Hello, I am a law student in a second year and I am interested to continue my LL.M. degree in the states. My grade is decent around B and B+. Since I am still doing my second year, I don't know exactly How my GPA will end up. I guess around B+. I am interested in traditional LL.M in business law and a traditional one.
I would like to know how is my chances into these listed schools. I plan to intern with a law firm in my country. I don't have any work experiences except for an internship.
Here are my school lists:
UCLA, UC Berkley, Harvard, GULC, NYU, Fordham, U Penn, and NorthwesternU
Also, my future plan is to work in NY firms or any American firms. I am also interested in working at firms in CA.
I do hope some financial aid. Please do advise me. Thank you, everyone.
[Edited by p on Mar 19, 2019]