Constitutional law


which school is the best for comparative constitutional law in USA? For LLM and JSD?

which school is the best for comparative constitutional law in USA? For LLM and JSD?

HLS has a strong con law faculty, has Tushnet and Michelman who specialize in comparative con law, and in addition has Goldstone as a visiting professor this year.

HLS has a strong con law faculty, has Tushnet and Michelman who specialize in comparative con law, and in addition has Goldstone as a visiting professor this year.

Is there a ranking list for con law? how do I evaluate?

Is there a ranking list for con law? how do I evaluate?

and what about Yale and Columbia. In UK they are reputed to be very good

and what about Yale and Columbia. In UK they are reputed to be very good

I'm interested in ConLaw and I would add Chicago and perhaps Michigan.

I'm interested in ConLaw and I would add Chicago and perhaps Michigan.

You too are a con lawyer? Are you going to apply for this year. which one do you rate top 7?

You too are a con lawyer? Are you going to apply for this year. which one do you rate top 7?

CLS is very strong is comparative constitutional law - Fletcher has written a lot in this. Dorf is also pretty good as are a bunch of others.
The introduction to the US legal system at the beginning of the LLM is basically a comparative course and the Associates know heaps about comparative law.

CLS is very strong is comparative constitutional law - Fletcher has written a lot in this. Dorf is also pretty good as are a bunch of others.
The introduction to the US legal system at the beginning of the LLM is basically a comparative course and the Associates know heaps about comparative law.

im into comparative con law myself, and it was my main consideration in deciding which school to attend for LLM studies.i would say that Harvard has the strongest faculty in this field. Mark Tushnet (author of the textbook, formerly of Georgetown) is in HLS, as well as Frank Michelman, Richard Goldstone (as visitng professor) plus HLS managed to get Noah Feldman from NYU (starting Fall 2007) as well.

im into comparative con law myself, and it was my main consideration in deciding which school to attend for LLM studies.i would say that Harvard has the strongest faculty in this field. Mark Tushnet (author of the textbook, formerly of Georgetown) is in HLS, as well as Frank Michelman, Richard Goldstone (as visitng professor) plus HLS managed to get Noah Feldman from NYU (starting Fall 2007) as well.

Feldman left NYU!?
That is HUGE!

Feldman left NYU!?
That is HUGE!

yep. Feldman accepted the HLS offer. He's joining his wife, Jeannie Suk, also a recently-tenured professor, in the HLS faculty. im really excited to attend his classes and that of Tushnet's.

yep. Feldman accepted the HLS offer. He's joining his wife, Jeannie Suk, also a recently-tenured professor, in the HLS faculty. im really excited to attend his classes and that of Tushnet's.

True. Feldman is going to HLS next Fall.

True. Feldman is going to HLS next Fall.

I might add that we had Justice Barak from Israel plus justices from Canada and South Africa over this year. Being introduced by Frank Michelman to South African Justice Albie Sachs (who was left with only one arm after an assassination attempt during the apartheid regime) was a high point of my HLS stay, and Michelman's ties to that country and to the comparative con law "community" are nothing short of amazing. Tushnet even organized a few LLM-only comparative con law discussion sessions, small intimate talks with him in a small room.

I might add that we had Justice Barak from Israel plus justices from Canada and South Africa over this year. Being introduced by Frank Michelman to South African Justice Albie Sachs (who was left with only one arm after an assassination attempt during the apartheid regime) was a high point of my HLS stay, and Michelman's ties to that country and to the comparative con law "community" are nothing short of amazing. Tushnet even organized a few LLM-only comparative con law discussion sessions, small intimate talks with him in a small room.

That is definitely one of the benefits of studying at a top law school in the US generally. At CLS we also had Albie Sachs visit along with lots of other amazing people such as Desmond Tutu. Some LLMs also went to clerk for Barak in after their LLM.
NYU also seems to have amazing people come to speak all the time.
So I am not sure there is too much difference between the top schools in that regard.

That is definitely one of the benefits of studying at a top law school in the US generally. At CLS we also had Albie Sachs visit along with lots of other amazing people such as Desmond Tutu. Some LLMs also went to clerk for Barak in after their LLM.
NYU also seems to have amazing people come to speak all the time.
So I am not sure there is too much difference between the top schools in that regard.

So many good schools for con law. I like the idea of having such greats coming to lecture in the schools. do students get a chance to network with them. Is that how LLMs at CLS got to go and work with Barak? Whats the tactics and do the foreign greats hold sessions for LLMs only. It seems in most schools LLMs and Jds mix in classes.

So many good schools for con law. I like the idea of having such greats coming to lecture in the schools. do students get a chance to network with them. Is that how LLMs at CLS got to go and work with Barak? Whats the tactics and do the foreign greats hold sessions for LLMs only. It seems in most schools LLMs and Jds mix in classes.

Generally the LLM and JDs mix. I know Cassese (from the ICC) teaches a seminar at CLS and that is a mix class.
I imagine the foreign LLMs would have more chance at receiving an internship involving comparative law simply because they'd have more experience to draw on.

Generally the LLM and JDs mix. I know Cassese (from the ICC) teaches a seminar at CLS and that is a mix class.
I imagine the foreign LLMs would have more chance at receiving an internship involving comparative law simply because they'd have more experience to draw on.

Feldman left NYU!?
That is HUGE!

Fun video where Feldman appears (hehehe):

<blockquote>Feldman left NYU!?
That is HUGE!</blockquote>

Fun video where Feldman appears (hehehe):

I am at work but look forward to watching the click later. Feldman is one of those people that I find really entertaining and sounds extremely impressive. However the two times I have heard him speak live I have come away entertained but wondering what I have actually learnt that is new. I don't want to bag him since he is obviously a really talented guy but he just seems to tick all the right boxes (HLS, Yale, Rhodes Scholar etc) and I wonder whether a lot of it is more presentation than originality.
I saw him play basketball in the NYU v CLS game - he plays dirty.

I am at work but look forward to watching the click later. Feldman is one of those people that I find really entertaining and sounds extremely impressive. However the two times I have heard him speak live I have come away entertained but wondering what I have actually learnt that is new. I don't want to bag him since he is obviously a really talented guy but he just seems to tick all the right boxes (HLS, Yale, Rhodes Scholar etc) and I wonder whether a lot of it is more presentation than originality.
I saw him play basketball in the NYU v CLS game - he plays dirty.

Is there a ranking list for con law? how do I evaluatRespected Sir,


<blockquote>Is there a ranking list for con law? how do I evaluatRespected Sir,


Hello guys,
Could you assist me with deciding as to which is the best masters degree programme to do in New York please. Cheers.

Hello guys,
Could you assist me with deciding as to which is the best masters degree programme to do in New York please. Cheers.

I've noticed that there's very little discussion in this site on constitutional law. Would appreciate if someone can give an opinion on the best US universities on this subject today.

On an aside, I never knew Feldman was in NYU before :)

I've noticed that there's very little discussion in this site on constitutional law. Would appreciate if someone can give an opinion on the best US universities on this subject today.

On an aside, I never knew Feldman was in NYU before :)

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