Oxford Mjur vs Columbia vs NYU vs Georgetown - international arbitration


Hi all I need your help to solve my dilemma: which program should I choose between these 4 considering that my interests are int. arbitration and private international law?
To give you a bit of background I am European, have no particular interests at present for academia and the idea behind the LLM is to deepen my knowledge in these subjects, network and of course boost my cv.

I understand that the MJur is probably the most prestigious of the lot, but then it offers only a single (theoretical) course in int. arbitration, on top of the classic courses of conflict of laws/transnational commercial law which I believe are a bit too general for me now.

On the contrary the US programs would allow the opportunity to select a number of interesting courses that would simply not be available at Oxford (from advocacy courses, to practical seminars with practitioners etc), plus the bigger opportunities of networking offered by NYC or DC.
But then I would loose Oxford's "name" and prestige (or at least this is my perception at the moment).

Comments and suggestions are welcome - I am aware of the difference of costs between UK and US, but money is not really an issue in my case, since I have been awarded a general scolarship and I would happily pay higher accomodation costs to live in NYC compared to Oxford ;)

Hi all I need your help to solve my dilemma: which program should I choose between these 4 considering that my interests are int. arbitration and private international law?
To give you a bit of background I am European, have no particular interests at present for academia and the idea behind the LLM is to deepen my knowledge in these subjects, network and of course boost my cv.

I understand that the MJur is probably the most prestigious of the lot, but then it offers only a single (theoretical) course in int. arbitration, on top of the classic courses of conflict of laws/transnational commercial law which I believe are a bit too general for me now.

On the contrary the US programs would allow the opportunity to select a number of interesting courses that would simply not be available at Oxford (from advocacy courses, to practical seminars with practitioners etc), plus the bigger opportunities of networking offered by NYC or DC.
But then I would loose Oxford's "name" and prestige (or at least this is my perception at the moment).

Comments and suggestions are welcome - I am aware of the difference of costs between UK and US, but money is not really an issue in my case, since I have been awarded a general scolarship and I would happily pay higher accomodation costs to live in NYC compared to Oxford ;)

No one? Thoughts?

No one? Thoughts?

Unfortunately not. I am in the same dilemma so was looking forward to responses for your situation.

I am interested in Health Law and International Law. I have an offer from Georgetown for Global Health Law and International Institutions (with a semester in Switzerland). I also have offers from Cambridge (LLM) and LSE (LLM). Cambridge is the best ranked school but only has one general theoretical course for health law specifically.

Unfortunately not. I am in the same dilemma so was looking forward to responses for your situation.

I am interested in Health Law and International Law. I have an offer from Georgetown for Global Health Law and International Institutions (with a semester in Switzerland). I also have offers from Cambridge (LLM) and LSE (LLM). Cambridge is the best ranked school but only has one general theoretical course for health law specifically.

I think there are a number of people in our situation ;)

I am not aware of your specific courses, so cannot really comment, but if I were you I would probably choose Cambridge (all other things being equal): I believe that the general prestige of Cambridge is too good to pass up compared to Georgetown and LSE

I think there are a number of people in our situation ;)

I am not aware of your specific courses, so cannot really comment, but if I were you I would probably choose Cambridge (all other things being equal): I believe that the general prestige of Cambridge is too good to pass up compared to Georgetown and LSE

Come on guys don't be shy...

Come on guys don't be shy...

Hi Algernon.

I can't say that I'm aware of the arbitration situation in Oxford; I didn't apply. But I the beautiful surroundings, much lower tuition, and ranking, I would honestly choose it unless there are exceedingly strong, career-specific reasons to choose otherwise.

The three U.S. schools are supposedly better at IL, and the NY schools will differ from Georgetown because of the nearby opportunities.

Two possible differences to consider:
1) Classes in Oxford being taught exclusively for masters students, while you have to hang with the JDs in the US schools. This is (supposedly) annoying if you have a few years of experience in practice already.
2. What if your plans change?

Hi Algernon.

I can't say that I'm aware of the arbitration situation in Oxford; I didn't apply. But I the beautiful surroundings, much lower tuition, and ranking, I would honestly choose it unless there are exceedingly strong, career-specific reasons to choose otherwise.

The three U.S. schools are supposedly better at IL, and the NY schools will differ from Georgetown because of the nearby opportunities.

Two possible differences to consider:
1) Classes in Oxford being taught exclusively for masters students, while you have to hang with the JDs in the US schools. This is (supposedly) annoying if you have a few years of experience in practice already.
2. What if your plans change?


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