2013-2014 Cambridge applicants?


Nope, not yet at least.

Nope, not yet at least.

I've been accepted at Magdalene College. Anyone else going there?

Magdalene college too! :)

<blockquote>I've been accepted at Magdalene College. Anyone else going there?</blockquote>

Magdalene college too! :)

Last time I wrote that I called to GAO and was told that my application was unsuccessful. But actually this information was not true.
Those of us who are still waiting are on some kind of the wait list or under the consideration of the LLM Admissions Committee (this second option actually might mean the wait list as well).

So we do have a chance, even if the very very small one

Last time I wrote that I called to GAO and was told that my application was unsuccessful. But actually this information was not true.
Those of us who are still waiting are on some kind of the wait list or under the consideration of the LLM Admissions Committee (this second option actually might mean the wait list as well).

So we do have a chance, even if the very very small one


Anyone hear anything today? I did not.

Anyone hear anything today? I did not.

nope... just received a response at last to my email regarding my status: "Unfortunately as your application is still with the committee at the moment I cannot provide you with the decision"
To be honest when I read the word 'unfortunately' I had a tiny heart attack... so, to sum up, all we can do is just sit and wait

nope... just received a response at last to my email regarding my status: "Unfortunately as your application is still with the committee at the moment I cannot provide you with the decision"
To be honest when I read the word 'unfortunately' I had a tiny heart attack... so, to sum up, all we can do is just sit and wait

Will they close for the Easter break? And no, I haven't heard anythings back yet, the status still shown as Awaiting consideration by department.

Good luck for all the rest of us.

Will they close for the Easter break? And no, I haven't heard anythings back yet, the status still shown as Awaiting consideration by department.

Good luck for all the rest of us.

was wondering the same thing. hope they come out with a decision before then. otherwise, we'll be in for another excruciating week or two of waiting :( still "awaiting consideration" as well.

was wondering the same thing. hope they come out with a decision before then. otherwise, we'll be in for another excruciating week or two of waiting :( still "awaiting consideration" as well.

Good luck to all still waiting for decisions...


Being EU LLM offer holder, I am not eligible for CHESS, ACHR or any Cambridge Trusts...Gates was the only chance and it seems they didn´t pick any LLM this year.
So I guess my only chance is some kind of college funding- or are there any other possibilities in Cambridge- departmental, university?

There is no national scholarship for UK universities in my home country. Loan is out of question, unfortunately. I would appreciate any kind of advice, thank you.:)

Good luck to all still waiting for decisions...


Being EU LLM offer holder, I am not eligible for CHESS, ACHR or any Cambridge Trusts...Gates was the only chance and it seems they didn´t pick any LLM this year.
So I guess my only chance is some kind of college funding- or are there any other possibilities in Cambridge- departmental, university?

There is no national scholarship for UK universities in my home country. Loan is out of question, unfortunately. I would appreciate any kind of advice, thank you.:)

Sorry guys, I just checked the faculty meetings schedule and the next meeting of the degree committee is 25 April, when Easter term starts.

Funding: I think there is very little funding for LLMs. Most of the funding that colleges offer are for PhDs. The faculty and the university do not offer funding to the best of my knowledge. Try taking a look at this page which has links to the Cambridge funding search engine: http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/students/studentregistry/fees/funding/new.html

Sorry guys, I just checked the faculty meetings schedule and the next meeting of the degree committee is 25 April, when Easter term starts.

Funding: I think there is very little funding for LLMs. Most of the funding that colleges offer are for PhDs. The faculty and the university do not offer funding to the best of my knowledge. Try taking a look at this page which has links to the Cambridge funding search engine: http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/students/studentregistry/fees/funding/new.html

Sorry guys, I just checked the faculty meetings schedule and the next meeting of the degree committee is 25 April, when Easter term starts.

This is worrying. Has anyone actually gotten a definite answer when is the latest deadline from Ms Wade or the Graduate Admission Office?

<blockquote>Sorry guys, I just checked the faculty meetings schedule and the next meeting of the degree committee is 25 April, when Easter term starts.

This is worrying. Has anyone actually gotten a definite answer when is the latest deadline from Ms Wade or the Graduate Admission Office?

Hello everyone!

Fortunately I received my formal offer along with conditions for the MCL today.

I was wondering if we will receive any formal package through the post in the coming months? I'm kinda hoping they will...

Hello everyone!

Fortunately I received my formal offer along with conditions for the MCL today.

I was wondering if we will receive any formal package through the post in the coming months? I'm kinda hoping they will...

Congratulations to those who got an offer.

I just called Ms.Wade today and I was informed that there is no certain deadline. They will close for the Easter break from Thursday.

Congratulations to those who got an offer.

I just called Ms.Wade today and I was informed that there is no certain deadline. They will close for the Easter break from Thursday.


For frick sake... we were told everything would be done by March 15. Now if they don't make a decision by Thursday we'll have to wait til end of April at the earliest?? At a certain point they ought to just accept us just to get it off their desk.

For frick sake... we were told everything would be done by March 15. Now if they don't make a decision by Thursday we'll have to wait til end of April at the earliest?? At a certain point they ought to just accept us just to get it off their desk.

Congratulations to those who got an offer.

I just called Ms.Wade today and I was informed that there is no certain deadline. They will close for the Easter break from Thursday.

This is a piece of disturbing news as the university only resumes on 15 April 2013.

<blockquote>Congratulations to those who got an offer.

I just called Ms.Wade today and I was informed that there is no certain deadline. They will close for the Easter break from Thursday.


This is a piece of disturbing news as the university only resumes on 15 April 2013.

This is ridiculous! It is highly improbable that after 5 months they still haven't looked at our applications yet. I'm inclined to agree that those of us still waiting could be on some sort of waitlist. If that's the case, then why can't they just say so instead of making us wait indefinitely?! Or if there is no waitlist, why can't they at least give a definite deadline, like say end of april so we won't have to keep on checking camsis obsessively.
I give up. Am taking a break from checking this forum and camsis until after the holidays. Happy easter everyone! :) Don't let this ruin our vacation!

This is ridiculous! It is highly improbable that after 5 months they still haven't looked at our applications yet. I'm inclined to agree that those of us still waiting could be on some sort of waitlist. If that's the case, then why can't they just say so instead of making us wait indefinitely?! Or if there is no waitlist, why can't they at least give a definite deadline, like say end of april so we won't have to keep on checking camsis obsessively.
I give up. Am taking a break from checking this forum and camsis until after the holidays. Happy easter everyone! :) Don't let this ruin our vacation!

At a certain point they ought to just accept us just to get it off their desk.

this sentence sounds more logical when you substitute 'accept' with 'reject' :]

<blockquote>At a certain point they ought to just accept us just to get it off their desk. </blockquote>
this sentence sounds more logical when you substitute 'accept' with 'reject' :]

Anyone going to Peterhouse?

Anyone who can tell me a little about it?

Many thanks.

Anyone going to Peterhouse?

Anyone who can tell me a little about it?

Many thanks.

This is ridiculous! It is highly improbable that after 5 months they still haven't looked at our applications yet. I'm inclined to agree that those of us still waiting could be on some sort of waitlist. If that's the case, then why can't they just say so instead of making us wait indefinitely?! Or if there is no waitlist, why can't they at least give a definite deadline, like say end of april so we won't have to keep on checking camsis obsessively.
I give up. Am taking a break from checking this forum and camsis until after the holidays. Happy easter everyone! :) Don't let this ruin our vacation!

I think the delay in accepting or rejecting us might cause some problems to people who are accepted by other Universities. I noted that many applicants had also applied to LSE, UCL, Oxford etc. I would appreciate it if Cambridge can just notify us if we are indeed on the waiting list.

<blockquote>This is ridiculous! It is highly improbable that after 5 months they still haven't looked at our applications yet. I'm inclined to agree that those of us still waiting could be on some sort of waitlist. If that's the case, then why can't they just say so instead of making us wait indefinitely?! Or if there is no waitlist, why can't they at least give a definite deadline, like say end of april so we won't have to keep on checking camsis obsessively.
I give up. Am taking a break from checking this forum and camsis until after the holidays. Happy easter everyone! :) Don't let this ruin our vacation!</blockquote>

I think the delay in accepting or rejecting us might cause some problems to people who are accepted by other Universities. I noted that many applicants had also applied to LSE, UCL, Oxford etc. I would appreciate it if Cambridge can just notify us if we are indeed on the waiting list.

Hi Lakaria, yes you are right. I am also struggling now.

However now I am just worrying that my application is still 'awaiting consideration by department' because I haven't submitted all the required documents, because on Camsis the explaination of my status is 'A decision on your application might be pending OR we might be waiting for your supporting documents.' And it says that 'The Department may not consider your application until all mandatory documents have been uploaded.'

So has anyone received some sort of email saying that your application is complete and going to be considered? Good luck for all who are still waiting!

Hi Lakaria, yes you are right. I am also struggling now.

However now I am just worrying that my application is still 'awaiting consideration by department' because I haven't submitted all the required documents, because on Camsis the explaination of my status is 'A decision on your application might be pending OR we might be waiting for your supporting documents.' And it says that 'The Department may not consider your application until all mandatory documents have been uploaded.'

So has anyone received some sort of email saying that your application is complete and going to be considered? Good luck for all who are still waiting!

Hi Lakaria, yes you are right. I am also struggling now.

However now I am just worrying that my application is still 'awaiting consideration by department' because I haven't submitted all the required documents, because on Camsis the explaination of my status is 'A decision on your application might be pending OR we might be waiting for your supporting documents.' And it says that 'The Department may not consider your application until all mandatory documents have been uploaded.'

So has anyone received some sort of email saying that your application is complete and going to be considered? Good luck for all who are still waiting!

I don't think u need to worry. At this late stage, they should have informed you if there is any outstanding document. Which unversities are you considering as well? Will you pass the deadline if you wait for Cambridge?

<blockquote>Hi Lakaria, yes you are right. I am also struggling now.

However now I am just worrying that my application is still 'awaiting consideration by department' because I haven't submitted all the required documents, because on Camsis the explaination of my status is 'A decision on your application might be pending OR we might be waiting for your supporting documents.' And it says that 'The Department may not consider your application until all mandatory documents have been uploaded.'

So has anyone received some sort of email saying that your application is complete and going to be considered? Good luck for all who are still waiting!</blockquote>

I don't think u need to worry. At this late stage, they should have informed you if there is any outstanding document. Which unversities are you considering as well? Will you pass the deadline if you wait for Cambridge?

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