LLM Europe..


Greetings all,

I've scoured the archives of the boards here and have found partial answers to my questions, but not entirely. If anyone could share experiences, insight or answers I'd greatly appreciate it. (I've posted a similar question in the US section, but since I'm most interested in an LLM in the US, UK (and maybe Norway) I'm cross-posting. Hopefully that's fine! :)

1. Are there universities in Europe that offer full (or at least substantial) scholarships for students who want to specialize their LLM in maritime law or 'law & economics'?

2. Do you know of special scholarships geared towards (female) applicants from Africa? (I have an LLB, have practiced as a prosecutor and most recently as a magistrate)

3. What is the best way to show that a fee waiver for the application fee is needed? And to attain a fee waiver?

4. Besides the University of Oslo being great for Maritime study - are there other European schools anyone would recommend for this field that would ensure one's overall future marketability?

5. And what schools in particular has anyone found especially strong in "law & economics"?

I greatly appreciate any and all input you all provide!

Greetings all,

I've scoured the archives of the boards here and have found partial answers to my questions, but not entirely. If anyone could share experiences, insight or answers I'd greatly appreciate it. (I've posted a similar question in the US section, but since I'm most interested in an LLM in the US, UK (and maybe Norway) I'm cross-posting. Hopefully that's fine! :)

1. Are there universities in Europe that offer full (or at least substantial) scholarships for students who want to specialize their LLM in maritime law or 'law & economics'?

2. Do you know of special scholarships geared towards (female) applicants from Africa? (I have an LLB, have practiced as a prosecutor and most recently as a magistrate)

3. What is the best way to show that a fee waiver for the application fee is needed? And to attain a fee waiver?

4. Besides the University of Oslo being great for Maritime study - are there other European schools anyone would recommend for this field that would ensure one's overall future marketability?

5. And what schools in particular has anyone found especially strong in "law & economics"?

I greatly appreciate any and all input you all provide!

You should look at Sweden... it is a country with free or simbolic tuition fees and you will find great universities with LLM in maritime law or law & economics.

You should look at Sweden... it is a country with free or simbolic tuition fees and you will find great universities with LLM in maritime law or law & economics.

Scholarship, many thanks on your reply. I had neglected to add the Swedish school in Malmo in my initial post, but you are right. I am looking at that, along with Oslo (and Erasmus). Do you have any idea how marketable and lucrative a degree from these places make you?

..And anyone else, free to jump in!

Scholarship, many thanks on your reply. I had neglected to add the Swedish school in Malmo in my initial post, but you are right. I am looking at that, along with Oslo (and Erasmus). Do you have any idea how marketable and lucrative a degree from these places make you?

..And anyone else, free to jump in!

I don´t know but just some thoughts!

Regarding Maritime Law I could imagine that an LLM from those countries should be very good since are countries very connected with maritime international transactions!

Regarding Law & Economics, I don´t know, but I have never heard of any university considered as the best in L&E! I think all should be similar sice is something "new" and it is something "philosofic"

I don´t know but just some thoughts!

Regarding Maritime Law I could imagine that an LLM from those countries should be very good since are countries very connected with maritime international transactions!

Regarding Law & Economics, I don´t know, but I have never heard of any university considered as the best in L&E! I think all should be similar sice is something "new" and it is something "philosofic"

Thanks Scholarship!

Thanks Scholarship!

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