Harvard LLM 2015-2016


Hey, because there are obviously some people here who have studied at HLS or know people from there, could you tell us maybe how the job prospects in the US after the programm look like? Is the faculty working with you to get placed somewhere in a NY law firm? Do you have a better chance with the HLS llm than with a llm from a other decent law school?

Hey, because there are obviously some people here who have studied at HLS or know people from there, could you tell us maybe how the job prospects in the US after the programm look like? Is the faculty working with you to get placed somewhere in a NY law firm? Do you have a better chance with the HLS llm than with a llm from a other decent law school?

Recent HLS LLM grad here. As the HLS admission packet makes clear, US employment prospects for LLMs in general are BLEAK. There's already an oversupply of American grads, so the expectation is that LLM grads will be exported back to their home countries. The fact that your LLM came from HLS doesn't make it a golden ticket.

Where big law firm employment is concerned, I think fewer than 10 in my class got BigLaw jobs (not all of them were assigned to US offices, and not all of them were permanent positions). It seems like European and Latin American students had better chances.

Hey, because there are obviously some people here who have studied at HLS or know people from there, could you tell us maybe how the job prospects in the US after the programm look like? Is the faculty working with you to get placed somewhere in a NY law firm? Do you have a better chance with the HLS llm than with a llm from a other decent law school?

Recent HLS LLM grad here. As the HLS admission packet makes clear, US employment prospects for LLMs in general are BLEAK. There's already an oversupply of American grads, so the expectation is that LLM grads will be exported back to their home countries. The fact that your LLM came from HLS doesn't make it a golden ticket.

Where big law firm employment is concerned, I think fewer than 10 in my class got BigLaw jobs (not all of them were assigned to US offices, and not all of them were permanent positions). It seems like European and Latin American students had better chances.

<blockquote>Hey, because there are obviously some people here who have studied at HLS or know people from there, could you tell us maybe how the job prospects in the US after the programm look like? Is the faculty working with you to get placed somewhere in a NY law firm? Do you have a better chance with the HLS llm than with a llm from a other decent law school?</blockquote>

On the 3rd Monday of March - actually that's not true for the last year. If you read the thread and go to App tracker, you will see that decisions were released on 19 March 2014, which is Wednesday. Maybe they aim for 3rd Monday (like in 2013, 12, 11), but not always make it.
Moreover, this year 3rd Monday is 16 March, do not think that they will release this early. My guess is round 18-20 March.

Cheers to all !

On the 3rd Monday of March - actually that's not true for the last year. If you read the thread and go to App tracker, you will see that decisions were released on 19 March 2014, which is Wednesday. Maybe they aim for 3rd Monday (like in 2013, 12, 11), but not always make it.
Moreover, this year 3rd Monday is 16 March, do not think that they will release this early. My guess is round 18-20 March.

Cheers to all !

Where big law firm employment is concerned, I think fewer than 10 in my class got BigLaw jobs (not all of them were assigned to US offices, and not all of them were permanent positions). It seems like European and Latin American students had better chances.

From 2012 cohort the numbers were definitely better - but also many students came to studies with later employment secured.

Where big law firm employment is concerned, I think fewer than 10 in my class got BigLaw jobs (not all of them were assigned to US offices, and not all of them were permanent positions). It seems like European and Latin American students had better chances.

From 2012 cohort the numbers were definitely better - but also many students came to studies with later employment secured.

On the 3rd Monday of March - actually that's not true for the last year. If you read the thread and go to App tracker, you will see that decisions were released on 19 March 2014, which is Wednesday. Maybe they aim for 3rd Monday (like in 2013, 12, 11), but not always make it.
Moreover, this year 3rd Monday is 16 March, do not think that they will release this early. My guess is round 18-20 March.

Cheers to all !

Let's just all hold another two weeks and see.
Good luck to everyone!

<blockquote>On the 3rd Monday of March - actually that's not true for the last year. If you read the thread and go to App tracker, you will see that decisions were released on 19 March 2014, which is Wednesday. Maybe they aim for 3rd Monday (like in 2013, 12, 11), but not always make it.
Moreover, this year 3rd Monday is 16 March, do not think that they will release this early. My guess is round 18-20 March.

Cheers to all ! </blockquote>

Let's just all hold another two weeks and see.
Good luck to everyone!

really stressed out! T-15 i suppose.

really stressed out! T-15 i suppose.

thanks for that information guys
Hm... Do you know if there are any ways to improve my chances for a good law firm before starting the programm. I have now half a year to prepare and do what is necessary but I have currently no good idea about what would help...

thanks for that information guys
Hm... Do you know if there are any ways to improve my chances for a good law firm before starting the programm. I have now half a year to prepare and do what is necessary but I have currently no good idea about what would help...

Networking. I have a US passport which helps too. I received a job offer in Silicon Valley but it was based on a random connection. I met a named partner in a firm (totally different branch of law) who decided I would be perfect for their firm. Without that kind of luck, it's really very very difficult.

Networking. I have a US passport which helps too. I received a job offer in Silicon Valley but it was based on a random connection. I met a named partner in a firm (totally different branch of law) who decided I would be perfect for their firm. Without that kind of luck, it's really very very difficult.

thanks for that insight... could you give me some ideas about where one really could network? are there special meetings, conferences, clubs etc that give you an advantage in meeting relevant people?

thanks for that insight... could you give me some ideas about where one really could network? are there special meetings, conferences, clubs etc that give you an advantage in meeting relevant people?

We're getting a bit off track for this thread but I have found that meaningful connections often develop in a fairly spontaneous way-- through charity/volunteer work, for example, or other shared interests. Networking events are usually just a way to collect business cards from people you never see again..

We're getting a bit off track for this thread but I have found that meaningful connections often develop in a fairly spontaneous way-- through charity/volunteer work, for example, or other shared interests. Networking events are usually just a way to collect business cards from people you never see again..

As grumpy JD said, we are getting a little bit of track, but last year I got an offer to do my internship at a top law firm in the USA (I don't want to say exactly which but its between Paul Hastings, Cleary, Sullivan and Weil) in 2016, my only requirement is to graduate from any LL.M.; I managed to score this offer since I work with them closely. I got the offer from a partner of the firm who told me how this works: before the crisis of 2008, law firms used to hire around 20 foreign associates per year, half of them because of connections and half from law school job fairs, but because of the financial crisis they stopped hiring completely. Around 2010 they began offering some positions, but because students were so scared they wouldn't find work, excellent students began accepting any kind of offer they could get, this law firms found they need to select their associates beforehand, so they began hiring around September or October of the previous year. He told me most positions (9/10) are already secured by November of the previous year, mainly because of connections, and they tend to hold 1 or 2 positions for the job fairs (I believe they hire around 12 per year). So, if you want to get a a Top Law firm job, I advise you to begin sending e-mails and to introduce yourself to partners or senior associates that have done such internship, maybe via Linkedin, in order to can increase your chances, and maybe visit while you are studying.

As grumpy JD said, we are getting a little bit of track, but last year I got an offer to do my internship at a top law firm in the USA (I don't want to say exactly which but its between Paul Hastings, Cleary, Sullivan and Weil) in 2016, my only requirement is to graduate from any LL.M.; I managed to score this offer since I work with them closely. I got the offer from a partner of the firm who told me how this works: before the crisis of 2008, law firms used to hire around 20 foreign associates per year, half of them because of connections and half from law school job fairs, but because of the financial crisis they stopped hiring completely. Around 2010 they began offering some positions, but because students were so scared they wouldn't find work, excellent students began accepting any kind of offer they could get, this law firms found they need to select their associates beforehand, so they began hiring around September or October of the previous year. He told me most positions (9/10) are already secured by November of the previous year, mainly because of connections, and they tend to hold 1 or 2 positions for the job fairs (I believe they hire around 12 per year). So, if you want to get a a Top Law firm job, I advise you to begin sending e-mails and to introduce yourself to partners or senior associates that have done such internship, maybe via Linkedin, in order to can increase your chances, and maybe visit while you are studying.

Anyone from the Philippines?

Anyone from the Philippines?

Does anyone know if Harvard will follow longstanding tradition and release the results on the third Monday of March (March 16)?

Does anyone know if Harvard will follow longstanding tradition and release the results on the third Monday of March (March 16)?

Does anyone know if Harvard will follow longstanding tradition and release the results on the third Monday of March (March 16)?

A friend of mine from the 2013-2014 class, got it on the 18th of March 2013 - also the third Monday of March.

It would be really cool if it happens again this year.

I also understand from the Stanford CGP thread, SLS will send out offers for SLS CGP program also early next week!


<blockquote>Does anyone know if Harvard will follow longstanding tradition and release the results on the third Monday of March (March 16)?</blockquote>

A friend of mine from the 2013-2014 class, got it on the 18th of March 2013 - also the third Monday of March.

It would be really cool if it happens again this year.

I also understand from the Stanford CGP thread, SLS will send out offers for SLS CGP program also early next week!



I really really wish that were the case. However, last year, they sent out their decisions on 19 March (Boston Time) , which is not a Monday.

I really really wish that were the case. However, last year, they sent out their decisions on 19 March (Boston Time) , which is not a Monday.

I heard from a friend who in HKS that the spring break will start on 14 March. I am not sure wether it is the same for HLS and would influence the admission process.

I heard from a friend who in HKS that the spring break will start on 14 March. I am not sure wether it is the same for HLS and would influence the admission process.

Yes, spring break term is the same for Harvard.

Yes, spring break term is the same for Harvard.

I heard from a friend who in HKS that the spring break will start on 14 March. I am not sure wether it is the same for HLS and would influence the admission process.

At least last 2 years they released the decision during the Spring break, so I guess they work hard also during the break with the aim to release by the end of March. Let us hope for 16 March, 3rd Monday, but do not think so it will happen this early...

<blockquote>I heard from a friend who in HKS that the spring break will start on 14 March. I am not sure wether it is the same for HLS and would influence the admission process.</blockquote>

At least last 2 years they released the decision during the Spring break, so I guess they work hard also during the break with the aim to release by the end of March. Let us hope for 16 March, 3rd Monday, but do not think so it will happen this early...

Up until today, I have only been a passive participant in this forum. More an avid reader than a contributor. My suspicion is that there are many more out there like me.
I think we would all agree that the burden of the Harvard wait is crushing. While it has been continuously stressed on the page that the decisions would only come down either this monday or from the 19th of March, it has not stopped many from logging on here in earnest hope that something has changed.

For me, the reason why i log on everyday is much more modest. Somehow the agonising weight of the wait is helped by coming on here to read stuff shared by people I know to be in the same situation as me.

It is comforting to degrees u have no idea of. It doesn't matter what it is that is written. Whatever you guys do, just keep writing. Whether on the subject of LLMs or on scuba diving, just write.

I check this page near 50 times a day, my favourite pass time is to read over your posts. There is relaxation in knowing someone out there knows what I'm going thru.

For someone like me who only applied to Harvard and no where else, the wait is crushing. So please keep writing. Whether Plato-like smart or gibberish, it doesn't matter. Just write. Together lets help each other keep our hopes up till Monday or the 19th or any time thereafter.

Up until today, I have only been a passive participant in this forum. More an avid reader than a contributor. My suspicion is that there are many more out there like me.
I think we would all agree that the burden of the Harvard wait is crushing. While it has been continuously stressed on the page that the decisions would only come down either this monday or from the 19th of March, it has not stopped many from logging on here in earnest hope that something has changed.

For me, the reason why i log on everyday is much more modest. Somehow the agonising weight of the wait is helped by coming on here to read stuff shared by people I know to be in the same situation as me.

It is comforting to degrees u have no idea of. It doesn't matter what it is that is written. Whatever you guys do, just keep writing. Whether on the subject of LLMs or on scuba diving, just write.

I check this page near 50 times a day, my favourite pass time is to read over your posts. There is relaxation in knowing someone out there knows what I'm going thru.

For someone like me who only applied to Harvard and no where else, the wait is crushing. So please keep writing. Whether Plato-like smart or gibberish, it doesn't matter. Just write. Together lets help each other keep our hopes up till Monday or the 19th or any time thereafter.

I feel you HLSJunkie and wish you the best of luck.

Decisions are probably made by now. Just a matter of letting us know.


I feel you HLSJunkie and wish you the best of luck.

Decisions are probably made by now. Just a matter of letting us know.


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