admission for the LLM programme already.

Some direct entry applicants have been offered admission for the LLM programme already.

Just by curiosity, how did you prepare for the interview?
i'm a bit confused as all my courses are home, and won't go back to my place till end of june probably
so except for reading the internet about europe, don't know what i should do more......

Just by curiosity, how did you prepare for the interview?
i'm a bit confused as all my courses are home, and won't go back to my place till end of june probably
so except for reading the internet about europe, don't know what i should do more......

εδώ γουρλού, όβερ! congrats alice!!:)
babette, in case you're wondering again about what that means: alice says I'm her lucky charm, because we were exchanging private messages like 5 minutes before she received her pre-selection email!haha

luxi, don't worry: southern european countries usually take their time with selection! and with everything in general:P
you'll definitely have an answer before Easter!

Hi Xelwnak! You are 100% right: Southern countries definately take their time! They told me today in the selection committee that they will only begin calling people for the interviews after Easter, this is killing me I promise!! hee, hee

<blockquote>εδώ γουρλού, όβερ! congrats alice!!:)
babette, in case you're wondering again about what that means: alice says I'm her lucky charm, because we were exchanging private messages like 5 minutes before she received her pre-selection email!haha

luxi, don't worry: southern european countries usually take their time with selection! and with everything in general:P
you'll definitely have an answer before Easter!</blockquote>

Hi Xelwnak! You are 100% right: Southern countries definately take their time! They told me today in the selection committee that they will only begin calling people for the interviews after Easter, this is killing me I promise!! hee, hee

Good luck with waiting......

and we keep our fingers crossed!!!

Good luck with waiting......

and we keep our fingers crossed!!!
Luxi nice. Thanks a lot! nice. Thanks a lot!

I know how you feel Luxi, the week before the interview I was really worried, but I'm sure everything will be fine!
Any news from the other countries?

I know how you feel Luxi, the week before the interview I was really worried, but I'm sure everything will be fine!
Any news from the other countries?

I know how you feel Luxi,

Imagine that even I am anxious about whether you guys are getting in or not in the end!pff :P

luxi, I will be in Madrid as of May 4th! feel free to add me on fb if you want!

<blockquote>I know how you feel Luxi,

Imagine that even I am anxious about whether you guys are getting in or not in the end!pff :P

luxi, I will be in Madrid as of May 4th! feel free to add me on fb if you want!



Yeah I also hope that we all get admitted! But I think in the meantime I´m gonna take yoga classes to relax a bit, :-D

Xelwnak, I will add u in Facebook so you can let me know about your trip to Madrid and we can plan something.

Yeah I also hope that we all get admitted! But I think in the meantime I´m gonna take yoga classes to relax a bit, :-D

Xelwnak, I will add u in Facebook so you can let me know about your trip to Madrid and we can plan something.

Hello All,

Ive been following your posts since a few weeks now and decided it was about time I posted something.
I am an Italian student and I applied to the Pol and Adm Studies MA, I think I might have bumped into Babette in the Foreign Ministry's corridor :) . I totally agree with what Babette said, i don't have a clear idea of what are the selection criteria. Any news from the other countries about dates for a confirmation/refusal?

take care

Hello All,

Ive been following your posts since a few weeks now and decided it was about time I posted something.
I am an Italian student and I applied to the Pol and Adm Studies MA, I think I might have bumped into Babette in the Foreign Ministry's corridor :) . I totally agree with what Babette said, i don't have a clear idea of what are the selection criteria. Any news from the other countries about dates for a confirmation/refusal?

take care

Hi kiks!
Was your interview on monday too?Then we probably bumped one into each other without knowing it! :-)
What are your impressions about it? Do you know when we will receive the final answer?

Hi kiks!
Was your interview on monday too?Then we probably bumped one into each other without knowing it! :-)
What are your impressions about it? Do you know when we will receive the final answer?

I am sure we were probably sitting together, i was scheduled for 2.30 but was interviewed at around 4 (i was more lucky than you in this sense, 6.30 must have been hard to cope with - did they keep on going randomly or alphabetically?).
I remember being satisfied after the interview, I know it went well but at the same time nearly everyone who came out seemed to be quite happy with theirs too - so i really don't know what to expect, especially because, like you mentioned, we are quite alot this year :s .
I have no idea about a date for the response, it didn't see very appropriate to me to ask them about it at the time. Now, of course, i'm dying to know! Maybe I'll e-mail P.Ranocchia in a few days.

I am sure we were probably sitting together, i was scheduled for 2.30 but was interviewed at around 4 (i was more lucky than you in this sense, 6.30 must have been hard to cope with - did they keep on going randomly or alphabetically?).
I remember being satisfied after the interview, I know it went well but at the same time nearly everyone who came out seemed to be quite happy with theirs too - so i really don't know what to expect, especially because, like you mentioned, we are quite alot this year :s .
I have no idea about a date for the response, it didn't see very appropriate to me to ask them about it at the time. Now, of course, i'm dying to know! Maybe I'll e-mail P.Ranocchia in a few days.

Kiks, we definitely were sitting together then! :-)
Were you one of the girls who had to leave early because of their flight? They went on randomly, it was a pity for me because I was scheduled as the first of the group!
Anyway, I think I will wait till nex week and then maybe write to P. Ranocchia too!

Kiks, we definitely were sitting together then! :-)
Were you one of the girls who had to leave early because of their flight? They went on randomly, it was a pity for me because I was scheduled as the first of the group!
Anyway, I think I will wait till nex week and then maybe write to P. Ranocchia too!

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