Distance learning


hi every1...
I wish to do LLM in intellectual property law , but through distance learning. I wanted to know do the distance learning course help in my career. here only University of Edinburgh is offering the course, are there other universities for the course.

hi every1...
I wish to do LLM in intellectual property law , but through distance learning. I wanted to know do the distance learning course help in my career. here only University of Edinburgh is offering the course, are there other universities for the course.
Good Gosh

the University of London external programme offer a distance llm course..

the University of London external programme offer a distance llm course..

Thanks for the reply. just one more thing, do the distance learning course have the same value, with reference to my career.

Thanks for the reply. just one more thing, do the distance learning course have the same value, with reference to my career.
Good Gosh

it depends on what you want to get out of it. obviously you won't have the opportunity to interact with the professors and students etc., but doing a degree obviously will only help you overall..

it depends on what you want to get out of it. obviously you won't have the opportunity to interact with the professors and students etc., but doing a degree obviously will only help you overall..

thank you ...so much..

thank you ...so much..
Inactive User

HI, bskalyani,
No, certainly not. Distance learning programs don't have any recognition in the job market. they only help you to acquire knowledge. If you want a program which is recognised in the job market, then you should prefer full time courses only.

HI, bskalyani,
No, certainly not. Distance learning programs don't have any recognition in the job market. they only help you to acquire knowledge. If you want a program which is recognised in the job market, then you should prefer full time courses only.

In my opinion a general statement about the market value of distance learning is not possible.

It depends on the country you want to work in. If it is an englisch speaking one, than the knowledge is rather more important than the experience. If not - than vice versa - and in this case you would not get much benefit from distance learning.

In my opinion a general statement about the market value of distance learning is not possible.

It depends on the country you want to work in. If it is an englisch speaking one, than the knowledge is rather more important than the experience. If not - than vice versa - and in this case you would not get much benefit from distance learning.

I agree with Floris that you cannot give a blanket statement about a distance programme. It will depend greatly on the organisation of the programme, the university, the curriculum, etc.
I do know that at the Edinburgh distance programme you do get to interact with the lecturers and with other students via online forums, which most students have found very helpful.
In the end, the more knowledge you have and what you do with it is what is important. Employers are not going to hire a person simply because they have an LLM, no matter how or where they earned it. Using the information you get in an LLM is what is important.
Best of luck.

I agree with Floris that you cannot give a blanket statement about a distance programme. It will depend greatly on the organisation of the programme, the university, the curriculum, etc.
I do know that at the Edinburgh distance programme you do get to interact with the lecturers and with other students via online forums, which most students have found very helpful.
In the end, the more knowledge you have and what you do with it is what is important. Employers are not going to hire a person simply because they have an LLM, no matter how or where they earned it. Using the information you get in an LLM is what is important.
Best of luck.

Taking a class online means that you can read and learn the material and do the work on your own time. Doing course work on your own means less pressure to keep up with other students in the class since you'll be working individually rather than in a group. Online courses usually provide deadlines for assignments, so with proper time management and organization skills, you don't need to worry about how well or efficiently other students are doing in their work.

You can complete online classes regardless of external conditions, personal commitments or those unexpected life incidents. Hop online at any time and check out what assignment is due next or what chapters you need to read. With the flexibility of online classes, you can prioritize your time and work on your own pace.
Skill Development

Not only can online courses increase your knowledge in a particular subject area, but they can teach lessons invaluable to other areas of your life. Online classes leave you on your own, without a physical classroom to attend and a teacher constantly prodding you to get your work done and keep your grades up. Self-discipline and commitment skills go a long way in successfully completing online classes.
Individual Instruction

Since you'll be working individually on your school assignments, you'll have individual access to your professor via email and other online media. Direct access means that you have the ability to ask more personalized questions that you might be intimidated to ask in a traditional classroom setting.

Taking a class online means that you can read and learn the material and do the work on your own time. Doing course work on your own means less pressure to keep up with other students in the class since you'll be working individually rather than in a group. Online courses usually provide deadlines for assignments, so with proper time management and organization skills, you don't need to worry about how well or efficiently other students are doing in their work.

You can complete online classes regardless of external conditions, personal commitments or those unexpected life incidents. Hop online at any time and check out what assignment is due next or what chapters you need to read. With the flexibility of online classes, you can prioritize your time and work on your own pace.
Skill Development

Not only can online courses increase your knowledge in a particular subject area, but they can teach lessons invaluable to other areas of your life. Online classes leave you on your own, without a physical classroom to attend and a teacher constantly prodding you to get your work done and keep your grades up. Self-discipline and commitment skills go a long way in successfully completing online classes.
Individual Instruction

Since you'll be working individually on your school assignments, you'll have individual access to your professor via email and other online media. Direct access means that you have the ability to ask more personalized questions that you might be intimidated to ask in a traditional classroom setting.

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