Oxford BCL and Cambridge LLM Applicants 2009


nope. nothing here....
I guess we'll have to wait for the mailman to deliver the letters!

nope. nothing here....
I guess we'll have to wait for the mailman to deliver the letters!

anyone got admitted to christ church ? heard great rumors/things about it ? I kinda picked it in a hurry and did not bother to run an alumni check...

anyone got admitted to christ church ? heard great rumors/things about it ? I kinda picked it in a hurry and did not bother to run an alumni check...

Does Oxford ever send out emails? From what I heard from other applicants who applied to other courses such as English or IR, all of them got their acceptance/rejection by post.

Does Oxford ever send out emails? From what I heard from other applicants who applied to other courses such as English or IR, all of them got their acceptance/rejection by post.

Shall we call them guys?!
Good Luck :)

Shall we call them guys?!
Good Luck :)

I can confirm this, I got my offer for MSc Criminology by post. I actually found out that someone else got his offer (in UK), and then had to wait for a week to receive my offer by regular mail. I'm not saying this would be the case with you guys, just wanted to share my experience. Good luck to all!

I can confirm this, I got my offer for MSc Criminology by post. I actually found out that someone else got his offer (in UK), and then had to wait for a week to receive my offer by regular mail. I'm not saying this would be the case with you guys, just wanted to share my experience. Good luck to all!

Big Suze

I live in London, the postman came but nothing from Oxford...

I live in London, the postman came but nothing from Oxford...

Alvin, Cedric: where are you ?

Here I am :)
No news here

<blockquote>Alvin, Cedric: where are you ?</blockquote>

Here I am :)
No news here



Acceptance emails started to arrive around 3pm last year according to the relevant posts on this board. Then again, last year's decisions were released on the equivalent to yesterday (i.e. the Thursday after the end of Hilary term in Oxford), so maybe that is not the most reliable precedent!

Acceptance emails started to arrive around 3pm last year according to the relevant posts on this board. Then again, last year's decisions were released on the equivalent to yesterday (i.e. the Thursday after the end of Hilary term in Oxford), so maybe that is not the most reliable precedent!

When would you realistically expect the ''the thing'' to arrive... may be towards the later half of the day?

When I read the lastest posts in this topic, I get the idea that everyone is expecting letters now instead of e-mails.

Well, I sure don't know anymore what to expect..
It could be e-mail now or letter next week. Best to look out for smoke signals too ... :)

<blockquote>When would you realistically expect the ''the thing'' to arrive... may be towards the later half of the day?</blockquote>

When I read the lastest posts in this topic, I get the idea that everyone is expecting letters now instead of e-mails.

Well, I sure don't know anymore what to expect..
It could be e-mail now or letter next week. Best to look out for smoke signals too ... :)


i thought I should lend some certainty to an extremely nervous day -- having gone through the process myself.

The letters are sent out in the post by the Law Faculty on the date mentioned -- 20th March this year. They dont use courier services like any of the American law schools. So, the time it takes really depends on which part of the world you are in.

There is no certainty over whether the Law Faculty will send a copy of the letter as an attachment by email. I dont think they have been consistent about this over the years.

However, all hope is not lost.

One way of finding out and I have been a beneficiary of this practice --is to email the Law Faculty with:
i. your full name,
ii. date of birth, and
iii. the course you have applied for -- and request the outcome. They usually respond to such enquiries by the end of day.

However, they might be flooded with enquiries --and today being a Friday -- if they dont respond to you today, you will certainly hear from them on monday. That I guess is still faster than waiting for the post.

They wont give the decision over telephone.

All the best.

i thought I should lend some certainty to an extremely nervous day -- having gone through the process myself.

The letters are sent out in the post by the Law Faculty on the date mentioned -- 20th March this year. They dont use courier services like any of the American law schools. So, the time it takes really depends on which part of the world you are in.

There is no certainty over whether the Law Faculty will send a copy of the letter as an attachment by email. I dont think they have been consistent about this over the years.

However, all hope is not lost.

One way of finding out and I have been a beneficiary of this practice --is to email the Law Faculty with:
i. your full name,
ii. date of birth, and
iii. the course you have applied for -- and request the outcome. They usually respond to such enquiries by the end of day.

However, they might be flooded with enquiries --and today being a Friday -- if they dont respond to you today, you will certainly hear from them on monday. That I guess is still faster than waiting for the post.

They wont give the decision over telephone.

All the best.


Acceptance emails started to arrive around 3pm last year according to the relevant posts on this board. Then again, last year's decisions were released on the equivalent to yesterday (i.e. the Thursday after the end of Hilary term in Oxford), so maybe that is not the most reliable precedent!

Cedric and Nerx : Listen to Carbolic...

I guess it would be reasonable to expect the things to move more swiftly towards the afternoon (GMT)..

Fair enough, I just thought I might share with you all about what I heard from other Oxford applicants. :)

<blockquote><blockquote>Acceptance emails started to arrive around 3pm last year according to the relevant posts on this board. Then again, last year's decisions were released on the equivalent to yesterday (i.e. the Thursday after the end of Hilary term in Oxford), so maybe that is not the most reliable precedent!</blockquote>

Cedric and Nerx : Listen to Carbolic...

I guess it would be reasonable to expect the things to move more swiftly towards the afternoon (GMT)..</blockquote>

Fair enough, I just thought I might share with you all about what I heard from other Oxford applicants. :)

Acceptance emails started to arrive around 3pm last year according to the relevant posts on this board. Then again, last year's decisions were released on the equivalent to yesterday (i.e. the Thursday after the end of Hilary term in Oxford), so maybe that is not the most reliable precedent!

Cedric and Nerx : Listen to Carbolic...

I guess it would be reasonable to expect the things to move more swiftly towards the afternoon (GMT)..

yes, chef !!

<blockquote><blockquote>Acceptance emails started to arrive around 3pm last year according to the relevant posts on this board. Then again, last year's decisions were released on the equivalent to yesterday (i.e. the Thursday after the end of Hilary term in Oxford), so maybe that is not the most reliable precedent!</blockquote>

Cedric and Nerx : Listen to Carbolic...

I guess it would be reasonable to expect the things to move more swiftly towards the afternoon (GMT)..</blockquote>

yes, chef !!



I thought I'd log off and come back after a couple of hours to find excited offer recipients and all I find is I have a full email inbox but still, noone has heard anything. Oh, and the bloody rumour mill has started again! lol ;)

I thought I'd log off and come back after a couple of hours to find excited offer recipients and all I find is I have a full email inbox but still, noone has heard anything. Oh, and the bloody rumour mill has started again! lol ;)

Wat has happened to all those those who earlier claimed they received offers from Oxford?

Wat has happened to all those those who earlier claimed they received offers from Oxford?

Has anyone decided to follow Essential's advice and send an email? I've got it drafted but wonder if sending it will somehow upset the alignment of the stars or something like that. They say good things are worth waiting for...

Has anyone decided to follow Essential's advice and send an email? I've got it drafted but wonder if sending it will somehow upset the alignment of the stars or something like that. They say good things are worth waiting for...

I thought I'd log off and come back after a couple of hours to find excited offer recipients and all I find is I have a full email inbox but still, noone has heard anything. Oh, and the bloody rumour mill has started again! lol ;)

the rumour mill is standard practice here :)
the board wouldn't be the same without it :) !

<blockquote>I thought I'd log off and come back after a couple of hours to find excited offer recipients and all I find is I have a full email inbox but still, noone has heard anything. Oh, and the bloody rumour mill has started again! lol ;)</blockquote>

the rumour mill is standard practice here :)
the board wouldn't be the same without it :) !

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