BERKELEY 2014-15


mine is "under review" too. it changes about a week ago (18-19-20/2). I remember March 1st as the due date as well.
hope they can make it faster...

Same here. March, 1st is Saturday. Are you sure that they will disclose the decision on Saturday?

<blockquote>mine is "under review" too. it changes about a week ago (18-19-20/2). I remember March 1st as the due date as well.
hope they can make it faster...</blockquote>

Same here. March, 1st is Saturday. Are you sure that they will disclose the decision on Saturday?

They said 1st of March, I am pretty sure that some of us will get an answer tomorrow (Friday). Looking back at past-posts you can see that for some it took only 1 week to hear back from Berkeley from the moment their application went under review. If we don't hear anything tomorrow... next week will be intense.

They said 1st of March, I am pretty sure that some of us will get an answer tomorrow (Friday). Looking back at past-posts you can see that for some it took only 1 week to hear back from Berkeley from the moment their application went under review. If we don't hear anything tomorrow... next week will be intense.

Hey there, it was written on the status check site that most of the decisions will be rendered by March 1st, (before it turned to "under review") So I also believe that today or tomorrow (Thursday and Friday) we'll hear something. I hope ..... :)

Hey there, it was written on the status check site that most of the decisions will be rendered by March 1st, (before it turned to "under review") So I also believe that today or tomorrow (Thursday and Friday) we'll hear something. I hope ..... :)
Inactive User

well I received Duke's decision on Sunday so everything is possible... I though the same, that we would all have it by 1st of March. But as the deadline was a bit extended maybe we will have it later :(

well I received Duke's decision on Sunday so everything is possible... I though the same, that we would all have it by 1st of March. But as the deadline was a bit extended maybe we will have it later :(

I think we should be hearing from Berkeley today.!!!! :)

I think we should be hearing from Berkeley today.!!!! :)

Whys that ? Last years decisions were given out today or what ???? (well I guess tonight for me...)

Why’s that ? Last year’s decisions were given out today or what ???? (well I guess tonight for me...)

Berkeley's status website used to say that most decisions would be issued by March 1.

Berkeley's status website used to say that most decisions would be issued by March 1.

OMG Im freaking out !!!

OMG I’m freaking out !!!

hahaha me too!!!!!

hahaha me too!!!!!

Whys that ? Last years decisions were given out today or what ???? (well I guess tonight for me...)

Last year's decisions were released around February 21.

<blockquote>Why’s that ? Last year’s decisions were given out today or what ???? (well I guess tonight for me...) </blockquote>

Last year's decisions were released around February 21.

I assume they should email us tonight (European time).
I guess our fates have already been determined !! Good luck to you guys :)

I assume they should email us ‘tonight’ (European time).
I guess our fates have already been determined !! Good luck to you guys :)

At this point, I'd rather know I was rejected than refreshing my email every single second.
Waiting is killing me!

At this point, I'd rather know I was rejected than refreshing my email every single second.
Waiting is killing me!

Same !

Same !

They still have about 8 office hours left over there in california... let's relax and hope to wake up to some good news tomorrow morning :)

They still have about 8 office hours left over there in california... let's relax and hope to wake up to some good news tomorrow morning :)

It is unlikely that all of us will get a decision today or very soon (I hope I am wrong) but this is what it says on their application timeline:
March - April Admissions decisions finalized, applicants notified.

So from the beginning of March until the end of April they will send decisions to all applicants.


It is unlikely that all of us will get a decision today or very soon (I hope I am wrong) but this is what it says on their application timeline:
March - April Admissions decisions finalized, applicants notified.

So from the beginning of March until the end of April they will send decisions to all applicants.


Even the application sent for review e-mail that I received stated that the results would be given out until April..

Even the application sent for review e-mail that I received stated that the results would be given out until April..

Heres part of an email from Berkeley admission staff on Jan,22:

Applications are being sent for review in the next few weeks and we are actually expecting to announce decisions by early March

Here’s part of an email from Berkeley admission staff on Jan,22:

Applications are being sent for review in the next few weeks and we are actually expecting to announce decisions by early March

Arrrrg!! Is it coming tonight or can I go to bed? Haha!

Arrrrg!! Is it coming tonight or can I go to bed? Haha!

Just rest :)
If it's not out r tonight I guess I'll be next week...

Just rest :)
If it's not out r tonight I guess I'll be next week...

So, nobody heard from Berkeley on Friday?

So, nobody heard from Berkeley on Friday?

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