LLM acceptance letters


Thanks bonobo for your advice but I have already decided that its Columbia or bust for me. I am still confident that I will be accepted (hopefully with some fin aid), but less so if I do not hear any news by next week.
Does that mean you and your friend received an acceptance letter from Columbia?

Thanks bonobo for your advice but I have already decided that its Columbia or bust for me. I am still confident that I will be accepted (hopefully with some fin aid), but less so if I do not hear any news by next week.
Does that mean you and your friend received an acceptance letter from Columbia?

Add me to the growing list of admitted Harvard students!

douche bag, what does your name mean?

Also do you have a girlfriend and is she also black?

Add me to the growing list of admitted Harvard students!

douche bag, what does your name mean?

Also do you have a girlfriend and is she also black?

SCHORSCH: From your post, it seems as though you already got admitted to Penn. If so, could u please let us know when u got such admission? and how (email or mail)?

douche_bag: Congratulations!!! Both Harvard and Yale huh? You are so cool!!! Good luck for your stanford application.

SCHORSCH: From your post, it seems as though you already got admitted to Penn. If so, could u please let us know when u got such admission? and how (email or mail)?

douche_bag: Congratulations!!! Both Harvard and Yale huh? You are so cool!!! Good luck for your stanford application.

I received an e-mail from UPenn about a week ago. I think that they have just started sending out their admissions, so don't worry about it, if you haven't gotten anything. Good luck!
Any help with my choice between them and Duke anybody?

I received an e-mail from UPenn about a week ago. I think that they have just started sending out their admissions, so don't worry about it, if you haven't gotten anything. Good luck!
Any help with my choice between them and Duke anybody?

In my opinion, you are better off going to the University of Pennsylvania. The school is essentially a feeder school for New-York law firms. Its graduates generally practice in New-York (and within the Northeast corridor), whereas Duke graduates are more dispersed across the US. This means that you will have many more opportunities to hook up with Penn alumni in NY, where I assume you will be practicing yourself since LL.M. students can take the NY bar exam.

I also believe that Penn has a much stronger faculty than Duke in every category, except IP where Duke has a definite edge. Keep in mind that Duke also has a *gorgeous* campus.

Good luck with your choice! Both are top notch schools and it could come down to a matter of taste.

In my opinion, you are better off going to the University of Pennsylvania. The school is essentially a feeder school for New-York law firms. Its graduates generally practice in New-York (and within the Northeast corridor), whereas Duke graduates are more dispersed across the US. This means that you will have many more opportunities to hook up with Penn alumni in NY, where I assume you will be practicing yourself since LL.M. students can take the NY bar exam.

I also believe that Penn has a much stronger faculty than Duke in every category, except IP where Duke has a definite edge. Keep in mind that Duke also has a *gorgeous* campus.

Good luck with your choice! Both are top notch schools and it could come down to a matter of taste.

After a hot news that HLS releases its LLM acceptance, many members seem to be disappeared!

After a hot news that HLS releases its LLM acceptance, many members seem to be disappeared!

what do U mean ?

what do U mean ?

hi guys!!
any news from universities??? here in Argentina...no news at all!

hi guys!!
any news from universities??? here in Argentina...no news at all!

no news in Fance also, It doesn't look so good...

no news in Fance also, It doesn't look so good...

Hi All:

I have just found out about this site. It seems pretty cool, but tends to make everybody a bit more nervous.

I would like to congratulate the people who got accepted where the wanted!

So far I have received offers of admission from UVa, Chicago and UPenn. I am still waiting to hear from NYU, Columbia and HLS (these three are actually my first choice ones).

Do you think that there is still a chance to get offers from these schools or all of the offers have already been made. As far as I understand the offers from NYU and HLS should be made about March the latest. But I donât understand the situation with the term in Columbia.

R you all sure about the alphabetical order of the application review or what other systems could they use?

Hi All:

I have just found out about this site. It seems pretty cool, but tends to make everybody a bit more nervous.

I would like to congratulate the people who got accepted where the wanted!

So far I have received offers of admission from UVa, Chicago and UPenn. I am still waiting to hear from NYU, Columbia and HLS (these three are actually my first choice ones).

Do you think that there is still a chance to get offers from these schools or all of the offers have already been made. As far as I understand the offers from NYU and HLS should be made about March the latest. But I don’t understand the situation with the term in Columbia.

R you all sure about the alphabetical order of the application review or what other systems could they use?

no news in China except rejection.
upenn yale and HLS didn't gave any offers yet

no news in China except rejection.
upenn yale and HLS didn't gave any offers yet

Hi all,
It was great to find a place to talk about LL.M without somebody who is part interested in taken your money!!
I am from Spain, I just got my law degree one year ago, after that I went to USA to catch up with my english, so I do not have work experience yet. Eventhough, I got a good Toefl score and I have decided to try to do a LL.M un Usa. My grades are really bad, so I do not know this is worthwhile at all. I am interested in Maritime Law, so I applyed to Tulane and I have been admitted. Good news!, but 30000 dollars, and then one is fearful of not being able to get a job after all. Like there is not much about Maritime in Usa, I aldo tryed with Arizona U, Rogers College, I heard some of you talking about it (trade), and Louisiana St Un, and Temple. I have been rejected in Southampton (UK) , and from the others I do not know yet. Well this is my story, Glad to know about yours, Congratulations for everyone who has been admitted (huge names: harvard....) and If someone wants to share something about their experience, it will be a pleasure.

Hi all,
It was great to find a place to talk about LL.M without somebody who is part interested in taken your money!!
I am from Spain, I just got my law degree one year ago, after that I went to USA to catch up with my english, so I do not have work experience yet. Eventhough, I got a good Toefl score and I have decided to try to do a LL.M un Usa. My grades are really bad, so I do not know this is worthwhile at all. I am interested in Maritime Law, so I applyed to Tulane and I have been admitted. Good news!, but 30000 dollars, and then one is fearful of not being able to get a job after all. Like there is not much about Maritime in Usa, I aldo tryed with Arizona U, Rogers College, I heard some of you talking about it (trade), and Louisiana St Un, and Temple. I have been rejected in Southampton (UK) , and from the others I do not know yet. Well this is my story, Glad to know about yours, Congratulations for everyone who has been admitted (huge names: harvard....) and If someone wants to share something about their experience, it will be a pleasure.

I am truely amazed to see these ppl with incredible profile on this discussion board. It excites me just to think that I probably will have a chance to study in the same classroom with these wonderful ppl...
I was informed by Columbia by email last week that I was admitted, but no more details. a formal letter is on its way. I also applied for NYU, HLS, Upenn, Cornell and Duke. No rejection, yet no admission as well. I sent out application at the end of Nov.
Gook luck to those who haven't heard anything.

I am truely amazed to see these ppl with incredible profile on this discussion board. It excites me just to think that I probably will have a chance to study in the same classroom with these wonderful ppl...
I was informed by Columbia by email last week that I was admitted, but no more details. a formal letter is on its way. I also applied for NYU, HLS, Upenn, Cornell and Duke. No rejection, yet no admission as well. I sent out application at the end of Nov.
Gook luck to those who haven't heard anything.

hi! everybody...I am also international student . I have a question. Right now i'm still get stuck on the toefl test, can you guys introduce me ?!! I already sent application ,but waiting for my best score.

hi! everybody...I am also international student . I have a question. Right now i'm still get stuck on the toefl test, can you guys introduce me ?!! I already sent application ,but waiting for my best score.

Yo Maggie! I was shocked by your "gook" comment! Why donât you like people from Vietnam? Although you may believe that your race is inherently superior to others, and/or that individuals should be treated differently according to their racial designation, I personally find that offensive.

Can't we all just get along?

Yo Maggie! I was shocked by your "gook" comment! Why don’t you like people from Vietnam? Although you may believe that your race is inherently superior to others, and/or that individuals should be treated differently according to their racial designation, I personally find that offensive.

Can't we all just get along?

Mixmaster: Not so funny.

Mixmaster: Not so funny.

mixmaster: what are you talking about??? there was nothing racial in my comments. maybe you are too sensative. but if there is anything I said made you upset, I didn't mean it. this is a board we share information, worries and joys.

mixmaster: what are you talking about??? there was nothing racial in my comments. maybe you are too sensative. but if there is anything I said made you upset, I didn't mean it. this is a board we share information, worries and joys.

can douche_bag and Tokyo men tell us which countries there are from ?

can douche_bag and Tokyo men tell us which countries there are from ?

Hi Everyone,

I received an e-mail from Harvard on friday saying that I'd been accepted and that details will folow. Haven't heard from NYU, Michigan, and Columbia, which are the other three schools to which I've applied. I wonder what's happening there.


Hi Everyone,

I received an e-mail from Harvard on friday saying that I'd been accepted and that details will folow. Haven't heard from NYU, Michigan, and Columbia, which are the other three schools to which I've applied. I wonder what's happening there.


Hi Ashim!

Many a congratulations. I am a law student studying in 4th year at Delhi. I hope to apply to HLS and other Schools for the 2006-07 session. Could you give me a few tips that might help me in gaining an admission. My e-mail is anurag_14@hotmail.com.Thanks.Cheers!

Hi Ashim!

Many a congratulations. I am a law student studying in 4th year at Delhi. I hope to apply to HLS and other Schools for the 2006-07 session. Could you give me a few tips that might help me in gaining an admission. My e-mail is anurag_14@hotmail.com.Thanks.Cheers!

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