NYU Application 2020-2021

Congrats to everyone who got in!
Is there anyone who received an attachment with the admission e-mail that required attending a preliminary non-credit workshop since July 27 (just before the Intro. classes)?

Congrats to everyone who got in!
Is there anyone who received an attachment with the admission e-mail that required attending a preliminary non-credit workshop since July 27 (just before the Intro. classes)?
Naz Khan

Should I be worried that I am yet to hear an outcome on my application for the International Tax LL.M.

Also worried about how this effects my chances of a scholarship.

Should I be worried that I am yet to hear an outcome on my application for the International Tax LL.M.

Also worried about how this effects my chances of a scholarship.

Should I be worried that I am yet to hear an outcome on my application for the International Tax LL.M.

Also worried about how this effects my chances of a scholarship.

I'm in the same position but I emailed the admissions office stating that I have a deadline to meet therefore if they could expedite the process. They stated that "Please understand that it takes time for the Committee to give each application through consideration. Additionally, the Committee follows an on-going process of reviewing and re-reviewing the vast majority of the applicant pool. Most candidates’ applications require significant comparison with the applicant pool as a whole before a final decision can be reached. For many candidates, the committee is not able to reach a decision until they have a clear picture of that year’s entire applicant pool."
So I guess we'll just have to wait

[quote]Should I be worried that I am yet to hear an outcome on my application for the International Tax LL.M.

Also worried about how this effects my chances of a scholarship.[/quote]

I'm in the same position but I emailed the admissions office stating that I have a deadline to meet therefore if they could expedite the process. They stated that "Please understand that it takes time for the Committee to give each application through consideration. Additionally, the Committee follows an on-going process of reviewing and re-reviewing the vast majority of the applicant pool. Most candidates’ applications require significant comparison with the applicant pool as a whole before a final decision can be reached. For many candidates, the committee is not able to reach a decision until they have a clear picture of that year’s entire applicant pool."
So I guess we'll just have to wait

Should I be worried that I am yet to hear an outcome on my application for the International Tax LL.M.

Also worried about how this effects my chances of a scholarship.

I also haven’t heard back on my international tax application. Perhaps has something with our particular program- at least I hope that’s what explains the delay. All the best to everyone!

[quote]Should I be worried that I am yet to hear an outcome on my application for the International Tax LL.M.

Also worried about how this effects my chances of a scholarship.[/quote]

I also haven’t heard back on my international tax application. Perhaps has something with our particular program- at least I hope that’s what explains the delay. All the best to everyone!

Should I be worried that I am yet to hear an outcome on my application for the International Tax LL.M.

Also worried about how this effects my chances of a scholarship.

I received an acceptance email for International Tax Law on February 26th. Emailed to make inquiries about scholarship decision, was informed that the committee is still reviewing applications and a note would be made on my file. Also got into Georgetown, Florida, Penn State and waiting to receive Harvard Law School's decision.

I guess they're still reviewing applications. My application was completed in mid-January. All the best to everyone still waiting.

[quote]Should I be worried that I am yet to hear an outcome on my application for the International Tax LL.M.

Also worried about how this effects my chances of a scholarship.[/quote]

I received an acceptance email for International Tax Law on February 26th. Emailed to make inquiries about scholarship decision, was informed that the committee is still reviewing applications and a note would be made on my file. Also got into Georgetown, Florida, Penn State and waiting to receive Harvard Law School's decision.

I guess they're still reviewing applications. My application was completed in mid-January. All the best to everyone still waiting.

I have the same issue: haven't had notice of my International Tax LLM application.

I have the same issue: haven't had notice of my International Tax LLM application.


Who is planning to apply to NYU for LLM starting in 2020?

I know that only one academic recommendation letter is required, but I'm planning to obtain a profesional recommendation letter too. Any advice on this?

Thank you!!


Hi! I'm thinking about the LLM in CIIL! good luck on your application!

[quote]Who is planning to apply to NYU for LLM starting in 2020?

I know that only one academic recommendation letter is required, but I'm planning to obtain a profesional recommendation letter too. Any advice on this?

Thank you!!


Hi! I'm thinking about the LLM in CIIL! good luck on your application!

Has anyone received any scholarship offer so far?

Has anyone received any scholarship offer so far?

For people who have yet to hear back- on your status page- what do you see? Mine only shows what program I applied to, nothing about the actual status of my application.

For people who have yet to hear back- on your status page- what do you see? Mine only shows what program I applied to, nothing about the actual status of my application.

I have the same issue: haven't had notice of my International Tax LLM application.

Same case here. Also, in my status, only appear the program tha I appkied to, with no informatinf about an actual status.

[quote]I have the same issue: haven't had notice of my International Tax LLM application.

Same case here. Also, in my status, only appear the program tha I appkied to, with no informatinf about an actual status.

Hi, does anyone know if the LLM Courses are integrated with the JD Courses at NYU?? If so, where can I find such info on the web page. Thanks!

Hi, does anyone know if the LLM Courses are integrated with the JD Courses at NYU?? If so, where can I find such info on the web page. Thanks!
Inactive User

Has anyone received any scholarship offer so far?

Nothing yet for me. But I hope we know soon.

[quote]Has anyone received any scholarship offer so far? [/quote]
Nothing yet for me. But I hope we know soon.

Has anyone received any scholarship offer so far?

Nothing yet for me. But I hope we know soon.

Nothing yet. But this is what they responded back: “ Rest assured the Committee is working to finalize decisions as soon as possible and will contact you immediately once a financial aid decision has been made. Historically, notifications have been sent in mid-March and April.”

[quote][quote]Has anyone received any scholarship offer so far? [/quote]
Nothing yet for me. But I hope we know soon. [/quote]

Nothing yet. But this is what they responded back: “ Rest assured the Committee is working to finalize decisions as soon as possible and will contact you immediately once a financial aid decision has been made. Historically, notifications have been sent in mid-March and April.”

If I were a betting person I would think we’ll hear on Hauser (or at least the successful applicants will) today or tomorrow.

If I were a betting person I would think we’ll hear on Hauser (or at least the successful applicants will) today or tomorrow.

Has anyone received any scholarship offer so far?

Haven’t even heard about my application yet ????...this is sad

[Edited by BroncoStarshaker on Mar 12, 2020]

[quote]Has anyone received any scholarship offer so far? [/quote]

Haven’t even heard about my application yet ????...this is sad

If I were a betting person I would think we’ll hear on Hauser (or at least the successful applicants will) today or tomorrow.

Any news regarding scholarships?

[quote]If I were a betting person I would think we’ll hear on Hauser (or at least the successful applicants will) today or tomorrow.[/quote]

Any news regarding scholarships?

Still nothing! Anyone else?

Still nothing! Anyone else?

Nothing here

Nothing here
Inactive User

If I were a betting person I would think we’ll hear on Hauser (or at least the successful applicants will) today or tomorrow.

Any news regarding scholarships?

Nothing from my side.

[quote][quote]If I were a betting person I would think we’ll hear on Hauser (or at least the successful applicants will) today or tomorrow.[/quote]

Any news regarding scholarships?[/quote]
Nothing from my side.

Anything on the Hauser?

Anything on the Hauser?

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