LLM Acceptance letters (ter)


Hi Pizzicatofunf,

Congratulations on your admission to NYU!
Which LLM program did you apply? Do you live in NYC or NYS? I applied to NYU's general study LLM; I live in NYS but very far from NYC. I hope I will hear from them very soon...

Hi Pizzicatofunf,

Congratulations on your admission to NYU!
Which LLM program did you apply? Do you live in NYC or NYS? I applied to NYU's general study LLM; I live in NYS but very far from NYC. I hope I will hear from them very soon...

to peggy

I live in Taiwan, which recently gained international focus because of China's "Anti-secession Law".

I've applied to HLS, Stanford, CLS, NYU, Chicago, NW and Berkeley, focusing the media laws, copyright laws, and entertainment laws.

Actually, Berkeley is my first choice because Peter S. Menell is there. However, I havn't got any news from them.

Good luck to your application to NYU!

to peggy

I live in Taiwan, which recently gained international focus because of China's "Anti-secession Law".

I've applied to HLS, Stanford, CLS, NYU, Chicago, NW and Berkeley, focusing the media laws, copyright laws, and entertainment laws.

Actually, Berkeley is my first choice because Peter S. Menell is there. However, I havn't got any news from them.

Good luck to your application to NYU!


To gcvc:

harvard has the brand name, but the top 5 unis are great! In NY there is a job fair in january, and those invited are yale, HLS, SLS, columbia and chicago...that should tell u something!!!

I have a friend from Chicago 04-05 LLM, and he is the only foreigner LLM student to get offered an associate possition in Simpsom...they havent taken anyone from HSL!. So dont worry about teh brand name, and focus on what u would like to do, the teachers, the enviroment, the courses you can take.

My firend has told me that chicago is great fun, and that the size of the programme (50 people) creates a very nice enviroment, where all the LLMs get v. close to each other... Another guy from his promo, rejected HLS on the basis that the class size was too big (some complusory clases are shared with JDs, and they can be of up to 200 studenst) whislt in Chicago, the bigger class has 25 people max.

Anyway, all your options are great, so u will do well no matter what!

To gcvc:

harvard has the brand name, but the top 5 unis are great! In NY there is a job fair in january, and those invited are yale, HLS, SLS, columbia and chicago...that should tell u something!!!

I have a friend from Chicago 04-05 LLM, and he is the only foreigner LLM student to get offered an associate possition in Simpsom...they havent taken anyone from HSL!. So dont worry about teh brand name, and focus on what u would like to do, the teachers, the enviroment, the courses you can take.

My firend has told me that chicago is great fun, and that the size of the programme (50 people) creates a very nice enviroment, where all the LLMs get v. close to each other... Another guy from his promo, rejected HLS on the basis that the class size was too big (some complusory clases are shared with JDs, and they can be of up to 200 studenst) whislt in Chicago, the bigger class has 25 people max.

Anyway, all your options are great, so u will do well no matter what!

How did you receive you NYU admission? Fedex, UPS or normal postage?

How did you receive you NYU admission? Fedex, UPS or normal postage?

Hi Everyone,

I just called Harvard and they informed me that I was not accepted. (Which wasn't really a surprise after reading the posts here saying that the acceptance emails were sent last Friday.)

I have been admitted to Berkeley and Georgetown but I am struggling with my decision of which of the two I should attend. Any opinions/advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

Goodluck to all and congratulations to those who have been accepted at the school of their choice!

Hi Everyone,

I just called Harvard and they informed me that I was not accepted. (Which wasn't really a surprise after reading the posts here saying that the acceptance emails were sent last Friday.)

I have been admitted to Berkeley and Georgetown but I am struggling with my decision of which of the two I should attend. Any opinions/advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

Goodluck to all and congratulations to those who have been accepted at the school of their choice!

Hi Pizzicatofunf,

I just received NYU's admission package!!!
You are from Taiwan? I am from Taiwan, too!!! What a surprise! Are you in US now? You seem to receive the admission letter a lot earlier than other international applicants.

My foucs of study was public international law (mainly international trade/WTO issues), but I plan to shift my focus to banking and securities issues.

I hope you will get admission to Berkeley. btw, I just visited Berkeley (law school and campus) last week.
Good luck!

Hi Pizzicatofunf,

I just received NYU's admission package!!!
You are from Taiwan? I am from Taiwan, too!!! What a surprise! Are you in US now? You seem to receive the admission letter a lot earlier than other international applicants.

My foucs of study was public international law (mainly international trade/WTO issues), but I plan to shift my focus to banking and securities issues.

I hope you will get admission to Berkeley. btw, I just visited Berkeley (law school and campus) last week.
Good luck!

Well folks, the long and agonizing wait is finally over; I've been accepted to Columbia. =))))))))))

Well folks, the long and agonizing wait is finally over; I've been accepted to Columbia. =))))))))))



Dear Sage,
Congratulations for your admission!!
Could you please inform me if you received the admission by e-mail from Columbia?

Thank you

Dear Sage,
Congratulations for your admission!!
Could you please inform me if you received the admission by e-mail from Columbia?

Thank you

Marcia, I received it via e-mail. The message simply states that I have been accepted and would be receiving formal acceptance by post.

Marcia, I received it via e-mail. The message simply states that I have been accepted and would be receiving formal acceptance by post.

Congratulations Sage!

Although you were always self-confident and never doubted you admission it is still wonderful news. I hope that everything goes just the way you planned it.

Good luck!!!

Congratulations Sage!

Although you were always self-confident and never doubted you admission it is still wonderful news. I hope that everything goes just the way you planned it.

Good luck!!!


In at Columbia too.
(and out from HLS).


In at Columbia too.
(and out from HLS).


FYI : just received UPS admission offer from NYU this morning (Belgian time), without any previous email.


FYI : just received UPS admission offer from NYU this morning (Belgian time), without any previous email.

What is it going to be ?
Columbia or NYU ?

What is it going to be ?
Columbia or NYU ?

Ray: Congratulations on your CLS admission. You may feel very relieved now after having been waiting since our first post in another board last year (if u still remember).

Ray: Congratulations on your CLS admission. You may feel very relieved now after having been waiting since our first post in another board last year (if u still remember).

Hi Chris,

Of course I remember... and of course I am releived.
So you're sure to go to Harvard ! Congratulations.
I'm still wainting for SLS... but since Columbia accepted me, I am sure to go to the States next year.
It was very nice sharing my stress on this board...
I wish you a wonderful LLM

Hi Chris,

Of course I remember... and of course I am releived.
So you're sure to go to Harvard ! Congratulations.
I'm still wainting for SLS... but since Columbia accepted me, I am sure to go to the States next year.
It was very nice sharing my stress on this board...
I wish you a wonderful LLM

Congrats! So we're not gonna meet you at Cornell in this fall.
Well a couple of years ago there was one Thai guy who pursued his llm at my university: Kyushu. He graduated from Thammasat. Did you graduate there? You said you and your friend have been admitted to HLS. So there will be at least 2 Thais admitted this year. Great news. Are you and your friend working at international law firm?

Congrats! So we're not gonna meet you at Cornell in this fall.
Well a couple of years ago there was one Thai guy who pursued his llm at my university: Kyushu. He graduated from Thammasat. Did you graduate there? You said you and your friend have been admitted to HLS. So there will be at least 2 Thais admitted this year. Great news. Are you and your friend working at international law firm?

Those of you accepted at Columbia, when is the deadline to make the deposit?

Thank you in advance for the response!

Those of you accepted at Columbia, when is the deadline to make the deposit?

Thank you in advance for the response!

I don't know when the acceptance deadline is for Columbia. I have only received an e-mail. Who out there is definitely going to Columbia?

I don't know when the acceptance deadline is for Columbia. I have only received an e-mail. Who out there is definitely going to Columbia?

Hi! Congrats to everyone who has been admitted to the law school of their choice. I am almost definitely going to Columbia, unless I receive admission and a substantially better offer in terms of financial aid from NYU (haven´t heard from them yet). Rejected at Harvard! Oh well.... :)
I had a deadline in Columbia March 15 and I got an extension but they didn´t give me a definite deadline, they will let me know when they can´t wait any longer.
Keep posting!

Hi! Congrats to everyone who has been admitted to the law school of their choice. I am almost definitely going to Columbia, unless I receive admission and a substantially better offer in terms of financial aid from NYU (haven´t heard from them yet). Rejected at Harvard! Oh well.... :)
I had a deadline in Columbia March 15 and I got an extension but they didn´t give me a definite deadline, they will let me know when they can´t wait any longer.
Keep posting!

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