LSE Decisions & Awards

Anybody with sound advice on what to state as your estimated living costs for the Graduate Support Scheme Application? I realize that if I low ball it too much, I might hurt myself because they'll simply give me less money. Is there any harm in projecting a high amount? Might they see that as a sign of being too high-maintenance, and not give me anything? I know that a certain prominent scholarship plan (the Commonwealth) gives students almost 900 GBP a month for "upkeep". Is this reasonable reflection of a student cost of living, or are these scholars especially pampered? Thoughtful advice welcome. I have no clue of how much it costs to live in London (btw, I am not super high maintenance but this will be my 3rd degree so I feel i'm entitled to a slightly better lifestyle than pasta noodles every night. I don't expect the Ritz but I don't plan on totally slumming it either). All i know is that London is very, very, very expensive. Please help. Btw, how many months is the LLM program at LSE, anyways? I was thinking of putting about 8,000-10,000 GBP on my application for living costs. Is this in any way reasonable?

Anybody with sound advice on what to state as your estimated living costs for the Graduate Support Scheme Application? I realize that if I low ball it too much, I might hurt myself because they'll simply give me less money. Is there any harm in projecting a high amount? Might they see that as a sign of being too high-maintenance, and not give me anything? I know that a certain prominent scholarship plan (the Commonwealth) gives students almost 900 GBP a month for "upkeep". Is this reasonable reflection of a student cost of living, or are these scholars especially pampered? Thoughtful advice welcome. I have no clue of how much it costs to live in London (btw, I am not super high maintenance but this will be my 3rd degree so I feel i'm entitled to a slightly better lifestyle than pasta noodles every night. I don't expect the Ritz but I don't plan on totally slumming it either). All i know is that London is very, very, very expensive. Please help. Btw, how many months is the LLM program at LSE, anyways? I was thinking of putting about 8,000-10,000 GBP on my application for living costs. Is this in any way reasonable?

Hey PPl,
Got an offer from LSE a couple of days ago. Got an offer from UCL too, offer letter says I have six weeks to take a decision. I have also applied to Oxford and Cambridge. Has anyone who recieved offer applied there too? I hope to make a decision once I hear from Oxbridge. Anxiously waitin for their reply....btw I am from India, any one else from India?

Hey PPl,
Got an offer from LSE a couple of days ago. Got an offer from UCL too, offer letter says I have six weeks to take a decision. I have also applied to Oxford and Cambridge. Has anyone who recieved offer applied there too? I hope to make a decision once I hear from Oxbridge. Anxiously waitin for their reply....btw I am from India, any one else from India?

Hi guys! Congrats to everyone who received their offers!! BTW, have you received your offer letter and a pack? If so , how long did it take to arrive?

Hi guys! Congrats to everyone who received their offers!! BTW, have you received your offer letter and a pack? If so , how long did it take to arrive?

Hey Guys!
Congrates to all who got offer!I have been offered unconditional place at LSE with a note to apply for Scholarships!Waiting for OX CAM and Harvard, Cornell, NYU!But would like to see all there in LSE i suppose! Hope for the best! Dont worry for offer pack. It takes long to arrive! IN anycase if u face any problems can ask GAO to send it back to u! Do inform for change in address if any!

Prateek Maheshwari
Manchester UK

Hey Guys!
Congrates to all who got offer!I have been offered unconditional place at LSE with a note to apply for Scholarships!Waiting for OX CAM and Harvard, Cornell, NYU!But would like to see all there in LSE i suppose! Hope for the best! Dont worry for offer pack. It takes long to arrive! IN anycase if u face any problems can ask GAO to send it back to u! Do inform for change in address if any!

Prateek Maheshwari
Manchester UK









hey got a conditional offer from LSE...... but haven't got the graduate merit award..... me too waiting for results from other universities...

hey got a conditional offer from LSE...... but haven't got the graduate merit award..... me too waiting for results from other universities...

Got an offer on Friday. I think they are going through the pile for their first "pass" to see how many spots they fill.

Got an offer on Friday. I think they are going through the pile for their first "pass" to see how many spots they fill.

Dear All:
I applied for the LLM Program of LSE and my application was considered completed in the 3rd week of December.
Until now, I didn't hear any news in relation to the offer or rejection and my application is currently "under consideration by the department".
Is it normal?

Dear All:
I applied for the LLM Program of LSE and my application was considered completed in the 3rd week of December.
Until now, I didn't hear any news in relation to the offer or rejection and my application is currently "under consideration by the department".
Is it normal?

Yesterday, I've got conditional offer from LSE.

If I can achieve the condition, am I just reject ?

Yesterday, I've got conditional offer from LSE.

If I can achieve the condition, am I just reject ?

Dear All:
I applied for the LLM Program of LSE and my application was considered completed in the 3rd week of December.
Until now, I didn't hear any news in relation to the offer or rejection and my application is currently "under consideration by the department".
Is it normal?

LSE took the longest of all the UK schools I applied to (I didn't apply to Oxbridge, which I understand may take a bit longer than LSE even), so, yes, I think the "under consideration by the department" is normal.

P. Martini

<blockquote>Dear All:
I applied for the LLM Program of LSE and my application was considered completed in the 3rd week of December.
Until now, I didn't hear any news in relation to the offer or rejection and my application is currently "under consideration by the department".
Is it normal?</blockquote>

LSE took the longest of all the UK schools I applied to (I didn't apply to Oxbridge, which I understand may take a bit longer than LSE even), so, yes, I think the "under consideration by the department" is normal.

P. Martini

hi...i applied to lse mid november...but got confirmation of all docs bein recieved by thm on 13th december...n to expect a response in 8 weeks...its been so long..n i can see a lotta ppl hav recieved my batchmates hav recieved rejection who had applied ltr than me..n few of thm r still awaiting i still hav chances or shud i expect rejection as well...i hold first div..hav interned with UN..n renowned law firms n organisations...

hi...i applied to lse mid november...but got confirmation of all docs bein recieved by thm on 13th december...n to expect a response in 8 weeks...its been so long..n i can see a lotta ppl hav recieved my batchmates hav recieved rejection who had applied ltr than me..n few of thm r still awaiting i still hav chances or shud i expect rejection as well...i hold first div..hav interned with UN..n renowned law firms n organisations...

Hi Catullus,

Just got an offer from LSE. I'm a bit confused about how the award system works. Next to the box "Graduate Merit Award" on my webtracker it says:

"On the basis of the standard of your application and academic experience to date, you are eligible to apply for one of the limited awards from the Graduate Support Scheme"

Does that mean they decided to give me a Graduate Merit Award, or that I still have to apply for one via the Graduate Support Scheme?

Oh well, happy about the offer :) ...

El Duderino

Hi El Duderino,
I've got the same message and also have got a little confused. Have you found out whether a Merit Awards has been granted or it is only a opportunity to apply for Support Scheme help.

<blockquote>Hi Catullus,

Just got an offer from LSE. I'm a bit confused about how the award system works. Next to the box "Graduate Merit Award" on my webtracker it says:

"On the basis of the standard of your application and academic experience to date, you are eligible to apply for one of the limited awards from the Graduate Support Scheme"

Does that mean they decided to give me a Graduate Merit Award, or that I still have to apply for one via the Graduate Support Scheme?

Oh well, happy about the offer :) ...

El Duderino</blockquote>

Hi El Duderino,
I've got the same message and also have got a little confused. Have you found out whether a Merit Awards has been granted or it is only a opportunity to apply for Support Scheme help.

Hello. I'm from Bangalore, India.I applied to LSE in early December. They said my documentation was compete on 12th December. My application is still under consideration. I'm getting extremely bored with checking the LSE online tracker everyday!
Hoping for a positive decision soon!

Hello. I'm from Bangalore, India.I applied to LSE in early December. They said my documentation was compete on 12th December. My application is still under consideration. I'm getting extremely bored with checking the LSE online tracker everyday!
Hoping for a positive decision soon!

I double check my e-mail and website of school everyday.
I am afraid I am going crazy ..perhaps l already am....
Knowing someones who applied earlier have got offers makes me regret why I procrastinated two weeks more for no particular reason after I got all the ducuments ready.
I decide not to check up till March in order to save my nerve system from breaking down.

I double check my e-mail and website of school everyday.
I am afraid I am going crazy ..perhaps l already am....
Knowing someones who applied earlier have got offers makes me regret why I procrastinated two weeks more for no particular reason after I got all the ducuments ready.
I decide not to check up till March in order to save my nerve system from breaking down.

As far as I am aware, a clarification is usually ( or mostly) required when an offer is conditional. They return documents to the department to make clarifications about the conditions. It happened to a couple of friends of mine.

However, I had exactly the same status (expressed in the same way) for a day, then I was made an unconditional offer. Hopefully, you will get yours too. Good Luck!!

I am in a similar situation to the Amsterdamer. A trawl of the website seems to indicate that one of the the "conditions" might simply be posting your original transcripts rather than scanned in ones. This would certainly be less onerous than attending a summer course. Is this a possibility?

<blockquote>As far as I am aware, a clarification is usually ( or mostly) required when an offer is conditional. They return documents to the department to make clarifications about the conditions. It happened to a couple of friends of mine.

However, I had exactly the same status (expressed in the same way) for a day, then I was made an unconditional offer. Hopefully, you will get yours too. Good Luck!!</blockquote>

I am in a similar situation to the Amsterdamer. A trawl of the website seems to indicate that one of the the "conditions" might simply be posting your original transcripts rather than scanned in ones. This would certainly be less onerous than attending a summer course. Is this a possibility?
Villy J.D.

I feel relieved that I am not the only one who hasn't received a response yet. My app. has been under "consideration" since the first week of December. What troubles me is that on the "program availability" website is says that the LL.M has limited availability! I think there will be a final batch of decisions before the program is closed. I also believe that this will happen before the end of the month. Of course, these are all assumptions!.

Does anyone actually know how the selection process work? Do they hand out decisions in "batches" or "individually"?

I feel relieved that I am not the only one who hasn't received a response yet. My app. has been under "consideration" since the first week of December. What troubles me is that on the "program availability" website is says that the LL.M has limited availability! I think there will be a final batch of decisions before the program is closed. I also believe that this will happen before the end of the month. Of course, these are all assumptions!.

Does anyone actually know how the selection process work? Do they hand out decisions in "batches" or "individually"?

I am inclined to believe it is done in batches. I think it is more practical for them to do so. To all of you who are still waiting for the decision- Good luck! I know how stressful the process can be. I am keeping my fingers crossed for all of you! ;)) PM me if you've got any questions:))

I am inclined to believe it is done in batches. I think it is more practical for them to do so. To all of you who are still waiting for the decision- Good luck! I know how stressful the process can be. I am keeping my fingers crossed for all of you! ;)) PM me if you've got any questions:))
Inactive User

To those of you who have received offers, how long did it take for the offer letter to arrive? It's been a while (over two weeks and I live in the UK) and I'm getting a little worried...

Good luck to all that are still waiting!!

To those of you who have received offers, how long did it take for the offer letter to arrive? It's been a while (over two weeks and I live in the UK) and I'm getting a little worried...

Good luck to all that are still waiting!!

Yesterday, I've got conditional offer from LSE.

If I can achieve the condition, am I just reject ?


I'm in a similar situation because of a dual degree programme with two different GPA calculations and a poorly worded LSE condition (additionally, a failure to respond to e-mail). But, I have accepted the conditional offer . . . .

To attempt to answer your question, however, if you go to the application tracking system, you can link to information concerning conditions. My understanding is that if you have not met the condition, you are advised to send your documents (e.g., transcripts, or English language test scores) anyway, and the department may exercise its discretion to admit you.

P. Martini

<blockquote>Yesterday, I've got conditional offer from LSE.

If I can achieve the condition, am I just reject ?</blockquote>


I'm in a similar situation because of a dual degree programme with two different GPA calculations and a poorly worded LSE condition (additionally, a failure to respond to e-mail). But, I have accepted the conditional offer . . . .

To attempt to answer your question, however, if you go to the application tracking system, you can link to information concerning conditions. My understanding is that if you have not met the condition, you are advised to send your documents (e.g., transcripts, or English language test scores) anyway, and the department may exercise its discretion to admit you.

P. Martini

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