
I was wondering if anyone could give suggestions on the current job market for the legal counsel/ in-house lawyer position or career prospects for the law sector in the US in general.  

I am having a bachelor degree from a reputable university in SE Asia and a master degree from one of the universities in the UK. in addition to it, I also have 6 years experience in financial, insurance, energy business and public international law. My personal interest is to try to have a working experience in the US. I don't have any immigration/ visa problems for working in the US.

Initially, the type of legal job that I am looking for is like legal counsel/ in-house lawyer position, but notice that I don't have any knowledge about the US law system at all, so paralegal might be one of the solutions (although I'm kinda down-grading myself, but it is fine at this moment). So I would like to ask whether, being a paralegal is a good start for my legal career in the US? if yes, how is the job market there? and how is paralegal works in the US? further, do you have any website suggestions where I could find a legal job in the US?

I am open for any suggestions, please feel free to advise. 


