MSc Law and Finance at Queen Mary London OR LL.M. at King's College London

Hi, everybody,

I applied in London for the LL.M. at the KCl, the LL.M. in Company Law at the LSE and the MSc Law and Finance at the QMUL and was accepted everywhere.

Personally, I would prefer KCL to LSE, as I can set up the courses myself there and my friends - of who've been some to KCL and some to LSE - have recommended to choose KCL because it seems to be much more social there between the students, what is exactly what I'm looking for.

However, I also find the MSc in Law and Finance very interesting. QMUL has - according to my information - a much lower reputation than KCL, but the courses for the Master in Law and Finance sound very interesting.

Could someone please give me a hint on this topic and/or maybe share their experience with the MSc in Law and Finance?

I am happy for any support!


Hi, everybody,

I applied in London for the LL.M. at the KCl, the LL.M. in Company Law at the LSE and the MSc Law and Finance at the QMUL and was accepted everywhere.

Personally, I would prefer KCL to LSE, as I can set up the courses myself there and my friends - of who've been some to KCL and some to LSE - have recommended to choose KCL because it seems to be much more social there between the students, what is exactly what I'm looking for.

However, I also find the MSc in Law and Finance very interesting. QMUL has - according to my information - a much lower reputation than KCL, but the courses for the Master in Law and Finance sound very interesting.

Could someone please give me a hint on this topic and/or maybe share their experience with the MSc in Law and Finance?

I am happy for any support!


Hello just
saw your post and wanted to share my experience.

I too had
applied in various universities back in 2011 but opted for QMUL's MSc Law and
Finance. First of all it is a truly interdisciplinary course that combines
modules from both the legal and economic faculty. The curriculum is equally
divided between legal and economic modules. Keep in mind they have specially
designed financial modules for the course that take into account the lack of
sophistication in maths without lowering the standards, if you don’t want to
get into a class for the economics dept. You will be amazed once you turn in
your thesis at the end of the year all covering a totally financial theme. The
highlight of my experience however was the faculty which actively engaged with
us in every aspect of our studies. We had even organized a spectacular
conference in Sovereign Debt with high profile speakers from around the world.
I know that QMUL is not the branded college one might be looking for but I
never regretted neither the experience nor the Knowledge I got! Happy to answer
any further questions and hope I have helped.

<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Hello just
saw your post and wanted to share my experience.<o:p></o:p></span></p>

<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">I too had
applied in various universities back in 2011 but opted for QMUL's MSc Law and
Finance. First of all it is a truly interdisciplinary course&nbsp;that combines
modules from both the legal and economic faculty. The curriculum is equally
divided between legal and economic modules. Keep in mind they have specially
designed financial modules for the course that take into account the lack of
sophistication in maths without lowering the standards, if you don’t want to
get into a class for the economics dept. You will be amazed once you turn in
your thesis at the end of the year all covering a totally financial theme. The
highlight of my experience however was the faculty which actively engaged with
us in every aspect of our studies. We had even organized a spectacular
conference in Sovereign Debt with high profile speakers from around the world.
I know that QMUL is not the branded college one might be looking for but I
never regretted neither the experience nor the Knowledge I got! Happy to answer
any further questions and hope I have helped.<o:p></o:p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US"><br></span></p>

The reputation of QMUL and KCL is the same, LSE is slightly more renowned than others. You should just ask yourself if you want to have a double training in both law and finance or if you just want a legal training. in the msc law and finance you will be able to choose half of law modules and half of finance module taught with finance students studying an msc in finance. Also, you will have the support of career center of both the law school and the business school. If you want to work in financial/banking law or even in investment banking, the msc in law and finance can be a good experience as you will be an expert in law and you will also have enough knowledge in finance to understand all the aspects of the transaction you will work in. I think you can find such degree only at oxford. But, it can be difficult especially in the first semester if you have a low level in maths but there are some preparatory trainings in the first weeks to help.  

The reputation of QMUL and KCL is the same, LSE is slightly more renowned than others. You should just ask yourself if you want to have a double training in both law and finance or if you just want a legal training. in the msc law and finance you will be able to choose half of law modules and half of finance module taught with finance students studying an msc in finance. Also, you will have the support of career center of both the law school and the business school. If you want to work in financial/banking law or even in investment banking, the msc in law and finance can be a good experience as you will be an expert in law and you will also have enough knowledge in finance to understand all the aspects of the transaction you will work in. I think you can find such degree only at oxford. But, it can be difficult especially in the first semester if you have a low level in maths but there are some preparatory trainings in the first weeks to help.&nbsp;&nbsp;

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