Who goes where ?


Oops, you forgot someone:)))

6. Sanford, 1 person: Bitsou

Oops, you forgot someone:)))

6. Sanford, 1 person: Bitsou

:), yes, thanks. I know that the brand is still not as famous as Yale or Harvard in Europe, but it's Stanford, not Sanford (I'm just kidding) :)

:), yes, thanks. I know that the brand is still not as famous as Yale or Harvard in Europe, but it's Stanford, not Sanford (I'm just kidding) :)

are you kidding...Stanfords great!

are you kidding...Stanfords great!

Well, I guess I just combined SAN-Francisco and StanFORD. :))) Anyway, no missing "t" can spoil the greatness of this Law School!

Well, I guess I just combined SAN-Francisco and StanFORD. :))) Anyway, no missing "t" can spoil the greatness of this Law School!

Hi Bistou (and all the others of course !)
You can add Cornell to the list, going there.
(and waiting for Columbia)

Congratulations to all of us for our impressive admissions !

Hi Bistou (and all the others of course !)
You can add Cornell to the list, going there.
(and waiting for Columbia)

Congratulations to all of us for our impressive admissions !

just kidding... But still, we've all done well so far !

just kidding... But still, we've all done well so far !

I really can't decide. Oxford, NYU and Columbia are my choices so far. Oxford is cheaper than the other two (about 3/4 of the cost).

I really can't decide. Oxford, NYU and Columbia are my choices so far. Oxford is cheaper than the other two (about 3/4 of the cost).

Mostly the same reasons as Mathreska

Mostly the same reasons as Mathreska

I was admitted to HLS, Stanford, Columbia, Chicago and NYU.

I have almost decided to go to HLS (although some partners in my law firm are trying to talk me into going to Stanford...).

I was admitted to HLS, Stanford, Columbia, Chicago and NYU.

I have almost decided to go to HLS (although some partners in my law firm are trying to talk me into going to Stanford...).

ricklo: it's always useful to listen to other people, but in the end, that's your choice and your life, so go to Harvard if that's your dream :)

1. NYU, 3 people: 2taxornot2tax, Emme, peggyw77
2. Columbia, 3 people: srk, sage, Dr Jekyll
3. Yale, 2 people: iwc, vakil
4. Harvard, 3-4 people: matreshka, Chris, mexllm, (ricklo)
5. UPenn, 2 people: Luke, Supersonic1
6. Cornell, 1 person: tom_france
7. Stanford, 1-2 persons: Bitsou, (maverick)

ricklo: it's always useful to listen to other people, but in the end, that's your choice and your life, so go to Harvard if that's your dream :)

1. NYU, 3 people: 2taxornot2tax, Emme, peggyw77
2. Columbia, 3 people: srk, sage, Dr Jekyll
3. Yale, 2 people: iwc, vakil
4. Harvard, 3-4 people: matreshka, Chris, mexllm, (ricklo)
5. UPenn, 2 people: Luke, Supersonic1
6. Cornell, 1 person: tom_france
7. Stanford, 1-2 persons: Bitsou, (maverick)

Thanks for your support Bitsou!

I have to say that it is a choice between two great, but very different, programs... But you're right in saying that it was somewhat a child's dream...

Thanks for your support Bitsou!

I have to say that it is a choice between two great, but very different, programs... But you're right in saying that it was somewhat a child's dream...

(and actually, count me as an HLS; my decision is made...)

(and actually, count me as an HLS; my decision is made...)

Admitted to NYU, Chicago, UPenn, Duke, Northwestern, Cornell, Georgetown. I decided to go to NYU.
1 It's ranking is higher than other schools.
2 High reputation in the feild of my interest.
3 placed in the most attractive city in the world.

Admitted to NYU, Chicago, UPenn, Duke, Northwestern, Cornell, Georgetown. I decided to go to NYU.
1 It's ranking is higher than other schools.
2 High reputation in the feild of my interest.
3 placed in the most attractive city in the world.


1. Size of the LLM (50 people and a really closely-knit student body)
2. Ranking
3.Teachers (4 nobel teaching in the LLM!!!)
4. the city (jazz concerts all day long!)
5. reputation as a place for "independent thinkers"
6. the broad curriculum offered (so varied, so interesting!) and the freedom to choose any course (no compulsory studies to get the LLM, so I just focus my studies on what really interest me)
7. the teaching method (Socratic)
8. the ratio teachers/students of 1/4. Class size max is 20 people

Good luck all in their choices!!! We have a great year ahead!!


1. Size of the LLM (50 people and a really closely-knit student body)
2. Ranking
3.Teachers (4 nobel teaching in the LLM!!!)
4. the city (jazz concerts all day long!)
5. reputation as a place for "independent thinkers"
6. the broad curriculum offered (so varied, so interesting!) and the freedom to choose any course (no compulsory studies to get the LLM, so I just focus my studies on what really interest me)
7. the teaching method (Socratic)
8. the ratio teachers/students of 1/4. Class size max is 20 people

Good luck all in their choices!!! We have a great year ahead!!


What do you think about Georgetown???I ve also applied to NYU and Columbia, but have yet no response!!In the case they dont accept me...would you wait to next year so I can apply again?..I would have more chances because I am not graduated until June!
Thanks all and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you think about Georgetown???I ve also applied to NYU and Columbia, but have yet no response!!In the case they dont accept me...would you wait to next year so I can apply again?..I would have more chances because I am not graduated until June!
Thanks all and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!
Inactive User

I got admitted to Duke and NYU and still undecided. do u guys have any thoughts?

I got admitted to Duke and NYU and still undecided. do u guys have any thoughts?

Hi everyone,
I am going to UPenn as well. I had actually decided to attend Duke and still think that it is a great school, but being in Philly will allow me to be closer to my girl friend and soon to be fiancee - don't tell her yet... not that you could :-)
Amongst my other admissions, I seriously considered UMichigan as well, but ultimately decided in favor of Penn for the reasons given. I really believe that among the top schools, there is not much, you can do wrong, so I am sure, that we will all have a great experience. Good luck to everyone and to the many future Penn students in this forum, I can't wait to meet you all in Philly!

P.S. Hi (original) Luke! I have just sent you a personal message.

Hi everyone,
I am going to UPenn as well. I had actually decided to attend Duke and still think that it is a great school, but being in Philly will allow me to be closer to my girl friend and soon to be fiancee - don't tell her yet... not that you could :-)
Amongst my other admissions, I seriously considered UMichigan as well, but ultimately decided in favor of Penn for the reasons given. I really believe that among the top schools, there is not much, you can do wrong, so I am sure, that we will all have a great experience. Good luck to everyone and to the many future Penn students in this forum, I can't wait to meet you all in Philly!

P.S. Hi (original) Luke! I have just sent you a personal message.


Hello everyone :)
Small update (yes, I know, I have a lot of time to waste...)

luke82: I would choose NYU without too much hesitation, unless you have some personal reason to go to Duke.

Piru: Georgetown is located in Washington DC, a very pleasant area (at least for me) and quite well known in international law, though its reputation is decreasing. If you're accepted at Columbia don't hesitate, and if you feel patient, why not wait another year (but you've already spent quite some money I assume with these applications...)

SHORSCH: I guess that's the best reason one can have to choose one Law School instead on another one :). Congratulations!

1. NYU, 6 people: 2taxornot2tax, Emme, peggyw77, degree, gcvc, mythicalman
2. Harvard, 4 people: matreshka, Chris, mexllm, ricklo
3. UPenn, 3 people: Luke, Supersonic1, Schorsch
4. Columbia, 3 people: srk, sage, Dr Jekyll
5. Yale, 2 people: iwc, vakil
6. Chicago, 2 people: nazil, evagbouzas
7. Cornell, 1 person: tom_france
8. Stanford, 1-2 persons: Bitsou, (maverick)

Hello everyone :)
Small update (yes, I know, I have a lot of time to waste...)

luke82: I would choose NYU without too much hesitation, unless you have some personal reason to go to Duke.

Piru: Georgetown is located in Washington DC, a very pleasant area (at least for me) and quite well known in international law, though its reputation is decreasing. If you're accepted at Columbia don't hesitate, and if you feel patient, why not wait another year (but you've already spent quite some money I assume with these applications...)

SHORSCH: I guess that's the best reason one can have to choose one Law School instead on another one :). Congratulations!

1. NYU, 6 people: 2taxornot2tax, Emme, peggyw77, degree, gcvc, mythicalman
2. Harvard, 4 people: matreshka, Chris, mexllm, ricklo
3. UPenn, 3 people: Luke, Supersonic1, Schorsch
4. Columbia, 3 people: srk, sage, Dr Jekyll
5. Yale, 2 people: iwc, vakil
6. Chicago, 2 people: nazil, evagbouzas
7. Cornell, 1 person: tom_france
8. Stanford, 1-2 persons: Bitsou, (maverick)

I totally agree with Eva, and I will most probably go to Chicago for all the reasons stated above!

Bitsou, I haven't made my final decision yet, but it's ok to count me for Chicago... By the way, my name is Nazli :)

I totally agree with Eva, and I will most probably go to Chicago for all the reasons stated above!

Bitsou, I haven't made my final decision yet, but it's ok to count me for Chicago... By the way, my name is Nazli :)

Nice work, Bitsou!
I have accepted Columbia´s offer, so you can add me to the list!

Nice work, Bitsou!
I have accepted Columbia´s offer, so you can add me to the list!

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