Technische Universität Dresden - Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden)
Philosophische Fakultät
Bergstraße 53
Hullbr3ach / CC BY-SA 2.5 / (cropped)
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Full Profile
The Program
Dresden (c)
The Law of Intellectual Property Rights, such as Copyright, Patents and Trade Marks, forms an essential base for the promotion of innovation and economic progress and is therefore of considerable practical relevance. Due to globalizing markets, the international dimension of this area of law has grown significantly.
In view of this, it was indicated to offer a specialised study program which emphasises on international aspects. The LL.M. programme "International Studies in Intellectual Property Law" was founded by Professor em. Dr. Horst-Peter Götting, Director of the Institute of Intellectual Property, Competition and Media Law in 1999/2000, as the first of its kind in Germany. It was awarded a prize by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, the Donor´s Federation for the German Science, and is generously supported by the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR).
The one-year programme is divided into four parts:
1. During the winter semester (October - January) students can choose to study in Dresden or at one of our eight partner universities in Exeter (UK), London (UK), Krakow (Poland), Prague (Czech Rep.), Seattle (USA), Strasbourg (France), Tallinn (Estland), Tokyo (Japan) and Szeged (Hungary). During this time the international and European framework for the different areas of law as well as the national IP law of the hosting country are in the focus of the students studies. Lectures are held in English. In Strasbourg, lectures are held in French.
2. During the lecture-free period of the first semester, i.e. in the months of February and March or August and September, our students complete an internship of at least four weeks. This can be done at public authorities or courts, in companies or law firms in Germany or abroad.
3. Students spend the summer semester, starting in April, at Technische Universität Dresden. In Dresden they will take part in lectures, seminars, and working groups covering intellectual property law, competition law and related legal fields. The practical emphasis of the program means that the students are also offered the opportunity to apply practical knowledge in a Moot Court. In addition a weekly practitioners panel is offered, where lawyers, patent judges and other specialists hand on valuable knowledge about working in IP.
4. Finally students have to complete a final thesis. Students can choose the subject in consultation with Professor Dr. Anne Lauber-Rönsberg, JProf. Dr. Katharina Kaesling or Dr. Sven Hetmank.
After having completed the program successfully the degree LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law is awarded to the students during a graduation ceremony at the beautiful castle Schloss Eckberg in Dresden.
Specialized Lawyers Examination Course - FACHANWALTSKLAUSURENKURS Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz
In addition to the Masters program students who have qualified for admission to the bar in Germany or who are planning to do so have the opportunity to take part in our Specialized Lawyers Examination Course (Fachanwaltsklausurenkurs) and thereby obtain the theoretical knowledge in the field of Industrial Property Law (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz) according to sections 4 and 4a of the Specialized Lawyers Regulation (Fachanwaltsordnung).
The University
TU Dresden is one of eleven German Universities of Excellence, which have received funding within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments since 1 November 2019.
The Excellence title confirms the potential of one of Germany‘s largest technical universities. At the same time, however, this award is a great responsibility and an incentive to stay and become even more “excellent“.
The Law School
The LL.M. is offered by the Institute for International Law, Intellectual Property and Technical Law (IRGET)/ Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science/ Technische Universität Dresden. Dresden is the ideal location for graduate studies in Intellectual Property Law: accommodating the production sites for computer chips as well as luxury cars, it is one of the most important locations for research and production of high technology in Europe. The Dresden University of Technology is renowned for research, teaching activities as well as numerous inventions. It thus provides the ideal environment for an interdisciplinary approach to Law and Technology.
The unique international dimension of the program is achieved in a long-standing co-operation with the University of Exeter, the Queen Mary University of London, the Charles-University of Prague, the Jagiellonian University of Krakow, the Robert-Schuman-University of Strasbourg, the University of Washington in Seattle, the University of Szeged, the TalTech University Tallinn and tte Keio University of Tokyo.
(c) PantherMedia_Cienpies Design
The ALUMNI ASSOCIATION is intended to give all graduates the opportunity to stay in contact with other participants even after they have successfully completed their Master's degree. We also offer a mentoring program.
Entry Requirements
Colloquium 2015
- First Legal State Exam (Germany), Bachelors degree in law or an equivalent foreign degree
- Bachelor's or higher degree in law, computer science, engineering, media studies, or another subject. Graduates of a non-juridical university course may be admitted if they can prove that they have sufficient legal knowledge (at least 5 ECTS).
- IELTS or TOEFL English language test
- Applicants wishing to spend the winter semester in Strasbourg must provide proof of good knowledge of the French language
Find information about entry requirements here!
Application Procedure
Institute for International Law, Intellectual Property and Technical Law (IRGET) (c) TU Dresden
See our website:
The following documents have to be submitted:
- letter of motivation in English
- Curriculum Vitae in English (in tabular form) with photo (preferably CV Europass)
- Certificates providing evidence of English skills
- university diploma including an overview of subjects and grades (transcript of records) and translations
- school leaving certificate including an overview of subjects and grades
- evidence of other qualifications
- European and international students: copy passport
- Applicants from China, India, Mongolia and Vietnam: APS Certificate
Letters of recommendation from IP/IT/media practitioners or academics, other proof of interest or experience in IP law (such as internship certificates, Wahlfachscheine, additional studies certificates) are very welcome, but not a prerequisite for application.
One major advantage of our program is the possibility to start in OCTOBER as well as in APRIL of each year.
- 15th January: starting your studies the following April (summer semester)
(whereas for students with a visa requirement the deadline is 15 November)
- 15th May: starting your studies the following September (winter semester)
(whereas for students with a visa requirement the deadline is 15 March)
For applicants wishing to study in Seattle or Tokyo during the winter semester the application deadline is 15 January for the October as well as for the April intake.
Please visit for further information.
Tuition and Fees
(c) Foto: panther-media-net, franz
Information about the fees you can find HERE!
Financial Aid
Foto (c) TU Dresden
Information about scholarships and foundings you can find HERE!
1. (Partial) Tuition Fee Waiver
Each semester we may grant a (partial) fee waiver for up to 3 students. An application for such a tuition reduction can be submitted each semester between May 15 and July 01 (for the upcoming fall/winter semester) or between January 15 and March 1 (for the upcoming spring/summer semester). Application for such a waiver may be made by emailing (subject: Tuition Waiver). A decision on tuition reduction will be made by the selection committee two weeks after the application deadline. Please note that we can usually only grant a reduction for one semester in order to support as many students as possible.
2. Erasmus Scholarships
Students going to Strasbourg, Tallinn or Prague might be able to receive an ERASMUS grant of about 330,00 €/month (Prague, Tallinn) or 450,00 €/month (Strasbourg) for the time they spend abroad. These Erasmus funded places are limited. The Erasmus grant is paid subject to the allocation of funds by the EU. Our students are regularly informed about Erasmus funding in January/February. Information about Erasmus funding can be found here.
3. Scholarship of the Society for Friends and Sponsors of the TU Dresden (GFF)
The Gesellschaft für Freunde und Förderer der TU Dresden (GFF) (e.V.) awards approximately 5 scholarships for half a year each year to students whose nationality is not German, following an annual decision. You will receive the announcement and application requirements - subject to a previous positive decision by the sponsor - before the beginning of each semester.
Dresden (c) TU Dresden
We offer more than just an intensive professional education: You will live in a city that Johann Gottfried Herder once called the German Florence. The first locomotive was constructed in Saxony as well as the first German long-distance railway and the first German steamship. The first industrially produced calculator was constructed in Glashütte near Dresden in 1878, a place that is now famous for its watch manufacturers. Prof Dr Ernst Hartig, the first president of the Patent Office, lived in Dresden and gave lectures at our University. Therefore it is not surprising that the Dresden Regional Court of Appeals was the most popular place for inventors to defend their ideas and inventions. That said Dresden is not only a place with a great past you will meet the future here! Dresden is the largest and most modern place for high technology in East Germany: productions facilities by Infineon, AMD and Volkswagen are just a few reasons why Dresden is also know as Silicon Saxony. Since the Eastward Enlargement of the Union Dresden has also become a gateway to the emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europe.
From a cultural and historic point of view Dresden is an ideal place to study. The cultural live in Dresden is characterized by numerous beautiful castles, traditional institutions such as The Semper Opera, The Dresden State Art Collections, modern institutions such as the Centre for Modern Music, a number of small theatres and art-cinemas as well as a lively pub and party scene. Dresden is home to the highest number of student clubs in Germany. For those who are looking to leave the city behind in their spare time the Elbe river, the Elbe Sandstone Mountains and the Saxon Switzerland National Park are just around the corner and provide for a plethora of outdoor activities.
Student Dormitory (c) Crispin-Iven Mokry
Information about accommodation you can find here!
Student Life
Information about Student Life and Welfare you can find here!
Programs at Dresden University of Technology
- Second semester completed abroad at one of the partner universities, or in Dresden.
- Listed tuition is for two semesters of study in Dresden.
Application Tracker - Dresden University of Technology
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
Andrea Pac... | admitted | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | 5 years | Top 20% | admitted | Mar 15, 2024 | --- | Apr 02, 2024 |
ColdAqua | applied | --- | 4 years | Top 50% | applied | Nov 15, 2023 | Dec 04, 2023 | --- |
erentolga | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
anagvarami... | following | --- | 2 years | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Hamza Said... | following | --- | 1 year | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
iremc | following | --- | 3 years | Top 10% | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
littlepony | applied | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | 1 year | Top 15% | applied | Nov 12, 2022 | --- | --- |
TmJ | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Ufuk1998 | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
lawyer iso | following | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
muslum ara... | following | --- | 2 years | Top 5% | following | --- | --- | --- |
buraksmh2 | following | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | 1 year | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Sahil Garg | following | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | --- | Top 10% | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
legnodhmer... | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Inactive User | following | --- | 1 year | Top 20% | following | --- | --- | --- |
eylemtorun | following | --- | 1 year | Top 20% | following | --- | --- | --- |
Florence O... | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Michael Ch... | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
Trang Phạm... | following | --- | 1 year | Top 5% | following | --- | --- | --- |
KaplanD | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
ozge oztur... | following | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Thuso Ntam... | following | --- | 1 year | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Tim92 | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Berfin Süt... | following | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | --- | Top 5% | following | --- | --- | --- |
Bakhtiyar ... | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Burak Yüks... | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Roux Potgi... | following | --- | 10+ years | Top 10% | following | --- | --- | --- |
İrem. | following | --- | 1 year | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Selin Deni... | following | --- | 2 years | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
esraozdmr1... | following | --- | --- | Not in top half | following | --- | --- | --- |
Manuel Cha... | following | --- | 3 years | Top 5% | following | --- | --- | --- |
Swati Bhar... | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
whysoserio... | following | --- | 1 year | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Inactive User | following | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
FBenussi | following | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | 4 years | Top 30% | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
dedavid | following | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | 6 years | Top 10% | following | --- | --- | --- |
bus | following | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | 3 years | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Nicole Tok... | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Husrev Ayt... | following | --- | --- | Top 5% | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
ghasemrazm... | following | --- | 10+ years | Top 15% | following | --- | --- | --- |
rclam | following | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | 1 year | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
sahana | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Aditi A | following | --- | 1 year | Top 50% | following | --- | --- | --- |
hahaha | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
songruijia | following | --- | --- | Top 50% | following | --- | --- | --- |
solosapien | following | --- | 1 year | Top 30% | following | --- | --- | --- |
Kartikeya ... | following | LL.M. International Studies in Intellectual Property Law | --- | Top 50% | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
TayberkH | following | --- | 1 year | Top 15% | following | --- | --- | --- |
bahar.jafa... | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
angelovski... | following | --- | 2 years | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
lekaC | following | --- | 4 years | Top 5% | following | --- | --- | --- |
bettychau7... | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
Ali Al-Mou... | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
drf006808 | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
bablunewca... | following | --- | --- | Top 5% | following | --- | --- | --- |
Pisces03 | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
LLMelly | following | --- | 3 years | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
aroojnawab | following | --- | --- | Top 15% | following | --- | --- | --- |
msfiona | following | --- | 2 years | Top 10% | following | --- | --- | --- |
marymarpr | following | --- | 2 years | Top 5% | following | --- | --- | --- |
-pelin- | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
User | Status | Program | Work Exp. | Class Rank | Status | Application | Complete | Decision |
Kaleemulla... | following | --- | --- | --- | following | --- | --- | --- |
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Followers (64)
Technische Universität Dresden - Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden)
Philosophische Fakultät
Bergstraße 53
Hullbr3ach / CC BY-SA 2.5 / (cropped)
School News Mar 10, 2023
From WS 2023/2024 it will also be possible to study in Dresden both semester. >more
Follow Jul 16, 2024
nyuce followed Technische Universität Dresden - Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden)
Follow Jul 03, 2024
bhrlawyr followed Technische Universität Dresden - Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden)
School Profile Jun 24, 2024
LLM GUIDE updated Technische Universität Dresden - Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden)
Follow May 26, 2024
erentolga followed Technische Universität Dresden - Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden)
Follow May 23, 2024
anagvaramia followed Technische Universität Dresden - Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden)