Living costs at top schools


I would like to know if you guys, have a good idea of how much it is gonna be to live in one of the below cities as a student:

New York

Feel free to add more cities in this topic!

tks in advance!

I would like to know if you guys, have a good idea of how much it is gonna be to live in one of the below cities as a student:

New York

Feel free to add more cities in this topic!

tks in advance!

Hi Gab2009,

I haven't lived in NY yet, but the NYU pamphlet estimates the 08-09 cost to be $20,579. From my experience with undergrad and JD (in other states), this is probably an underestimation, and, certainly, it all depends on the lifestyle you're expecting. I'd be happy to hear a realistic figure from actual newyorkers.

Hi Gab2009,

I haven't lived in NY yet, but the NYU pamphlet estimates the 08-09 cost to be $20,579. From my experience with undergrad and JD (in other states), this is probably an underestimation, and, certainly, it all depends on the lifestyle you're expecting. I'd be happy to hear a realistic figure from actual newyorkers.

Yes, I have check all school's sites and found there the living costs, but I am not sure if it is accurate. I have been living in NYC for almost 2 years know (My husband is just finishing his MBA at Columbia), and we spent more money than what was stated in Columbia's site, so I am a little be worried about it!. But anyway the amount of money we had spent is not a good base for comparison, not even for me, since he is sponsored so we do not have really care about the money untill now, but as I will not be sponsored, time to start caring about it! That is for sure that law schools know how to make some money, lol!
tks for your replay.

Yes, I have check all school's sites and found there the living costs, but I am not sure if it is accurate. I have been living in NYC for almost 2 years know (My husband is just finishing his MBA at Columbia), and we spent more money than what was stated in Columbia's site, so I am a little be worried about it!. But anyway the amount of money we had spent is not a good base for comparison, not even for me, since he is sponsored so we do not have really care about the money untill now, but as I will not be sponsored, time to start caring about it! That is for sure that law schools know how to make some money, lol!
tks for your replay.

Yes, I have check all school's sites and found there the living costs, but I am not sure if it is accurate. I have been living in NYC for almost 2 years know (My husband is just finishing his MBA at Columbia), and we spent more money than what was stated in Columbia's site, so I am a little be worried about it!. But anyway the amount of money we had spent is not a good base for comparison, not even for me, since he is sponsored so we do not have really care about the money untill now, but as I will not be sponsored, time to start caring about it! That is for sure that law schools know how to make some money, lol!
tks for your replay.

No problem; so you're actually in NY? I may be moving there in the fall for my Tax LLM - what's the housing situation like, in your opinion? Is it possible to get a decent place for a couple for under 1500-1600/mo ?

<blockquote>Yes, I have check all school's sites and found there the living costs, but I am not sure if it is accurate. I have been living in NYC for almost 2 years know (My husband is just finishing his MBA at Columbia), and we spent more money than what was stated in Columbia's site, so I am a little be worried about it!. But anyway the amount of money we had spent is not a good base for comparison, not even for me, since he is sponsored so we do not have really care about the money untill now, but as I will not be sponsored, time to start caring about it! That is for sure that law schools know how to make some money, lol!
tks for your replay.</blockquote>

No problem; so you're actually in NY? I may be moving there in the fall for my Tax LLM - what's the housing situation like, in your opinion? Is it possible to get a decent place for a couple for under 1500-1600/mo ?

in NYC for example there are international houses... a friend of mine who did an internship in NYC lived in one of those for a couple of months for 200 bucks a week, breakfast included. It was like a dorm for girls/women in Manhatten near Madison Square Garden. So thats about what I know about affordable rent in NYC

in NYC for example there are international houses... a friend of mine who did an internship in NYC lived in one of those for a couple of months for 200 bucks a week, breakfast included. It was like a dorm for girls/women in Manhatten near Madison Square Garden. So thats about what I know about affordable rent in NYC

At NYC, according to some mates that actually live there, you should calculate approx. US$5,000 per month for decent living (one bedroom apartment in Upper West Side, no car, utilities, food, etc.). With the same money you live better in Chicago (downtown, with a car, for example). It really depends on the lifestyle you want. Official budgets predict frugal student life, and usually fit better to entering J.D.s.

At NYC, according to some mates that actually live there, you should calculate approx. US$5,000 per month for decent living (one bedroom apartment in Upper West Side, no car, utilities, food, etc.). With the same money you live better in Chicago (downtown, with a car, for example). It really depends on the lifestyle you want. Official budgets predict frugal student life, and usually fit better to entering J.D.s.

Hi Grugani, sorry, but I don't agree with you ($5,000 per month). I have friends both at NYU and Columbia and they don't spend more than 3,500 and they live in places near or at the campus.

I think that there is not a huge difference between Chicago and New York (ok, NYC is more expensive, but the difference is not that big). In Virginia and North Carolina the cost is lower, and you could live very well with the same amount money that in NYC would allowed you to live not so good.

I believe that you should add, at least, 20% to the amount stated by the respective law school (it doesnt matter which), and that is for living very modestly (share an small apartment far from the campus with more people or live in a dorm).

I think that you could live decently (without any luxury and cuting many expenses like cable tv) with 3,200 at NYC, 2,800 at Chicago/Penn, 2,200 at Berkley and Stanford and maybe 2,000 at Duke or Virginia.

Hi Grugani, sorry, but I don't agree with you ($5,000 per month). I have friends both at NYU and Columbia and they don't spend more than 3,500 and they live in places near or at the campus.

I think that there is not a huge difference between Chicago and New York (ok, NYC is more expensive, but the difference is not that big). In Virginia and North Carolina the cost is lower, and you could live very well with the same amount money that in NYC would allowed you to live not so good.

I believe that you should add, at least, 20% to the amount stated by the respective law school (it doesn’t matter which), and that is for living very modestly (share an small apartment far from the campus with more people or live in a dorm).

I think that you could live decently (without any luxury and cuting many expenses like cable tv) with 3,200 at NYC, 2,800 at Chicago/Penn, 2,200 at Berkley and Stanford and maybe 2,000 at Duke or Virginia.

I honestly hope you are 100% right! :) I'm going through that too and, in this case, the lesser the better!

I'm just sharing what I've heard from my fellows... I forgot to mention that those costs are for couples (and so, there are other costs included, such as english classes and other activities for the partner).

I honestly hope you are 100% right! :) I'm going through that too and, in this case, the lesser the better!

I'm just sharing what I've heard from my fellows... I forgot to mention that those costs are for couples (and so, there are other costs included, such as english classes and other activities for the partner).

Yes, thats true grugiani. If you go single, you save some money. In couple you have to rent a better apartment (maybe not in the same building where freshman live), and for sure your spouse will like to take a course about something (if he/she is not doing his/her LLM, MBA etc.).

If you go with your husband/wife 5,000 at NYC makes me sense. Unfortunately, at Chicago or Boston it will be only a little bit less (4,500) I think. We are making a huge investment and I believe we will not get back that investment, specially now, when is almost impossible to get a job in a NYC or LA law firm, but, at least in my case, is more like a personal satisfaction

Yes, that’s true grugiani. If you go single, you save some money. In couple you have to rent a better apartment (maybe not in the same building where freshman live), and for sure your spouse will like to take a course about something (if he/she is not doing his/her LLM, MBA etc.).

If you go with your husband/wife 5,000 at NYC makes me sense. Unfortunately, at Chicago or Boston it will be only a little bit less (4,500) I think. We are making a huge investment and I believe we will not get back that investment, specially now, when is almost impossible to get a job in a NYC or LA law firm, but, at least in my case, is more like a personal satisfaction

Living without cable tv????? Oh my God!!!!!! Should we go that far???

Living without cable tv????? Oh my God!!!!!! Should we go that far???

hello all!
Me and my husband are currently living at one of Columbia's housing. It is a great 1Bd apt. Do not need to share with anybody else but our little dog. The costs are pretty fair here. We pay 1.350 for the apt (3 blocks from Columbia- upper west side) plus 300-500 in utilities (gas, electricity, cable, ...).
But I know there is a huge diference between Columbia housing and NYU housing...Since there is a possibility of going to NYU, I would like to know the prices there and if the "studio" really works for 2. Otherwise, I won't be able to applie for a housing there (of course, in case I get in)

hello all!
Me and my husband are currently living at one of Columbia's housing. It is a great 1Bd apt. Do not need to share with anybody else but our little dog. The costs are pretty fair here. We pay 1.350 for the apt (3 blocks from Columbia- upper west side) plus 300-500 in utilities (gas, electricity, cable, ...).
But I know there is a huge diference between Columbia housing and NYU housing...Since there is a possibility of going to NYU, I would like to know the prices there and if the "studio" really works for 2. Otherwise, I won't be able to applie for a housing there (of course, in case I get in)

Thanks for the useful post about Columbia housing. I didn't know they accept dogs there, it is a condition precedent for my wife! :) Good to hear they do accept them. Except for housing costs, would you mind sharing the amount spent in other usual living expenses usually incurred in NYC? I am currently chosing among attending Chicago or Columbia and living costs will surely be important for my final decision.
Thanks in advance!

Thanks for the useful post about Columbia housing. I didn't know they accept dogs there, it is a condition precedent for my wife! :) Good to hear they do accept them. Except for housing costs, would you mind sharing the amount spent in other usual living expenses usually incurred in NYC? I am currently chosing among attending Chicago or Columbia and living costs will surely be important for my final decision.
Thanks in advance!

I have a friend who lived with his wife in NYC (2006-7) during their LL.M at Columbia and they spent together U$35,000 (which included a trip to Hawaii).

I believe that U$35,000/year for one person is fair.

I have a friend who lived with his wife in NYC (2006-7) during their LL.M at Columbia and they spent together U$35,000 (which included a trip to Hawaii).

I believe that U$35,000/year for one person is fair.

Thanks for the useful post about Columbia housing. I didn't know they accept dogs there, it is a condition precedent for my wife! :) Good to hear they do accept them. Except for housing costs, would you mind sharing the amount spent in other usual living expenses usually incurred in NYC? I am currently chosing among attending Chicago or Columbia and living costs will surely be important for my final decision.
Thanks in advance!

Hello Grugani,

it is not that they "accept" dogs there, it is more like some buldings' supervisors "tolerate" them. In fact, the Columbia contracts do not allows pets to live in their housings, but if you get luck, it might be ok.

I just get some infomation with new students. If you are married, you will pay something between 1400 (unfurnished housing) - 1700 (furnished housing). Not sure about single people, but I heard it is about 1000 -1100 to get a room in a 2 or 3 bd apto.
About living expenses, yes, for sure it is expensive! me and my husband live "ok" , pretty decent, we go to parties, restaurants, make some is 4.000 to 5.000 per month, what I think it is a lotttt of money! getting worried about it!
For sure you can spend more or less than this amount, it pretty much depends on your style of life, but I thing it is gonna be really dificult to spend less than 3 thousand something for a couple.
I do believe (just guessing) that Chicago and pennsylvania are far cheaper, but an insight from someone else would be great!

Thanks for the useful post about Columbia housing. I didn't know they accept dogs there, it is a condition precedent for my wife! :) Good to hear they do accept them. Except for housing costs, would you mind sharing the amount spent in other usual living expenses usually incurred in NYC? I am currently chosing among attending Chicago or Columbia and living costs will surely be important for my final decision.
Thanks in advance!

Hello Grugani,

it is not that they "accept" dogs there, it is more like some buldings' supervisors "tolerate" them. In fact, the Columbia contracts do not allows pets to live in their housings, but if you get luck, it might be ok.

I just get some infomation with new students. If you are married, you will pay something between 1400 (unfurnished housing) - 1700 (furnished housing). Not sure about single people, but I heard it is about 1000 -1100 to get a room in a 2 or 3 bd apto.
About living expenses, yes, for sure it is expensive! me and my husband live "ok" , pretty decent, we go to parties, restaurants, make some is 4.000 to 5.000 per month, what I think it is a lotttt of money! getting worried about it!
For sure you can spend more or less than this amount, it pretty much depends on your style of life, but I thing it is gonna be really dificult to spend less than 3 thousand something for a couple.
I do believe (just guessing) that Chicago and pennsylvania are far cheaper, but an insight from someone else would be great!


Hi Gab2009, I have more less the same doubt that grugiani (however, I am still waiting CLS and NYU notices), and from what I have heard and inquired, although Philadelphia and Chicago are less expensive than NYC, the diference is very small (specially with Chicago).

It seems that in every big city in US the life is getting more expensive.

By the way, is NYU housing more expensive than CLS? I have friends at both and they expend more less the same, but I think that the one that live near NYU live in a very very small apartment.


And it seems

Hi Gab2009, I have more less the same doubt that grugiani (however, I am still waiting CLS and NYU notices), and from what I have heard and inquired, although Philadelphia and Chicago are less expensive than NYC, the diference is very small (specially with Chicago).

It seems that in every big city in US the life is getting more expensive.

By the way, is NYU housing more expensive than CLS? I have friends at both and they expend more less the same, but I think that the one that live near NYU live in a very very small apartment.


And it seems


Thank you very much. I do not wish to live as a millionaire (that's something that, unfortunately, I am not...), but I want a certain comfort level (specially because of my wife, that will not attend any LLM programs). I guess what I wish is pretty much similar to what you said (parties, restaurants, etc).

Just an addtitional query: those US$4,000 - US$5,000 already include rent?

Based on what I've heard from people currently living in both cities, the difference between NY and Chicago is really material. With US$5,000/month in Chicago you can live in the best brand-new apartments downtown, maintain a car, travel during breaks, etc.



Thank you very much. I do not wish to live as a millionaire (that's something that, unfortunately, I am not...), but I want a certain comfort level (specially because of my wife, that will not attend any LLM programs). I guess what I wish is pretty much similar to what you said (parties, restaurants, etc).

Just an addtitional query: those US$4,000 - US$5,000 already include rent?

Based on what I've heard from people currently living in both cities, the difference between NY and Chicago is really material. With US$5,000/month in Chicago you can live in the best brand-new apartments downtown, maintain a car, travel during breaks, etc.


I don't know much about NYU housing, but what I do know is that they are very expensive for what they are. But people from there love to live in "campus" near NYU.

Anybody knows anything about the Upenn's housing?

I can say that Michigan and Virginia are both GREAT schools and the living costs are very reasonable!

I don't know much about NYU housing, but what I do know is that they are very expensive for what they are. But people from there love to live in "campus" near NYU.

Anybody knows anything about the Upenn's housing?

I can say that Michigan and Virginia are both GREAT schools and the living costs are very reasonable!

Thanks Gab20091

About UPenn, one friend told me that when she studied there, many students live in a building complex called Samson Place. He said that is near law school, and it cost $1,600 (that was two years ago, so now it must cost around $1,800). The apartments were very modest, so, if you are looking for something better inside campus, you will have to spend around $2,500.
Hopes it help!

Thanks Gab20091

About UPenn, one friend told me that when she studied there, many students live in a building complex called “Samson Place”. He said that is near law school, and it cost $1,600 (that was two years ago, so now it must cost around $1,800). The apartments were very modest, so, if you are looking for something better inside campus, you will have to spend around $2,500.
Hopes it help!

Something that a lot of you know but I'm going to say it anyways:

Money does not buy happiness; but... it does make life easier...

Something that a lot of you know but I'm going to say it anyways:

Money does not buy happiness; but... it does make life easier...


Thank you very much. I do not wish to live as a millionaire (that's something that, unfortunately, I am not...), but I want a certain comfort level (specially because of my wife, that will not attend any LLM programs). I guess what I wish is pretty much similar to what you said (parties, restaurants, etc).

Just an addtitional query: those US$4,000 - US$5,000 already include rent?

Based on what I've heard from people currently living in both cities, the difference between NY and Chicago is really material. With US$5,000/month in Chicago you can live in the best brand-new apartments downtown, maintain a car, travel during breaks, etc.


Hello Grugani!
Yes, it includes the rent - housing - ( a 100 years old buiding, nothing like the best apartments downtown! lol).


Thank you very much. I do not wish to live as a millionaire (that's something that, unfortunately, I am not...), but I want a certain comfort level (specially because of my wife, that will not attend any LLM programs). I guess what I wish is pretty much similar to what you said (parties, restaurants, etc).

Just an addtitional query: those US$4,000 - US$5,000 already include rent?

Based on what I've heard from people currently living in both cities, the difference between NY and Chicago is really material. With US$5,000/month in Chicago you can live in the best brand-new apartments downtown, maintain a car, travel during breaks, etc.


Hello Grugani!
Yes, it includes the rent - housing - ( a 100 years old buiding, nothing like the best apartments downtown! lol).

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