BCL at Oxford - New Query

Hi All

What a fantastic resource this site is for the confused, ignorant and inexperienced. Unfortunately I am all three so would really appreciate some sound and forthright advice on my chances of getting into the BCL at Oxford.

My CV is as follows:

1. Graduated top of my class with first class honours LLB from the University of Ulster, Belfast. This is locally considered the second choice university (after Queen's Belfast). I am not sure how much Oxford will care about this? I think only one or two of my modules were marked below 70%.

2. Presently studying the bar course (same as the English BVC) at Queen's Belfast and will be called to the Northern Irish Bar in early September. Competition is tough for a place on the bar course in Belfast as there are over 500 people who sit the admissions test with only 25 places on the bar course. Should I mention this fact in any application?

3. I won two University prizes, the Convocation Student of the Year 2004 and a prize for a human rights law essay in my final year.

4. I have some relevant experience having worked for Clive Stafford-Smith for three months in New Orleans in his capital defence organisation. I have also worked for criminal defence solicitors in Northern Ireland over three summers. I have also done two mini-pupillages in London Chambers.

5. I have also prepared reports for a human rights NGO in Belfast (the Committee for the Administration of Justice or CAJ) on prison law and right to life issues.

6. I have began researching for a book on prison law in Northern Ireland and have had positive feedback from a publisher in Belfast in respect of same.

7. I was awarded a substantial scholarship by Gray's Inn in London to read for the Bar in England but ultimately did not accept as I had already got into Belfast (my first choice).

8. I lecture part-time in human rights law at the University of Ulster.

9. Initially I studied in Scotland but transferred home due to family circumstances but while in Scotland won the Scottish Universities mooting competition beating Edinburgh University in front of a High Court Judge.

Basically I want to know if I have a fair chance of getting beyond the waste-paper basket at Oxford for the BCL?

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to comment on my prospects.

Thanks all.


Hi All

What a fantastic resource this site is for the confused, ignorant and inexperienced. Unfortunately I am all three so would really appreciate some sound and forthright advice on my chances of getting into the BCL at Oxford.

My CV is as follows:

1. Graduated top of my class with first class honours LLB from the University of Ulster, Belfast. This is locally considered the second choice university (after Queen's Belfast). I am not sure how much Oxford will care about this? I think only one or two of my modules were marked below 70%.

2. Presently studying the bar course (same as the English BVC) at Queen's Belfast and will be called to the Northern Irish Bar in early September. Competition is tough for a place on the bar course in Belfast as there are over 500 people who sit the admissions test with only 25 places on the bar course. Should I mention this fact in any application?

3. I won two University prizes, the Convocation Student of the Year 2004 and a prize for a human rights law essay in my final year.

4. I have some relevant experience having worked for Clive Stafford-Smith for three months in New Orleans in his capital defence organisation. I have also worked for criminal defence solicitors in Northern Ireland over three summers. I have also done two mini-pupillages in London Chambers.

5. I have also prepared reports for a human rights NGO in Belfast (the Committee for the Administration of Justice or CAJ) on prison law and right to life issues.

6. I have began researching for a book on prison law in Northern Ireland and have had positive feedback from a publisher in Belfast in respect of same.

7. I was awarded a substantial scholarship by Gray's Inn in London to read for the Bar in England but ultimately did not accept as I had already got into Belfast (my first choice).

8. I lecture part-time in human rights law at the University of Ulster.

9. Initially I studied in Scotland but transferred home due to family circumstances but while in Scotland won the Scottish Universities mooting competition beating Edinburgh University in front of a High Court Judge.

Basically I want to know if I have a fair chance of getting beyond the waste-paper basket at Oxford for the BCL?

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to comment on my prospects.

Thanks all.



Its difficult to tell with Cam and Ox what exactly they want. I got offered Cam and rejected at Ox which is fine and probably what I expected but I heard back from Cam on 28/02/05 and a girl in my class whoses results were way better than mine still hasn't heard either way. It just seems a little illogical. All I can say is your achievements seem impressive and certainly more than most students one year out of college would have so your chances should be good. I know people who've done less interesting things who have been let in. I may be wrong on this but some of your work experience may not be relevant because they don't want vaction work on the apps but I'm not sure which application that was. I also don't think that the fact you went to UU will count against you I went to an Irish University other than Trinty and every year three or four go to Oxbridge for LLMs

Its difficult to tell with Cam and Ox what exactly they want. I got offered Cam and rejected at Ox which is fine and probably what I expected but I heard back from Cam on 28/02/05 and a girl in my class whoses results were way better than mine still hasn't heard either way. It just seems a little illogical. All I can say is your achievements seem impressive and certainly more than most students one year out of college would have so your chances should be good. I know people who've done less interesting things who have been let in. I may be wrong on this but some of your work experience may not be relevant because they don't want vaction work on the apps but I'm not sure which application that was. I also don't think that the fact you went to UU will count against you I went to an Irish University other than Trinty and every year three or four go to Oxbridge for LLMs

Thanks for the encouraging words. If you dont mind me asking could you tell me your own basic qualifications so as I can compare like with like (if you like)...




Thanks for the encouraging words. If you dont mind me asking could you tell me your own basic qualifications so as I can compare like with like (if you like)...




Just to let you know I pm'ed you my info. Hope it helps.

Just to let you know I pm'ed you my info. Hope it helps.

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