LLMs & Literature?


This is probably a very strange query: Has anyone pursued or known someone to pursue an LLM with a focus on the connections between law and literature? Certain colleges offer courses on the same, such as Chicago, NYU, Columbia, UToronto, UPenn, UMichigan etc.

I will be applying for the 2014 programme and am looking for any advice or feedback regarding the same [best college/faculty/course].



This is probably a very strange query: Has anyone pursued or known someone to pursue an LLM with a focus on the connections between law and literature? Certain colleges offer courses on the same, such as Chicago, NYU, Columbia, UToronto, UPenn, UMichigan etc.

I will be applying for the 2014 programme and am looking for any advice or feedback regarding the same [best college/faculty/course].


Hello ! 
I graduated from my law school last year (2021). Even I have been looking for an LLM that provides a major in lit/ focuses on connection between lit and law. Kindly let me know if at all you were able to get through any of the universities for the said course. 
Cheers !

Hello !&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>I graduated from my law school last year (2021). Even I have been looking for an LLM that provides a major in lit/ focuses on connection between lit and law.&nbsp;</div><div>Kindly let me know if at all you were able to get through any of the universities for the said course.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Cheers !</div>

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