LLM Acceptance letters (ter)

Hi All,

Just found this web site. I am doing my postgraduate course in the UK now and think of applying to the US this year.

Could you please let me know whether and how many students from Poland are on the list of those accepted to HLS this year? Thanks a lot.

Hi All,

Just found this web site. I am doing my postgraduate course in the UK now and think of applying to the US this year.

Could you please let me know whether and how many students from Poland are on the list of those accepted to HLS this year? Thanks a lot.


Ok, I also wnat to know: how many Ukrainians are accepted to Harvard this year? (interesting question as I am waitlisted and it also depends on my region whether I finally get an offer)

Ok, I also wnat to know: how many Ukrainians are accepted to Harvard this year? (interesting question as I am waitlisted and it also depends on my region whether I finally get an offer)

Just one Ukranian girl.

Just one Ukranian girl.

2 people from Poland.

2 people from Poland.

Matreshka, thanks :))
And there are a lot of people from Eastern Europe in general?

Matreshka, thanks :))
And there are a lot of people from Eastern Europe in general?
Inactive User


There are 14 Japanese on the HLS admitted list.
I am one of them, and as I had counted the number already, I thought it would be better that I answer the question in place of Matreshka...

Matreshka, do you think it will ever be possible for 14 Russian students to be on the HLS admitted list (sighing)?


There are 14 Japanese on the HLS admitted list.
I am one of them, and as I had counted the number already, I thought it would be better that I answer the question in place of Matreshka...</blockquote>

Matreshka, do you think it will ever be possible for 14 Russian students to be on the HLS admitted list (sighing)?

Zelda, Matreshka:

Yes, thanks to pioneers like you who already go to HLS and will improve the legal education in Russia for future generations. Remain always positive ;)

Zelda, Matreshka:

Yes, thanks to pioneers like you who already go to HLS and will improve the legal education in Russia for future generations. Remain always positive ;)
Inactive User


Little correction: I didn't apply to Harvard this year, I am going to Oxford, but thanks anyway :)))


Little correction: I didn't apply to Harvard this year, I am going to Oxford, but thanks anyway :)))

Not really: 2 - Russians, 1 - Ukrainian, 2 - Polish, 1 person from Kosovo, 1 - Slovenian, 1 Romanian and 2 people from the Czech Republic, if I got all the countries and numbers right.

Not really: 2 - Russians, 1 - Ukrainian, 2 - Polish, 1 person from Kosovo, 1 - Slovenian, 1 Romanian and 2 people from the Czech Republic, if I got all the countries and numbers right.

Matreshka, thanks a lot for having spent your time counting your future classmates :))

To Zelda: so, it's definitely Oxford? You're not considering other options?

Matreshka, thanks a lot for having spent your time counting your future classmates :))

To Zelda: so, it's definitely Oxford? You're not considering other options?

Zelda, as soon as Russia is accepted to WTO and its economy will be considered perspective and fast growing, I am sure that HLS will admit at least 70 Russian students. :))) Lets hope for the best.

Zelda, as soon as Russia is accepted to WTO and its economy will be considered perspective and fast growing, I am sure that HLS will admit at least 70 Russian students. :))) Let’s hope for the best.
Inactive User


It's 90% b/c of the scholarship.
And even if I get a scholarship from Cam, I already think Ox is better.

But maybe some day I'll get another degree, this time from the US...


It's 90% b/c of the scholarship.
And even if I get a scholarship from Cam, I already think Ox is better.

But maybe some day I'll get another degree, this time from the US...


Thanks a lot for the information. I sent you a message, just in case it does not reach you, could you please e-mail me at: oxford_days@yahoo.co.uk?



Thanks a lot for the information. I sent you a message, just in case it does not reach you, could you please e-mail me at: oxford_days@yahoo.co.uk?


i was wondering if any of you with access to "the list" can tell me how many latin american students got into HLS this year...

thanks in advance,


i was wondering if any of you with access to "the list" can tell me how many latin american students got into HLS this year...

thanks in advance,


Hello Walter
I applied to just 3 universities in the US (all in Boston) and I already got accepted at Boston University and Suffolk Law School. I am still waiting for HLS response. I am sure BU will let you know about your admissions pretty soon!

Hi Carmen, you should take a look at this thread. There are other more recent discussions about HLS acceptance letters as well.

<blockquote>Hello Walter
I applied to just 3 universities in the US (all in Boston) and I already got accepted at Boston University and Suffolk Law School. I am still waiting for HLS response. I am sure BU will let you know about your admissions pretty soon!</blockquote>

Hi Carmen, you should take a look at this thread. There are other more recent discussions about HLS acceptance letters as well.

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