2015 Cornell


Can I know when did you received your "application ready to be reviewed" mail?

I just got it last week and I don't know what to expect (regarding the time frame)...

Can I know when did you received your "application ready to be reviewed" mail?

I just got it last week and I don't know what to expect (regarding the time frame)...



I think they don't send any package unless you show your Financial documents. Anyway I have declined my offer so good luck to those on waitlist.

I think they don't send any package unless you show your Financial documents. Anyway I have declined my offer so good luck to those on waitlist.

Just declined my offer officially, hope it helps to the ones waitlisted. Good luck everyone!

Just declined my offer officially, hope it helps to the ones waitlisted. Good luck everyone!

Can I know when did you received your "application ready to be reviewed" mail?

I just got it last week and I don't know what to expect (regarding the time frame)...

Cornell seems very haphazard in the way they do things. I'm shocked at the way their LLM admissions office has operated given how highly ranked the school is.

<blockquote>Can I know when did you received your "application ready to be reviewed" mail?

I just got it last week and I don't know what to expect (regarding the time frame)...</blockquote>

Cornell seems very haphazard in the way they do things. I'm shocked at the way their LLM admissions office has operated given how highly ranked the school is.

I agree with you, I have requested them an expedite decision because I had other admission deadlines, but it seems that I got the opposite answer. They are taking almost one more month to answer than other Universities. I would say that Georgetown and Cornell admissions systems are very poor in comparison with NYU or Harvard. I believe that Michigan has been the best process, very efficient, they always answers our questions and emails, they are very proactive and kind with the students.

I agree with you, I have requested them an expedite decision because I had other admission deadlines, but it seems that I got the opposite answer. They are taking almost one more month to answer than other Universities. I would say that Georgetown and Cornell admissions systems are very poor in comparison with NYU or Harvard. I believe that Michigan has been the best process, very efficient, they always answers our questions and emails, they are very proactive and kind with the students.

Honestly, I don't know why anyone goes to Cornell. It is one of the most expensive schools, not really located near any large metro area for easy networking, and the decision process is very slow it seems. Yes, there are positives too it but nothing that makes it stand out from its peers. I don't know of any LLM program that cost more than the $64,000 they are asking. That is about $10,000 more than Harvard, Yale or Stanford!

My experience has been Stanford has been the best with questions and then Michigan. Dona-Maria is an absolute delight to work with at Michigan. At Stanford, I've spoken with several people and they are all about as good as Dona-Maria. That is why I give the edge to Stanford as across the board they are all great. :-)))

Honestly, I don't know why anyone goes to Cornell. It is one of the most expensive schools, not really located near any large metro area for easy networking, and the decision process is very slow it seems. Yes, there are positives too it but nothing that makes it stand out from its peers. I don't know of any LLM program that cost more than the $64,000 they are asking. That is about $10,000 more than Harvard, Yale or Stanford!

My experience has been Stanford has been the best with questions and then Michigan. Dona-Maria is an absolute delight to work with at Michigan. At Stanford, I've spoken with several people and they are all about as good as Dona-Maria. That is why I give the edge to Stanford as across the board they are all great. :-)))

Same here, I requested an expedited weeks ago, but all I got was that my request will be added to my file...

Tomorrow I will make my commitment deposit to another school, without knowing the decision from Cornell.

Same here, I requested an expedited weeks ago, but all I got was that my request will be added to my file...

Tomorrow I will make my commitment deposit to another school, without knowing the decision from Cornell.

Has anyone on the waitlist heard back yet?

Has anyone on the waitlist heard back yet?

I just denied my offer and chose UCLA instead ! Hope it will give a place to someone on the waiting lits :)

I just denied my offer and chose UCLA instead ! Hope it will give a place to someone on the waiting lits :)

I just denied my offer and chose UCLA instead ! Hope it will give a place to someone on the waiting list :)

I just denied my offer and chose UCLA instead ! Hope it will give a place to someone on the waiting list :)

I have just been admitted! The weird thing is that I applied on January 21st, and sent them an e-mail today because I haven't heard from them until now. One hour later, they sent me the admission offer. The deadline to accept is April 24th, which is tight. Do you how many people attend the LL.M each year?

I have just been admitted! The weird thing is that I applied on January 21st, and sent them an e-mail today because I haven't heard from them until now. One hour later, they sent me the admission offer. The deadline to accept is April 24th, which is tight. Do you how many people attend the LL.M each year?

Also admitted today! Really happy but kind of confuse since I already make a commitment deposit to Duke...

Also admitted today! Really happy but kind of confuse since I already make a commitment deposit to Duke...

Salam all.
I denied my offer as well, to speed up the waitlist, wish everyone the best of luck!

Salam all.
I denied my offer as well, to speed up the waitlist, wish everyone the best of luck!

Hey guys anyone has received any news or scholarships offers. I just received an admission without finnacial information and it is very hard to make a decision without the whole picture. Please if somebody has received any information about scholarships or financial aid would be very helpful.

Hey guys anyone has received any news or scholarships offers. I just received an admission without finnacial information and it is very hard to make a decision without the whole picture. Please if somebody has received any information about scholarships or financial aid would be very helpful.

Hello everyone,

I called the school today and they said there are over a 100 on the waiting list.


Hello everyone,

I called the school today and they said there are over a 100 on the waiting list.


There should be one less on the waiting list. I officially declined their offer of admission.

There should be one less on the waiting list. I officially declined their offer of admission.

Does anyone know how Cornell chooses from the wait list? As I have been told it is not ranked.

Does anyone know how Cornell chooses from the wait list? As I have been told it is not ranked.

I got it

I got it

I believe they start looking at the waitlisted after the 24th of April.

I believe they start looking at the waitlisted after the 24th of April.

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