Harvard 2021-2022


Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results. 

Although the precedent for Mid-March is pretty convincing, if there was a year that they wouldn't adhere to it, would it be the most unprecedented year in recent history i.e. this year?

Judging by the following, anytime in the next two weeks :)

"20. ADMISSIONS DECISIONSAll admissions decisions for LL.M. applicants will be released in the online application system at the same time, typically in late
March. Once the decisions have been reached, you will be notified promptly and will be able to log in to your Status Page to
check whether you have been admitted, denied, or placed on a waiting list. "

<br>Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results.&nbsp;<br><br>Although the precedent for Mid-March is pretty convincing, if there was a year that they wouldn't adhere to it, would it be the most unprecedented year in recent history i.e. this year?<br><br><br><br><br><br>[quote]Judging by the following, anytime in the next two weeks :)<br><br>"20. ADMISSIONS DECISIONS<div>All admissions decisions for LL.M. applicants will be released in the online application system at the same time, typically in late
</div><div>March. Once the decisions have been reached, you will be notified promptly and will be able to log in to your Status Page to
</div><div>check whether you have been admitted, denied, or placed on a waiting list. "</div><div><br></div><div>
</div> [/quote]

I know what you mean! Based on the last few years, 14th-16th seem to be the most likely days for decisions to come out. However, no one can say with any certainty this year the process isn't going to take longer, given how unprecedented 2020 has been. 

Having said that, it would be great to hear soon!

Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results. 

Although the precedent for Mid-March is pretty convincing, if there was a year that they wouldn't adhere to it, would it be the most unprecedented year in recent history i.e. this year?

Judging by the following, anytime in the next two weeks :)

"20. ADMISSIONS DECISIONSAll admissions decisions for LL.M. applicants will be released in the online application system at the same time, typically in late
March. Once the decisions have been reached, you will be notified promptly and will be able to log in to your Status Page to
check whether you have been admitted, denied, or placed on a waiting list. "

I know what you mean! Based on the last few years, 14th-16th seem to be the most likely days for decisions to come out. However, no one can say with any certainty this year the process isn't going to take longer, given how unprecedented 2020 has been.&nbsp;<br><br>Having said that, it would be great to hear soon!<br><br><br>[quote]<br>Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results.&nbsp;<br><br>Although the precedent for Mid-March is pretty convincing, if there was a year that they wouldn't adhere to it, would it be the most unprecedented year in recent history i.e. this year?<br><br><br><br><br><br>[quote]Judging by the following, anytime in the next two weeks :)<br><br>"20. ADMISSIONS DECISIONS<div>All admissions decisions for LL.M. applicants will be released in the online application system at the same time, typically in late
</div><div>March. Once the decisions have been reached, you will be notified promptly and will be able to log in to your Status Page to
</div><div>check whether you have been admitted, denied, or placed on a waiting list. "</div><div><br></div><div>
</div> [/quote] [/quote]

A friend of mine currently pursuing an LLM at HLS who took the leave of absence and will be returning to HLS in Spring 2021 shown me the email from the Graduate Admissions as of yesterday - the email stated that deferred students will be notified of financial aid at the same time as new students and that they will inform new students about the admission decisions "in the next couple of weeks". Once again, the email is from yesterday! Having this in mind, I do not think that Harvard will be releasing decisions this week :/

I know what you mean! Based on the last few years, 14th-16th seem to be the most likely days for decisions to come out. However, no one can say with any certainty this year the process isn't going to take longer, given how unprecedented 2020 has been. 

Having said that, it would be great to hear soon!

Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results. 

Although the precedent for Mid-March is pretty convincing, if there was a year that they wouldn't adhere to it, would it be the most unprecedented year in recent history i.e. this year?

Judging by the following, anytime in the next two weeks :)

"20. ADMISSIONS DECISIONSAll admissions decisions for LL.M. applicants will be released in the online application system at the same time, typically in late
March. Once the decisions have been reached, you will be notified promptly and will be able to log in to your Status Page to
check whether you have been admitted, denied, or placed on a waiting list. "

A friend of mine currently pursuing an LLM at HLS who took the leave of absence and will be returning to HLS in Spring 2021 shown me the email from the Graduate Admissions as of yesterday - the email stated that deferred students will be notified of financial aid at the same time as new students and that they will inform new students about the admission decisions "in the next couple of weeks". Once again, the email is from yesterday! Having this in mind, I do not think that Harvard will be releasing decisions this week :/<br><br><br><br><br><br>[quote]I know what you mean! Based on the last few years, 14th-16th seem to be the most likely days for decisions to come out. However, no one can say with any certainty this year the process isn't going to take longer, given how unprecedented 2020 has been.&nbsp;<br><br>Having said that, it would be great to hear soon!<br><br><br>[quote]<br>Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results.&nbsp;<br><br>Although the precedent for Mid-March is pretty convincing, if there was a year that they wouldn't adhere to it, would it be the most unprecedented year in recent history i.e. this year?<br><br><br><br><br><br>[quote]Judging by the following, anytime in the next two weeks :)<br><br>"20. ADMISSIONS DECISIONS<div>All admissions decisions for LL.M. applicants will be released in the online application system at the same time, typically in late
</div><div>March. Once the decisions have been reached, you will be notified promptly and will be able to log in to your Status Page to
</div><div>check whether you have been admitted, denied, or placed on a waiting list. "</div><div><br></div><div>
</div> [/quote] [/quote] [/quote]

Not "all", mate 1f60c

@Lawyerke, I hope you have that 80$ ready.

Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results.

[Edited by Sherlocked on Mar 16, 2021]

Not "all", mate&nbsp;:satisfied:<br><br>@Lawyerke, I hope you have that 80$ ready.<br><br>[quote]<br>Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results.<br>&nbsp;[/quote]

There we have it, then! Thanks!

A friend of mine currently pursuing an LLM at HLS who took the leave of absence and will be returning to HLS in Spring 2021 shown me the email from the Graduate Admissions as of yesterday - the email stated that deferred students will be notified of financial aid at the same time as new students and that they will inform new students about the admission decisions "in the next couple of weeks". Once again, the email is from yesterday! Having this in mind, I do not think that Harvard will be releasing decisions this week :/

I know what you mean! Based on the last few years, 14th-16th seem to be the most likely days for decisions to come out. However, no one can say with any certainty this year the process isn't going to take longer, given how unprecedented 2020 has been. 

Having said that, it would be great to hear soon!

Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results. 

Although the precedent for Mid-March is pretty convincing, if there was a year that they wouldn't adhere to it, would it be the most unprecedented year in recent history i.e. this year?

There we have it, then! Thanks!<br><br>[quote]A friend of mine currently pursuing an LLM at HLS who took the leave of absence and will be returning to HLS in Spring 2021 shown me the email from the Graduate Admissions as of yesterday - the email stated that deferred students will be notified of financial aid at the same time as new students and that they will inform new students about the admission decisions "in the next couple of weeks". Once again, the email is from yesterday! Having this in mind, I do not think that Harvard will be releasing decisions this week :/<br><br><br><br><br><br>[quote]I know what you mean! Based on the last few years, 14th-16th seem to be the most likely days for decisions to come out. However, no one can say with any certainty this year the process isn't going to take longer, given how unprecedented 2020 has been.&nbsp;<br><br>Having said that, it would be great to hear soon!<br><br><br>[quote]<br>Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results.&nbsp;<br><br>Although the precedent for Mid-March is pretty convincing, if there was a year that they wouldn't adhere to it, would it be the most unprecedented year in recent history i.e. this year?<br><br><br><br><br><br>[quote]Judging by the following, anytime in the next two weeks :)<br><br>"20. ADMISSIONS DECISIONS<div>All admissions decisions for LL.M. applicants will be released in the online application system at the same time, typically in late
</div><div>March. Once the decisions have been reached, you will be notified promptly and will be able to log in to your Status Page to
</div><div>check whether you have been admitted, denied, or placed on a waiting list. "</div><div><br></div><div>
</div> [/quote] [/quote] [/quote] [/quote]

A friend of mine currently pursuing an LLM at HLS who took the leave of absence and will be returning to HLS in Spring 2021 shown me the email from the Graduate Admissions as of yesterday - the email stated that deferred students will be notified of financial aid at the same time as new students and that they will inform new students about the admission decisions "in the next couple of weeks". Once again, the email is from yesterday! Having this in mind, I do not think that Harvard will be releasing decisions this week :/

I know what you mean! Based on the last few years, 14th-16th seem to be the most likely days for decisions to come out. However, no one can say with any certainty this year the process isn't going to take longer, given how unprecedented 2020 has been. 

Having said that, it would be great to hear soon!

Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results. 

Although the precedent for Mid-March is pretty convincing, if there was a year that they wouldn't adhere to it, would it be the most unprecedented year in recent history i.e. this year?

The admission and the financial aid are different things =)

[quote]A friend of mine currently pursuing an LLM at HLS who took the leave of absence and will be returning to HLS in Spring 2021 shown me the email from the Graduate Admissions as of yesterday - the email stated that deferred students will be notified of financial aid at the same time as new students and that they will inform new students about the admission decisions "in the next couple of weeks". Once again, the email is from yesterday! Having this in mind, I do not think that Harvard will be releasing decisions this week :/<br><br><br><br><br><br>[quote]I know what you mean! Based on the last few years, 14th-16th seem to be the most likely days for decisions to come out. However, no one can say with any certainty this year the process isn't going to take longer, given how unprecedented 2020 has been.&nbsp;<br><br>Having said that, it would be great to hear soon!<br><br><br>[quote]<br>Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results.&nbsp;<br><br>Although the precedent for Mid-March is pretty convincing, if there was a year that they wouldn't adhere to it, would it be the most unprecedented year in recent history i.e. this year?<br><br><br><br><br><br>[quote]Judging by the following, anytime in the next two weeks :)<br><br>"20. ADMISSIONS DECISIONS<div>All admissions decisions for LL.M. applicants will be released in the online application system at the same time, typically in late
</div><div>March. Once the decisions have been reached, you will be notified promptly and will be able to log in to your Status Page to
</div><div>check whether you have been admitted, denied, or placed on a waiting list. "</div><div><br></div><div>
</div> [/quote] [/quote] [/quote] [/quote]<br><br>The admission and the financial aid are different things =)

Hey guys, I just received an email from Havard Extension School inviting me for virtual office hours on Zoom.
Did anyone get this email too?
No clue what this means..just made me even more anxious.

Hey guys, I just received an email from Havard Extension School inviting me for virtual office hours on Zoom.
<div>Did anyone get this email too?
</div><div>No clue what this means..just made me even more anxious.</div><div>

Could you please copy what the email says here? Haven't received anything myself. Don't know about others. 

Hey guys, I just received an email from Havard Extension School inviting me for virtual office hours on Zoom.
Did anyone get this email too?
No clue what this means..just made me even more anxious.

Could you please copy what the email says here? Haven't received anything myself. Don't know about others.&nbsp;<br><br><br><br>[quote]Hey guys, I just received an email from Havard Extension School inviting me for virtual office hours on Zoom.
<div>Did anyone get this email too?
</div><div>No clue what this means..just made me even more anxious.</div><div>
</div> [/quote]

No, didnt receive such invite! Dont know what it means...

No, didnt receive such invite! Dont know what it means...

Haha, I do. 4 more hours to CoB in MA, so you never know :)

Not "all", mate 1f60c

@Lawyerke, I hope you have that 80$ ready.

Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results.

Haha, I do. 4 more hours to CoB in MA, so you never know :)<br><br>[quote]Not "all", mate&nbsp;:satisfied:<br><br>@Lawyerke, I hope you have that 80$ ready.<br><br>[quote]<br>Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results.<br>&nbsp;[/quote] [/quote]

A friend of mine currently pursuing an LLM at HLS who took the leave of absence and will be returning to HLS in Spring 2021 shown me the email from the Graduate Admissions as of yesterday - the email stated that deferred students will be notified of financial aid at the same time as new students and that they will inform new students about the admission decisions "in the next couple of weeks". Once again, the email is from yesterday! Having this in mind, I do not think that Harvard will be releasing decisions this week :/

I know what you mean! Based on the last few years, 14th-16th seem to be the most likely days for decisions to come out. However, no one can say with any certainty this year the process isn't going to take longer, given how unprecedented 2020 has been. 

Having said that, it would be great to hear soon!

The admission and the financial aid are different things =)

Yes, they are. But the email stated that the admission decisions to new students will be released in the next couple of weeks" - to explain, the deferred students were asking to hear back on the financial aid decisions and HLS clarified that they will hear back only after the new students receive admission decisions - which they will receive in the next couple of weeks. 

[quote][quote]A friend of mine currently pursuing an LLM at HLS who took the leave of absence and will be returning to HLS in Spring 2021 shown me the email from the Graduate Admissions as of yesterday - the email stated that deferred students will be notified of financial aid at the same time as new students and that they will inform new students about the admission decisions "in the next couple of weeks". Once again, the email is from yesterday! Having this in mind, I do not think that Harvard will be releasing decisions this week :/<br><br><br><br><br><br>[quote]I know what you mean! Based on the last few years, 14th-16th seem to be the most likely days for decisions to come out. However, no one can say with any certainty this year the process isn't going to take longer, given how unprecedented 2020 has been.&nbsp;<br><br>Having said that, it would be great to hear soon!<br><br><br>[quote]<br>Maybe we're all mistakenly hyped for results.&nbsp;<br><br>Although the precedent for Mid-March is pretty convincing, if there was a year that they wouldn't adhere to it, would it be the most unprecedented year in recent history i.e. this year?<br><br><br><br><br><br>[quote]Judging by the following, anytime in the next two weeks :)<br><br>"20. ADMISSIONS DECISIONS<div>All admissions decisions for LL.M. applicants will be released in the online application system at the same time, typically in late
</div><div>March. Once the decisions have been reached, you will be notified promptly and will be able to log in to your Status Page to
</div><div>check whether you have been admitted, denied, or placed on a waiting list. "</div><div><br></div><div>
</div> [/quote] [/quote] [/quote] [/quote]<br><br>The admission and the financial aid are different things =) [/quote]<br><br>Yes, they are. But the email stated that the admission decisions to new students will be released in the next couple of weeks" - to explain, the deferred students were asking to hear back on the financial aid decisions and HLS clarified that they will hear back only after the new students receive admission decisions - which they will receive in the next couple of weeks.&nbsp;

At this point, I would take anything Harvard says with a pinch of salt. In a previous year, they had told an applicant (who anxiously inquired) on 15 March that all decisions will be released in the next two weeks during late March. 

And guess what, decisions were out next day 1f602

Technically, every day from now amounts to "next two weeks" and "late March". 

So don't expect anything on any day and don't rely on anything anyone says 1f602 [Even better start winning bets like me each day, so that the wait is enjoyable/less intense]

If it comes, when it comes, it shall come and you shall go. Good luck!

P.s.: Harvard admissions people, hope you're doing well. If you're following this thread, by now you've figured out what you must do with my application. Thanks! 1f609

[Edited by Sherlocked on Mar 16, 2021]

At this point, I would take anything Harvard says with a pinch of salt. In a previous year, they had told an applicant (who anxiously inquired) on 15 March that all decisions will be released in the next two weeks during late March.&nbsp;<br><br>And guess what, decisions were out next day&nbsp;:joy:<br><br>Technically, every day from now amounts to "next two weeks" and "late March".&nbsp;<br><br><br>So don't expect anything on any day and don't rely on anything anyone says&nbsp;:joy:&nbsp;[Even better start winning bets like me each day, so that the wait is enjoyable/less intense]<br><br>If it comes, when it comes, it shall come and you shall go. Good luck!<br><br>P.s.: Harvard admissions people, hope you're doing well. If you're following this thread, by now you've figured out what you must do with my application. Thanks!&nbsp;:wink:

Im really going crazy 

[Edited by Victoria Hugo on Mar 16, 2021]

Im really going crazy&nbsp;

At this point, I would take anything Harvard says with a pinch of salt. In a previous year, they had told an applicant (who anxiously inquired) on 15 March that all decisions will be released in the next two weeks during late March. 

And guess what, decisions were out next day 1f602

Technically, every day from now amounts to "next two weeks" and "late March". 

So don't expect anything on any day and don't rely on anything anyone says 1f602 [Even better start winning bets like me each day, so that the wait is enjoyable/less intense]

If it comes, when it comes, it shall come and you shall go. Good luck!

P.s.: Harvard admissions people, hope you're doing well. If you're following this thread, by now you've figured out what you must do with my application. Thanks! 1f609

Well, I bet all decisions are done already. They only do some additional paperwork to release them simultaneously, properly, and on time. So just relax, and be ready to eat some salt :D

[quote]At this point, I would take anything Harvard says with a pinch of salt. In a previous year, they had told an applicant (who anxiously inquired) on 15 March that all decisions will be released in the next two weeks during late March.&nbsp;<br><br>And guess what, decisions were out next day&nbsp;:joy:<br><br>Technically, every day from now amounts to "next two weeks" and "late March".&nbsp;<br><br><br>So don't expect anything on any day and don't rely on anything anyone says&nbsp;:joy:&nbsp;[Even better start winning bets like me each day, so that the wait is enjoyable/less intense]<br><br>If it comes, when it comes, it shall come and you shall go. Good luck!<br><br>P.s.: Harvard admissions people, hope you're doing well. If you're following this thread, by now you've figured out what you must do with my application. Thanks!&nbsp;:wink: [/quote]<br>Well, I bet all decisions are done already. They only do some additional paperwork to release them simultaneously, properly, and on time. So just relax, and be ready to eat some salt :D

At this point, I would take anything Harvard says with a pinch of salt. In a previous year, they had told an applicant (who anxiously inquired) on 15 March that all decisions will be released in the next two weeks during late March. 

And guess what, decisions were out next day 1f602

Technically, every day from now amounts to "next two weeks" and "late March". 

So don't expect anything on any day and don't rely on anything anyone says 1f602 [Even better start winning bets like me each day, so that the wait is enjoyable/less intense]

If it comes, when it comes, it shall come and you shall go. Good luck!

P.s.: Harvard admissions people, hope you're doing well. If you're following this thread, by now you've figured out what you must do with my application. Thanks! 1f609

Well, I bet all decisions are done already. They only do some additional paperwork to release them simultaneously, properly, and on time. So just relax, and be ready to eat some salt :D
Eat some salt? Cannot figure out what does this mean, but I assume I should print "LOL" here. Anyway, everyone is finger crossed, Jesuz

[quote][quote]At this point, I would take anything Harvard says with a pinch of salt. In a previous year, they had told an applicant (who anxiously inquired) on 15 March that all decisions will be released in the next two weeks during late March.&nbsp;<br><br>And guess what, decisions were out next day&nbsp;:joy:<br><br>Technically, every day from now amounts to "next two weeks" and "late March".&nbsp;<br><br><br>So don't expect anything on any day and don't rely on anything anyone says&nbsp;:joy:&nbsp;[Even better start winning bets like me each day, so that the wait is enjoyable/less intense]<br><br>If it comes, when it comes, it shall come and you shall go. Good luck!<br><br>P.s.: Harvard admissions people, hope you're doing well. If you're following this thread, by now you've figured out what you must do with my application. Thanks!&nbsp;:wink: [/quote]<br>Well, I bet all decisions are done already. They only do some additional paperwork to release them simultaneously, properly, and on time. So just relax, and be ready to eat some salt :D [/quote] Eat some salt? Cannot figure out what does this mean, but I assume I should print "LOL" here.&nbsp;Anyway, everyone is finger crossed, Jesuz

Today is the day? 

Today is the day?&nbsp;

Today is the day? 

I really hope so.....

[quote]Today is the day?&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>I really hope so.....

Any bets today, mates? 1f61c

Any bets today, mates?&nbsp;:stuck-out-tongue-winking-eye:

Sherlocked, I gave up on bets mate. I hasten to add that I think today is the day.1f600

[Edited by Lawyerke on Mar 17, 2021]

Sherlocked, I gave up on bets mate. I hasten to add that I think today is the day.:grinning:<br><br>

Hahaha @laweyerke, never intended to put people out of business 1f602

You think it's today? Let's see! All the best to you 1f603

[Edited by Sherlocked on Mar 17, 2021]

Hahaha @laweyerke, never intended to put people out of business&nbsp;:joy:.&nbsp;<br><br>You think it's today? Let's see! All the best to you&nbsp;:smiley:

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