

I did not heard of Columbia so far....I think maybe I am on a waiting list....
Those who have been accepted and are definitely not going there....please waive your posts so others can be admitted!!
thank you!

I did not heard of Columbia so far....I think maybe I am on a waiting list....
Those who have been accepted and are definitely not going there....please waive your posts so others can be admitted!!
thank you!

I second you on that!
I have already waived Upenn and LSE and was put on the waitlist of Columbia.

I second you on that!
I have already waived Upenn and LSE and was put on the waitlist of Columbia.

i got accepted by NYU and Columbia...only two places i u think if i'd applied to HLS i might have had a chance of getting in

i got accepted by NYU and Columbia...only two places i u think if i'd applied to HLS i might have had a chance of getting in

I think Harvard is much harder to get into. I've been accepted to NYU, still waiting on Columbia, Harvard & Yale. Optimistic about Columbia but not especially confident about the other two.

I think Harvard is much harder to get into. I've been accepted to NYU, still waiting on Columbia, Harvard & Yale. Optimistic about Columbia but not especially confident about the other two.


Most of the decisions of Harvard have already been made. Have you tried calling the admission's office? Maybe you should. I did and that is how I found out. I guess that the waiting must be killing you!
By the way, when did you receive your NYU's admission?


Most of the decisions of Harvard have already been made. Have you tried calling the admission's office? Maybe you should. I did and that is how I found out. I guess that the waiting must be killing you!
By the way, when did you receive your NYU's admission?

I received my NYU admission maybe 10 days ago.

I received my NYU admission maybe 10 days ago.

I also knew of my denial of admission to HLS by phone :(
Joseph: I beleive that if you did not receive the e-mail from them maybe your admission was denied or you are in a waiting list....just call and find out.

I also knew of my denial of admission to HLS by phone :(
Joseph: I beleive that if you did not receive the e-mail from them maybe your admission was denied or you are in a waiting list....just call and find out.

Does anyone know what are the chances of getting off the waitlist and finally be admitted to Columbia?
Also, is it an endless wait or do they have a sort of deadline for waitlisters to let them know if they are admitted or definately denied?

Anyone else on Columbia's waitlist?

Does anyone know what are the chances of getting off the waitlist and finally be admitted to Columbia?
Also, is it an endless wait or do they have a sort of deadline for waitlisters to let them know if they are admitted or definately denied?

Anyone else on Columbia's waitlist?
Inactive User

wannaadmit, did they tell you are on the waiting-list or did you just assume that, since you haven't heard anything from them so far, you must be on the waiting-list?

wannaadmit, did they tell you are on the waiting-list or did you just assume that, since you haven't heard anything from them so far, you must be on the waiting-list?

They sent me an email telling me that I am on their waiting list and that I "might" know of a final decision in late May. I can't bear this uncertainty!

They sent me an email telling me that I am on their waiting list and that I "might" know of a final decision in late May. I can't bear this uncertainty!

So far I'm still waiting for Columbia's decision. I called the Office of Admissions this morning and they said that information by phone are longer given.
Assuming that all waitlisted receive an email, as Wannaadmit told us, could anyone tell in what kind of limbo is this?

So far I'm still waiting for Columbia's decision. I called the Office of Admissions this morning and they said that information by phone are longer given.
Assuming that all waitlisted receive an email, as Wannaadmit told us, could anyone tell in what kind of limbo is this?

So far I'm still waiting for Columbia's decision. I called the Office of Admissions this morning and they said that information by phone are NO longer given.
Assuming that all waitlisted receive an email, as Wannaadmit told us, could anyone tell in what kind of limbo is this?

So far I'm still waiting for Columbia's decision. I called the Office of Admissions this morning and they said that information by phone are NO longer given.
Assuming that all waitlisted receive an email, as Wannaadmit told us, could anyone tell in what kind of limbo is this?</blockquote>

I'm from Brazil and I also haven't heard from Columbia. I met other Brazilian candidates last week and they also had not received theirs answers... We had one thing is common: we all applied on the last day! Maybe this explains this "limbo". I called Columbia and they were not very kind... They said decisions will continue until late April... I also asked them if the fact that I didn't receive an answer means I'm on a waiting list, but she said that as soon as they have a decision on my file, they will send it by email (!)
I have already been accepted by NYU but still really anxious about Columbia! Please let me know when you receive your answers!

I'm from Brazil and I also haven't heard from Columbia. I met other Brazilian candidates last week and they also had not received theirs answers... We had one thing is common: we all applied on the last day! Maybe this explains this "limbo". I called Columbia and they were not very kind... They said decisions will continue until late April... I also asked them if the fact that I didn't receive an answer means I'm on a waiting list, but she said that as soon as they have a decision on my file, they will send it by email (!)
I have already been accepted by NYU but still really anxious about Columbia! Please let me know when you receive your answers!

When did you receive the offer from NYU? Where in Brazil are you?

When did you receive the offer from NYU? Where in Brazil are you?

I'm from Rio and I received it this Monday. UPS called me 8:00 am to confirm my address, since they had the wrong number...
Where are you from?

I'm from Rio and I received it this Monday. UPS called me 8:00 am to confirm my address, since they had the wrong number...
Where are you from?

São Paulo... por enquanto nenhum sinal de respostas da NYU por aqui...

São Paulo... por enquanto nenhum sinal de respostas da NYU por aqui...

tb tenho um amigo no Rio que não recebeu resposta... Também li no outro discussion board uma pessoa de SP que não recebeu...

tb tenho um amigo no Rio que não recebeu resposta... Também li no outro discussion board uma pessoa de SP que não recebeu...
Inactive User

They ARE strange people at Columbia. I applied in November, and yesterday the clerk wrote to me "I have given your file to the committee" as if she did it yesterday morning. I wonder if there is any system at all. If I were on a wating list or rejected, why didn't she simply say so???

They ARE strange people at Columbia. I applied in November, and yesterday the clerk wrote to me "I have given your file to the committee" as if she did it yesterday morning. I wonder if there is any system at all. If I were on a wating list or rejected, why didn't she simply say so???

Hello all.

Until a week ago I was in the same situation than most of you. I was admitted at all the universities I wrote to, and I was only waiting for Columbia. Pressed by the deadlines of the otyher universities, I was desperate for their answer, so I called.

First of all, I was told, just as you were, that no information would be given on the phone. I just explained my situation, and the person said I should send an e-mail that would be passed on to the Admissions Committee, so this Committe could decide whether or not a decision would be made a bit earlier.

About the "limbo": As soon as a decision has been made on your file, be it admission, denial or wait list, you will be notified by e-mail. If you have not received an e-mail by now, that only means that your file has not yet been reviewed. There's absolutely nothing to worry about.

If you are in a desperate situation and you absolutely need a decision very soon, you should write to them and kindly explain your situation and ask for a decision.

Good luck to all of you.

Hello all.

Until a week ago I was in the same situation than most of you. I was admitted at all the universities I wrote to, and I was only waiting for Columbia. Pressed by the deadlines of the otyher universities, I was desperate for their answer, so I called.

First of all, I was told, just as you were, that no information would be given on the phone. I just explained my situation, and the person said I should send an e-mail that would be passed on to the Admissions Committee, so this Committe could decide whether or not a decision would be made a bit earlier.

About the "limbo": As soon as a decision has been made on your file, be it admission, denial or wait list, you will be notified by e-mail. If you have not received an e-mail by now, that only means that your file has not yet been reviewed. There's absolutely nothing to worry about.

If you are in a desperate situation and you absolutely need a decision very soon, you should write to them and kindly explain your situation and ask for a decision.

Good luck to all of you.

I totally agree with you. At this point they should at least be able to inform if we are on their waiting list! When did you send your application?

I totally agree with you. At this point they should at least be able to inform if we are on their waiting list! When did you send your application?

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