LLM QMUL 2013-2014

Hello Roan.
The CIArb is the acronym for Charterd Institute of Arbitration (CIArb).

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators is the world's leading professional body for promoting the settlement of disputes by arbitration, mediation and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

CIArb offers professional education and training programmes, which are internationally recognised qualifications in alternative dispute resolution etc

The CIArb is the pre-eminent name in academic and professional thinking in the field of private dispute resolution and works with a host of bodies (within and outside the legal proffession) and other international organisations to help disseminate and develop best practice.

For more on them please go to www.ciarb.org

Let me also chip in that the CCLS at QM, has close links to the CIArb and do offer courses, diploma programs, with a veiw to certification etc.

Hello Roan.
The CIArb is the acronym for Charterd Institute of Arbitration (CIArb).

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators is the world's leading professional body for promoting the settlement of disputes by arbitration, mediation and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

CIArb offers professional education and training programmes, which are internationally recognised qualifications in alternative dispute resolution etc

The CIArb is the pre-eminent name in academic and professional thinking in the field of private dispute resolution and works with a host of bodies (within and outside the legal proffession) and other international organisations to help disseminate and develop best practice.

For more on them please go to www.ciarb.org

Let me also chip in that the CCLS at QM, has close links to the CIArb and do offer courses, diploma programs, with a veiw to certification etc.


Hi everyone! I'm from Italy too!Milano!seems like there is a lot of us around :D I received an offer from QM but I haven't decided if I'll accept yet...I'm also waiting for KCL answer....I will be following the IP course if I accept! I'm curious, is every one applying already or planing to be a lawyer?! I would like to know if you all think a Masters would be useful even without practicing law and most of all, if it would be useful to find a job in the Uk (like working in a a Company or something)....thanks a lot!

Hi everyone! I'm from Italy too!Milano!seems like there is a lot of us around :D I received an offer from QM but I haven't decided if I'll accept yet...I'm also waiting for KCL answer....I will be following the IP course if I accept! I'm curious, is every one applying already or planing to be a lawyer?! I would like to know if you all think a Masters would be useful even without practicing law and most of all, if it would be useful to find a job in the Uk (like working in a a Company or something)....thanks a lot!

Hi guys...am from Kenya..will also be joining u guys this year. am pursuing LLM in HUMAN RIGHTS LAW

Hi guys...am from Kenya..will also be joining u guys this year. am pursuing LLM in HUMAN RIGHTS LAW

Hi Anna...

I am Daniele italian too and I am from Rome... QMUL has an outstanding course for IP law.... and it has also the Center for Commercial Law Studies... In my opinion you would choose QMUL because it has recently joined the Russel Group which is the group for elite UK universities.... King's College is a good university but in my view is not the best for IP law....

To find a job in London is not very simple but as you know the italian situation is terrible... your decision to take an LLM is very smart..!! We have to quit out from this country as soon as possible... and we can never lose the hope because London can offer many job occasions...

Anyway... if you would ask me any questions feel free... I am at your disposal...!! :-)

Hi Anna...

I am Daniele italian too and I am from Rome... QMUL has an outstanding course for IP law.... and it has also the Center for Commercial Law Studies... In my opinion you would choose QMUL because it has recently joined the Russel Group which is the group for elite UK universities.... King's College is a good university but in my view is not the best for IP law....

To find a job in London is not very simple but as you know the italian situation is terrible... your decision to take an LLM is very smart..!! We have to quit out from this country as soon as possible... and we can never lose the hope because London can offer many job occasions...

Anyway... if you would ask me any questions feel free... I am at your disposal...!! :-)
Inactive User

A warm welcome to everyone who recently joined the group :-)

Daniele: King's College is in the Russel Group as well as the other LLM Universities in London. And in my opinion, being a member of the Russel group is a good plus in contrary to any Uni that is not, but it's not the only point to look at.

but anyways annacar87: I am pursuing the IP specialism as well. I am not a bord certified lawyer and am planning to work in a company after the LLM. QMUL is, besides Edinburgh, one of the best Universities in UK to pursue an IP degree. Not only because of the CCLS but especially for their IP Research Institute and the variety in courses. Last year some courses where taught jointly by QMUL, KCL and UCL, but QMUL has definitely the most manifold offer of courses within that field.

But in the end it all depends on your personal choice and interests. :-)

A warm welcome to everyone who recently joined the group :-)

Daniele: King's College is in the Russel Group as well as the other LLM Universities in London. And in my opinion, being a member of the Russel group is a good plus in contrary to any Uni that is not, but it's not the only point to look at.

but anyways annacar87: I am pursuing the IP specialism as well. I am not a bord certified lawyer and am planning to work in a company after the LLM. QMUL is, besides Edinburgh, one of the best Universities in UK to pursue an IP degree. Not only because of the CCLS but especially for their IP Research Institute and the variety in courses. Last year some courses where taught jointly by QMUL, KCL and UCL, but QMUL has definitely the most manifold offer of courses within that field.

But in the end it all depends on your personal choice and interests. :-)

IP007: thank you for your reply, it was really assuring! Even I plan to go work to a company after, I just don't know if a Masters will make the difference and if it's worth all the that money!but i'm glad to hear that QM is the right choice if i do take one :D I read you're from Germany!Where exactly?I lived in Frankfurt 6 months last year for my Erasmus! I also thought about taking a Masters at the Goethe Universität (it's absolutely marvelous!!!) but then, classes would have been in German and I thought my language skills weren't good enough :(

Daniele: Happy to hear someone else is from Italy!and, of course, we are running away from our country for the same reasons ahhahaha :D I was wondering if you (or anyone else) know what happens if we ACCEPT an offer and then later on change our mind/can't go anymore...accepting an offer isn't binding is it?is there a deposit to pay? if anyone has already accept their offer from QM I would appreciate some enlightening on the matter!!!!

IP007: thank you for your reply, it was really assuring! Even I plan to go work to a company after, I just don't know if a Masters will make the difference and if it's worth all the that money!but i'm glad to hear that QM is the right choice if i do take one :D I read you're from Germany!Where exactly?I lived in Frankfurt 6 months last year for my Erasmus! I also thought about taking a Masters at the Goethe Universität (it's absolutely marvelous!!!) but then, classes would have been in German and I thought my language skills weren't good enough :(

Daniele: Happy to hear someone else is from Italy!and, of course, we are running away from our country for the same reasons ahhahaha :D I was wondering if you (or anyone else) know what happens if we ACCEPT an offer and then later on change our mind/can't go anymore...accepting an offer isn't binding is it?is there a deposit to pay? if anyone has already accept their offer from QM I would appreciate some enlightening on the matter!!!!

Hi Anna! I'm from Italy as well. I accepted my offer and the Admission Office sent me an email where it was also written: "If you wish to decline our offer please do so by using the same online facility. This will enable us to offer your place to another applicant."... So don't worry, you can change your mind! :D

Hi Anna! I'm from Italy as well. I accepted my offer and the Admission Office sent me an email where it was also written: "If you wish to decline our offer please do so by using the same online facility. This will enable us to offer your place to another applicant."... So don't worry, you can change your mind! :D
Inactive User

Anna: You can decline the offer after accepting by sending the admissions office an email. You don't have to pay a deposit and are not forced to take the place of study. They just want to make sure that people communicate this matter as soon as possible as there might be other applicants on the waiting list.

I don't know about the regulations in the Italian legal system, but in Germany you have to take the State Exam to be a bar certified lawyer. There are LL.B.-programmes for those who want to work as inhouse counsel or in a company in general. In this case, the LLM is always a big plus not only concerning salaries but also the chance a) to work internationally and b) to get a job in the field of your specialism. The LLM for sure is very expensive, but from my point of view it will definitely help in your further career. PLUS you will get to know another legal system which is certainly important in IP and IT-law.

Have you studied at Goethe University in Frankfurt? I am living very close, but am studying in Darmstadt, which you might know from your stay?

To everyone: lylbbv and I talked about opening a Facebook group for the QMUL LLM 2013/14 batch some time ago. Is anyone else interested in doing so?

Anna: You can decline the offer after accepting by sending the admissions office an email. You don't have to pay a deposit and are not forced to take the place of study. They just want to make sure that people communicate this matter as soon as possible as there might be other applicants on the waiting list.

I don't know about the regulations in the Italian legal system, but in Germany you have to take the State Exam to be a bar certified lawyer. There are LL.B.-programmes for those who want to work as inhouse counsel or in a company in general. In this case, the LLM is always a big plus not only concerning salaries but also the chance a) to work internationally and b) to get a job in the field of your specialism. The LLM for sure is very expensive, but from my point of view it will definitely help in your further career. PLUS you will get to know another legal system which is certainly important in IP and IT-law.

Have you studied at Goethe University in Frankfurt? I am living very close, but am studying in Darmstadt, which you might know from your stay?

To everyone: lylbbv and I talked about opening a Facebook group for the QMUL LLM 2013/14 batch some time ago. Is anyone else interested in doing so?

Thank you all for your answers!

IP007: it's the same here in Italy. If you want to be a certified lawyer you have to do 2 years of trainee + take the State Exam, while to be an inhouse counsel you only have to graduate in law.
And yes, I studied a semester in Goethe Univerisity!I think taking clasess/exams in German was the greatest challenge of my academic carrier :D And I've also been to Darmstadt once!But I thought the uni there was more for engineering/software development and that kind of stuff!!!
Well in any case, we found out that we have a few things in common!!
oh and for the facebook group I'm totally in!!we should do it!!!Will you create it?what shall we call it? QMUL LLM ? :D

Thank you all for your answers!

IP007: it's the same here in Italy. If you want to be a certified lawyer you have to do 2 years of trainee + take the State Exam, while to be an inhouse counsel you only have to graduate in law.
And yes, I studied a semester in Goethe Univerisity!I think taking clasess/exams in German was the greatest challenge of my academic carrier :D And I've also been to Darmstadt once!But I thought the uni there was more for engineering/software development and that kind of stuff!!!
Well in any case, we found out that we have a few things in common!!
oh and for the facebook group I'm totally in!!we should do it!!!Will you create it?what shall we call it? QMUL LLM ? :D
Inactive User

Well for Darmstadt, there are 2 unis: The Technical University and the University of Applied Sciences, where I am doing my studies. We don't really have a law faculty but as our study course is influenced a lot by software matters, its not the worst place to study :)

Facebook group: I never opened one, but I could arrange this next weekend and make all the new members to be admins?! What do you guys think about QMUL LLM 2013-14 (simple, haha :D)?

Well for Darmstadt, there are 2 unis: The Technical University and the University of Applied Sciences, where I am doing my studies. We don't really have a law faculty but as our study course is influenced a lot by software matters, it’s not the worst place to study :)

Facebook group: I never opened one, but I could arrange this next weekend and make all the new members to be admins?! What do you guys think about “QMUL LLM 2013-14” (simple, haha :D)?

sounds perfect! Whoever wishes can start adding me to their facebook! my name is Anna Caruso and I still have "francoforte" (frankufrt) on my status so you can recognize me from other Anna Carusos :D

sounds perfect! Whoever wishes can start adding me to their facebook! my name is Anna Caruso and I still have "francoforte" (frankufrt) on my status so you can recognize me from other Anna Carusos :D

About facebook group: IP007, I agree with you about the name: simple, but it would be easier for others to find it on facebook. also we can call it "Queen Mary LLM (QMUL LLM) 2013-2014".
if you want I can arrange it right now. I have only 2 of you on my friends list on facebook.
Anna, I couldn't find you on fb ( couldn't guess which Anna were you :( It would be better if you send your fb profile link.

About facebook group: IP007, I agree with you about the name: simple, but it would be easier for others to find it on facebook. also we can call it "Queen Mary LLM (QMUL LLM) 2013-2014".
if you want I can arrange it right now. I have only 2 of you on my friends list on facebook.
Anna, I couldn't find you on fb ( couldn't guess which Anna were you :( It would be better if you send your fb profile link.
Inactive User

Yes lylbbv: if you could set it up this would be great as I'm too busy this week. can you invite me after creating it? :-) Name sounds good, too :-)

Yes lylbbv: if you could set it up this would be great as I'm too busy this week. can you invite me after creating it? :-) Name sounds good, too :-)

Oh my! I have no idea how to send my profile link O.O
I could just wait for you to create the group (so nice of you!) and then add myself there :D
ps. about the name, it seems a bit long.....I think anyone who will be studying at QM will now call it "QM" or "QMUL"...but it really doesn't matter, it's up to you since you're being so kind to create it yourself!

Oh my! I have no idea how to send my profile link O.O
I could just wait for you to create the group (so nice of you!) and then add myself there :D
ps. about the name, it seems a bit long.....I think anyone who will be studying at QM will now call it "QM" or "QMUL"...but it really doesn't matter, it's up to you since you're being so kind to create it yourself!

:)) yuppy!! here it is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/579808402029830/
So it's called QMUL LLM 2013-2014

:)) yuppy!! here it is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/579808402029830/
So it's called QMUL LLM 2013-2014

Maybe it should be a closed group... But thanks for organizing!

Maybe it should be a closed group... But thanks for organizing!

ITR2744, yes, you're right, it should be closed. i thought we'll make it closer a bit later, but if everyone agrees we'll do it closed from today.

ITR2744, yes, you're right, it should be closed. i thought we'll make it closer a bit later, but if everyone agrees we'll do it closed from today.

Hi guys!

Are you guys all taking IP and commercial law in QM? Anyone taking international law or environmental law? :)

Hi guys!

Are you guys all taking IP and commercial law in QM? Anyone taking international law or environmental law? :)

Dear all,

will anyone attend the LLM in Banking & Finance the next september in QMUL?

I'll probably join the programme.

Dear all,

will anyone attend the LLM in Banking & Finance the next september in QMUL?

I'll probably join the programme.

Greetings from India!

I too have an offer from QMUL and am interested in specializing in Arbitration. My worry is if it will be too late to apply for accommodation by end April.

I have received an offer from MIDS as well and am waiting to hear from a few sponsors before I make a decision.

Greetings from India!

I too have an offer from QMUL and am interested in specializing in Arbitration. My worry is if it will be too late to apply for accommodation by end April.

I have received an offer from MIDS as well and am waiting to hear from a few sponsors before I make a decision.

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