LLM QMUL 2013-2014


To Merlo: Hi I am Daniele from Rome I will not join the LLM in Banking and Finance but I am going to attend some lectures in this field as well.

Are you from Italy?

Is there anyone who can give me some additional information relating to the scholarships aviable at QMUL? The financial needs are crucial or they consider only academic merit?

To Merlo: Hi I am Daniele from Rome I will not join the LLM in Banking and Finance but I am going to attend some lectures in this field as well.

Are you from Italy?

Is there anyone who can give me some additional information relating to the scholarships aviable at QMUL? The financial needs are crucial or they consider only academic merit?

To Merlo: Hi I am Daniele from Rome I will not join the LLM in Banking and Finance but I am going to attend some lectures in this field as well.

Are you from Italy?

Is there anyone who can give me some additional information relating to the scholarships aviable at QMUL? The financial needs are crucial or they consider only academic merit?

Ciao Daniele,

I don't have many information about the scholarship, but I think they assign it on proved financial needs.

Anyway, do you know anyone who is going to attend the LLM in Bank. and Fin?

<blockquote>To Merlo: Hi I am Daniele from Rome I will not join the LLM in Banking and Finance but I am going to attend some lectures in this field as well.

Are you from Italy?

Is there anyone who can give me some additional information relating to the scholarships aviable at QMUL? The financial needs are crucial or they consider only academic merit? </blockquote>

Ciao Daniele,

I don't have many information about the scholarship, but I think they assign it on proved financial needs.

Anyway, do you know anyone who is going to attend the LLM in Bank. and Fin?

Merlo, I will attend...

Merlo, I will attend...

Merlo where are you from (city I mean)...

It is incredible... this year QMUL will be full of italians..ahahahah... I do not know if it is a good point or a downside :-)

Merlo where are you from (city I mean)...

It is incredible... this year QMUL will be full of italians..ahahahah... I do not know if it is a good point or a downside :-)

@ Roan. Arbitration is quite an interesting subject. I am from Kenya and our constitution encourages adopting alternative dispute resolution mechanisms before resorting to court. Most contracts especially those involving substantial amounts with companies that dont wish to air their dirty laundry in public and also companies that wish to maintain relationships tend to prefer ADR. I would encourage you to take the course with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Kenya Branch).

I have applied for an LLM in Banking and Finance Law to complement my arbitration skills, however am also waiting for a response from King's college where i recently applied.

However, this 2013/2014 bunch appear to be diverse and quite interesting. I would love to be part of this group.
Hopefully i shall get my response soon to enable me make my decision.

@ Roan. Arbitration is quite an interesting subject. I am from Kenya and our constitution encourages adopting alternative dispute resolution mechanisms before resorting to court. Most contracts especially those involving substantial amounts with companies that dont wish to air their dirty laundry in public and also companies that wish to maintain relationships tend to prefer ADR. I would encourage you to take the course with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Kenya Branch).

I have applied for an LLM in Banking and Finance Law to complement my arbitration skills, however am also waiting for a response from King's college where i recently applied.

However, this 2013/2014 bunch appear to be diverse and quite interesting. I would love to be part of this group.
Hopefully i shall get my response soon to enable me make my decision.

Dear Joy... I am very pleased of your response!! I absolutely follow your suggestion and I hope to meet you in London this September. Therefore, we can arrange a program to improve this arbitration skill!! :-)

It is the best thing do an LLM and a special arbitration course the same year!! Write me an e-mail and we can keep in touch during these months...

Dear Joy... I am very pleased of your response!! I absolutely follow your suggestion and I hope to meet you in London this September. Therefore, we can arrange a program to improve this arbitration skill!! :-)

It is the best thing do an LLM and a special arbitration course the same year!! Write me an e-mail and we can keep in touch during these months...


Most definitely. Send me your email address some time.


Most definitely. Send me your email address some time.

Merlo where are you from (city I mean)...

It is incredible... this year QMUL will be full of italians..ahahahah... I do not know if it is a good point or a downside :-)

Hi Roan,

I'm from Palermo but I live and work in Milan.

I'd like to know if could you provide me some information regarding the Chartered Institute of financial law in London.

Someone has advised me about the possibility to attend several lecturers of the Institute during the same period in which I will attend the LL.M..

<blockquote>Merlo where are you from (city I mean)...

It is incredible... this year QMUL will be full of italians..ahahahah... I do not know if it is a good point or a downside :-) </blockquote>

Hi Roan,

I'm from Palermo but I live and work in Milan.

I'd like to know if could you provide me some information regarding the Chartered Institute of financial law in London.

Someone has advised me about the possibility to attend several lecturers of the Institute during the same period in which I will attend the LL.M..


Hi all,

I'm Faith, I'm from Singapore and will be heading over to QM this sep for LLM in IP Law. :))) Am really excited about it :D

Regarding accommodation, especially for LLM students, it might be better to try to find a place in Zone 1 and not near mile end since the CCLS is at Lincoln's Fields (just opposite to LSE). The nearest the tube station is Holborn (the central red line).

I tried to apply for QM's hostel as well, but they will only get back to me in July, which in my opinion is quite a long wait. So I have managed to find myself another place, it's called Albany House, it's near to Russell Square, which is walking distance to CCLS (probably a 20mins walk). The rent is about £260 per week. It's definitely more expensive than the QM hostel, but it's a fully equipped studio apartment with gym and other facilities and so I think it is quite a good bargain. Accommodationforstudents.com is a good website to go to as well. There are also other private accommodations that cater specially for post grad students, like gradpadlondon.com and etc.

The good thing about finding an accommodation in Zone 1 is that you can save on transport because you can walk. Tube is very expensive in London (more than £2 per ride) and the weather is very nice in London and so I will greatly recommend walking or cycling to school! :) In any case, accommodation is generally very expensive in London. Another alternative could be we find an apartment and rent it together? That will be able to save some costs :)

I stayed in London for 3 months last summer, so am pretty familiar with London so feel free to ask me any questions! In addition, I've requested to join the FB group so please accept my request! (my FB name is Phang Yu Jia)

Looking forward to seeing you guys in Sep! :)

Hi all,

I'm Faith, I'm from Singapore and will be heading over to QM this sep for LLM in IP Law. :))) Am really excited about it :D

Regarding accommodation, especially for LLM students, it might be better to try to find a place in Zone 1 and not near mile end since the CCLS is at Lincoln's Fields (just opposite to LSE). The nearest the tube station is Holborn (the central red line).

I tried to apply for QM's hostel as well, but they will only get back to me in July, which in my opinion is quite a long wait. So I have managed to find myself another place, it's called Albany House, it's near to Russell Square, which is walking distance to CCLS (probably a 20mins walk). The rent is about £260 per week. It's definitely more expensive than the QM hostel, but it's a fully equipped studio apartment with gym and other facilities and so I think it is quite a good bargain. Accommodationforstudents.com is a good website to go to as well. There are also other private accommodations that cater specially for post grad students, like gradpadlondon.com and etc.

The good thing about finding an accommodation in Zone 1 is that you can save on transport because you can walk. Tube is very expensive in London (more than £2 per ride) and the weather is very nice in London and so I will greatly recommend walking or cycling to school! :) In any case, accommodation is generally very expensive in London. Another alternative could be we find an apartment and rent it together? That will be able to save some costs :)

I stayed in London for 3 months last summer, so am pretty familiar with London so feel free to ask me any questions! In addition, I've requested to join the FB group so please accept my request! (my FB name is Phang Yu Jia)

Looking forward to seeing you guys in Sep! :)
Inactive User

Hi Faith, welcome to the group :)

I checked Russell Square accommodation some time ago, but I think 260 GBP is quite expensive, even though it's Zone 1. I mean it's at least 110 GBP per week more expensive than QM accommodation and even a zone 1-3 annual tube ticket for students is "only" about 1400 GBP. So if you rent accommodation within zone 3 in a student shared flat that might cost around 130-150 GBP, you would save about 400 GBP per month.

another great website I found is spareroom.co.uk. There are also offers on full flats that may be rent by some of us. Cost (depending on location, room size etc.) between 120-180 GBP per Person incl. bills. So that may be an option to have a look at if you want?

Where in London have you been living last summer Faith?

When are you guys - assuming you don't want to wait for QM Accommodations decision - going to look for a flat/room? I thought about flying to London for a few days in the beginning of August to have some flat viewings. Or is this too late?

Hi Faith, welcome to the group :)

I checked Russell Square accommodation some time ago, but I think 260 GBP is quite expensive, even though it's Zone 1. I mean it's at least 110 GBP per week more expensive than QM accommodation and even a zone 1-3 annual tube ticket for students is "only" about 1400 GBP. So if you rent accommodation within zone 3 in a student shared flat that might cost around 130-150 GBP, you would save about 400 GBP per month.

another great website I found is spareroom.co.uk. There are also offers on full flats that may be rent by some of us. Cost (depending on location, room size etc.) between 120-180 GBP per Person incl. bills. So that may be an option to have a look at if you want?

Where in London have you been living last summer Faith?

When are you guys - assuming you don't want to wait for QM Accommodations decision - going to look for a flat/room? I thought about flying to London for a few days in the beginning of August to have some flat viewings. Or is this too late?

Hi Faith! Glad to hear you'll be taking IP as well :D

About acomodation, you are totally right, staying in zone 1 (max zone 2) is essential for students!I've been living in London (back and forth, my boyfriend lives there :) for almost a year now (Notting hill) and the "right position" is of the essence, not so much for the tube costs (renting in zone2/3 is MUCH less expensive, so you could save on renting instead) but for "living the London life" !!!

ps. Faith: don't know what whether you found, but I wouldn't define England's whether as "quite nice"! it actually kind of sucks it my opinion (coming from Italy), cold and raining!!! :D

Hi Faith! Glad to hear you'll be taking IP as well :D

About acomodation, you are totally right, staying in zone 1 (max zone 2) is essential for students!I've been living in London (back and forth, my boyfriend lives there :) for almost a year now (Notting hill) and the "right position" is of the essence, not so much for the tube costs (renting in zone2/3 is MUCH less expensive, so you could save on renting instead) but for "living the London life" !!!

ps. Faith: don't know what whether you found, but I wouldn't define England's whether as "quite nice"! it actually kind of sucks it my opinion (coming from Italy), cold and raining!!! :D
Inactive User

At least it's been a lot warmer in London than in Germany in the past weeks - that's something to look forward for me :D

The IP specialism seems to fill up finally - yieh! :-)

Anna: Any more ideas where to look for a nice/ not too expensive room within zone 1 or 2?! I found lots of nice and relatively cheap rooms (around 120 GBP) in Stratford, which is actually zone 3, but right next to zone 2. Or would you say this is already to far away from the center to enjoy London life? :)

At least it's been a lot warmer in London than in Germany in the past weeks - that's something to look forward for me :D

The IP specialism seems to fill up finally - yieh! :-)

Anna: Any more ideas where to look for a nice/ not too expensive room within zone 1 or 2?! I found lots of nice and relatively cheap rooms (around 120 GBP) in Stratford, which is actually zone 3, but right next to zone 2. Or would you say this is already to far away from the center to enjoy London life? :)

Hi IP007 and Annacar87!

I guess weather wise London is alot better than Singapore and that's why I think the weather is pretty nice! haha.

Regarding accommodation, I think at the end of the day it really depends on what kind of lifestyle you want. Annacar87 is right about "living the london life" because majority of the London attractions are all in zone 1 (other than Greenwich or Kew Gardens) and so you can literally walk to all places of attractions. :)

I tried home-staying last summer at a place near Shoreditch, and because it was Olympics, I paid £45 a night for 3 months! (and that is after much bargaining and negotiation). The place is fabulous, but its just a room compared to the current studio that I am thinking of renting :) And the room doesn't have a table for me to do work which is very crucial for us students especially when we have dissertation to write!

In addition, me being a girl and living alone, I'm not very comfortable with living past zone 2 because I'm worried about safety issues. (Singapore's a really safe place so I might be more paranoid than you guys when it comes to safety. haha)

So at the end of the day it really depends on what you want from your experience in London. I intend to work part time to help finance my expenses and I intend to cook for all 3 meals, so for me I value a nice accommodation more for the comfort. In addition, I look for a whole package too, mine has a concierge service and it has gym and wifi and etc.

Regarding viewing rooms in Aug, it might be abit too late. I think July would be better because by Aug majority of the students would have gotten their accommodation and you might not have much choices left!

Hi IP007 and Annacar87!

I guess weather wise London is alot better than Singapore and that's why I think the weather is pretty nice! haha.

Regarding accommodation, I think at the end of the day it really depends on what kind of lifestyle you want. Annacar87 is right about "living the london life" because majority of the London attractions are all in zone 1 (other than Greenwich or Kew Gardens) and so you can literally walk to all places of attractions. :)

I tried home-staying last summer at a place near Shoreditch, and because it was Olympics, I paid £45 a night for 3 months! (and that is after much bargaining and negotiation). The place is fabulous, but its just a room compared to the current studio that I am thinking of renting :) And the room doesn't have a table for me to do work which is very crucial for us students especially when we have dissertation to write!

In addition, me being a girl and living alone, I'm not very comfortable with living past zone 2 because I'm worried about safety issues. (Singapore's a really safe place so I might be more paranoid than you guys when it comes to safety. haha)

So at the end of the day it really depends on what you want from your experience in London. I intend to work part time to help finance my expenses and I intend to cook for all 3 meals, so for me I value a nice accommodation more for the comfort. In addition, I look for a whole package too, mine has a concierge service and it has gym and wifi and etc.

Regarding viewing rooms in Aug, it might be abit too late. I think July would be better because by Aug majority of the students would have gotten their accommodation and you might not have much choices left!

Hi guys!

Are you guys all taking IP and commercial law in QM? Anyone taking international law or environmental law? :)

I´m planning to take the environmental law or the LLM in Energy and Natural Resources Law.

How old are you guys? Have you been working as lawyers or do you come directly from law school?
I am 29 I have been working for 2,5 years at a law firm and at the district court.

<blockquote>Hi guys!

Are you guys all taking IP and commercial law in QM? Anyone taking international law or environmental law? :)</blockquote>

I´m planning to take the environmental law or the LLM in Energy and Natural Resources Law.

How old are you guys? Have you been working as lawyers or do you come directly from law school?
I am 29 I have been working for 2,5 years at a law firm and at the district court.

Hey Tiilda..

I think we should move any conversation to the new facebook group... Search for QMUL LLM 2013-2014.

Hey Tiilda..

I think we should move any conversation to the new facebook group... Search for QMUL LLM 2013-2014.

Hi! I'm from Paris, France and got an offer of admission for the LLM in IP at QMUL!
Still waiting for an answer from McGill University's LLM. If I don't get any offer from that university I will be joining the LLM IP program at QMUL! if so, can't wait to meet you guys!

Hi! I'm from Paris, France and got an offer of admission for the LLM in IP at QMUL!
Still waiting for an answer from McGill University's LLM. If I don't get any offer from that university I will be joining the LLM IP program at QMUL! if so, can't wait to meet you guys!

IP007: Hi!! Where are you from?... The Center for Commercial Law Studies is the best :-) I think that it's a great choice... Furthermore, QMUL joined the Russel Group last year... It is rising in popularity...!!! :-)

To Nike: Hi!! Do you have an accomodation at Mile End? I applied yesterday... I am from Rome and you?
Dear All
I - Swiss Lawyer from Zurich - will start at QMUL in September 2013 as well. I am looking for a roomate with regard to an apartment at Earl's Court which a can overtake from Swiss friends.
3 Rooms, kitchen and so on; 515 pounds per week. It is to expensive for me alone. Please contact me if you are interested (cesaredesantis@gmx.net)
To all: we can have parties at Mile End Campus and around London as well it's a beautiful city!! I am very exciting!! I will be there at QMUL this year for sure.

<blockquote>IP007: Hi!! Where are you from?... The Center for Commercial Law Studies is the best :-) I think that it's a great choice... Furthermore, QMUL joined the Russel Group last year... It is rising in popularity...!!! :-)

To Nike: Hi!! Do you have an accomodation at Mile End? I applied yesterday... I am from Rome and you?
Dear All
I - Swiss Lawyer from Zurich - will start at QMUL in September 2013 as well. I am looking for a roomate with regard to an apartment at Earl's Court which a can overtake from Swiss friends.
3 Rooms, kitchen and so on; 515 pounds per week. It is to expensive for me alone. Please contact me if you are interested (cesaredesantis@gmx.net)
To all: we can have parties at Mile End Campus and around London as well it's a beautiful city!! I am very exciting!! I will be there at QMUL this year for sure. </blockquote>

Hi guys! Is anyone here taking the LLM in European Law?

Hi guys! Is anyone here taking the LLM in European Law?

Offered QMUL ( also Glasgow), my main interest was Commercial law but I seem to have developing interest in International Law. I would want to pursue LLM in International law but i am skeptical about employment opportunities post LLM in International law.
Comments invited.

Offered QMUL ( also Glasgow), my main interest was Commercial law but I seem to have developing interest in International Law. I would want to pursue LLM in International law but i am skeptical about employment opportunities post LLM in International law.
Comments invited.

Hi all. My name is adrianne. I'm a recent law graduate (LLb) from south east asia. I'm really interested to apply LL.M in International Business Law for 2013/2014 intake. Will it be too late to apply now? And regarding the entry requirements, do we need to submit two reference letter or one is enough? also about the English requirement, let say my IELTS overall score is 7.5 but failed in writing section since i only got 5.5, but excel in reading and listening abilities (8.5 each) and was okay in speaking (7.0)...will i still have a chance to get accepted? or should i just retake the IELTS in order to avoid pre-sessional course?
Thanks in advance......i hope i get a chance to be your classmate soon :)

Hi all. My name is adrianne. I'm a recent law graduate (LLb) from south east asia. I'm really interested to apply LL.M in International Business Law for 2013/2014 intake. Will it be too late to apply now? And regarding the entry requirements, do we need to submit two reference letter or one is enough? also about the English requirement, let say my IELTS overall score is 7.5 but failed in writing section since i only got 5.5, but excel in reading and listening abilities (8.5 each) and was okay in speaking (7.0)...will i still have a chance to get accepted? or should i just retake the IELTS in order to avoid pre-sessional course?
Thanks in advance......i hope i get a chance to be your classmate soon :)

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