Schools with good housing



Just wondering which US law schools offer the best housing facilities for LLM students? (on campus housing).

Also, I would like to apply to all the universites in the top 25 of US News Rankings but that would be impossible financially. I am not much of a city person so of the law schools in the top 25, which ARE NOT in big cities AND/OR offer on campus housing?

Reason being is that I underwent transplant surgery afew years ago and need good conditions and stress free living conditions.



Just wondering which US law schools offer the best housing facilities for LLM students? (on campus housing).

Also, I would like to apply to all the universites in the top 25 of US News Rankings but that would be impossible financially. I am not much of a city person so of the law schools in the top 25, which ARE NOT in big cities AND/OR offer on campus housing?

Reason being is that I underwent transplant surgery afew years ago and need good conditions and stress free living conditions.


Yale, Virginia, Michigan, and Cornell immediately come to mind.

Yale, Virginia, Michigan, and Cornell immediately come to mind.

I will add Duke to Toni's fine list:)

BTW, I heard that on campus housing is more expensive actually, at least at Duke.

But if you don't like urban-type and seek for a beautiful campus. All those are fine options:)

I will add Duke to Toni's fine list:)

BTW, I heard that on campus housing is more expensive actually, at least at Duke.

But if you don't like urban-type and seek for a beautiful campus. All those are fine options:)

Washington and Lee in Virginia is top 25 school with a very high quality of life.... though I don't know how it ranks for LL.M. I speak from having spent a very happy year there on exchange.

The on campus housing is adequate and comfortable (and probably more spacious than any housing you would get in a city school), but as it is a small university town it is also very easy to find nice apartments nearby the Law School that are very affordable.

Washington and Lee in Virginia is top 25 school with a very high quality of life.... though I don't know how it ranks for LL.M. I speak from having spent a very happy year there on exchange.

The on campus housing is adequate and comfortable (and probably more spacious than any housing you would get in a city school), but as it is a small university town it is also very easy to find nice apartments nearby the Law School that are very affordable.

UPenn is highly ranked (consistently in the top 10), has very nice on campus housing, and is more affordable than many other on campus housing.

UPenn is highly ranked (consistently in the top 10), has very nice on campus housing, and is more affordable than many other on campus housing.

at my school i don't know of any undergraduate seniors, let alone graduate students/law students, who stayed (or were permitted to stay) in on-campus housing. they usually have ltd space and cater to freshman and sophmores.

who would want to? you could end up sharing a bedroom, or at least a bathroom, w/ 17/18 yr old freshmen. some
may even be dating high school girls! even 21 will be considered quite old to be staying on-campus.

still, if spending friday night at the malt store w/ brad and charlene rocks your boat, go for it. at least a foreign law student could write-it-off as a learning cultural experience - a US student would be laughed at if he revealed he was living on-campus, at least at my school anyway.

at my school i don't know of any undergraduate seniors, let alone graduate students/law students, who stayed (or were permitted to stay) in on-campus housing. they usually have ltd space and cater to freshman and sophmores.

who would want to? you could end up sharing a bedroom, or at least a bathroom, w/ 17/18 yr old freshmen. some
may even be dating high school girls! even 21 will be considered quite old to be staying on-campus.

still, if spending friday night at the malt store w/ brad and charlene rocks your boat, go for it. at least a foreign law student could write-it-off as a learning cultural experience - a US student would be laughed at if he revealed he was living on-campus, at least at my school anyway.

Thanks very much for your replies! Very helpful.

So, having the above law schools in mind, what are the WORST top 25 for housing that I probably should stay away from? - I was thinking Chicago, Northwestern, NYU.

Thanks very much for your replies! Very helpful.

So, having the above law schools in mind, what are the WORST top 25 for housing that I probably should stay away from? - I was thinking Chicago, Northwestern, NYU.

Obviously the same goes for Columbia and Fordham, which are in N.Y. Georgetown in Washington might be too big for your liking, too. Harvard is in Cambridge and from what I've heard, has a small town atmosphere. Boston University, on the other hand, is located in Boston, which is a big city. Avoid law schools in Los Angeles (UCLA) and San Francisco (Boalt), but try Stanford, which is in Palo Alto, and basically in the middle of nowhere.

Obviously the same goes for Columbia and Fordham, which are in N.Y. Georgetown in Washington might be too big for your liking, too. Harvard is in Cambridge and from what I've heard, has a small town atmosphere. Boston University, on the other hand, is located in Boston, which is a big city. Avoid law schools in Los Angeles (UCLA) and San Francisco (Boalt), but try Stanford, which is in Palo Alto, and basically in the middle of nowhere.

If what u are looking for is a healty environment and a relaxed way of life, go for Duke. It's the best. I was here during the past year and I'm gona be here the next couple of years for my doctoral program and my experience was wonderful.


If what u are looking for is a healty environment and a relaxed way of life, go for Duke. It's the best. I was here during the past year and I'm gona be here the next couple of years for my doctoral program and my experience was wonderful.


Duke is great. I just visited Stanford and It is also amazing. Rodin statues all over the place, huge lake and the houses (studios) for LLMs are nice and well furnished. Palo Alto is a very hype city with all the VCs, Googles, Apples and alike. And itr is 40 min from SF. Cheers.

Duke is great. I just visited Stanford and It is also amazing. Rodin statues all over the place, huge lake and the houses (studios) for LLMs are nice and well furnished. Palo Alto is a very hype city with all the VCs, Googles, Apples and alike. And itr is 40 min from SF. Cheers.


University of Texas in Austin. The law school is located in the Northeast corner of the campus with plenty of housing within easy walking distance.

University of Texas in Austin. The law school is located in the Northeast corner of the campus with plenty of housing within easy walking distance.

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