Harvard LLM 2024-2025


Does anyone want to play “Guess the date that decisions will be released?”

Here is the data that someone in last year’s thread (with too much time on their hands ????) provided regarding the historical dates that decisions were released:

2009 - 22nd - Sunday
2010 - 21st - Sunday
2011 - 19th - Saturday
2012 - 18th - Sunday
2013 - 18th - Monday
2014 - 19th - Wednesday
2015 - 17th - Tuesday
2016 - 16th - Wednesday
2017 - 15th - Wednesday
2018 - 15th - Thursday
2019 - 14th - Thursday
2020 - 16th - Monday
2021 – 19th - Friday
2022 – 17th - Thursday
2023 - 15th  - Monday 

Here is my unscientific guess for this year —Decisions will be released on Monday, March 18th.

What do you think?

Hi everyone,

Wishing you all the best in your application process. Hopefully, we’ll have the chance to meet in August. Considering spring break (9-17th March), it is quite likely that the decisions will be released on the 17th or 18th. 

Warm regards from Balkan. 

+1 to 17th/18th.

[Edited by YSJang on Mar 07, 2024]

[quote][quote]Does anyone want to play “Guess the date that decisions will be released?”<br><br>Here is the data that someone in last year’s thread (with too much time on their hands ????) provided regarding the historical dates that decisions were released:<br><div><br></div><div>2009 - 22nd - Sunday<br>2010 - 21st - Sunday<br>2011 - 19th - Saturday<br>2012 - 18th - Sunday<br>2013 - 18th - Monday<br>2014 - 19th - Wednesday<br>2015 - 17th - Tuesday<br>2016 - 16th - Wednesday<br>2017 - 15th - Wednesday<br>2018 - 15th - Thursday<br>2019 - 14th - Thursday<br>2020 - 16th - Monday<br>2021 – 19th - Friday <br>2022 – 17th - Thursday<br>2023 - 15th &nbsp;- Monday&nbsp;</div><div><br><br>Here is my unscientific guess for this year —Decisions will be released on Monday, March 18th.<br><br>What do you think?</div> [/quote]<br><br>Hi everyone, <br><br>Wishing you all the best in your application process. Hopefully, we’ll have the chance to meet in August. Considering spring break (9-17th March), it is quite likely that the decisions will be released on the 17th or 18th.&nbsp;<br><br>Warm regards from Balkan.&nbsp; [/quote]<br>
+1 to 17th/18th.

Y’all need to not take this LLM application process so seriously and have a bit of fun, such as the game I proposed.  It’s about harnessing tools for protecting mental well-being.  Before you know it, this will all be in your rear view mirror, so we might as well try to enjoy the wait a bit.

[Edited by Hopeful72 on Mar 07, 2024]

Y’all need to not take this LLM application process so seriously and have a bit of fun, such as the game I proposed. &nbsp;It’s about harnessing tools for protecting mental well-being. &nbsp;Before you know it, this will all be in your rear view mirror, so we might as well try to enjoy the wait a bit.
Inactive User

Catch some tasty waves and just chill. no need to tell anyone to get the f** out - that's rude my friend

Catch some tasty waves and just chill. no need to tell anyone to get the f** out - that's rude my friend

I think you should get accepted to HLS simply from the quality of your post!!!  I’m serious.  You are super smart.

By the way, the person (YSJang) who  mentioned “Spring Break” between March 9-17 gave me an idea.  I went back in time as far as I could with available data on the internet, and voila, there is a direct correlation between HLS announcing the decisions at some point DURING Spring Break.  Admittedly, I only have five years of data which Sergios (the person who posted above this one) may rightly claim is insufficient to create a correlation.  Long story short, Spring Break is NEXT week.  So……

I hope you all have a nice weekend.  We will all know soon.  XxOo

I think you should get accepted to HLS simply from the quality of your post!!! &nbsp;I’m serious. &nbsp;You are super smart.<br><br>By the way, the person (YSJang) who &nbsp;mentioned “Spring Break” between March 9-17 gave me an idea. &nbsp;I went back in time as far as I could with available data on the internet, and voila, there is a direct correlation between HLS announcing the decisions at some point DURING Spring Break. &nbsp;Admittedly, I only have five years of data which Sergios (the person who posted above this one) may rightly claim is insufficient to create a correlation. &nbsp;Long story short, Spring Break is NEXT week. &nbsp;So……<br><br>I hope you all have a nice weekend. &nbsp;We will all know soon. &nbsp;XxOo

You guys have made so much fun to this wait!

On the game, I bet on the 15th (Friday). Simply because I would need a weekend to savor the joy if I got admitted.

You guys have made so much fun to this wait!

On the game, I bet on the 15th (Friday). Simply because I would need a weekend to savor the joy if I got admitted.

Someone told me HLS calls to communicate acceptances? I thought everyone finds out via status tracker on the website. Does anyone know which is correct?

Someone told me HLS calls to communicate acceptances? I thought everyone finds out via status tracker on the website. Does anyone know which is correct?

Someone told me HLS calls to communicate acceptances? I thought everyone finds out via status tracker on the website. Does anyone know which is correct?

I guess we should find out somehow...I have read previous years' conversations yet I have not located specific info about whether they call as well as email us for an update on the status of our application. I do believe though that the email notification to check your statuts is the norm and the phone call would be in a limited number of cases.

[quote]Someone told me HLS calls to communicate acceptances? I thought everyone finds out via status tracker on the website. Does anyone know which is correct? [/quote]

I guess we should find out somehow...I have read previous years' conversations yet I have not located specific info about whether they call as well as email us for an update on the status of our application. I do believe though that the email notification to check your statuts is the norm and the phone call would be in a limited number of cases.

Someone told me HLS calls to communicate acceptances? I thought everyone finds out via status tracker on the website. Does anyone know which is correct?

I guess we should find out somehow...I have read previous years' conversations yet I have not located specific info about whether they call as well as email us for an update on the status of our application. I do believe though that the email notification to check your statuts is the norm and the phone call would be in a limited number of cases.

I know they call their JD intakes to communicate acceptance. But I have majorly seen acceptance for LLM sent via email. Unsure if they would call each accepted applicant because of the vast time difference. 

[quote][quote]Someone told me HLS calls to communicate acceptances? I thought everyone finds out via status tracker on the website. Does anyone know which is correct? [/quote]

I guess we should find out somehow...I have read previous years' conversations yet I have not located specific info about whether they call as well as email us for an update on the status of our application. I do believe though that the email notification to check your statuts is the norm and the phone call would be in a limited number of cases. [/quote]<br><br><br>I know they call their JD intakes to communicate acceptance. But I have majorly seen acceptance for LLM sent via email. Unsure if they would call each accepted applicant because of the vast time difference.&nbsp;

Does anyone want play “Guess the date that decisions will be released?”

Here is the data that someone in last year’s thread (with too much time on their hands ????) provided regarding the historical dates that decisions were released:

2009 - 22nd - Sunday
2010 - 21st - Sunday
2011 - 19th - Saturday
2012 - 18th - Sunday
2013 - 18th - Monday
2014 - 19th - Wednesday
2015 - 17th - Tuesday
2016 - 16th - Wednesday
2017 - 15th - Wednesday
2018 - 15th - Thursday
2019 - 14th - Thursday
2020 - 16th - Monday
2021 – 19th - Friday
2022 – 17th - Thursday
2023 - 15th  - Monday 

Here is my unscientific guess for this year —Decisions will be released on Monday, March 18th.

What do you think?

Hi everyone, I have a gut feeling about the 15/16. Whishing you all the best of luck 1f49e

[quote]Does anyone want play “Guess the date that decisions will be released?”<br><br>Here is the data that someone in last year’s thread (with too much time on their hands ????) provided regarding the historical dates that decisions were released:<br><div><br></div><div>2009 - 22nd - Sunday<br>2010 - 21st - Sunday<br>2011 - 19th - Saturday<br>2012 - 18th - Sunday<br>2013 - 18th - Monday<br>2014 - 19th - Wednesday<br>2015 - 17th - Tuesday<br>2016 - 16th - Wednesday<br>2017 - 15th - Wednesday<br>2018 - 15th - Thursday<br>2019 - 14th - Thursday<br>2020 - 16th - Monday<br>2021 – 19th - Friday <br>2022 – 17th - Thursday<br>2023 - 15th &nbsp;- Monday&nbsp;</div><div><br><br>Here is my unscientific guess for this year —Decisions will be released on Monday, March 18th.<br><br>What do you think?</div> [/quote]
Hi everyone, I have a gut feeling about the 15/16. Whishing you all the best of luck :revolving-hearts:

hi guys

past years people reported an series of updating emails from grad office....Has any of you received anything this year?

here nothing

hi guys

past years people reported an series of updating emails from grad office....Has any of you received anything this year?

here nothing

My money is on 15th, because it's a Friday and it give us the weekend to either celebrate or fall into depression. However, my second choice is on the 18th because of spring break, but being a Monday its the worst timing to mourn or get drunk.

My money is on 15th, because it's a Friday and it give us the weekend to either celebrate or fall into depression. However, my second choice is on the 18th because of spring break, but being a Monday its the worst timing to mourn or get drunk.
Inactive User

Ive gotten admitted at penn, nw, cls, berkeley. Waitlisted by Chicago. How should I hope for hls? (I mean i know no one here is on the admissions committee but what do the odds look like?) 

Guys&nbsp;<br>Ive gotten admitted at penn, nw, cls, berkeley. Waitlisted by Chicago. How should I hope for hls? (I mean i know no one here is on the admissions committee but what do the odds look like?)&nbsp;

I want to join in on the fun!
I'm going with March 15th. Friday seems like the most logical choice to me.

I want to join in on the fun!
I'm going with March 15th. Friday seems like the most logical choice to me.

From my "very" educated guess I'd say less than a 100% and more than 0%

Ive gotten admitted at penn, nw, cls, berkeley. Waitlisted by Chicago. How should I hope for hls? (I mean i know no one here is on the admissions committee but what do the odds look like?) 

From my "very" educated guess I'd say less than a 100% and more than 0%

[quote]Guys&nbsp;<br>Ive gotten admitted at penn, nw, cls, berkeley. Waitlisted by Chicago. How should I hope for hls? (I mean i know no one here is on the admissions committee but what do the odds look like?)&nbsp; [/quote]
Inactive User

How are you guys handling the stress! I’m losing my mind! 

How are you guys handling the stress! I’m losing my mind!&nbsp;
Ni. J



I have a prediction.  Everyone is going to do quite well, not just with your/our LLM applications, but in the profession of law.  Although I have a great deal of affection for Harvard, and for HLS in particular, you each have wonderful qualities that Harvard will neither give to you or take from you.  Good luck to each of you.

I have a prediction. &nbsp;Everyone is going to do quite well, not just with your/our LLM applications, but in the profession of law. &nbsp;Although I have a great deal of affection for Harvard, and for HLS in particular, you each have wonderful qualities that Harvard will neither give to you or take from you. &nbsp;Good luck to each of you.

Can anyone log into the status page through the link in Application Received email? Mine says unsupported methods

[Edited by Zehnzhenz on Mar 11, 2024]

Can anyone log into the status page through the link in Application Received email? Mine says unsupported methods

Can anyone log into the status page through the link in Application Received email? Mine says unsupported methods

Mine is working. 

[quote]Can anyone log into the status page through the link in Application Received email? Mine says unsupported methods [/quote]<br><br>Mine is working.&nbsp;
Inactive User

Can anyone log into the status page through the link in Application Received email? Mine says unsupported methods

[quote]Can anyone log into the status page through the link in Application Received email? Mine says unsupported methods [/quote]<br><br><br>

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