LLM Programs in Belgium


I am a seventh year US-educated and trained attorney, working in the field of antitrust (competition, and M&A) and international trade law involving the US and the European Union (mostly the EC). I want to do an LLM on European and International law in Europe, and I see the Vrije and Ghent universities offer such programs. Does anyone have any advice on: 1) which one has better reputation; 2) which one is better based on my background; 3) which program (even outside Belgium) you'd recommend.

P.S. In regard to question number 3), I also studied in Germany (still have the PNDS) and in France, so schools in those countries would be of great interest.
Thanks again.

I am a seventh year US-educated and trained attorney, working in the field of antitrust (competition, and M&A) and international trade law involving the US and the European Union (mostly the EC). I want to do an LLM on European and International law in Europe, and I see the Vrije and Ghent universities offer such programs. Does anyone have any advice on: 1) which one has better reputation; 2) which one is better based on my background; 3) which program (even outside Belgium) you'd recommend.

P.S. In regard to question number 3), I also studied in Germany (still have the PNDS) and in France, so schools in those countries would be of great interest.
Thanks again.

A friend of mine did an LLM in European and International Law at Maastricht Unibversity and liked it very much. I mysdelf have studied at Ghent uiniversity for a short time and was satisfied with my time there. However, I think that the instruction in the Netherlands might be slightly better and more professional (also the English skills) but thats just my personal expereince.

A friend of mine did an LLM in European and International Law at Maastricht Unibversity and liked it very much. I mysdelf have studied at Ghent uiniversity for a short time and was satisfied with my time there. However, I think that the instruction in the Netherlands might be slightly better and more professional (also the English skills) but thats just my personal expereince.

Thanks for your insight. It's hard to compare the various programs in different countries without a common reference point. Level of English is one I did not even consider. I guess I assumed, from my time in Germany, that all EU lawyers spoke English well. From what you say, however, that may not be the case. Again, thanks for the information.

Thanks for your insight. It's hard to compare the various programs in different countries without a common reference point. Level of English is one I did not even consider. I guess I assumed, from my time in Germany, that all EU lawyers spoke English well. From what you say, however, that may not be the case. Again, thanks for the information.

I think its not a matter of not being fluent in english but more the level of perfection. I experienced teaching by Dutch, Belgian and Spanish Professors and they were of course all fluent. What I mean is that some Professors do have quite a strong accent and are not as comfortable with using the language which can be irritating and in the Netherlands you will definitely be on the safe side.

I think its not a matter of not being fluent in english but more the level of perfection. I experienced teaching by Dutch, Belgian and Spanish Professors and they were of course all fluent. What I mean is that some Professors do have quite a strong accent and are not as comfortable with using the language which can be irritating and in the Netherlands you will definitely be on the safe side.

How much are you fixed on Belgium or the Netherlands? For European Law there are several good universities, I apply for Durham and they have a good reputation in the UK.

So the main question might be in which country you want to study.


How much are you fixed on Belgium or the Netherlands? For European Law there are several good universities, I apply for Durham and they have a good reputation in the UK.

So the main question might be in which country you want to study.


Hi agree with you Reinhard, there are very good programs in the UK and Ireland, the best ones in Europe actually I think. I was speaking of continental Europe because thats where most NonEuropeans feel they should go to study EU Law

Hi agree with you Reinhard, there are very good programs in the UK and Ireland, the best ones in Europe actually I think. I was speaking of continental Europe because thats where most NonEuropeans feel they should go to study EU Law

I am also considering LLM on European and International Business Law with a special focus on financial industry. Recently I was very much convinced to apply St. Gallen in Switzerland, but unfortunately learnt that two thirds of the lectures requıred German, which I cannot cope with at this level. I would recommend to have a look at the program at http://www.mbl.unisg.ch/org/mbl/web.nsf/wwwPubhomepage/webhomepageger?opendocument
I am still in search for a reputable LLM programme in English, preferably close to Luxembourg.

I am also considering LLM on European and International Business Law with a special focus on financial industry. Recently I was very much convinced to apply St. Gallen in Switzerland, but unfortunately learnt that two thirds of the lectures requıred German, which I cannot cope with at this level. I would recommend to have a look at the program at http://www.mbl.unisg.ch/org/mbl/web.nsf/wwwPubhomepage/webhomepageger?opendocument
I am still in search for a reputable LLM programme in English, preferably close to Luxembourg.

Have you seen this program:
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt - ILF Institute for Law and Finance

Have you seen this program:
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt - ILF Institute for Law and Finance

Two questions:
To German law students:
1) What is the best German university to do an LLM at in European law? Danke im Voraus.
To European law students:
2) Based on your personal observations, is there an anti-American sentiment currently at European learning institutions such that could adversely impact the education an American student would receive?

Two questions:
To German law students:
1) What is the best German university to do an LLM at in European law? Danke im Voraus.
To European law students:
2) Based on your personal observations, is there an anti-American sentiment currently at European learning institutions such that could adversely impact the education an American student would receive?

Hi Der Anwalt,

Your 2. question is rather difficult to answer, since the feelings may differ from country to country. I hope that in no country, not France or Spain or Germany or whatever, general feelings against a nationality can have an impact on your education.
Maybe there are other opinions but I hope mine is the right one...

cheers, reinhard

Hi Der Anwalt,

Your 2. question is rather difficult to answer, since the feelings may differ from country to country. I hope that in no country, not France or Spain or Germany or whatever, general feelings against a nationality can have an impact on your education.
Maybe there are other opinions but I hope mine is the right one...

cheers, reinhard


Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, in the US we have horrible press coverage of international events and world public opinion. (i.e., CNN is crap.) My friends in Europe agree with your observations but they are too nice to say otherwise. I digress.
Thanks, again.


Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, in the US we have horrible press coverage of international events and world public opinion. (i.e., CNN is crap.) My friends in Europe agree with your observations but they are too nice to say otherwise. I digress.
Thanks, again.

To European law students:
2) Based on your personal observations, is there an anti-American sentiment currently at European learning institutions such that could adversely impact the education an American student would receive?

I think that most people in Europe, especially law professors, will distinguish between the American people and their government.... Actually, Americans are well liked in general, in particular in Northern Europe, so I am quite sure there will not be any unfair treatment of US students... however, be prepared, you may get involved in political discussions a lot! Have fun in old Europe..... :-)

To European law students:
2) Based on your personal observations, is there an anti-American sentiment currently at European learning institutions such that could adversely impact the education an American student would receive?
I think that most people in Europe, especially law professors, will distinguish between the American people and their government.... Actually, Americans are well liked in general, in particular in Northern Europe, so I am quite sure there will not be any unfair treatment of US students... however, be prepared, you may get involved in political discussions a lot! Have fun in old Europe..... :-)

Thanks for your input.

Thanks for your input.

Anyone Knows about the llm of the K.U leuven.?

Anyone Knows about the llm of the K.U leuven.?

Any one knows about K. U leuven, about the admision process?'

Any one knows about K. U leuven, about the admision process?'


In order to reply to the first post, you might be interested in the College of Europe, based in Bruges (Belgium).

Here's their website : http://www.coleurop.be

I don't know though if they take non-European students in. But they have the best reputation in Europe for studying EC Law.

Other than that, I can only tell you that I'm currently enrolled in the Master in international business law at the ULB (University of Brussels). The whole program is in French, so I don't know if that's interesting for you.. If so, just ask your questions!


In order to reply to the first post, you might be interested in the College of Europe, based in Bruges (Belgium).

Here's their website : http://www.coleurop.be

I don't know though if they take non-European students in. But they have the best reputation in Europe for studying EC Law.

Other than that, I can only tell you that I'm currently enrolled in the Master in international business law at the ULB (University of Brussels). The whole program is in French, so I don't know if that's interesting for you.. If so, just ask your questions!

thank you Dr,. Yekil:

Well actually I have all ready aplied for the LLM in K.U leuven and is in English. I am just waiting for my admission.

thank you Dr,. Yekil:

Well actually I have all ready aplied for the LLM in K.U leuven and is in English. I am just waiting for my admission.

my name is Ronit and i am a jurist from Israel.
i intend to do my master in european law next year in belgium. i was accpted to vreije brussel but i still wait for an answer from the college in brugge. i would be happy to know if there is someone else that applied there and every other information about the programs
thank and good luck to all!!!

my name is Ronit and i am a jurist from Israel.
i intend to do my master in european law next year in belgium. i was accpted to vreije brussel but i still wait for an answer from the college in brugge. i would be happy to know if there is someone else that applied there and every other information about the programs
thank and good luck to all!!!

dr yekil i`m interestin in bruxelles and the fact that is in french it`s great cause i`m already studying law in french and i`m very familiar with the language...
can u please offer me more details about applying to bruxelles and tuition fees and if u can get financialo aid or a part time job..

dr yekil i`m interestin in bruxelles and the fact that is in french it`s great cause i`m already studying law in french and i`m very familiar with the language...
can u please offer me more details about applying to bruxelles and tuition fees and if u can get financialo aid or a part time job..

Dr_Jekyll has a point - Probably the best overall programme in EU law is the College of Europe in Bruges. Its a tiny university and they fly in the best professors from anywhere in the world to give you specialised and individual attention.

Be prepared to compete REALLY hard to get in, and to have lectures at 11pm or on weekends if you do. You also need to know French. But, heck, as far as EU law generally is concerned, and antitrust and trade law in particular, nothing compares to Bruges.

Dr_Jekyll has a point - Probably the best overall programme in EU law is the College of Europe in Bruges. Its a tiny university and they fly in the best professors from anywhere in the world to give you specialised and individual attention.

Be prepared to compete REALLY hard to get in, and to have lectures at 11pm or on weekends if you do. You also need to know French. But, heck, as far as EU law generally is concerned, and antitrust and trade law in particular, nothing compares to Bruges.

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