Cambridge LL.M. Applicants 2023-2024


Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!

I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing.

Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!

I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing.

Hello everyone! I'm excited to apply from New Zealand. I am still working up the courage to ask one of my references though 1f605 

I'm not too sure on my college preferences yet.

I had a question of my own: Is it possible to accept the offer in March (fingers crossed!) but then withdraw later on if we weren't able to secure any funding?

Hello everyone! I'm excited to apply from New Zealand. I am still working up the courage to ask one of my references though&nbsp;:sweat-smile:&nbsp;<br><br>I'm not too sure on my college preferences yet.<br><br>I had a question of my own: Is it possible to accept the offer in March (fingers crossed!) but then withdraw later on if we weren't able to secure any funding?<br>

Hi Jasper, regarding your question, I am not sure about withdrawal but you can easily defer your admission to next year in case you feel you will be able to secure funding within a year.

Hi Jasper, regarding your question, I am not sure about withdrawal but you can easily defer your admission to next year in case you feel you will be able to secure funding within a year.

Hi Jasper, regarding your question, I am not sure about withdrawal but you can easily defer your admission to next year in case you feel you will be able to secure funding within a year.

Are you sure about this? It seems like Cambridge are pretty clear that deferral is not allowed. See:,of%20places%20available%20each%20year.

[quote]Hi Jasper, regarding your question, I am not sure about withdrawal but you can easily defer your admission to next year in case you feel you will be able to secure funding within a year. [/quote]<br><br>Are you sure about this? It seems like Cambridge are pretty clear that deferral is not allowed. See:,of%20places%20available%20each%20year.

Hi Jasper, regarding your question, I am not sure about withdrawal but you can easily defer your admission to next year in case you feel you will be able to secure funding within a year.

Cambridge does not defer LLM/MCL admissions sadly. Anybody who withdraws or does not go forward with an offer of admission will have to apply afresh in competition with the new applicants.

[quote]Hi Jasper, regarding your question, I am not sure about withdrawal but you can easily defer your admission to next year in case you feel you will be able to secure funding within a year. [/quote]<br><br>Cambridge does not defer LLM/MCL admissions sadly. Anybody who withdraws or does not go forward with an offer of admission will have to apply afresh in competition with the new applicants.

Have any of you submitted yet?

Have any of you submitted yet?

Have any of you submitted yet?

Not yet, still trying to fine-tune my reasons for applying.

Does anyone know where to find information on who teaches what papers on the LLM? Seems quite easy to find this info for the MCL but the LLM website is pretty sparse.

[quote]Have any of you submitted yet? [/quote]<br><br>Not yet, still trying to fine-tune my reasons for applying.<br><br>Does anyone know where to find information on who teaches what papers on the LLM? Seems quite easy to find this info for the MCL but the LLM website is pretty sparse.<br>

Hello! I'll be applying from India. I had a doubt though, I have applied for passport, but I am only likely to get it after the December 1 deadline. Will selecting 'No' as the answer to 'Do you have a passport' make me ineligible? Thanks a bunch, in advance! Also, no early application benefit for Cam, right? The committee will review only after the deadline I presume. Thanks again. 

Hello! I'll be applying from India. I had a doubt though, I have applied for passport, but I am only likely to get it after the December 1 deadline. Will selecting 'No' as the answer to 'Do you have a passport' make me ineligible? Thanks a bunch, in advance! Also, no early application benefit for Cam, right? The committee will review only after the deadline I presume. Thanks again.&nbsp;

Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!

I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing.

I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead.

[Edited by megster1 on Nov 07, 2022]

[quote]Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!<br>
I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing. [/quote]<br><br>I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead.

Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!

I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing.

I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead.

I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet!

[quote][quote]Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!<br>
I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing. [/quote]<br><br>I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead. [/quote]<br><br>I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet!

Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!

I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing.

I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead.

I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet!

Golden oldies lol. Have you applied for any other LLM programmes?

[quote][quote][quote]Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!<br>
I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing. [/quote]<br><br>I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead. [/quote]<br><br>I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet! [/quote]<br><br>Golden oldies lol. Have you applied for any other LLM programmes?

I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead.

I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet!

Golden oldies lol. Have you applied for any other LLM programmes?

Oxford, LSE and Edinburgh, yourself? Just submitted Cambridge yesterday, v nerve-wracking!

[quote][quote][quote][quote]Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!<br>
I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing. [/quote]<br><br>I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead. [/quote]<br><br>I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet! [/quote]<br><br>Golden oldies lol. Have you applied for any other LLM programmes? [/quote]<br><br>Oxford, LSE and Edinburgh, yourself? Just submitted Cambridge yesterday, v nerve-wracking!

Hi folks,

I had a doubt - the academic prizes/academic awards section of the form refers to gold medals right? Not necessarily monetary reimbursements. I have a few subject medals but they didn't come with money so not sure I should write them.

Hi folks,<br><br>I had a doubt - the academic prizes/academic awards section of the form refers to gold medals right? Not necessarily monetary reimbursements. I have a few subject medals but they didn't come with money so not sure I should write them.<br>

I have a question regarding the *please state your reasons for applying * section. Did you write it as a personal statement ?

I have a question regarding the *please state your reasons for applying * section. Did you write it as a personal statement ?

Does anyone know which colleges provide college-specific scholarships to LLM students?

Does anyone know which colleges provide college-specific scholarships to LLM students?<br>

I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet!

Golden oldies lol. Have you applied for any other LLM programmes?

Oxford, LSE and Edinburgh, yourself? Just submitted Cambridge yesterday, v nerve-wracking!

Oxford and Edinburgh too! Might apply to Durham and Bristol too if I have the time. Well done you, best of luck. I can't believe we won't find out whether we have been successful until at least the end of February ffs lol. 

Can I ask, what are your academics like? Are you still an undergraduate student currently? 

[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote]Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!<br>
I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing. [/quote]<br><br>I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead. [/quote]<br><br>I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet! [/quote]<br><br>Golden oldies lol. Have you applied for any other LLM programmes? [/quote]<br><br>Oxford, LSE and Edinburgh, yourself? Just submitted Cambridge yesterday, v nerve-wracking! [/quote]<br><br>Oxford and Edinburgh too! Might apply to Durham and Bristol too if I have the time. Well done you, best of luck. I can't believe we won't find out whether we have been successful until at least the end of February ffs lol.&nbsp;<br><br>Can I ask, what are your academics like? Are you still an undergraduate student currently?&nbsp;

Golden oldies lol. Have you applied for any other LLM programmes?

Oxford, LSE and Edinburgh, yourself? Just submitted Cambridge yesterday, v nerve-wracking!

Oxford and Edinburgh too! Might apply to Durham and Bristol too if I have the time. Well done you, best of luck. I can't believe we won't find out whether we have been successful until at least the end of February ffs lol. 

Can I ask, what are your academics like? Are you still an undergraduate student currently? 

Best of luck with them!! I know, it'll be such a wait - I think depending on application time I should get LSE and Edinburgh by end of Jan so at least there's that.

I'm actually training as a solicitor at the moment in a large firm in Dublin - I got a first in my undergrad though and a couple of prizes. How about you? 

[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote]Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!<br>
I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing. [/quote]<br><br>I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead. [/quote]<br><br>I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet! [/quote]<br><br>Golden oldies lol. Have you applied for any other LLM programmes? [/quote]<br><br>Oxford, LSE and Edinburgh, yourself? Just submitted Cambridge yesterday, v nerve-wracking! [/quote]<br><br>Oxford and Edinburgh too! Might apply to Durham and Bristol too if I have the time. Well done you, best of luck. I can't believe we won't find out whether we have been successful until at least the end of February ffs lol.&nbsp;<br><br>Can I ask, what are your academics like? Are you still an undergraduate student currently?&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Best of luck with them!! I know, it'll be such a wait - I think depending on application time I should get LSE and Edinburgh by end of Jan so at least there's that.<br><br>I'm actually training as a solicitor at the moment in a large firm in Dublin - I got a first in my undergrad though and a couple of prizes. How about you?&nbsp;

Oxford, LSE and Edinburgh, yourself? Just submitted Cambridge yesterday, v nerve-wracking!

Oxford and Edinburgh too! Might apply to Durham and Bristol too if I have the time. Well done you, best of luck. I can't believe we won't find out whether we have been successful until at least the end of February ffs lol. 

Can I ask, what are your academics like? Are you still an undergraduate student currently? 

Best of luck with them!! I know, it'll be such a wait - I think depending on application time I should get LSE and Edinburgh by end of Jan so at least there's that.

I'm actually training as a solicitor at the moment in a large firm in Dublin - I got a first in my undergrad though and a couple of prizes. How about you? 

Thanks buddy. Oh wow, nice - I'm surprised you want to pursue the LLM when you already have a good career.

I'm a recent graduate too, I finished top of my cohort with a First-Class Honours.  

Would you like to connect on LinkedIn? 

[Edited by megster1 on Nov 16, 2022]

[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote]Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!<br><br>
I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing. [/quote]<br><br>I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead. [/quote]<br><br>I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet! [/quote]<br><br>Golden oldies lol. Have you applied for any other LLM programmes? [/quote]<br><br>Oxford, LSE and Edinburgh, yourself? Just submitted Cambridge yesterday, v nerve-wracking! [/quote]<br><br>Oxford and Edinburgh too! Might apply to Durham and Bristol too if I have the time. Well done you, best of luck. I can't believe we won't find out whether we have been successful until at least the end of February ffs lol.&nbsp;<br><br>Can I ask, what are your academics like? Are you still an undergraduate student currently?&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Best of luck with them!! I know, it'll be such a wait - I think depending on application time I should get LSE and Edinburgh by end of Jan so at least there's that.<br><br>I'm actually training as a solicitor at the moment in a large firm in Dublin - I got a first in my undergrad though and a couple of prizes. How about you?&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Thanks buddy. Oh wow, nice - I'm surprised you want to pursue the LLM when you already have a good career.<br><br>I'm a recent graduate too, I finished top of my cohort with a First-Class Honours.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>Would you like to connect on LinkedIn?&nbsp;

Oxford and Edinburgh too! Might apply to Durham and Bristol too if I have the time. Well done you, best of luck. I can't believe we won't find out whether we have been successful until at least the end of February ffs lol. 

Can I ask, what are your academics like? Are you still an undergraduate student currently? 

Best of luck with them!! I know, it'll be such a wait - I think depending on application time I should get LSE and Edinburgh by end of Jan so at least there's that.

I'm actually training as a solicitor at the moment in a large firm in Dublin - I got a first in my undergrad though and a couple of prizes. How about you? 

Thanks buddy. Oh wow, nice - I'm surprised you want to pursue the LLM when you already have a good career.

I'm a recent graduate too, I finished top of my cohort with a First-Class Honours.  

Would you like to connect on LinkedIn? 

Sure! Just send me a DM and I'll send you my profile.

[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote]Applications opened last week, might be jumping the gun a bit but would be good to hear from others!<br><br>
I've provisionally put Wolfson down first and Corpus Christi second but would love to hear what other people are doing. [/quote]<br><br>I applied the beginning of October. I put Darwin down as my first choice and Wolfson as my second. I'll be 24 coming 25 when I start, so definitely don't want to be with a bunch of 18 year olds lol. Good luck everyone - we have a long wait ahead. [/quote]<br><br>I had the same thought - I'll be 26 starting it so would like some peace and quiet! [/quote]<br><br>Golden oldies lol. Have you applied for any other LLM programmes? [/quote]<br><br>Oxford, LSE and Edinburgh, yourself? Just submitted Cambridge yesterday, v nerve-wracking! [/quote]<br><br>Oxford and Edinburgh too! Might apply to Durham and Bristol too if I have the time. Well done you, best of luck. I can't believe we won't find out whether we have been successful until at least the end of February ffs lol.&nbsp;<br><br>Can I ask, what are your academics like? Are you still an undergraduate student currently?&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Best of luck with them!! I know, it'll be such a wait - I think depending on application time I should get LSE and Edinburgh by end of Jan so at least there's that.<br><br>I'm actually training as a solicitor at the moment in a large firm in Dublin - I got a first in my undergrad though and a couple of prizes. How about you?&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Thanks buddy. Oh wow, nice - I'm surprised you want to pursue the LLM when you already have a good career.<br><br>I'm a recent graduate too, I finished top of my cohort with a First-Class Honours.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>Would you like to connect on LinkedIn?&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Sure! Just send me a DM and I'll send you my profile.

Could someone help me with the three questions that we need to prepare answers for, and the word/character limit expected by Cambridge? I found conflicting information on the internet. 

Could someone help me with the three questions that we need to prepare answers for, and the word/character limit expected by Cambridge? I found conflicting information on the internet.&nbsp;<br><br>

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