Columbia admission process


Hi all,

I just talked to someone at Columbia's Admissions Office because I did not receive a decision until now and have to be aware of several deadlines. The person I spoke to was considerably impolite. When I told her that I sent a request by email and the automatic reply ("Application deadline is over") did not provide an accurate answer regarding my question, she told me that my email must have been not precise. Funny, because I asked quite literally about the application I sent last year.
Perhaps you should bear that in mind when asking CLS about your pending application.

As you can see, I am a little bit angry. Everybody spends a lot of money and time for his application, fees etc. This should lead to something more. Maybe I am too touchy about this whole thing, but I am quite fed up with this admission procedure theater.


Yps (just beginning to feel better ;)).

Hi all,

I just talked to someone at Columbia's Admissions Office because I did not receive a decision until now and have to be aware of several deadlines. The person I spoke to was considerably impolite. When I told her that I sent a request by email and the automatic reply ("Application deadline is over") did not provide an accurate answer regarding my question, she told me that my email must have been not precise. Funny, because I asked quite literally about the application I sent last year.
Perhaps you should bear that in mind when asking CLS about your pending application.

As you can see, I am a little bit angry. Everybody spends a lot of money and time for his application, fees etc. This should lead to something more. Maybe I am too touchy about this whole thing, but I am quite fed up with this admission procedure theater.


Yps (just beginning to feel better ;)).



Did she tell you when will be the last date when Columbia will make a decision? As you already said, all of us are threatened by several deadlines.



Did she tell you when will be the last date when Columbia will make a decision? As you already said, all of us are threatened by several deadlines.


No, the woman did not tell me anything. She interrupted every question and hung up after telling me to write another email.



No, the woman did not tell me anything. She interrupted every question and hung up after telling me to write another email.




Please let me know as soon as you have new info.



Please let me know as soon as you have new info.


If this makes you feel better, I also called CLS a couple of days ago and they were very impolite to me too. I am afraid of calling then again. When I started to say "I've applied on..." She interrupted me and said "everyone applied on the same time! What is the information you need?"
Please keep us informed about your e-mail.
Best regards,

If this makes you feel better, I also called CLS a couple of days ago and they were very impolite to me too. I am afraid of calling then again. When I started to say "I've applied on..." She interrupted me and said "everyone applied on the same time! What is the information you need?"
Please keep us informed about your e-mail.
Best regards,

This is an email the head of the admissions office sent to me:

"Our admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis beginning in December and ending sometime near the end of April. When a decision is made you will be notified by email. Thank you for your patience in this process."

That's it about CLS. Chicago, here I come.



This is an email the head of the admissions office sent to me:

"Our admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis beginning in December and ending sometime near the end of April. When a decision is made you will be notified by email. Thank you for your patience in this process."

That's it about CLS. Chicago, here I come.



Well, I received rejection email about a week ago~ Though it may be tiresome to have to wait, think about the bright side~ who knows they will give you admission tonight?

However, I agree to some degree that CLS does not seem to show enough respect to the applicants' time, efforts and desire, especially to those not admitted...

I sent an email seeking short explanation of the most decisive factors that made them reject my application, but was dissapointed to receive their response which almost looked like a pre-arranged auto reply stating that the decision was based on a review of the file as a whole and they cannot point to one specific factor...It sounded to me like they are saying I was below their standard in each and every respect...

Anyway, I did not mean to raise objection to their decision for me, and good luck to you guys still waiting for final result!!!

Well, I received rejection email about a week ago~ Though it may be tiresome to have to wait, think about the bright side~ who knows they will give you admission tonight?

However, I agree to some degree that CLS does not seem to show enough respect to the applicants' time, efforts and desire, especially to those not admitted...

I sent an email seeking short explanation of the most decisive factors that made them reject my application, but was dissapointed to receive their response which almost looked like a pre-arranged auto reply stating that the decision was based on a review of the file as a whole and they cannot point to one specific factor...It sounded to me like they are saying I was below their standard in each and every respect...

Anyway, I did not mean to raise objection to their decision for me, and good luck to you guys still waiting for final result!!!

Anyone heard from Columbia today ?

Anyone heard from Columbia today ?

certainly not me...i'm not too crazy about it either...
having my application "complete" in november and not having a decision yet is kinda "funny"...rolling basis? pardon me? where? who? when? eh?

... or maybe "I" am just giving them a hard time... :p "do we want her? yes? no? maybe?"

certainly not me...i'm not too crazy about it either...
having my application "complete" in november and not having a decision yet is kinda "funny"...rolling basis? pardon me? where? who? when? eh?

... or maybe "I" am just giving them a hard time... :p "do we want her? yes? no? maybe?"

This complete silence has not sense... I'm starting to become disappointed with this school...

This complete silence has not sense... I'm starting to become disappointed with this school...

Ya, worry sick over here.

Ya, worry sick over here.

Did you get an admission or rejection letter?

Did you get an admission or rejection letter?

I didn't get a decision notification neither.

It seems they make decisions on a country basis. Or they just pick a file from the pile and make a decision according to their daily mood.. sounds funny right ?

I didn't get a decision notification neither.

It seems they make decisions on a country basis. Or they just pick a file from the pile and make a decision according to their daily mood.. sounds funny right ?

i dont think it's country-based....on the contrary, i think it's random.

i dont think it's country-based....on the contrary, i think it's random.

I agree with anushka - it seems to be absolutely random. In my case, I´ve applied on early November and I just can´t understand why such a delay... Anushka, if CLS doesn´t say anything, will you accept NYU´s offer? In this case, we´ll find each other there!

I agree with anushka - it seems to be absolutely random. In my case, I´ve applied on early November and I just can´t understand why such a delay... Anushka, if CLS doesn´t say anything, will you accept NYU´s offer? In this case, we´ll find each other there!


Where are you from?


Where are you from?

Ivan: I am actually already thinking I'll be attending NYU...I don't expect much from CLS...specially considering that everything takes time for international students and I woulnd't like to get to the States in a I'll wait for a couple of weeks, and if I still don't hear from CLS, I'll just enroll in NYU...

Anyway, I just sent an email to GULC notifying them I won't be attending their program...Giving up on Georgetown for NYU (or CLS if they accept me) is a coherent decision, right? GULC showed me the best admission process so far...maybe that's why I feel kinda "sad" I won't be going there...

Ivan: I am actually already thinking I'll be attending NYU...I don't expect much from CLS...specially considering that everything takes time for international students and I woulnd't like to get to the States in a I'll wait for a couple of weeks, and if I still don't hear from CLS, I'll just enroll in NYU...

Anyway, I just sent an email to GULC notifying them I won't be attending their program...Giving up on Georgetown for NYU (or CLS if they accept me) is a coherent decision, right? GULC showed me the best admission process so far...maybe that's why I feel kinda "sad" I won't be going there...
Inactive User

Hey everyone,
I would have to agree with most of what was said on this post. The admissions staff and process at Columbia did not inspire confidence or warmth for the School. I was accepted on Friday, but until that point I had no communication from them at all. I rang to ask when I needed to confirm my admission and the girl was quite rude as well. Was almost like I was wasting her precious breath by asking her this question. It was not the worst though. I would have to say that that honour goes to Yale, who were uncontactable by phone or e-mail and were completely ignorant if you managed to get onto someone. I only ever rang twice, once to ask about date for decisions, which I wasnt told, and the other to find out the decision when I hadnt heard from them, which was a no. I'm wondering if it is symptomatic of the top schools to hire obnoxious admissions staff? I think this rolling admissions process for CLS is quite stupid, considering most of their candidates will have accepted somewhere by now. They must be very confident about themselves. As it turns out I was lucky enough to be accepted by NYU as well, who were absolutely lovely and sent my admissions package via UPS express mail. I still havent received anything from Columbia apart from the e-mail. While it is my dream school, I shall be giving very very careful thought when choosing, especially considering the rather cavalier attitude they have been displaying.

Hey everyone,
I would have to agree with most of what was said on this post. The admissions staff and process at Columbia did not inspire confidence or warmth for the School. I was accepted on Friday, but until that point I had no communication from them at all. I rang to ask when I needed to confirm my admission and the girl was quite rude as well. Was almost like I was wasting her precious breath by asking her this question. It was not the worst though. I would have to say that that honour goes to Yale, who were uncontactable by phone or e-mail and were completely ignorant if you managed to get onto someone. I only ever rang twice, once to ask about date for decisions, which I wasnt told, and the other to find out the decision when I hadnt heard from them, which was a no. I'm wondering if it is symptomatic of the top schools to hire obnoxious admissions staff? I think this rolling admissions process for CLS is quite stupid, considering most of their candidates will have accepted somewhere by now. They must be very confident about themselves. As it turns out I was lucky enough to be accepted by NYU as well, who were absolutely lovely and sent my admissions package via UPS express mail. I still havent received anything from Columbia apart from the e-mail. While it is my dream school, I shall be giving very very careful thought when choosing, especially considering the rather cavalier attitude they have been displaying.

I wonder if Columbia has completed its selection and that those who hear nothing yet are on waitlist ? Anyone currently in Columbia can shed some light ?

I wonder if Columbia has completed its selection and that those who hear nothing yet are on waitlist ? Anyone currently in Columbia can shed some light ?

Did anyone here apply for the Human Rights or Apple fellowship...This entire process is so ridiculous...whats the point of announcing these fellowhips after most students have already decided where to go...though i do want to attend Columbia...i think i'll go to NYU...already turned down Upenn...if only they bother to inform!!!!

Did anyone here apply for the Human Rights or Apple fellowship...This entire process is so ridiculous...whats the point of announcing these fellowhips after most students have already decided where to go...though i do want to attend Columbia...i think i'll go to NYU...already turned down Upenn...if only they bother to inform!!!!

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