Who goes where ?


Little by little, admissions and rejections are being sent, forcing us to make our decisions. While some may be for a second disappointed by a rejection (we all have our egos :) ), I'm sure that, in one year, everyone will be absolutely happy to have been in the Law School he/she finally went to and convinced to have taken the right decision.

For those of you who already made up their mind, where are you going ?

Little by little, admissions and rejections are being sent, forcing us to make our decisions. While some may be for a second disappointed by a rejection (we all have our egos :) ), I'm sure that, in one year, everyone will be absolutely happy to have been in the Law School he/she finally went to and convinced to have taken the right decision.

For those of you who already made up their mind, where are you going ?

NYU (international tax p.)

NYU (international tax p.)

2 tax or not 2tax, when did you get your admission to the LLM in international taxation from nyu ?Which country are you from ? I am frecnh and I also applied for this LLM but I have no news...

2 tax or not 2tax, when did you get your admission to the LLM in international taxation from nyu ?Which country are you from ? I am frecnh and I also applied for this LLM but I have no news...

NYU International Legal Studies

NYU International Legal Studies

Columbia......International Legal Studies

Columbia......International Legal Studies

Penn Law

maybe it would be also interesting to know, what choice people have made, especially what schools you applied to.
I was accepted in duke, virginia, northwestern, georgetown, toronto and I am on the waiting list for berkeley and will choose Penn Law in any case ;)

Penn Law

maybe it would be also interesting to know, what choice people have made, especially what schools you applied to.
I was accepted in duke, virginia, northwestern, georgetown, toronto and I am on the waiting list for berkeley and will choose Penn Law in any case ;)

Correct Luke, and maybe explain why you chose one rather than another to help people who can't decide.

Correct Luke, and maybe explain why you chose one rather than another to help people who can't decide.

Luke..what were your reasons for choosing Upenn over Northwesterm? I was really confused between the two and finally settled on Penn...hopefully i've made the right call!

Luke..what were your reasons for choosing Upenn over Northwesterm? I was really confused between the two and finally settled on Penn...hopefully i've made the right call!

Also admitted to Northwestern (LLMK), Georgetown

I hope NYU does deserve its fame, and the location will be an advantage when looking for a job.
Concern: LLM programs are too big or impersonal

Also admitted to Northwestern (LLMK), Georgetown

I hope NYU does deserve its fame, and the location will be an advantage when looking for a job.
Concern: LLM programs are too big or impersonal

huuhh, everything is written yet in hundereds of other boards, but in "short":
- not duke, not virginia only because to much of cuntryside for my taste and especially for my fiancée who will join me.
- not georgetown, because I got the feeling that they take everybody (they advertise lide crazy to get as much llms as possible and elongated application deadline until april 1 and friends of mine where dissapointed in class 2003 and 2004. The school is to big for my taste and DC is not realy a fantastic town as far friends told me. I applied only because I wanted to make sure being accepted in one at least).
- Not Toronto, because I think that US-law is more important and better thought in US and I do not know enough about the quality in comparison to US-schools (well, this decision was quite hard).
- Not NWU, well I do not know, it would have been my second choice because of the rankings I choose Penn.
- Not berkeley? This was first my 1 choice, but so far I heard they have money-problems and they are falling in all recent rankings...
Why Upenn? In all rankings under the top 10, not as big as HLS, NYU, Columbia. However, 1.30 h by train to NY Central station. You have a big town but you can go to School by bike. They have a summer program for int. students, ... More fun then Univerity of Chicago and Yale ( I did not apply there), Well if I could try one more time, I would apply in Stanford, I regret no having done.

huuhh, everything is written yet in hundereds of other boards, but in "short":
- not duke, not virginia only because to much of cuntryside for my taste and especially for my fiancée who will join me.
- not georgetown, because I got the feeling that they take everybody (they advertise lide crazy to get as much llms as possible and elongated application deadline until april 1 and friends of mine where dissapointed in class 2003 and 2004. The school is to big for my taste and DC is not realy a fantastic town as far friends told me. I applied only because I wanted to make sure being accepted in one at least).
- Not Toronto, because I think that US-law is more important and better thought in US and I do not know enough about the quality in comparison to US-schools (well, this decision was quite hard).
- Not NWU, well I do not know, it would have been my second choice because of the rankings I choose Penn.
- Not berkeley? This was first my 1 choice, but so far I heard they have money-problems and they are falling in all recent rankings...
Why Upenn? In all rankings under the top 10, not as big as HLS, NYU, Columbia. However, 1.30 h by train to NY Central station. You have a big town but you can go to School by bike. They have a summer program for int. students, ... More fun then Univerity of Chicago and Yale ( I did not apply there), Well if I could try one more time, I would apply in Stanford, I regret no having done.

I was admitted to HLS, Columbia, NYU, Chicago, UMich, UPenn and UVa. My reasons to go to HLS are the following:
1. It is one of the best universities in the World in all areas of human knowledge.
2. Harvard brand name is well known.
3. It is one the highest in the Law School rankings.
4. It is cheaper to leave in Boston than in NY.
5. It has a great program in Corporate Law.
6. Harvard has great alumni connections.
7. My friend who is there now absolutely loves it and already found a job in a large NY law firm.
9. All of the partners from my law firm advise me to go there.
10. It was my child dream to go to Harvard.

I was admitted to HLS, Columbia, NYU, Chicago, UMich, UPenn and UVa. My reasons to go to HLS are the following:
1. It is one of the best universities in the World in all areas of human knowledge.
2. Harvard brand name is well known.
3. It is one the highest in the Law School rankings.
4. It is cheaper to leave in Boston than in NY.
5. It has a great program in Corporate Law.
6. Harvard has great alumni connections.
7. My friend who is there now absolutely loves it and already found a job in a large NY law firm.
9. All of the partners from my law firm advise me to go there.
10. It was my child dream to go to Harvard.

I got offers from HLS, Penn, Northwestern, Cornell and Georgetown. Obviously, HLS is my choice. I think Metreshka already explained why.

I got offers from HLS, Penn, Northwestern, Cornell and Georgetown. Obviously, HLS is my choice. I think Metreshka already explained why.


I only applied to Temple and Penn, mostly because I wanted to be in Philadelphia, but also because I made up my mind about doing an LL.M. a little too late to apply to some other schools like Columbia or Harvard. I got into both schools, but decided on UPenn.

Penn is very well-ranked (not only in law, also in undergraduate studies, and almost every of their graduate schools is ranked in the USNews Top 10 in their respective fields), it's also a very friendly place, has a relatively small LL.M. program, and the program they offer is truly interdisciplinary.

Philadelphia is a nice city that I know pretty well (I worked there for a year in 2002-2003), and has this historic touch to it, which is nice for Europeans. It's also close to NYC and DC, and has a very big international airport, so travelling is very easy.

The only drawback I can think of is that Penn is not as well known in Europe as, say, Harvard, Yale or Columbia. However, I am planning to stay in the US (I'm already here in fact, my fiancee is American and we're getting married very soon), so that wasn't really an issue in my case.


I only applied to Temple and Penn, mostly because I wanted to be in Philadelphia, but also because I made up my mind about doing an LL.M. a little too late to apply to some other schools like Columbia or Harvard. I got into both schools, but decided on UPenn.

Penn is very well-ranked (not only in law, also in undergraduate studies, and almost every of their graduate schools is ranked in the USNews Top 10 in their respective fields), it's also a very friendly place, has a relatively small LL.M. program, and the program they offer is truly interdisciplinary.

Philadelphia is a nice city that I know pretty well (I worked there for a year in 2002-2003), and has this historic touch to it, which is nice for Europeans. It's also close to NYC and DC, and has a very big international airport, so travelling is very easy.

The only drawback I can think of is that Penn is not as well known in Europe as, say, Harvard, Yale or Columbia. However, I am planning to stay in the US (I'm already here in fact, my fiancee is American and we're getting married very soon), so that wasn't really an issue in my case.

Columbia (in no particular order):
1) best legal education anywhere
2) best city in the world
3) one of the best faculties
4) SIPA, simply the best
5) ivy league

Columbia (in no particular order):
1) best legal education anywhere
2) best city in the world
3) one of the best faculties
4) SIPA, simply the best
5) ivy league


So Sage you have made up your mind to go to Columbia instead of the UK universities. That is a wonderful choice. Congratulations!

So Sage you have made up your mind to go to Columbia instead of the UK universities. That is a wonderful choice. Congratulations!

wow congratulations to everyone who had decided where to go.

I am still debating. I have Columbia, NYU (LLM Stern) and Northwestern (LLM Kellog) and Oxford in the UK and waiting for Cambridge

I have not got full scholarship and NYU have just said I am eligible for Partial scholarships at Stern.

I am really confused as to whether it is worth taking a loan of 70,000$ ? In case Oxford or Cambridge offers me full scholarship do you think it would be wise to give up a US LLM?

wow congratulations to everyone who had decided where to go.

I am still debating. I have Columbia, NYU (LLM Stern) and Northwestern (LLM Kellog) and Oxford in the UK and waiting for Cambridge

I have not got full scholarship and NYU have just said I am eligible for Partial scholarships at Stern.

I am really confused as to whether it is worth taking a loan of 70,000$ ? In case Oxford or Cambridge offers me full scholarship do you think it would be wise to give up a US LLM?

If I were in your place I would definitely go to the place with a full scholarship. Cambridge and Oxford are great schools that are well known in Europe. You should only give this a second thought in case you want to work in the States. Good luck with your choice!!!

If I were in your place I would definitely go to the place with a full scholarship. Cambridge and Oxford are great schools that are well known in Europe. You should only give this a second thought in case you want to work in the States. Good luck with your choice!!!

Columbia (in no particular order):
1) best legal education anywhere
2) best city in the world
3) one of the best faculties
4) SIPA, simply the best
5) ivy league

Same for me.
Chose Columbia over NWU, UPenn, Chicago, NYU, Georgetown, Cornell.

<blockquote>Columbia (in no particular order):
1) best legal education anywhere
2) best city in the world
3) one of the best faculties
4) SIPA, simply the best
5) ivy league

Same for me.
Chose Columbia over NWU, UPenn, Chicago, NYU, Georgetown, Cornell.

To pooky: I received NYU package last friday, sent on march, 28.
To other NYU future students: keep in touch!

To pooky: I received NYU package last friday, sent on march, 28.
To other NYU future students: keep in touch!

Hello everyone :)
Small summary of the current state :

1. NYU, 3 people: 2taxornot2tax, Emme, peggyw77
2. Columbia, 3 people: srk, sage, Dr Jekyll
3. Yale, 2 people: iwc, vakil
4. Harvard, 2 people: matreshka, Chris
5. UPenn, 2 people: Luke, Supersonic1

Hello everyone :)
Small summary of the current state :

1. NYU, 3 people: 2taxornot2tax, Emme, peggyw77
2. Columbia, 3 people: srk, sage, Dr Jekyll
3. Yale, 2 people: iwc, vakil
4. Harvard, 2 people: matreshka, Chris
5. UPenn, 2 people: Luke, Supersonic1

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