Columbia/Regular Action


A friend sent an email to CLS last week asking for an expedite decision and they also told him to contact them, with his admission offers, next week... so I guess it will be worst for the admissions office since in the next days they'll have to go through many expedite requests from all of us who have been admitted to other universities and have approaching deadlines!

@blink42: I don't even remember which universities I listed in my CLS app, but I'm sure I didn't mention all the programs I was applying too! I guess you shouldn't worry about that...

A friend sent an email to CLS last week asking for an expedite decision and they also told him to contact them, with his admission offers, next week... so I guess it will be worst for the admissions office since in the next days they'll have to go through many expedite requests from all of us who have been admitted to other universities and have approaching deadlines!

@blink42: I don't even remember which universities I listed in my CLS app, but I'm sure I didn't mention all the programs I was applying too! I guess you shouldn't worry about that...

Absolutely no response. Not even a rejection. I wonder what's going on

Absolutely no response. Not even a rejection. I wonder what's going on

No news??

No news??

Has anybody sent CLS an email asking for an expedited decision today?

It seems there´s still plenty of us waiting for their decision, with an April 15 deadline from NYU!!!

Has anybody sent CLS an email asking for an expedited decision today?

It seems there´s still plenty of us waiting for their decision, with an April 15 deadline from NYU!!!


I´m in the same situation.

I´m in the same situation.

it's friday..any news?

it's friday..any news?

Hi there...I sent an email requested an expedited final review of mi file...again.

No answer so far. Does anybody requeste an expedited review too?

Hi there...I sent an email requested an expedited final review of mi file...again.

No answer so far. Does anybody requeste an expedited review too?


Hi there...I sent an email requested an expedited final review of mi file...again.

No answer so far. Does anybody requeste an expedited review too?

i dont think that they care about the expedited reviews because last week i sent them an e mail requesting it for 2 schools they told me that they can not review it..i have one more deadline and dont think that they ll take it into consideration

<blockquote>Hi there...I sent an email requested an expedited final review of mi file...again.

No answer so far. Does anybody requeste an expedited review too?

</blockquote>i dont think that they care about the expedited reviews because last week i sent them an e mail requesting it for 2 schools they told me that they can not review it..i have one more deadline and dont think that they ll take it into consideration

I just emailed and asked them to make a decision on my file now so that I could meet my other deadlines. I think Columbia must have their class mostly locked in. They don't seem to be worried about losing potential admittees to other schools because of their delay. I wish they wouldn't leave us hanging for so long.

I just emailed and asked them to make a decision on my file now so that I could meet my other deadlines. I think Columbia must have their class mostly locked in. They don't seem to be worried about losing potential admittees to other schools because of their delay. I wish they wouldn't leave us hanging for so long.

still waiting~~~
My friend who was on waiting list got admission on April 4th. The CLS told her that she was on the top list therefore she could get notice so soon.(About 100 applicants on the list..........)

still waiting~~~
My friend who was on waiting list got admission on April 4th. The CLS told her that she was on the top list therefore she could get notice so soon.(About 100 applicants on the list..........)

still waiting~~~
My friend who was on waiting list got admission on April 4th. The CLS told her that she was on the top list therefore she could get notice so soon.(About 100 applicants on the list..........)

I don't understand it. A lot of people haven't heard anything at all but some people are getting accepted off the waiting list?

<blockquote>still waiting~~~
My friend who was on waiting list got admission on April 4th. The CLS told her that she was on the top list therefore she could get notice so soon.(About 100 applicants on the list..........) </blockquote>
I don't understand it. A lot of people haven't heard anything at all but some people are getting accepted off the waiting list?

I got admitted to Columbia yesterday. I was not on the waitlist.

I got admitted to Columbia yesterday. I was not on the waitlist.


If they're accepting people off the waiting list, does that mean we have no chance? 100 people on the waiting list plus a bunch of us waiting for any answer is so disheartening. Especially after the comment on how they've decided the class already and aren't being too pushy.


If they're accepting people off the waiting list, does that mean we have no chance? 100 people on the waiting list plus a bunch of us waiting for any answer is so disheartening. Especially after the comment on how they've decided the class already and aren't being too pushy.


At this point, I don't care if its a rejection but I just want to know so I can proceed with other plans

At this point, I don't care if its a rejection but I just want to know so I can proceed with other plans

Hello there,
I requested an expedited final review on Friday. A couple of hours ago I received an email from them, which tells me that they will send my file to the Admissions Committee for expedited review.
However, they don't guarantee that they will be able to make a decision by my deadline, but they will try....

Hello there,
I requested an expedited final review on Friday. A couple of hours ago I received an email from them, which tells me that they will send my file to the Admissions Committee for expedited review.
However, they don't guarantee that they will be able to make a decision by my deadline, but they will try....

Same for me...

Same for me...

Hello there,
I requested an expedited final review on Friday. A couple of hours ago I received an email from them, which tells me that they will send my file to the Admissions Committee for expedited review.
However, they don't guarantee that they will be able to make a decision by my deadline, but they will try....

I am in the exact same boat. Sent them an email on Friday with my other offers and said I had to commit by the 15th. Got the same answer you did.

<blockquote>Hello there,
I requested an expedited final review on Friday. A couple of hours ago I received an email from them, which tells me that they will send my file to the Admissions Committee for expedited review.
However, they don't guarantee that they will be able to make a decision by my deadline, but they will try....</blockquote>
I am in the exact same boat. Sent them an email on Friday with my other offers and said I had to commit by the 15th. Got the same answer you did.

Same here...
I haven´t told them my situation though.... I guess they must know there are many people with an april 15 deadline from NYU...
Do you guys think I should write to them?

Same here...
I haven´t told them my situation though.... I guess they must know there are many people with an april 15 deadline from NYU...
Do you guys think I should write to them?

As I thought, they probably sent the same response to all whom requested a expedited review.... So, the last that we have is HOPE! (pretty ironic, don't you think?)
Please, If any of you receive an answer, let us know!!! I will do the same :)

As I thought, they probably sent the same response to all whom requested a expedited review.... So, the last that we have is HOPE! (pretty ironic, don't you think?)
Please, If any of you receive an answer, let us know!!! I will do the same :)

Same here...
I haven´t told them my situation though.... I guess they must know there are many people with an april 15 deadline from NYU...
Do you guys think I should write to them?

Dear Derome,
They said me that if I want ask an expedited final review iI had to send them the offer letter where my term appears... So I think is a good idea to let they know that you have also a deadline on April 15.

<blockquote>Same here...
I haven´t told them my situation though.... I guess they must know there are many people with an april 15 deadline from NYU...
Do you guys think I should write to them?

Dear Derome,
They said me that if I want ask an expedited final review iI had to send them the offer letter where my term appears... So I think is a good idea to let they know that you have also a deadline on April 15.

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