Howdy fellas, and congratulations to my potential future classmates!
my referee submitted her letter this afternoon and two hours later I received an unconditional offer. Their promptness was very much appreciated, but I am not very fond of the 4-week deadline, as I have also applied to other universities in the UK and one in the American Midwest -- the likeliness of the latter giving me any info before february being, I fear, remarkably low.
I am tempted of accepting the offer anyways, but... what are the exact consequences of accepting an offer? I mean: what if I do accept the offer and, should I be granted admission in a place I fancy more, decide not to go? I imagine the only thing preventing me from doing that would be the idea of losing my deposit for good -- believe me, I'd go to any lengths to avoid losing five Euro, but I suspect an investment of this kind might be worth if admission to a fancy (I do overuse this adjective) is eventually granted. Thing is, however, the offer letter is very clear in stating that they do not require a deposit and that payment of the fees is due in September/October.
Let's say I accept the offer hoping to be granted a scholarship. They eventually discover that I am not that good a candidate and the scholarship goes to someone with real legal skills. Say, again, that in the meantime the Awesome University of Candyland offers me a place. What happens if, lured by the idea of eating candy for an entire academic year, I give up my place at King's? Is it just an example of outstandingly unfitting behaviour? I'd rather avoid doing any of these things, but come on! A 4-week deadline is simply ridiculous -- and, I daresay, pointless, since they don't even ask for a deposit to be paid.
I suspect that writing them an email inquiring about this issue wouldn't quite be a wise move.
Anyone? Any input would be very much appreciated. Thanks, and looking forward to meeting some of you in London!