Oxford BCL/MJur 2013-2014

Offer by email for the BCL.

Best of luck to those still waiting.

Commiserations to rejectees - I was previously rejected and this is application no. 2 - so don't give up hope!

Offer by email for the BCL.

Best of luck to those still waiting.

Commiserations to rejectees - I was previously rejected and this is application no. 2 - so don't give up hope!

Hi,everyone! I have just received the conditional offer from Ox MJur Programme, and the condition is 7.5 in IELTS Test. However, my TOEFL score is over 110 and I believe that is sufficient. Has anyone taking the TOEFL faced the same thing?

Hi,everyone! I have just received the conditional offer from Ox MJur Programme, and the condition is 7.5 in IELTS Test. However, my TOEFL score is over 110 and I believe that is sufficient. Has anyone taking the TOEFL faced the same thing?

Got an offer too for the MJUR ! The choice is hard with Cambridge. Any advice / ppl in the same case ?

Got an offer too for the MJUR ! The choice is hard with Cambridge. Any advice / ppl in the same case ?

Offer by email for the BCL.

Best of luck to those still waiting.

Commiserations to rejectees - I was previously rejected and this is application no. 2 - so don't give up hope!

Congrats, don't suppose you mind saying what you got in your degree ect (I'm assuming you went to Cambridge haha)

<blockquote>Offer by email for the BCL.

Best of luck to those still waiting.

Commiserations to rejectees - I was previously rejected and this is application no. 2 - so don't give up hope!</blockquote>

Congrats, don't suppose you mind saying what you got in your degree ect (I'm assuming you went to Cambridge haha)

Got the axe from Oxford, so its going to be Cambridge for me, I can live with that - haha. Good luck to those who are still waiting, chins up!

For those that are interested... I am still an undergrad with a 70.5% average at 2nd year, so perhaps the First wasn't quite high enough.

Got the axe from Oxford, so its going to be Cambridge for me, I can live with that - haha. Good luck to those who are still waiting, chins up!

For those that are interested... I am still an undergrad with a 70.5% average at 2nd year, so perhaps the First wasn't quite high enough.

Another MJur offer here.

Another MJur offer here.

Looks like that's it for today then

Looks like that's it for today then
Inactive User

Hi,everyone! I have just received the conditional offer from Ox MJur Programme, and the condition is 7.5 in IELTS Test. However, my TOEFL score is over 110 and I believe that is sufficient. Has anyone taking the TOEFL faced the same thing?

I got an offer with TOEFL score of 113 and they did not request IELTS. Maybe it has something to do with your subscores (reading, writing, listening etc.).

<blockquote>Hi,everyone! I have just received the conditional offer from Ox MJur Programme, and the condition is 7.5 in IELTS Test. However, my TOEFL score is over 110 and I believe that is sufficient. Has anyone taking the TOEFL faced the same thing? </blockquote>

I got an offer with TOEFL score of 113 and they did not request IELTS. Maybe it has something to do with your subscores (reading, writing, listening etc.).
Mark W

Did anyone here apply to the BCL from a UK University outside the top 20? Did anyone get accepted? I've heard rumours that someone from Man. Met got in one year but no idea if that is true or if it is possible...

Did anyone here apply to the BCL from a UK University outside the top 20? Did anyone get accepted? I've heard rumours that someone from Man. Met got in one year but no idea if that is true or if it is possible...

Did anyone here apply to the BCL from a UK University outside the top 20? Did anyone get accepted? I've heard rumours that someone from Man. Met got in one year but no idea if that is true or if it is possible...

I am at Swansea but was not accepted - however someone from the year above me was accepted to the BCL last year from Swansea, so there is hope. The person who was accepted, however, was the top student for each year of their degree.

<blockquote>Did anyone here apply to the BCL from a UK University outside the top 20? Did anyone get accepted? I've heard rumours that someone from Man. Met got in one year but no idea if that is true or if it is possible...</blockquote>

I am at Swansea but was not accepted - however someone from the year above me was accepted to the BCL last year from Swansea, so there is hope. The person who was accepted, however, was the top student for each year of their degree.

I got the axe too. Oh well, it was worth a try! Cambridge it is then :)

I got the axe too. Oh well, it was worth a try! Cambridge it is then :)

got an offer but will go to Cambridge anyway :)
(just hope I won't have to reconsider this for imbalanced college offers)

got an offer but will go to Cambridge anyway :)
(just hope I won't have to reconsider this for imbalanced college offers)

Just got an offer for the BCL! Good luck to those still waiting!

Just got an offer for the BCL! Good luck to those still waiting!

hey I got a conditional offer from oxford (BCL) today asking me to complete my LLB with 1st class. what does 1st class mean?

My aggregate percentage as of now is 64.25% and that is 1st division in my university. Can anyone help me out.


hey I got a conditional offer from oxford (BCL) today asking me to complete my LLB with 1st class. what does 1st class mean?

My aggregate percentage as of now is 64.25% and that is 1st division in my university. Can anyone help me out.

Mark W

Did anyone here apply to the BCL from a UK University outside the top 20? Did anyone get accepted? I've heard rumours that someone from Man. Met got in one year but no idea if that is true or if it is possible...

I am at Swansea but was not accepted - however someone from the year above me was accepted to the BCL last year from Swansea, so there is hope. The person who was accepted, however, was the top student for each year of their degree.

Sorry to hear that you didn't get in, but thanks for the info. Good to know there's a chance if I keep getting the top first.

<blockquote><blockquote>Did anyone here apply to the BCL from a UK University outside the top 20? Did anyone get accepted? I've heard rumours that someone from Man. Met got in one year but no idea if that is true or if it is possible...</blockquote>

I am at Swansea but was not accepted - however someone from the year above me was accepted to the BCL last year from Swansea, so there is hope. The person who was accepted, however, was the top student for each year of their degree.</blockquote>

Sorry to hear that you didn't get in, but thanks for the info. Good to know there's a chance if I keep getting the top first.

Seems like they've started handing out BCL offers. Got mine today as well, good luck everyone!

Seems like they've started handing out BCL offers. Got mine today as well, good luck everyone!

Offer by email for the BCL.

Best of luck to those still waiting.

Commiserations to rejectees - I was previously rejected and this is application no. 2 - so don't give up hope!

Congrats, don't suppose you mind saying what you got in your degree ect (I'm assuming you went to Cambridge haha)

Hey, I got a low (very low) 2.1 in my second year at Cambridge but a first in my final year, ranking top 10 in the year.

My friends who got firsts got offers no matter where they were in the first class division - I think there were 45 firsts or so, but this is Camb so the students were brilliant tbh, smarter than me - I just got luckyyy.

And I think it's a little unfair on high 2.1s at Cambridge (if this is where you are). These students would be first class in other universities without a doubt - the standard is incredible. But alas, a 2.1 is a 2.1, Oxbridge or not.

<blockquote><blockquote>Offer by email for the BCL.

Best of luck to those still waiting.

Commiserations to rejectees - I was previously rejected and this is application no. 2 - so don't give up hope!</blockquote>

Congrats, don't suppose you mind saying what you got in your degree ect (I'm assuming you went to Cambridge haha) </blockquote>

Hey, I got a low (very low) 2.1 in my second year at Cambridge but a first in my final year, ranking top 10 in the year.

My friends who got firsts got offers no matter where they were in the first class division - I think there were 45 firsts or so, but this is Camb so the students were brilliant tbh, smarter than me - I just got luckyyy.

And I think it's a little unfair on high 2.1s at Cambridge (if this is where you are). These students would be first class in other universities without a doubt - the standard is incredible. But alas, a 2.1 is a 2.1, Oxbridge or not.

I accept that you're probably right about a student with a high 2.1 in Oxbridge being as good as, and sometimes even better than, a first class student in a less prestigious university. However if they were to apply that logic then the BCL class would largely be made up of Oxbridge graduates.

That would be negative from the point of view of class diversity as well as leaving Oxford open to further accusations of snobbery. Besides, Oxbridge students already have a brand name on their CV: give someone else a chance!

I accept that you're probably right about a student with a high 2.1 in Oxbridge being as good as, and sometimes even better than, a first class student in a less prestigious university. However if they were to apply that logic then the BCL class would largely be made up of Oxbridge graduates.

That would be negative from the point of view of class diversity as well as leaving Oxford open to further accusations of snobbery. Besides, Oxbridge students already have a brand name on their CV: give someone else a chance!
Mark W

And I think it's a little unfair on high 2.1s at Cambridge (if this is where you are). These students would be first class in other universities without a doubt - the standard is incredible. But alas, a 2.1 is a 2.1, Oxbridge or not.

No doubt a 68% from Cambridge is better than a random (70-72%) first class from another university; but it doesn't seem like just any old first from another university is anywhere near good enough to get in.

The difficulty comes when you try and compare 68% from Cambridge with the top first from Swansea (picked as mentioned in the thread earlier). Then I think it's quite hard to know which candidate is 'better' just by comparing grades and university prestige. I suppose that's why BCL admissions place so much weight on the essay and references.

edit: Great job turning a low 2:1 into a high first and congrats on the place !

And I think it's a little unfair on high 2.1s at Cambridge (if this is where you are). These students would be first class in other universities without a doubt - the standard is incredible. But alas, a 2.1 is a 2.1, Oxbridge or not.</blockquote>

No doubt a 68% from Cambridge is better than a random (70-72%) first class from another university; but it doesn't seem like just any old first from another university is anywhere near good enough to get in.

The difficulty comes when you try and compare 68% from Cambridge with the top first from Swansea (picked as mentioned in the thread earlier). Then I think it's quite hard to know which candidate is 'better' just by comparing grades and university prestige. I suppose that's why BCL admissions place so much weight on the essay and references.

edit: Great job turning a low 2:1 into a high first and congrats on the place !

And I think it's a little unfair on high 2.1s at Cambridge (if this is where you are). These students would be first class in other universities without a doubt - the standard is incredible. But alas, a 2.1 is a 2.1, Oxbridge or not.

No doubt a 68% from Cambridge is better than a random (70-72%) first class from another university; but it doesn't seem like just any old first from another university is anywhere near good enough to get in.

The difficulty comes when you try and compare 68% from Cambridge with the top first from Swansea (picked as mentioned in the thread earlier). Then I think it's quite hard to know which candidate is 'better' just by comparing grades and university prestige. I suppose that's why BCL admissions place so much weight on the essay and references.

edit: Great job turning a low 2:1 into a high first and congrats on the place !

I think you will find the exam standard is suppose to be even across the board - we have very few Firsts each year at Swansea, last year there were only 15 out of about 300 students. Everything is externally double marked, etc. Many of our lecturers are Oxford/Cambridge grads. Perhaps at a law firm a 68% at Cambridge would be looked upon as superior to a 68% at Swansea, but I can assure you that my final year at Swansea has been nothing short of rigorous.

And I think it's a little unfair on high 2.1s at Cambridge (if this is where you are). These students would be first class in other universities without a doubt - the standard is incredible. But alas, a 2.1 is a 2.1, Oxbridge or not.</blockquote>

No doubt a 68% from Cambridge is better than a random (70-72%) first class from another university; but it doesn't seem like just any old first from another university is anywhere near good enough to get in.

The difficulty comes when you try and compare 68% from Cambridge with the top first from Swansea (picked as mentioned in the thread earlier). Then I think it's quite hard to know which candidate is 'better' just by comparing grades and university prestige. I suppose that's why BCL admissions place so much weight on the essay and references.

edit: Great job turning a low 2:1 into a high first and congrats on the place !</blockquote>

I think you will find the exam standard is suppose to be even across the board - we have very few Firsts each year at Swansea, last year there were only 15 out of about 300 students. Everything is externally double marked, etc. Many of our lecturers are Oxford/Cambridge grads. Perhaps at a law firm a 68% at Cambridge would be looked upon as superior to a 68% at Swansea, but I can assure you that my final year at Swansea has been nothing short of rigorous.

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