CLS - Reject, Waitlist, Admit?


a 2500 $ deposit? Are you kidding? Which school is that?

a 2500 $ deposit? Are you kidding? Which school is that?

Dont be lazy and search for your own as_llm! There are several threads about that issue and, finally, is a breach of a contract as well. Of course there are several consequences, or do you think that (in the hypothesis that they believe that you will definitely go there) they will lose $45,000 and dont do anything?

If I were in your shoes, I will try to clarify the issue, since as I posted, a $2,500 deposit seems more like a final deposit (that means a definitive acceptation) than just a reserve a seat deposit.

BTW, if you have accepted finacial aid from them, you should go there, since in that case you could be completely sure that your rejection will have consequences.

Anyways, good luck dude. Being waiting result for so many months should be very stressful, and I think that Im adding you more stress, but, is better to worry now than to suffer the consequences latter.

Don’t be lazy and search for your own as_llm! There are several threads about that issue and, finally, is a breach of a contract as well. Of course there are several consequences, or do you think that (in the hypothesis that they believe that you will definitely go there) they will “lose” $45,000 and don’t do anything?

If I were in your shoes, I will try to clarify the issue, since as I posted, a $2,500 deposit seems more like a final deposit (that means a definitive acceptation) than just a “reserve a seat” deposit.

BTW, if you have accepted finacial aid from them, you should go there, since in that case you could be completely sure that your rejection will have consequences.

Anyways, good luck dude. Being waiting result for so many months should be very stressful, and I think that I’m adding you more stress, but, is better to worry now than to suffer the consequences latter.

Upenn!!!!!!!!! guilty is charged , can you imagine 2500$ deposit , personally I think it is a terrific policy(of Upenn) to pursued the admitted ones who are not determined in their final decisions to not being tempted by other offers afterwards . Not to mention that US law school has no intention what so ever to lose huge amount of money if someone turn them down after paying initial deposit . they have a long lasting waiting list that guarantee resolving any financial obstacles that university may face.

Upenn!!!!!!!!! guilty is charged , can you imagine 2500$ deposit , personally I think it is a terrific policy(of Upenn) to pursued the admitted ones who are not determined in their final decisions to not being tempted by other offers afterwards . Not to mention that US law school has no intention what so ever to lose huge amount of money if someone turn them down after paying initial deposit . they have a long lasting waiting list that guarantee resolving any financial obstacles that university may face.

This is part of U.Chicagos admisión email: In those very rare cases when an applicant has not been honest in his or her responses to us, the Graduate Studies Committee has felt it appropriate to bring that information to the attention of the applicants references and other law schools.

That measure (contact other universities to warn about you) is very common in cases in which one applicant accept an offer and afterwards try to attend another American university. In Chicagos case, once you said that you will go there (before April 15), you cant change your mind or you will suffer the abovementioned consequences. If you have paid $2,500 and we are on May, you could suffer more consequences.

So, if you dont attend the law school in which you made the deposit, you could expect that they will contact Columbia.

PS: If it is Penn the law school that you accepted, congrats, it is a great law school, and, in US, its considered at the same level than CLS.


This is part of U.Chicago’s admisión email: “In those very rare cases when an applicant has not been honest in his or her responses to us, the Graduate Studies Committee has felt it appropriate to bring that information to the attention of the applicant’s references and other law schools.”

That measure (contact other universities to warn about you) is very common in cases in which one applicant accept an offer and afterwards try to attend another American university. In Chicago’s case, once you said that you will go there (before April 15), you can’t change your mind or you will suffer the abovementioned consequences. If you have paid $2,500 and we are on May, you could suffer more consequences.

So, if you don’t attend the law school in which you made the deposit, you could expect that they will contact Columbia.

PS: If it is Penn the law school that you accepted, congrats, it is a great law school, and, in US, it’s considered at the same level than CLS.


Thank you for the replies. Yes, it's UPenn. I already deposited the initial deposit and the second deposit to UPenn but still these two deposits were paid to hold my place. I am not trying to attend another school, I am still in the waitlist of CLS and wondering their decision on me. Anyway, it is highly probable that I will receive rejection from CLS soon. I was just wondering what would happen if CLS accepted me, I was not aware of those consequences. Thank you for letting me know but I still don't think that such severe consequences would happen if I went to CLS as UPenn did not require me to give such an undertaking like Chicago as Jenny1980 was mentioning. Anyway, I am happy with my decision to attend UPenn so don't worry about it :)

Thank you for the replies. Yes, it's UPenn. I already deposited the initial deposit and the second deposit to UPenn but still these two deposits were paid to hold my place. I am not trying to attend another school, I am still in the waitlist of CLS and wondering their decision on me. Anyway, it is highly probable that I will receive rejection from CLS soon. I was just wondering what would happen if CLS accepted me, I was not aware of those consequences. Thank you for letting me know but I still don't think that such severe consequences would happen if I went to CLS as UPenn did not require me to give such an undertaking like Chicago as Jenny1980 was mentioning. Anyway, I am happy with my decision to attend UPenn so don't worry about it :)

Congrats as_llm, Penn is a great law school, in fact, US is considered at the same level than CLS, and, if your field is business law, I would say that Penn has a slight advantage (Skeel, Rock etc.).

Btw, if you have the money (and if you are still on time to take it), try to take the Wharton Certificate (the name Wharton) would look great in your resume!

May I ask you if they offer you financial aid. If that is the case, you should definetely go there, since US employers at least apreciate scholarships in your resume?


Congrats as_llm, Penn is a great law school, in fact, US is considered at the same level than CLS, and, if your field is business law, I would say that Penn has a slight advantage (Skeel, Rock etc.).

Btw, if you have the money (and if you are still on time to take it), try to take the Wharton Certificate (the name “Wharton”) would look great in your resume!

May I ask you if they offer you financial aid. If that is the case, you should definetely go there, since US employers at least apreciate scholarships in your resume?


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