LLM Acceptance letters (ter)


The two previous post have become too large (101 and 149).
I suggest to start a new one with always the same topic...
Where have you been accepted, when did you receive the letter, what is your deadline to answer,...
Thank you for sharing your info !

The two previous post have become too large (101 and 149).
I suggest to start a new one with always the same topic...
Where have you been accepted, when did you receive the letter, what is your deadline to answer,...
Thank you for sharing your info !


What a great idea once again. Thank you for making the new thread! As you see I have already moved to this one.

By the way, what is âterâ?


What a great idea once again. Thank you for making the new thread! As you see I have already moved to this one.

By the way, what is “ter”?

The word (also used as a prefix or suffix) bis, applied to some modem protocol standards, is Old Latin for "repeat" (akin to Old High German "twice"). When a protocol ends with "bis," it means that it's the second version of that protocol.
Similarly, ter is from Old Latin meaning "three times." The suffix terbo in the V.xx modem protocol is an invented word based on the Old Latin ter and the word turbo (Latin for "whirling top" or "whirlwind") meaning "speed." V.32terbo is the third version developed of the V.32 modem protocol..

The word (also used as a prefix or suffix) bis, applied to some modem protocol standards, is Old Latin for "repeat" (akin to Old High German "twice"). When a protocol ends with "bis," it means that it's the second version of that protocol.
Similarly, ter is from Old Latin meaning "three times." The suffix terbo in the V.xx modem protocol is an invented word based on the Old Latin ter and the word turbo (Latin for "whirling top" or "whirlwind") meaning "speed." V.32terbo is the third version developed of the V.32 modem protocol..


It means three (it comes after bis). Don't you have that in your legal articles in Russia ?

Back to our business... I would like to inform people applying at Stanford that there are some country corresondants.
I will talk to the Belgian one today. It could be useful if your are not sure whether or not to go to Stanford.


It means three (it comes after bis). Don't you have that in your legal articles in Russia ?

Back to our business... I would like to inform people applying at Stanford that there are some country corresondants.
I will talk to the Belgian one today. It could be useful if your are not sure whether or not to go to Stanford.


OUps, I forgot the link : http://www.law.stanford.edu/alumni/societies/regional_reps.html

OUps, I forgot the link : http://www.law.stanford.edu/alumni/societies/regional_reps.html

Hi Rey,
Did you day you work in Belgium? I would like to work there one day myself. Which are the areas of law for which you are working? Are you at a big firm? How long have you been working after your LL.B. Did you get your job immediately? I am very sorry to bomb you with so many questions, but I would really like to know... also the chances of a greek person, with an LL.B from UK getting a good job as a lawyer in Belgium.
Thank you in advance.

Hi Rey,
Did you day you work in Belgium? I would like to work there one day myself. Which are the areas of law for which you are working? Are you at a big firm? How long have you been working after your LL.B. Did you get your job immediately? I am very sorry to bomb you with so many questions, but I would really like to know... also the chances of a greek person, with an LL.B from UK getting a good job as a lawyer in Belgium.
Thank you in advance.

Hi Rey,
Did you say you work in Belgium? I would like to work there one day myself. Which are the areas of law for which you are working? Are you at a big firm? How long have you been working after your LL.B. Did you get your job immediately? I am very sorry to bomb you with so many questions, but I would really like to know... also the chances of a greek person, with an LL.B from UK getting a good job as a lawyer in Belgium.
Thank you in advance.

Hi Rey,
Did you say you work in Belgium? I would like to work there one day myself. Which are the areas of law for which you are working? Are you at a big firm? How long have you been working after your LL.B. Did you get your job immediately? I am very sorry to bomb you with so many questions, but I would really like to know... also the chances of a greek person, with an LL.B from UK getting a good job as a lawyer in Belgium.
Thank you in advance.

Nice link Rey about Stanford. Thanks.

Nice link Rey about Stanford. Thanks.

@ Iclmar

Hi, I do not work as an attorney (no law firm). I work as a legal counsel for a University (in the field of IP law).
I think that it should not be a huge problem to find a position in Brussels as there are many lawyers from abroad working there. Obviously you will not practice Belgian law but european or international law. Good luck !

@ Iclmar

Hi, I do not work as an attorney (no law firm). I work as a legal counsel for a University (in the field of IP law).
I think that it should not be a huge problem to find a position in Brussels as there are many lawyers from abroad working there. Obviously you will not practice Belgian law but european or international law. Good luck !

Thanks Rey,
Yes, international law is my main interest. Thanks for the info - hope you get your top choice in the LLM programs.

Thanks Rey,
Yes, international law is my main interest. Thanks for the info - hope you get your top choice in the LLM programs.

Received LLM Acceptance letter from Berkeley yesterday. Have two weeks (until April 5) to accept or reject.

Received LLM Acceptance letter from Berkeley yesterday. Have two weeks (until April 5) to accept or reject.

Just received an e-mail from Cornell saying they sent me an offer of admission on 18 February, which I still have not received!

Just received an e-mail from Cornell saying they sent me an offer of admission on 18 February, which I still have not received!

Does any of you received any news from Duke?. I still have not receive any letter from them. Do you know if they are accepting on a rolling basis?

Does any of you received any news from Duke?. I still have not receive any letter from them. Do you know if they are accepting on a rolling basis?

I received e-mail from Duke on March 2nd. I have obtained an admisstion.

I received e-mail from Duke on March 2nd. I have obtained an admisstion.


I have not recieved anything from Duke as well. I am thinking of calling them or writing an e-mail.


I have not recieved anything from Duke as well. I am thinking of calling them or writing an e-mail.

I received an e-mail from duke saying that their acceptance to my application on February 22 and my friends received their admission on March 2. So, I believe that they review applications on rolling basis.

I received an e-mail from duke saying that their acceptance to my application on February 22 and my friends received their admission on March 2. So, I believe that they review applications on rolling basis.

I received an e-mail about application receipt on February 11.

I received an e-mail about application receipt on February 11.

I've got an e-mail from Columbia (in reply to my e-mail) saying they have not yet reached a decision on my file... And some of you have got their letters of acceptance last week..;

I've got an e-mail from Columbia (in reply to my e-mail) saying they have not yet reached a decision on my file... And some of you have got their letters of acceptance last week..;

Do we finaly know if Douche_bag and Tokyo men were already accepted at HLS? Or it was a joke...

Do we finaly know if Douche_bag and Tokyo men were already accepted at HLS? Or it was a joke...

We have not heard anything from them. But it is not so important.

The question that bothers me is whether anybody else has received anything from HLS and how many people got at least some sort of an answer. I still can't figure out if HLS has sent all of the decisions already or not.

We have not heard anything from them. But it is not so important.

The question that bothers me is whether anybody else has received anything from HLS and how many people got at least some sort of an answer. I still can't figure out if HLS has sent all of the decisions already or not.

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