LLM European Law: Leiden, Utrecht, Rotterdam or Amsterdam?


Which university would you recommend for a job at the European institutions?

Which university would you recommend for a job at the European institutions?

Which university would you recommend for a job at the European institutions?
Have you made a decision till now? I have chosen Amsterdam but I am not sure! 

[quote]Which university would you recommend for a job at the European institutions? [/quote] Have you made a decision till now? I have chosen Amsterdam but I am not sure! 


Dropping this here for future reference, but, please understand such statistics mean nothing without context and other crucial data: https://www.politico.eu/newsletter/brussels-playbook/politico-brussels-playbook-presented-by-unesda-soft-drinks-europe-facing-down-facebook-giuseppe-who-where-eu-staffers-are-educated/

Bottom line in 2018, "LinkedIn has analyzed the profiles of 22,000 of its Brussels-based members to measure where the EU institutional workforce was educated (undergrad and graduate), and shared the results with [Politico] Playbook."

"The Top 5 feeder schools are: 

1. College of Europe (both Bruges and Natolin campuses counted together), 
2. Université Libre de Bruxelles, 
3. KU Leuven, 
4. Université Catholique de Louvain, 
5. London School of Economics and Political Science."

If you can and like European politics, go to College of Europe. If not, study at Leiden University. It is, in my personal opinion, Europe's best public university and potentially strongest university overall in terms of quality of teaching and degree-value.



Edit: The most important part, for anything that is job-related, is to build up your general knowledge as most of the EU positions require you to pass a concours (exam). Secondly, build as much experience as you can during your studies (internships, summer schools, certificates, etc...). Grades aren't everything (but of course, do your best in terms of grades). If you, or anyone here ever needs help applying to bluebook traineeships or something alike, just drop me a private message and I'll see what I can do.

[Edited by UnleashedSoul on Jun 26, 2022]

Hi,<br><br>Dropping this here for future reference, but, please understand such statistics mean nothing without context and other crucial data: https://www.politico.eu/newsletter/brussels-playbook/politico-brussels-playbook-presented-by-unesda-soft-drinks-europe-facing-down-facebook-giuseppe-who-where-eu-staffers-are-educated/<br><br>Bottom line in 2018, "LinkedIn has analyzed the profiles of 22,000 of its Brussels-based members to measure where the EU institutional workforce was educated (undergrad and graduate), and shared the results with [Politico] Playbook."<br><br>"The Top 5 feeder schools are:&nbsp;<br><br>1. College of Europe (both Bruges and Natolin campuses counted together),&nbsp;<br>2. Université Libre de Bruxelles,&nbsp;<br>3. KU Leuven,&nbsp;<br>4. Université Catholique de Louvain,&nbsp;<br>5. London School of Economics and Political Science."<br><br>If you can and like European politics, go to College of Europe. If not, study at Leiden University. It is, in my personal opinion, Europe's best public university and potentially strongest university overall in terms of quality of teaching and degree-value.<br><br>Best,<br><br>:gem:UnleashedSoul:gem:<br><br>Edit: The most important part, for anything that is job-related, is to build up your general knowledge as most of the EU positions require you to pass a concours (exam). Secondly, build as much experience as you can during your studies (internships, summer schools, certificates, etc...). Grades aren't everything (but of course, do your best in terms of grades). If you, or anyone here ever needs help applying to bluebook traineeships or something alike, just drop me a private message and I'll see what I can do.

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