USC vs Vanderbilt


Hi guys which is better for business/ corporate law USC + 5000 scholarship or VANDERBILT + 20,000 scholarship? considering the location, quality of education and other factors.

Please share your thoughts on which 1 is better and why?

- Rishabh

Hi guys which is better for business/ corporate law USC + 5000 scholarship or VANDERBILT + 20,000 scholarship? considering the location, quality of education and other factors.

Please share your thoughts on which 1 is better and why?

- Rishabh

Inputs would be appreciated

Inputs would be appreciated

both great schools with solid reputations. but, very different settings. California flashiness or Southern manners and country music. Your call.

both great schools with solid reputations. but, very different settings. California flashiness or Southern manners and country music. Your call.

Life in LA is waaaay mor expensive than at Vandebilt!

Life in LA is waaaay mor expensive than at Vandebilt!

Vanderbilt has tuition 4000 less and you have much bigger scholarship there - I would definitely pick vandy

Vanderbilt has tuition 4000 less and you have much bigger scholarship there - I would definitely pick vandy

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