HLS admitted students


Dear Matreshka, Chris, and ricklo,

I am a prospective LL.M student in the final year of LL.B.Your guidance and advice on the aspects which will help us get that cutting edge will be really helpful.

Thanks and all the best for a bright future.

Dear Matreshka, Chris, and ricklo,

I am a prospective LL.M student in the final year of LL.B.Your guidance and advice on the aspects which will help us get that cutting edge will be really helpful.

Thanks and all the best for a bright future.


I think you should go to HLS if you have no money problem...why are you hesitating?

Well, obviously money is an issue! :-( I'm poor! Oxford and Cambridge are significantly cheaper. But I think more importantly is having to uproot. I am an overseas student from Asia; I moved from home to read law in London for three years, now I will have to over to America to do the LLM at Harvard for a year. Whilst I am excited about the prospect, it does seem quite daunting and overwhelming (look at the size of that package they sent us!)! Plus, immediately after my LLM, I have to move back to London to begin work at a City law firm.

<blockquote>I think you should go to HLS if you have no money problem...why are you hesitating?</blockquote>

Well, obviously money is an issue! :-( I'm poor! Oxford and Cambridge are significantly cheaper. But I think more importantly is having to uproot. I am an overseas student from Asia; I moved from home to read law in London for three years, now I will have to over to America to do the LLM at Harvard for a year. Whilst I am excited about the prospect, it does seem quite daunting and overwhelming (look at the size of that package they sent us!)! Plus, immediately after my LLM, I have to move back to London to begin work at a City law firm.

I didn't mean in bad way. But if you have HLS, bank friends should help you because after it will be easy for you to reimburse and easy to find a excellent job.
It is just one year more, don't give up...

I didn't mean in bad way. But if you have HLS, bank friends should help you because after it will be easy for you to reimburse and easy to find a excellent job.
It is just one year more, don't give up...


Don't worry - I perfectly understand! Thank you for your kind advice. Sorry if I came across sounding funny - it was not meant to be at all! lol

I actually have a job with an international law firm in London already - I was meant to start this September, but they have agreed to let me take a year out to do a masters. It's just that I am not sure whether the costs/inconvenience of studying at Harvard (as opposed to Oxford or Cambridge) would outweigh any career benefits.


Don't worry - I perfectly understand! Thank you for your kind advice. Sorry if I came across sounding funny - it was not meant to be at all! lol

I actually have a job with an international law firm in London already - I was meant to start this September, but they have agreed to let me take a year out to do a masters. It's just that I am not sure whether the costs/inconvenience of studying at Harvard (as opposed to Oxford or Cambridge) would outweigh any career benefits.
Inactive User

My my...I must say this all sounds very fraternizing..(I am sooo jealous). I didn't get into HLS (didn't get the mail) and don't want to 'waste' money calling to find out if I'm on a waitlist. I am soo very happy for you guys tho. I wish y'all could post your profiles so I might understand why I wasn't taken; especially the one with the HLS, CAM and OX options... I don't have a lot of experience but I have 'excellent' academic antecedents.
And oh, ... I'm Nigerian.

My my...I must say this all sounds very fraternizing..(I am sooo jealous). I didn't get into HLS (didn't get the mail) and don't want to 'waste' money calling to find out if I'm on a waitlist. I am soo very happy for you guys tho. I wish y'all could post your profiles so I might understand why I wasn't taken; especially the one with the HLS, CAM and OX options... I don't have a lot of experience but I have 'excellent' academic antecedents.
And oh, ... I'm Nigerian.


I am French and diploma is everything for us...but I do think that HLS is the best for you cv maybe not the best programme but for your futur it is the number 1 in the world. It is depending what you want to do really and where you see yourself later...


I am French and diploma is everything for us...but I do think that HLS is the best for you cv maybe not the best programme but for your futur it is the number 1 in the world. It is depending what you want to do really and where you see yourself later...

Matreshka, Chris, and ricklo

It would be very good information for us (as prospective LLM student) to know your background...would you please share those information??


I think so. I would really appreciate it if you were to share the information with prospective LLM students such as ourselves. my mail is:


Thanx a lot!! Have a wonderful year in Harvard!!!

Me too!

<blockquote><blockquote>Matreshka, Chris, and ricklo

It would be very good information for us (as prospective LLM student) to know your background...would you please share those information??


I think so. I would really appreciate it if you were to share the information with prospective LLM students such as ourselves. my mail is:


Thanx a lot!! Have a wonderful year in Harvard!!!

Me too!

Pass over the question. These admits did not get enrolled through sharing alumni's personal information. Harvard's choice of admission will fully consider applicants diversified backgrounds that will be piles of cases of different personal facts.

THat you happened to find some HLS admits online and can chat will some of them is fine. But don't push your luck by digging more personal information, which will be not fair for other potential applicants if they can't see the info delivered to you.


Pass over the question. These admits did not get enrolled through sharing alumni's personal information. Harvard's choice of admission will fully consider applicants diversified backgrounds that will be piles of cases of different personal facts.

THat you happened to find some HLS admits online and can chat will some of them is fine. But don't push your luck by digging more personal information, which will be not fair for other potential applicants if they can't see the info delivered to you.


Dear fightagainstanyridiculous:

I am sorry to bother your precious attention. However, I do think that some of you statements are a little bit offensive. I can see that you are a very talented and exuberant author. All of your statements are very persuasive and well augmented. Therefore, my comments are not on the substance of the written statements but more on the manner. Could you be so kind to be a bit more tolerant to people not in the simplest choice of their lives. I may assure you that most of your collocutors from the board will have enough intellectual challenge during their studies next year and do not wish to be a part of aggressive debates that you try to initiate here.

Please note that the above paragraph is just my personal impression on the situation. Of course, my English language skills are nothing comparable to your lingual abilities and for that reason I may be getting a wrong impression. However, I do think that if you add tolerance and kindness to your extraordinary writing skills and natural intelligence it will be very rewarding for you.

Dear fightagainstanyridiculous:

I am sorry to bother your precious attention. However, I do think that some of you statements are a little bit offensive. I can see that you are a very talented and exuberant author. All of your statements are very persuasive and well augmented. Therefore, my comments are not on the substance of the written statements but more on the manner. Could you be so kind to be a bit more tolerant to people not in the simplest choice of their lives. I may assure you that most of your collocutors from the board will have enough intellectual challenge during their studies next year and do not wish to be a part of aggressive debates that you try to initiate here.

Please note that the above paragraph is just my personal impression on the situation. Of course, my English language skills are nothing comparable to your lingual abilities and for that reason I may be getting a wrong impression. However, I do think that if you add tolerance and kindness to your extraordinary writing skills and natural intelligence it will be very rewarding for you.

Thank you.

I should have been nice, since basically I am a happy guy and have good faith to guys around me. But I know I am not quite "refined", which I should study from you guys.

I have posted a pic that I liked.

Thank you.

I should have been nice, since basically I am a happy guy and have good faith to guys around me. But I know I am not quite "refined", which I should study from you guys.

I have posted a pic that I liked.

I agree with Matreshka. One of the reasons for this board is that we all help each other and also advice those who ask for it. I see nothing wrong in anyone asking for information about the background of admitted HLS students. I am one such and personally, I do not interpret it as an attempt to solicit personal information. The question seems aimed at determining the educational and work profiles of those whom HLS has admitted. If someone wishes not to supply this information, they need not- that is their prerogative. But please do not speak as though you are representing the views of every HLS student. Finally, is there anything unfair in acquiring information that gives one an edge over other candidates? I think you're smart if you acquire such information - it shows innovation, and at some level, perserverance.

I agree with Matreshka. One of the reasons for this board is that we all help each other and also advice those who ask for it. I see nothing wrong in anyone asking for information about the background of admitted HLS students. I am one such and personally, I do not interpret it as an attempt to solicit personal information. The question seems aimed at determining the educational and work profiles of those whom HLS has admitted. If someone wishes not to supply this information, they need not- that is their prerogative. But please do not speak as though you are representing the views of every HLS student. Finally, is there anything unfair in acquiring information that gives one an edge over other candidates? I think you're smart if you acquire such information - it shows innovation, and at some level, perserverance.

Dear Chinaren or fightagainstanyridiculous (or whatever other name you may be using):

I am relieved that you are such a happy guy and have good faith to guys around you. I guess that that these guys around you should be really proud to have deserved the faith of such an extraordinary person as yourself. However, I am very sorry that you decided not to listen to the piece of advice offered to you in the friendliest manner and with the best intentions. As to your sarcastic statement, I have to say that if by refined in quotation marks you mean people, who try to protect others from causeless aggression and offensive words, I wish to be called that or whatever other word your vivid imagination may come up with.

Dear Chinaren or fightagainstanyridiculous (or whatever other name you may be using):

I am relieved that you are such “a happy guy and have good faith to guys around you.” I guess that that these “guys around you” should be really proud to have deserved the faith of such an extraordinary person as yourself. However, I am very sorry that you decided not to listen to the piece of advice offered to you in the friendliest manner and with the best intentions. As to your sarcastic statement, I have to say that if by refined in quotation marks you mean people, who try to protect others from causeless aggression and offensive words, I wish to be called that or whatever other word your vivid imagination may come up with.

Dear me! This sudden tension in a friendly forum for academic stimulation is surprising. I had a browse around, and this 'Chinaren' or 'fightagainstanyridiculous' is certainly quite intent on being rude and obnoxious (check out the Georgetown board)! I was shocked...

Come on mate, chill out and loosen up - we are all here to just chat and exchange thoughts and ideas. Everyone can benefit.

Dear me! This sudden tension in a friendly forum for academic stimulation is surprising. I had a browse around, and this 'Chinaren' or 'fightagainstanyridiculous' is certainly quite intent on being rude and obnoxious (check out the Georgetown board)! I was shocked...

Come on mate, chill out and loosen up - we are all here to just chat and exchange thoughts and ideas. Everyone can benefit.

Why is it so hard to be a little bit direct and truthful? How can a dissenting opinion being conviniently ignored as intended rude?

Why is it so hard to be a little bit direct and truthful? How can a dissenting opinion being conviniently ignored as intended rude?

Everybody was being really nice and helpful until you started making your sarcastic comments on the expense of others. Bug off... really...

Everybody was being really nice and helpful until you started making your sarcastic comments on the expense of others. Bug off... really...

Mex, as we will probably be classmates, I won't make things worse than its current situation.

I will not do anything more aggressive here and hope to meet you face to face at fall.

Mex, as we will probably be classmates, I won't make things worse than its current situation.

I will not do anything more aggressive here and hope to meet you face to face at fall.

...I guess people will now understand why some european students found the atmosphere a bit heavy at Harvard...Isn't there a song saying "Imagine all the people living life in peace" ?

...I guess people will now understand why some european students found the atmosphere a bit heavy at Harvard...Isn't there a song saying "Imagine all the people living life in peace" ?


Moving to other subjects... who's going to apply to affiliated housing?


Moving to other subjects... who's going to apply to affiliated housing?

I applied to HLS and havent had a response yet; is anyone on the same situation.


I applied to HLS and haven’t had a response yet; is anyone on the same situation.


If you haven't recieved an answer you should call...I called and knew that mi admission was denied.
From previous posts (Acceptance letters (ter)), you will note that admitted students recieved and e-mail on March 25th....
This doen't means that uor weren't admitted...maybe you're in a waiting list...

If you haven't recieved an answer you should call...I called and knew that mi admission was denied.
From previous posts (Acceptance letters (ter)), you will note that admitted students recieved and e-mail on March 25th....
This doen't means that uor weren't admitted...maybe you're in a waiting list...

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