Cambridge LL.M. Applicants 2023-2024


Could someone help me with the three questions that we need to prepare answers for, and the word/character limit expected by Cambridge? I found conflicting information on the internet. 

What three questions?

[quote]Could someone help me with the three questions that we need to prepare answers for, and the word/character limit expected by Cambridge? I found conflicting information on the internet.&nbsp;<br><br> [/quote]<br><br>What three questions?

Could someone help me with the three questions that we need to prepare answers for, and the word/character limit expected by Cambridge? I found conflicting information on the internet. 

The character limits should be there beside the questions, but here they are in case the portal is causing difficulties:

- Career goals: 1000 characters
- Additional information to support application: 1000 characters, optional
- Reasons for applying: 5000 characters

I may be wrong though (I'm taking these from my application notes and not the application portal) so do check the portal itself.

[quote]Could someone help me with the three questions that we need to prepare answers for, and the word/character limit expected by Cambridge? I found conflicting information on the internet.&nbsp;<br><br> [/quote]<br><br>The character limits should be there beside the questions, but here they are in case the portal is causing difficulties:<br><br>- Career goals: 1000 characters<br>- Additional information to support application: 1000 characters, optional<br>- Reasons for applying: 5000 characters<br><br>I may be wrong though (I'm taking these from my application notes and not the application portal) so do check the portal itself.

I wouldn't recommend submitting your application now while the payment system is under maintenance! I just paid the 50 GBP and it was taken from my account but not approved by the system... hopefully they can sort it out in time.

I wouldn't recommend submitting your application now while the payment system is under maintenance! I just paid the 50 GBP and it was taken from my account but not approved by the system... hopefully they can sort it out in time.

I wouldn't recommend submitting your application now while the payment system is under maintenance! I just paid the 50 GBP and it was taken from my account but not approved by the system... hopefully they can sort it out in time.

Did you manage to submit your application? 
I just faced the same thing today - even after the scheduled maintenance days. Raised a support ticket now waiting with baited breath.

[quote]I wouldn't recommend submitting your application now while the payment system is under maintenance! I just paid the 50 GBP and it was taken from my account but not approved by the system... hopefully they can sort it out in time. [/quote]<br><br>Did you manage to submit your application?&nbsp;<br>I just faced the same thing today - even after the scheduled maintenance days. Raised a support ticket now waiting with baited breath.

I wouldn't recommend submitting your application now while the payment system is under maintenance! I just paid the 50 GBP and it was taken from my account but not approved by the system... hopefully they can sort it out in time.

Did you manage to submit your application? 
I just faced the same thing today - even after the scheduled maintenance days. Raised a support ticket now waiting with baited breath.

The portal says unsubmitted, but I have an email saying it is submitted and will be changed manually. I also just got another email saying they will contact me in the next day or two. Hopefully this can be sorted!

It’s interesting that they chose to do maintenance on their payment system at the busiest time of the year for them!

[quote][quote]I wouldn't recommend submitting your application now while the payment system is under maintenance! I just paid the 50 GBP and it was taken from my account but not approved by the system... hopefully they can sort it out in time. [/quote]<br><br>Did you manage to submit your application?&nbsp;<br>I just faced the same thing today - even after the scheduled maintenance days. Raised a support ticket now waiting with baited breath. [/quote]<br><br>The portal says unsubmitted, but I have an email saying it is submitted and will be changed manually. I also just got another email saying they will contact me in the next day or two. Hopefully this can be sorted!<br><br>It’s interesting that they chose to do maintenance on their payment system at the busiest time of the year for them!

Wondering if Cambridge holds interviews for LLM. Any idea?

Wondering if Cambridge holds interviews for LLM. Any idea?

Wondering if Cambridge holds interviews for LLM. Any idea?

They don’t.

[quote]Wondering if Cambridge holds interviews for LLM. Any idea? [/quote]<br><br>They don’t.

ive just sent in my application! fingers crossed

Am not the strongest applicant - am an internal Cambridge student doing my final year study of law tripos here now. Hoping references will make up for my general lack of experience

ive just sent in my application! fingers crossed<br><br>Am not the strongest applicant - am an internal Cambridge student doing my final year study of law tripos here now. Hoping references will make up for my general lack of experience<br><br>

Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!

I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing.

I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead.

I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet!

I wouldn't worry. I was one of the younger people in my cohort at 24, and almost never interacted with anyone younger than 21 on account of being at Hughes.

[quote][quote][quote]Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!<br>
I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing. [/quote]<br><br>I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead. [/quote]<br><br>I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet! [/quote]<br><br>I wouldn't worry. I was one of the younger people in my cohort at 24, and almost never interacted with anyone younger than 21 on account of being at Hughes.

Deadline for application is today! Even though I submitted my application 2 weeks ago, I don't know why I still feel nervous right now

Deadline for application is today! Even though I submitted my application 2 weeks ago, I don't know why I still feel nervous right now

Hi! I am applying from the US. While my academic record is relatively strong, my concern is that I was unable to take law as an undergraduate major because it is not typically offered in the US, and I am applying straight from undergrad. However, I am majoring in Political Science, Economics, and History, and I have been working for a law professor for 2 years, and had light internship work in law throughout college. Does anyone have a sense of how much it should disadvantage me to not have law as a major and/or not have had an official job in law yet? 

[Edited by usstudent1 on Dec 01, 2022]

Hi! I am applying from the US. While my academic record is relatively strong, my concern is that I was unable to take law as an undergraduate major because it is not typically offered in the US, and I am applying straight from undergrad. However, I am majoring in Political Science, Economics, and History, and I have been working for a law professor for 2 years, and had light internship work in law throughout college. Does anyone have a sense of how much it should disadvantage me to not have law as a major and/or not have had an official job in law yet?&nbsp;

Deadline for application is today! Even though I submitted my application 2 weeks ago, I don't know why I still feel nervous right now

Me too!

[quote]Deadline for application is today! Even though I submitted my application 2 weeks ago, I don't know why I still feel nervous right now [/quote]<br><br>Me too!

Hi! I am applying from the US. While my academic record is relatively strong, my concern is that I was unable to take law as an undergraduate major because it is not typically offered in the US, and I am applying straight from undergrad. However, I am majoring in Political Science, Economics, and History, and I have been working for a law professor for 2 years, and had light internship work in law throughout college. Does anyone have a sense of how much it should disadvantage me to not have law as a major and/or not have had an official job in law yet? 

I don't know for sure by any means, and would defer to anyone here with actual expertise, but I really can't imagine you'll be the first applicant they've had in that situation! I think it is probably well-understood that the US does things differently with law and thus hopefully it wouldn't prejudice your application.

[quote]Hi! I am applying from the US. While my academic record is relatively strong, my concern is that I was unable to take law as an undergraduate major because it is not typically offered in the US, and I am applying straight from undergrad. However, I am majoring in Political Science, Economics, and History, and I have been working for a law professor for 2 years, and had light internship work in law throughout college. Does anyone have a sense of how much it should disadvantage me to not have law as a major and/or not have had an official job in law yet?&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>I don't know for sure by any means, and would defer to anyone here with actual expertise, but I really can't imagine you'll be the first applicant they've had in that situation! I think it is probably well-understood that the US does things differently with law and thus hopefully it wouldn't prejudice your application.

I wouldn't recommend submitting your application now while the payment system is under maintenance! I just paid the 50 GBP and it was taken from my account but not approved by the system... hopefully they can sort it out in time.

Did you manage to submit your application? 
I just faced the same thing today - even after the scheduled maintenance days. Raised a support ticket now waiting with baited breath.

The portal says unsubmitted, but I have an email saying it is submitted and will be changed manually. I also just got another email saying they will contact me in the next day or two. Hopefully this can be sorted!

It’s interesting that they chose to do maintenance on their payment system at the busiest time of the year for them!

I know! It's ridiculous. But glad that they figured it out eventually (sort of). Now just waiting for my refund haha.

[quote][quote][quote]I wouldn't recommend submitting your application now while the payment system is under maintenance! I just paid the 50 GBP and it was taken from my account but not approved by the system... hopefully they can sort it out in time. [/quote]<br><br>Did you manage to submit your application?&nbsp;<br>I just faced the same thing today - even after the scheduled maintenance days. Raised a support ticket now waiting with baited breath. [/quote]<br><br>The portal says unsubmitted, but I have an email saying it is submitted and will be changed manually. I also just got another email saying they will contact me in the next day or two. Hopefully this can be sorted!<br><br>It’s interesting that they chose to do maintenance on their payment system at the busiest time of the year for them! [/quote]<br><br>I know! It's ridiculous. But glad that they figured it out eventually (sort of). Now just waiting for my refund haha.

So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!  1f625

Hi,&nbsp;<br>So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!&nbsp;&nbsp;:relieved:

So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!  1f625

It wasn't just you. It happened to me too. I tried to fix it multiple times before submitting, but there was nothing else I could do.

[quote]Hi,&nbsp;<br>So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!&nbsp;&nbsp;:relieved: [/quote]<br><br>It wasn't just you. It happened to me too. I tried to fix it multiple times before submitting, but there was nothing else I could do.

So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!  1f625

Same for me. Here's hoping their system somehow manages to show those para jumps when they view our applications.

[quote]Hi,&nbsp;<br>So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!&nbsp;&nbsp;:relieved: [/quote]<br><br>Same for me. Here's hoping their system somehow manages to show those para jumps when they view our applications.

So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!  1f625

Same for me. Here's hoping their system somehow manages to show those para jumps when they view our applications.

Yeah, don't worry. It happened to me too! 

Has anybody's application status changed, or is everybody's still showing as 'submitted' (rather than 'under review')?

[quote][quote]Hi,&nbsp;<br>So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!&nbsp;&nbsp;:relieved: [/quote]<br><br>Same for me. Here's hoping their system somehow manages to show those para jumps when they view our applications. [/quote]<br><br>Yeah, don't worry. It happened to me too!&nbsp;<br><br>Has anybody's application status changed, or is everybody's still showing as 'submitted' (rather than 'under review')?

So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!  1f625

Same for me. Here's hoping their system somehow manages to show those para jumps when they view our applications.

Yeah, don't worry. It happened to me too! 

Has anybody's application status changed, or is everybody's still showing as 'submitted' (rather than 'under review')?

Still showing "submitted" here!

[quote][quote][quote]Hi,&nbsp;<br>So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!&nbsp;&nbsp;:relieved: [/quote]<br><br>Same for me. Here's hoping their system somehow manages to show those para jumps when they view our applications. [/quote]<br><br>Yeah, don't worry. It happened to me too!&nbsp;<br><br>Has anybody's application status changed, or is everybody's still showing as 'submitted' (rather than 'under review')? [/quote]<br><br>Still showing "submitted" here!

So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!  1f625

Same for me. Here's hoping their system somehow manages to show those para jumps when they view our applications.

Yeah, don't worry. It happened to me too! 

Has anybody's application status changed, or is everybody's still showing as 'submitted' (rather than 'under review')?

I think it's still way too early for the status to change (which I'm sort of scared of seeing any changes). From last year's forum, it seems that status only started to change in mid-January. 

[quote][quote][quote]Hi,&nbsp;<br>So did someone else notice that para-jumps/spaces were removed in the pdf of submitted application? I intentionally left characters to give some space after each para, but when I downloaded my as-submitted application, all spaces had been removed and the whole thing kinda looked like one huge paragraph. Please say that it wasn't just me?!&nbsp;&nbsp;:relieved: [/quote]<br><br>Same for me. Here's hoping their system somehow manages to show those para jumps when they view our applications. [/quote]<br><br>Yeah, don't worry. It happened to me too!&nbsp;<br><br>Has anybody's application status changed, or is everybody's still showing as 'submitted' (rather than 'under review')? [/quote]<br>I think it's still way too early for the status to change (which I'm sort of scared of seeing any changes). From last year's forum, it seems that status only started to change in mid-January.&nbsp;

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