The Definitive 2011 Cambridge Thread


Your consition will be:

1. Financial
2. Academic - first UK (or overseas equiv.)
3. Language - if applicable

That is the standard offer, so I would assume that to be it unless you have exceptional circumstances. I hope this helps! :)

I'm wondering how strictly they follow the academic condition. Say they require a first; if you don't receive a first, will it really act as a bar to entry?

The academic condition is strict. Only in exceptional circumstances that resulted in significantly impacting upon your academic performance will the condition be modified. For example illness at exam time. Even in that event your other results must be sufficiently high and will be taken into account.

Thanks. Can I ask on what you are basing that statement?

<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>Your consition will be:

1. Financial
2. Academic - first UK (or overseas equiv.)
3. Language - if applicable

That is the standard offer, so I would assume that to be it unless you have exceptional circumstances. I hope this helps! :)</blockquote>

I'm wondering how strictly they follow the academic condition. Say they require a first; if you don't receive a first, will it really act as a bar to entry?</blockquote>

The academic condition is strict. Only in exceptional circumstances that resulted in significantly impacting upon your academic performance will the condition be modified. For example illness at exam time. Even in that event your other results must be sufficiently high and will be taken into account. </blockquote>

Thanks. Can I ask on what you are basing that statement?

My Camsis now says "Accepted at Clare college" :D No email or anything- just the Camsis update. Yay!!! :D

My Camsis now says "Accepted at Clare college" :D No email or anything- just the Camsis update. Yay!!! :D

My Camsis now says "Accepted at Clare college" :D No email or anything- just the Camsis update. Yay!!! :D

Congrats! Was it your first choice? And do you know it took to be accepted after you received your offer on camsis?

<blockquote>My Camsis now says "Accepted at Clare college" :D No email or anything- just the Camsis update. Yay!!! :D</blockquote>

Congrats! Was it your first choice? And do you know it took to be accepted after you received your offer on camsis?

My Camsis now says "Accepted at Clare college" :D No email or anything- just the Camsis update. Yay!!! :D

Congrats! Was it your first choice? And do you know it took to be accepted after you received your offer on camsis?

Thanks :) Yup- it was my first choice. I think my camsis updated around a month ago. Then I received the formal offer letter in the post a week ago. Hope that helps!

<blockquote><blockquote>My Camsis now says "Accepted at Clare college" :D No email or anything- just the Camsis update. Yay!!! :D</blockquote>

Congrats! Was it your first choice? And do you know it took to be accepted after you received your offer on camsis?</blockquote>

Thanks :) Yup- it was my first choice. I think my camsis updated around a month ago. Then I received the formal offer letter in the post a week ago. Hope that helps!
Good Gosh

My Camsis now says "Accepted at Clare college" :D No email or anything- just the Camsis update. Yay!!! :D

Congrats! Was it your first choice? And do you know it took to be accepted after you received your offer on camsis?

Thanks :) Yup- it was my first choice. I think my camsis updated around a month ago. Then I received the formal offer letter in the post a week ago. Hope that helps!

clare is gorgeous, congrats!!

<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>My Camsis now says "Accepted at Clare college" :D No email or anything- just the Camsis update. Yay!!! :D</blockquote>

Congrats! Was it your first choice? And do you know it took to be accepted after you received your offer on camsis?</blockquote>

Thanks :) Yup- it was my first choice. I think my camsis updated around a month ago. Then I received the formal offer letter in the post a week ago. Hope that helps! </blockquote>

clare is gorgeous, congrats!!

Very frustrating indeed!
My papers are still with the Degree Committee, hence, I still have no idea what my academic conditions will be..
Another 1, 2 weeks?? I hate that it's taking them so long..

same with you..still in status quo, i just e-mailed penny today, asked her about my application status, hope they will come up with the result soon

<blockquote>Very frustrating indeed!
My papers are still with the Degree Committee, hence, I still have no idea what my academic conditions will be..
Another 1, 2 weeks?? I hate that it's taking them so long..</blockquote>

same with you..still in status quo, i just e-mailed penny today, asked her about my application status, hope they will come up with the result soon

Has anyone heard from any of the scholarships (CHESS in particular) or have any idea as to when we might hear?

Has anyone heard from any of the scholarships (CHESS in particular) or have any idea as to when we might hear?

I received a conditional offer on February 26th. My camsis has not been updated yet, but I emailed Suzanne Wade to know the academic condition attached to my offer. I am from the Netherlands where a grading scale of 1-10 is used. I am required to obtain an average grade of 8.5/10 for my LLB. This is an impossible condition to fulfil in my situation.

First, when I applied I had an average grade of 7,85/10 and I stated in my application form that I expected to obtain a final 8/10 (cum laude). At the time of applying I had only three exams (one mandatory and two additional) to complete. Obtaining an average grade of 8,5/10 was not only practically but even mathematically impossible. Even with three 10/10 ´s I would not fulfil the condition.

More importantly, at my university obtaining an average grade of 8,5/10 for a Master´s degree would be a quite difficult but still reasonable condition. Our LLB consists of 25 subjects though, and average grades of 8,5 are almost never obtained. I doublechecked this with several professors and the faculty´s administration.
I have just learned that I have indeed obtained my LLB ´cum laude´, which places me approximately in the top 3% of my university. Would not this be the equivalent of a ´first degree´ in the UK?

I have contacted Ms.Wade by email to explain my situation, but I have not received any answer yet. Should I send a formal letter to the Board of Graduate Studies, supported by statements of the Examination Committee of my faculty about my performances?
I would very appreciate any advice from people who are or were in a similar situation ! Many thanks in advance!

I received a conditional offer on February 26th. My camsis has not been updated yet, but I emailed Suzanne Wade to know the academic condition attached to my offer. I am from the Netherlands where a grading scale of 1-10 is used. I am required to obtain an average grade of 8.5/10 for my LLB. This is an impossible condition to fulfil in my situation.

First, when I applied I had an average grade of 7,85/10 and I stated in my application form that I expected to obtain a final 8/10 (cum laude). At the time of applying I had only three exams (one mandatory and two additional) to complete. Obtaining an average grade of 8,5/10 was not only practically but even mathematically impossible. Even with three 10/10 ´s I would not fulfil the condition.

More importantly, at my university obtaining an average grade of 8,5/10 for a Master´s degree would be a quite difficult but still reasonable condition. Our LLB consists of 25 subjects though, and average grades of 8,5 are almost never obtained. I doublechecked this with several professors and the faculty´s administration.
I have just learned that I have indeed obtained my LLB ´cum laude´, which places me approximately in the top 3% of my university. Would not this be the equivalent of a ´first degree´ in the UK?

I have contacted Ms.Wade by email to explain my situation, but I have not received any answer yet. Should I send a formal letter to the Board of Graduate Studies, supported by statements of the Examination Committee of my faculty about my performances?
I would very appreciate any advice from people who are or were in a similar situation ! Many thanks in advance!


I received a conditional offer on February 26th. My camsis has not been updated yet, but I emailed Suzanne Wade to know the academic condition attached to my offer. I am from the Netherlands where a grading scale of 1-10 is used. I am required to obtain an average grade of 8.5/10 for my LLB. This is an impossible condition to fulfil in my situation.

First, when I applied I had an average grade of 7,85/10 and I stated in my application form that I expected to obtain a final 8/10 (cum laude). At the time of applying I had only three exams (one mandatory and two additional) to complete. Obtaining an average grade of 8,5/10 was not only practically but even mathematically impossible. Even with three 10/10 ´s I would not fulfil the condition.

More importantly, at my university obtaining an average grade of 8,5/10 for a Master´s degree would be a quite difficult but still reasonable condition. Our LLB consists of 25 subjects though, and average grades of 8,5 are almost never obtained. I doublechecked this with several professors and the faculty´s administration.
I have just learned that I have indeed obtained my LLB ´cum laude´, which places me approximately in the top 3% of my university. Would not this be the equivalent of a ´first degree´ in the UK?

I have contacted Ms.Wade by email to explain my situation, but I have not received any answer yet. Should I send a formal letter to the Board of Graduate Studies, supported by statements of the Examination Committee of my faculty about my performances?
I would very appreciate any advice from people who are or were in a similar situation ! Many thanks in advance!

I have the exact same problem and I really doubt if they will even response to my email for this matter as my latest email stating the complication of other matters was not responded yet. However, because your grades are all released, perhaps you can tell them what you have and see if that is sufficient? My grades are not all released yet so I have not made that move.

<blockquote>I received a conditional offer on February 26th. My camsis has not been updated yet, but I emailed Suzanne Wade to know the academic condition attached to my offer. I am from the Netherlands where a grading scale of 1-10 is used. I am required to obtain an average grade of 8.5/10 for my LLB. This is an impossible condition to fulfil in my situation.

First, when I applied I had an average grade of 7,85/10 and I stated in my application form that I expected to obtain a final 8/10 (cum laude). At the time of applying I had only three exams (one mandatory and two additional) to complete. Obtaining an average grade of 8,5/10 was not only practically but even mathematically impossible. Even with three 10/10 ´s I would not fulfil the condition.

More importantly, at my university obtaining an average grade of 8,5/10 for a Master´s degree would be a quite difficult but still reasonable condition. Our LLB consists of 25 subjects though, and average grades of 8,5 are almost never obtained. I doublechecked this with several professors and the faculty´s administration.
I have just learned that I have indeed obtained my LLB ´cum laude´, which places me approximately in the top 3% of my university. Would not this be the equivalent of a ´first degree´ in the UK?

I have contacted Ms.Wade by email to explain my situation, but I have not received any answer yet. Should I send a formal letter to the Board of Graduate Studies, supported by statements of the Examination Committee of my faculty about my performances?
I would very appreciate any advice from people who are or were in a similar situation ! Many thanks in advance!


I have the exact same problem and I really doubt if they will even response to my email for this matter as my latest email stating the complication of other matters was not responded yet. However, because your grades are all released, perhaps you can tell them what you have and see if that is sufficient? My grades are not all released yet so I have not made that move.

To be honest, I think that's normal... that's how they go from making 400 offers to getting 160 students. My condition is practically unreachable, but I almost think that's the point?

To be honest, I think that's normal... that's how they go from making 400 offers to getting 160 students. My condition is practically unreachable, but I almost think that's the point?

Why would they? A simple rejection is much easier than attaching mathematically impossible conditions to offers.

A lot of those 400 who received offers from Cambridge, also received offers from other prestigious universities such as Oxford and Harvard.

I still hope this has all been based on an unfortunate misunderstanding of a foreign educational system and that official statements of my university that only 0,01 percent of all students obtain the average grade they ask for, will convince them eventually.

If not, I will probably have to migrate to Timbouktou, Mali considering the amount of people I have told I was going to Cambridge next year...

Why would they? A simple rejection is much easier than attaching mathematically impossible conditions to offers.

A lot of those 400 who received offers from Cambridge, also received offers from other prestigious universities such as Oxford and Harvard.

I still hope this has all been based on an unfortunate misunderstanding of a foreign educational system and that official statements of my university that only 0,01 percent of all students obtain the average grade they ask for, will convince them eventually.

If not, I will probably have to migrate to Timbouktou, Mali considering the amount of people I have told I was going to Cambridge next year...


For those still waiting for an offer/rejection: I called Ms Wade yesterday and she said that the Commitee is still deciding on our candidacies and the final decision is to be made towards the end of this week (Thursday?). And that we will be able to find it in our Camsis account.

I am sick and tired of this endless waiting...

For those still waiting for an offer/rejection: I called Ms Wade yesterday and she said that the Commitee is still deciding on our candidacies and the final decision is to be made towards the end of this week (Thursday?). And that we will be able to find it in our Camsis account.

I am sick and tired of this endless waiting...

For those still waiting for an offer/rejection: I called Ms Wade yesterday and she said that the Commitee is still deciding on our candidacies and the final decision is to be made towards the end of this week (Thursday?). And that we will be able to find it in our Camsis account.

I am sick and tired of this endless waiting...

When I express posted my documents way back in November, I never imagined I'd still be waiting for an answer in April!

At this point I'm expecting to be rejected, but at least I have an offer from Oxford as a pretty mighty consolation. Being officially rejected will be a blow to my pride, but will at least save me from having to make any difficult decisions.

Good luck, everyone.... hang in for another few days!

<blockquote>For those still waiting for an offer/rejection: I called Ms Wade yesterday and she said that the Commitee is still deciding on our candidacies and the final decision is to be made towards the end of this week (Thursday?). And that we will be able to find it in our Camsis account.

I am sick and tired of this endless waiting... </blockquote>

When I express posted my documents way back in November, I never imagined I'd still be waiting for an answer in April!

At this point I'm expecting to be rejected, but at least I have an offer from Oxford as a pretty mighty consolation. Being officially rejected will be a blow to my pride, but will at least save me from having to make any difficult decisions.

Good luck, everyone.... hang in for another few days!

Hey guys,

Need your opinions on my case. I submitted my application before deadline (Nov 2010) and forwarded my transcripts to Cambridge, but before the transcripts were delievered, I got a mail deleting my application. So for about 6 months, I tried and erazed every dream of going to cambridge, and never even cared to check my self-service account. But mysteriously, last Saturday, 16th April, I got a mail from Cambridge requesting for my references to be sent to them by email. You can imagine the feeling!

Guys please, what do you make out of that?

Hey guys,

Need your opinions on my case. I submitted my application before deadline (Nov 2010) and forwarded my transcripts to Cambridge, but before the transcripts were delievered, I got a mail deleting my application. So for about 6 months, I tried and erazed every dream of going to cambridge, and never even cared to check my self-service account. But mysteriously, last Saturday, 16th April, I got a mail from Cambridge requesting for my references to be sent to them by email. You can imagine the feeling!

Guys please, what do you make out of that?

For those who are in that situation, how were you informed that you had been rejected by your 1st choice college and how long did it take? Thanks.

For those who are in that situation, how were you informed that you had been rejected by your 1st choice college and how long did it take? Thanks.

Hey guys, My Camsis page was updated today. I have been accepted into my First Choice College....Gonville and Caius. Nonetheless, I did not receive an email informing me of this. Good luck to those still waiting for a decision.

Hey guys, My Camsis page was updated today. I have been accepted into my First Choice College....Gonville and Caius. Nonetheless, I did not receive an email informing me of this. Good luck to those still waiting for a decision.

I got an email indicating a conditional offer on Feb 26th. My camsis page was updated today- conditional offer, seeking college membership. I did not specify any preference for college. As I viewed my conditions ( of which the academic condition seem impossible to meet ), I have a question on language condition. I have already arranged for British Council to send in Ielt score of 8.0 to cambridge when I submitted my application. Do I have to re-send ielt score again to meet the conditions?

I got an email indicating a conditional offer on Feb 26th. My camsis page was updated today- conditional offer, seeking college membership. I did not specify any preference for college. As I viewed my conditions ( of which the academic condition seem impossible to meet ), I have a question on language condition. I have already arranged for British Council to send in Ielt score of 8.0 to cambridge when I submitted my application. Do I have to re-send ielt score again to meet the conditions?

I got an email indicating a conditional offer on Feb 26th. My camsis page was updated today- conditional offer, seeking college membership. I did not specify any preference for college. As I viewed my conditions ( of which the academic condition seem impossible to meet ), I have a question on language condition. I have already arranged for British Council to send in Ielt score of 8.0 to cambridge when I submitted my application. Do I have to re-send ielt score again to meet the conditions?

I reckon they're just standard conditions that they send to everyone, so I wouldn't have thought you'd have to send it again

<blockquote>I got an email indicating a conditional offer on Feb 26th. My camsis page was updated today- conditional offer, seeking college membership. I did not specify any preference for college. As I viewed my conditions ( of which the academic condition seem impossible to meet ), I have a question on language condition. I have already arranged for British Council to send in Ielt score of 8.0 to cambridge when I submitted my application. Do I have to re-send ielt score again to meet the conditions?</blockquote>

I reckon they're just standard conditions that they send to everyone, so I wouldn't have thought you'd have to send it again

Hey, has anyone still waiting to hear outcome of their application heard anything?

Hey, has anyone still waiting to hear outcome of their application heard anything?

My CamSis too has been updated and I would really like to hear someone's opinion on this case.
Namely, in my application I stated that I expected to finish my studies by December 2010 with an average grade 9.7 (out of 10, our grades are 5-10) However, due to outstanding financial circumstances regarding my only parent, I had to work during the months following my application. Therefore, my degree will be obtained with the 9.7 result, but in June 2011.

Since my offer says "9.7 to be obtained by December 2010", do you think that they would be willing to accept my degree and change my conditions? In the end, if one is allowed to ask for a deferral in order to achieve a certain grade, why would 5 months make such a big difference?

They probably do, however, since this is Cambridge.. :(

Thoughts anyone??

thanx in advance

My CamSis too has been updated and I would really like to hear someone's opinion on this case.
Namely, in my application I stated that I expected to finish my studies by December 2010 with an average grade 9.7 (out of 10, our grades are 5-10) However, due to outstanding financial circumstances regarding my only parent, I had to work during the months following my application. Therefore, my degree will be obtained with the 9.7 result, but in June 2011.

Since my offer says "9.7 to be obtained by December 2010", do you think that they would be willing to accept my degree and change my conditions? In the end, if one is allowed to ask for a deferral in order to achieve a certain grade, why would 5 months make such a big difference?

They probably do, however, since this is Cambridge.. :(

Thoughts anyone??

thanx in advance

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